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The Stars Themselves [S-rank|Long]

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The Stars Themselves [S-rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:50 am

On the mountop away from the observatory another building lay; a smaller building with far less tools and far less in the way of equipment. Ossji took her through it and they would walk down a flight of metal rickety stairs. He looked almost tired as they walked. The two of them eventually happening across a old rustic door that required some kind of passcode to open. It’d whine and groan open. Taking a moment to ‘slide’ this way and slide that. Almost getting stuck at some point. Ossji took her through and she was gifted with the sight many had never seen. Some kind of old air ship with white and black filigree.

Old old old craft used to study the stars or at least attempt to. It was hard to piece back together given the stuff to make it no longer is something you can get easily. Came from an ancient civilization that used to span much of the known world but now is lost to history. Not even I know it’s name but you find ruins all over the place and vaults of knowledge.

Ossji took her to the air ship and patted its side. It wasn’t enclosed like she thought it would be and the open top made her feel… strange somehow. She’d look down at the scientist and the little thing looked like they were mulling something over.

You’re going to be going alone, I can set it so that it travels to the location given but that’s it. You’ll have to do everything yourself. That book I had you ‘read’ will let you know how to operate this.

But you hadn’t-

Hadn’t I? You beat shade. I healed you and I’m helping you now. But you owe me Lucretia Von Wolfenstein.

It’d motion for her to get into the craft as a ramp lowered down. The little guy walking off and waving her away. It didn’t seem to care much for what she had to say and she’d exhale before climbing up the ramp. This was going to be a long journey wasn’t it?


Last edited by Lucretia Wolfenstein on Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:56 am; edited 1 time in total


The Stars Themselves [S-rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:56 am

Silence was all around her as she sat there, letting her body do the work that it knew how to do. That it had been ‘taught’. She felt weird letting this autopilot take control and wasn’t sure if she should let it. It was strange. But the silence didn’t drag on for too much longer. She felt the vibrations of the craft and there was a little screen that popped into ‘existence’ in front of her. It was ossji sitting in some chair and with a leg crossed he’d go about explaining what she needed to do.

Where she had to go, what she was going to need from this being. He didn’t look entirely enthused to say the least about this but it wasn’t like they had a choice in the matter. He wanted to go with her but there was something here he had to take care of if she was going to come back. Which is why she owed him.

In fact she owed him everything and eventually he would get that payment from her. She looked a little cross that she couldn’t argue given where she was sitting and she’d have to remind him that there was only so much that she could do. He’d shrug a little bit and motion towards the ‘sky’.

This is if you even succeed in lucretia. You haven’t even left the realm yet. You’re in the air sure. But- Ah. We’ll finish this conversation later…

The communication cut off abruptly and lucretia was left staring ‘forward’ as the sky yawned to her. She felt the way that the sky was breaking apart as the planet desperately seemed to want to keep her there. She felt the tug of gravity lose itself and for a brief moment she was weightless. Gritting her teeth she’d apply herself to the ‘ground’ and feel herself sink back into her chair.

This was going to be interesting.



The Stars Themselves [S-rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:01 am

As she broke into the reaches of space she felt the drag of the vessel on her. It was consuming a vast swath of mana from her and she’d have to let it if she wanted it to travel. It wasn’t digging too badly into her reserves but her immediate mana was forfeit. She doubted as a werewolf she’d be able to do this and that was an honest blessing in disguise. Biting her lip she’d have to set her weapon into the ‘holster’ on the wall.

It was painful to be away from her ‘home’. Painful to be away from what she had sworn to protect. She’d place a hand to her head as she realized something was trying to calm her nerves. Something was trying to tell her it’d be okay. She never understood why she was chosen for this role. Never understood why she was given the power of the galaxy dragon slayer.

She felt a trickle of blood run out of her mouth and couldn’t help but want to lay down. But she had to apply herself. Setting her hands on the seat and closing her eyes. Letting the ship work. Letting it get into the motion. She could feel her reserves peaking a bit and she’d crack her eye after what felt like ages.

The meters on the console in front of her read all clear and she was gifted with a small instance of assurance. That she’d be okay. That this would be okay. Sure she had basically promised herself away to some cheeky scientist but if that meant that she’d be living in the long run she could hardly argue his cost.

It would be frustrating having to work for him. Frustrating that she might end up like that beast she had fought not too long ago.



The Stars Themselves [S-rank|Long] Empty Fri Jan 13, 2023 9:09 am

She had to pour more mana into the ship; it required a vast swath and Ossji had decidedly left her with a glaring lack of it. She could feel it as though it was draining her very life source. That it was requiring her to give everything for it to work. She could feel it eating away at her. She could feel it taking the mana that she had claimed from those beasts, she felt it eat into her vast pool of reserves.

It made her body shake; she felt herself fall in and out of consciousness. How much time had passed since they started? How much more did it need? How long would it be before she’d find herself falling into an unconscious state that she wouldn’t wake from? She felt her mouth go dry, her limbs numb. She felt the reaches of her mind suffer. She felt that programming kick in, she knew what she was doing without even needing to do anything.

She knew that it’d be fine, that it wouldn’t take everything but mostly everything. The former werewolf shuddered as she felt the lacrima react to the ship. Feeding it the energy that it needed instead of her own mana pools. Like it was supposed to. She was just acting the part of the conduit. The generator was inside of her. She felt her pulse even out. She felt that it was going to be okay.

She could tell that it would be shaky and her hands reached for the controls. She adjusted the pitch and yawn of the vessel. Her offhand tapping away at some number pad that she couldn’t really see. Entering coordinates she hoped were correct. She wasn’t sure what that book had done to her or what it had given her. It was a little irritating that she didn’t even realize what had happened.

Imagine if Ossji had used that to make her work for him without even curing her? That would have likely been the outcome if the beast had managed to kill her. She’d grit her teeth at the thought of being a half mindless chimera working for the petite Scientist. Shaking her head to clear that thought she let her body do what it ‘thought’ and she’d close her eyes.

She was tired. She needed rest. But she also needed to remain alert. It was a difficult juggling act that without his programming she likely would have failed. She could feel herself getting closer and after a little bit she’d slowly stand up. Not of her own volition but so that the body could go from console to console, entering things in and she felt her eyes flick around. It was taking measurements, making sure things were proper.

Gods this was weird…

It continued on for what seemed like an hour and then after being ‘satisfied’ she sat down. Noting that she had a ‘lunch’ in her hands. The demi-human blinked a few times and popped in the small cubes she had come into. If she was already going this hard there was no going back anyways…

She didn’t trust ossji very much at this point and after all of this she’d have to have a few words with the scientist about how that book affected her. Though she figured he’d get a little defensive about it.


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