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Leader's never sleep. (North to east travel)

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Leader's never sleep. (North to east travel) Empty Sat Dec 17, 2022 10:05 pm

Vex looked at a piece of paper in her hand from her east branch that they needed her to come and support them a little so she chose to make her way that way with her right hands at her side she was figuring that this might not be a long trip but she was not sure if they will really be needed but she was not going to turn them away and she will use them as her body guards at least and they are willing to do that so she can't really complain about it if she does decide to use them like that at least she was able to feel safe at least in case she gets attacked by the light guild of the east.

She keeps her eyes up and ready as they walk the path to the east as they are not really going to be there for fun and games but at least that means that she can maybe find some time to rest and not over do it like she had been doing in the north and she hears a voice screaming after her and it was Carla it seemed that she had wanted to come but Vex had not thought about her coming as she had. Had Carla taking it easy since she had gotten hurt on a request. The exceed lands next to her and scolds her and Vex just pets her head with a smile and vex says that she was happy that she was coming with them.

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