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The Kingdom of Fiore

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The Kingdom of Fiore Empty Wed Jan 11, 2023 7:36 pm


The Kingdom of Fiore

Description: A vibrant country at the westernmost tip of Ishgar, the Kingdom of Fiore boasts a rich history, owing to its past as the seat of a multinational empire, and an integral part of the empire which succeeded it. This multicultural past can be seen in many aspects of Fiorian life, from its institutions to the countless of immigrants who still come to find their fortunes in this bustling economy. Despite its wealth, Fiore is militarily weaker than most of its neighbours, with less population, and in recent years has been plagued by ceaseless instability.

Localization: Fiore is located in the Westernmost tip of the continent of Ishgar. It shares a land border with Bosco to the East and Seven to the Northeast, and maritime borders with Caelum to the South and Minstrel to the Southeast. To the west lies the vast ocean that stretches across most of Earthland.

Politics: Since the revolution a few years go, the Kingdom of Fiore is now ruled as an elective Monarchy, with the King's successor must be selected as someone not related by blood, to be adopted into the Di Fiore Royal Family. The current ruler is King Reign. The Royal Family also includes the King's Sword and Shield, his closest confidantes and strongest, most trusted guardians. The Kingdom of Fiore is a member of the Magic Council, and delegates authority of Magical affairs to the Council and his Rune Knights. With the Magic Council headquartered in Era, it shares a close liaison with its host Kingdom, with the Council frequently recruiting Knights from Fiore's guard and military, and the King handpicking loyal Fiorian Knights to serve as his Royal Guards. Aside from the King, the Nobility serves as the local ruling class. The new Kingdom enforces the principles of Noblesse Oblige, which states the nobility should use their influence and education to improve the lives of the citizens. Though these ideas some faced resistance since King Arthurias' revolution, a newer, younger generation of nobles have steadily grown into them. However, a few old guard Nobles still oppose the King, with a fewer still even secretly owning slaves, a unforgivable crime punishable by death at the hands of the King's Sword or the Royal Guard.

Economy: Fiore is a land of fair weather and rich, fertile soils, where a wide variety of colourful crops can be sown and reaped with plentiful bounty. Aside from its richness, its history and favourable geographic location makes it a bustling center of trade where merchants from all across the world come to peddle their wares. This has made Fiorian merchants and its government markedly opulent, far outshining those of its neighbouring countries, with the new Kingdom going to great lengths to redistribute its wealth. Fiore's main exports revolve around culture, literature, fine art and luxury goods, as well as high quality food and wine consumed all over the world.

Culture: A country of passionate, expressive people, Fiorians have a reputation for skill in artistry and eloquence, though the openness of ordinary citizens contrasts with the guarded politeness of the ruling classes, who could smile at someone while plotting their downfall. Fiore takes pride in its multiculuralism and open mindedness, and whatever racism and xenophobia exists in the country is markedly less than that found in neighbouring countries. This openness to new ideas allowed science, arts and crafts to flourish, with the acceptance of magic bolstering the country's military power in turn, with many Fiorian Light guilds being regarded as the pride of their cities and their country. At the same time, the Church of Illumin and the Divine of Fiore still hold great sway over the country's culture and population, often opposing progress.

Religion: The vast majority of Fiorians follow the Church of Illumin, and its influence permeates every layer of Fiorian life: Even those who profess to different or no faiths. That said, worshippers of other religions do exist especially among immigrants and some fringe groups, and even some Illumin worshippers who reject the hierarchy of the Church.

Language: The country's official Language is Fiorian, of which there are several regional dialects across the different parts of the country. It belongs to the same language family as Stellan and Minstreli, but due to the Kingdom's multicultural heritage, it has also been influenced by Sevese, as well as the Boscosi and Caelese.


North Fiore: The most populated area of country next to the capital, North Fiore is a distinguished by its proud, independent people, a trait that stretches from ordinary citizens to the local Guilds and even its Noble ruling class, a trait that has seen many of them at odds with the King. Regardless, it's the region most arrive at when travelling by land, and as such is home to most of the country's immigrants.

West Fiore: West Fiore is defined mostly by its rich history, with some of the buildings being far older than even those in the capital. From the city of Oak, which has recently been overtaken by criminal actors, to the city of Astera with its distinctive Sevese heritage, this is a region where one may clearly trace the history of Fiore since ancient times.

Central Fiore: The modern, thriving capital of the country, home to all of the most important decision making centers not only in Fiore itself, but also across the whole continent, for the Magic Council has its main Headquarters in Era. Between his Grand Cathedral, the imposing palace of Mercurius, and the awe inspiring arena of Domus Flau, Central Fiore has no shortage of landmarks, and attracts hordes of tourists on a daily basis.

East Fiore: Where Western Fiore often evidences the country's history, East Fiore has the country's history of magic. The legendary Light Guild of Fairy Tail makes its home there, and its said that other guilds too made their home here, back in the Era of the Guild wars, while Dahlia is a gothic city where the country's eeriness and supernatural congregates.

South Fiore: Often regarded as the trading hub of Fiore, the South produces most of the country's goods both for exports and for its internal markets, from the stoic city of Myras in the mountains, home to miners and blacksmiths, to the quaint town of Marigold, home of the country's artisans and performers, and to the watery city of Hargeon, the first stop to most merchant vessels reaching Fiore from faraway lands.

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