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What's Mine is Mine #1 [Neutral]

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What's Mine is Mine #1 [Neutral] Empty Sat Nov 12, 2022 5:44 am

Bright rays of blinding light peeked through the open spots of Rosalia's curtains, filling her room with beans of unwanted brightness. One of these pesky beams of light hit her right in her closed eye lids, disturbing her sleep and causing her to duck beneath the warmth of her fur filled blankets. It felt too early to be awake and not even looking at the clock on her night stand she knew that to be very true. Now in the warmth and darkness she drifted back off to sleep. Her muscles relaxed, she felt herself slipping deeper and deeper, her mind building colors, shapes, and BEEP...BEEP...BEEEP...The sound snapped her awake and her head nearly broke as it shot around and lead her head towards the sound of the clock alarm. The bright red numbers showed that it was twelve pm in the afternoon, which meant her alarm had been going off for three hours.



What's Mine is Mine #1 [Neutral] Empty Sat Nov 12, 2022 5:56 am

Slowly she sent a bit of mana into the clock, shutting it off. Having recently come into contact with some very powerful magic and gaining it for herself had worn her out over the last few days. All she had managed to do was sleep and eat but she couldn't do that forever. Yawning as she dragged her legs out of bed the only thing on her mind was jewels. There was such a long list of items that she had to buy, and she needed a lot of money for it if she was going to become the best version of herself. The recent news of the passing of her sister had devastated the family and the nail in the coffin was Rosalia's refusal to communicate with any other members of said family. Slipping out of her bed and moving towards her bathroom, Rosalia began to start her day with a long bath.



What's Mine is Mine #1 [Neutral] Empty Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:45 am

Once in the bathroom she quickly got her hot water ready in the tub and slipped in. The hot water put her at ease as she cleaned herself off. Once she was done, she got out and dried herself off, pinning her hair up into a neat bun. Word around town was that there was work needed to be down at Dawncliff Mine and so that's where she would be heading. Knowing that she dressed accordingly in a pair of black overalls, a dark blue shirt underneath and a pair of sturdy black boots on her feet. Once she was finished dressing, she made sure not a hair was out of place before heading out of her room which was in her new home at the Paradise Dawn guildhall.

The guildhall was massive and that was putting it lightly, how people got around on a daily was an amazing feat in her mind. Moving through the various buildings, she cursed herself for not waking up earlier to get out of this place sooner. Eventually she was outside of the guild's structure and on her way to the mines with help from one of it's members. Not having a form of transportation, herself she was able to ask another member to take her to her destination. This member was younger than she and of a lower rank named Lizzy. Lizzy had teal hair cut in a pixie style and bright ruby-colored eyes. Lizzy only agreed if she could tag along and with nothing really to lose and a ride to gain Rosalia agreed.



What's Mine is Mine #1 [Neutral] Empty Sat Nov 12, 2022 8:43 am

The ride lizzy owned was a mana bike and it looked stunning. The two got on the bike, with Rosalia on the back of course. If the ivory haired woman had eyes everywhere she would see the bright red blush over Lizzy's face as Rosalia's ample bosom pushed up against the girl's back. With the two secured in their seat, Lizzy took off towards the mines. The day was a nice one, fresh cool autumn air whipping around them as leaves rained down from the trees. This freedom, this light feeling inside of her, nothing bogging her mind down or rather nothing she wanted to think about. That demon who took her life and twisted it for the worst was still out there and once he found out how all his work had been undone, he would surely come for her. This was her only worry, her only fear and new goal in life. With all the work she would need to do to prepare to strike him down she worried she wouldn't ever be able to fully enjoy her life. The ride to their destination only took around twenty minutes, it would have taken much less time but a stop for some food and drink was well needed for a job they were about to do.



What's Mine is Mine #1 [Neutral] Empty Sat Nov 12, 2022 8:59 am

The man who hired them to go down to the mines was a man named Darren Ugnad. He was a very rich man which was good for those who worked for him. His request was simple, go down to the mines and document areas that were untouched by those who had already drilled and mined out the cave Dawncliff Mine was pretty massive, so big in fact that it's rumored to be as unexplored as the sea and people frequently get lost in the mines. Due to the work the pair would be doing Darren made sure they would have the tools they needed upon arrival of the site. When the two women got the location of the Mines a man approached them. You two must be Darren's new workers. His voice was deep and thick like a bear's growl. Rosalia would nod to confirm they were in fact the two ladies that would be working for Darren.



What's Mine is Mine #1 [Neutral] Empty Sat Nov 12, 2022 9:19 am

Good, good I have some things for yall. Just some essentials to be safe down in them mines. We can't keep losing people now can we. The man let out a mighty chuckle before snapping his finger over at two men who quickly scurried to them with two boxes, one in each person's hands. Taking the boxes Rosalia and Lizzy opened them and found head gear with lights on them, communication devices, and a few rescue scrolls that will teleport them out of the mines when enough mana is put into them. Rosalia was impressed because she didn't think she would get all this help, but she wasn't going to complain. Alright you ladies be safe. When ya done just return the equipment back to these two. They won't leave the area until ya do. With a nod and a smile Rosalia and Lizzy began putting on the headgear and setting up the communication devices so they could speak with each other before going in.



What's Mine is Mine #1 [Neutral] Empty Sat Nov 12, 2022 10:31 am

Geared up and at the ready Rosalia led the way inside of the mines. This was her first time in these mines, but she knew it wouldn't be the last. Looking over at Lizzy and grabbing ahold of her hand, Rosalia had to make sure they didn't get separated. Lizzy had said she been in the mines before but due to her rank she wasn't allowed to go too deeply in, making the job hard for her. Hardly any lower ranked mages took this job due to having to go deeply into the mines. Rosalia understood that much and asked Lizzy to tell her all she knew about the mines. Lizzy was all the happy to explain that the mines were old and due to that a lot of the resources it provided went to helping Fiore. Because of all the mining people had go deeper and deeper inside to get more resources. There were rumors of people living in the caves, dangerous people who only attacked because they wanted to protect their home and the caves. There were stories that deep inside the cave an ancient and powerful civilization lived there but those stories were to scare away kids from going into the mines.



What's Mine is Mine #1 [Neutral] Empty Sun Nov 13, 2022 3:20 pm

Stories like those didn't comer out of nowhere. People don't create those sort of stories out of thin air so there must be some sort of truth to it. At this point in her life anything was believable so she wouldn't put it past such stories to also be true. With each step into the mines, the mana lanterns around them lessened and less things that would indicate human intervention. Lizzy was a godsend through their walk as they made dips and turns down wayward caverns and paths. The young woman spoke where silence filled the air making the task a little less daunting and creepy. Rosalia would silently thank Lizzy for her presence and promise to tried to bring her along if she continued to work at the mines in the future. As the two walked they documented areas that looked to be untouched by human hands. At this point in their search there were no more lanterns and only the light of their helmets were guiding them.


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