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The Scientist pt. II [A-Rank|Long]

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The Scientist pt. II [A-Rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:25 am

Lucretia finally gained her lucidity back as the scientist snapped his fingers to try to draw her attention. He had to stand on a stool just to reach high enough to do so and looked a little concerned. Maybe not for her but for the fact she was bleeding all over his floor. He looked annoyed at that part and would huff.

Weeks of progress on that one gone, it’ll take him ages to reform. What do you want?

I was told that you are the leading researcher in your field. And I came to find you so-

Which field? I am the leader in many due to the fact that there are none other than me.

Lucretia rubbed at her face and had to stifle a groan. It was one of these types that had too much time and thought too highly of themselves. With a sigh she’d dig into her ‘pockets’ and hand the scientist a paper that she had been given by the librarian before this whole journey even started. The scientist frowned and opened it up, looking it over with a raised brow.

Seriously? They sent you to me because I lived in an observatory and was ‘weird’ enough to be a source of reliable information? Tsk. Savages the lot of them.

The scientist would toss the letter to one side and stare up at lucretia. Looking a bit grouchy at the fact that he was being used in such a manner. He’d motion to her and glare at the bleeding wounds she had. It was like she hadn’t just come from fighting a bunch of his creations and a big ass bodyguard or something.

Can you do something about your fluids? They’re getting all over my floor-

I don’t exactly have healing magic. You know how rare-

The scientist rolled their eyes and dug around in a pouch she did not see before. Drawing out some kind of bottle before splashing her with it’s contents. Not even asking for permission first; lucretia would have said something but the pain from earlier vanished and she’d blink a bit. Looking down at her sides she noted that not only was her wounds healed so was the garb she wore.

There. Healed. Now explain.

I came to you because I need to go somewhere that no one has been to find something that no one has found before.

The scientist rolled his eyes and folded his arms; sitting on the stool and staring up at the demi-human. He looked almost annoyed at that description. He was obviously waiting for more details and lucretia herself could see that he wasn’t budging. She’d grit her teeth and then point up with one hand.

I need your help to go out past the limits of the planet and maybe even further beyond that.

...You need my help to traverse the hellscape that is ‘space’?

The researcher looked shocked actually and sat there for a brief moment; something clicking in their head and they’d slowly shake it. Like what she was asking wasn’t simple. It’d adjust and hop off of the stool. Practically scurrying over to a table before hopping up onto it; motioning for her to come along. Lucretia frowned and followed after him.

Going into space isn’t easy, there’s a lot that goes into it and a lot of resources that normally are hard to find.

He almost seemed to be scoffing at the notion like he wasn’t believing her in the fact she was saying this. He kept on looking at her, almost like he was laughing at this idea and would roll his eyes a few more times as Lucretia leaned to see all sorts of designs on this table…

She was really in for the long haul to try to convince him that her cause was worthy. She’d have to get into the gritty of things wouldn’t she…



The Scientist pt. II [A-Rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:43 am

She felt her breath catch in her throat as he looked at her in such a way that sparked nothing but anger but she bit it back. Violence didn’t work and her slaying its beast only seemed to spark indifference, only giving her the chance to talk because of the effort. But lucretia paused and then drew out a symbol, setting it down on the table. It hurt to look at, it was a paramount of failures to her. But the other looked between it and her; surprise on it’s features because they didn’t know about it.

I am Lucretia Von Wolfenstein, leader of my clan. Captain commander of the Rune knights and The Galaxy Dragon Slayer. Lord of Wolves and second only to the kingsguard under the king himself. I have many titles none of which matter. None of which save me from what I am going through.

She’d draw her finger off of the rune knight badge and place that finger to the chest of the scientist. They looked bothered but she’d lean down to meet their eyes.

I humbly request your name and your assistance. For without it I will die and there will be one less protector of this realm even as much of a failure as I am at it.

The scientist looked stunned and for a moment considerate. After a long minute of silence he’d push her finger away from his chest and grumble. Hopping down from the stool and skittering over to the bookshelf that had been ‘smashed’. Looking through the books briefly he’d pick it out and mumble to himself before coming back over.

I have no real title and no real time for them. I was a student under a long dead nation and an even longer dead scientist that you’d never heard of. My name is Ossji.

He’d look up at her with a strange look on his face before setting the book in front of lucretia. The latter of which popped it open, frowning a little bit as it was in a language she didn’t comprehend at first but it was like reading the words planted the knowledge in her brain. Shivering at that very invasion of her mind.

You want to travel the stars for some reason? You wanna go out there and face threats? Tsk. You really don’t have a bloody clue Lucretia von wolfenstein.

He sighed a little bit and scurry around; hopping onto the table. He barely came up to her chest still. It was kind of ridiculous and she’d sigh a bit as he’d tap her chest with a finger. Since they had broken that boundry already…

What are you looking for?

The lacrima that was implanted in me and the weapon I have are acting in tandem to rip my body apart. I was told there was a force out there that could heal me or at least stop the progression. So I am seeking it.

They told you that this force was out in space?

Less out in space and more that is where it decided to spend its time. The readings were quite exact and in the letter.

Well whoever took those readings knows their stuff. You get me in talks with them and you have a deal.

Lucretia nodded her head and picked up her rune knight badge off of the table. The little scientist looked as though he was contemplating something. The fact that someone so small was capable of doing so much would normally be baffling…


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