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A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.)

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#1Judith Karlinius 

A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Sun Jul 09, 2023 12:21 pm

Judith Karlinius
Some what interesting, Judith took a bit of time out of her way to go somewhere else not too far away from home but still out of the outside of where she normally would be.

But not shocking when some one actually found her Judith was in Sakura Alley, It was nice to sit here quiet often she she had a chance too. it was used as a means to clear her own at the time where you merely let it linger to think to yourself often times. Over all it was pretty peaceful and different. But also was fun as Hosenka was a very different life style then to Magnolia. so it was pretty fun to go to when one had the time too. Over all a nice and fun time at least to Judith anyway. So far it was neat to come back too, after all it was just as she remembered.


A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Jul 10, 2023 9:49 am


Sakura Alley... Why had she decided to visit this place? This place seeped in bittersweet memories. Even now as she hovered a few paces above the grass her gaze lingered at the namesake Sakura trees that bloomed overhead. While a gentle smile lingered on her lips, her mind was filled with concern. She could only hope that Priscilla and Hasani were safe. The fact that she couldn't find any sign of a struggle, nor could detect Lily's presence suggested they were still alive, but likely in hiding. If they were she hoped they were healthy and happy. At the very least their concealment would help keep them safe from her enemies.

One might think that she should have felt negative emotions toward their absence, and at one point it might had been the case, but now that she had Maple at her side that negativity had turned into gratitude. Priscilla had been there for her when she was down at her worst, helped pick up the pieces of her broken life and gave her a reason to fight, a reason to live. Of course, in the end she was grateful to them... to her family.

It was the reason why she still carried the family name even after their absence. However, it was amidst these peaceful thoughts that a presence caught the attention of the Mindflayer who turned her gaze away from the sakura petals and toward the elven lady that was commonly known throughout Fiore as the 'Fairy Mother'.


She paused, her voice resonating in the elf's mind as she recalled the recent encounters and affiliation of a particular person. Did he already had the opportunity to try to influence her? To try to turn Judith against her? If he tried, he was a fool for expecting Judith wouldn't be wanting to get the full story. She wasn't the type of woman to judge a person without getting their entire tale told.

It's me, Esperia. What has brought you here? I half expected you to be busy dealing with the .... Questionable decisions of one of your fairies. But the fact you have yet to throw a frying pan at my head suggests he had yet the opportunity to talk to you about what unfolded.

#3Judith Karlinius 

A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Jul 10, 2023 7:58 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith did not seem to be focusing on anything. in some manner Hosenka was equal parts depressing to her as it was pretty. But if she wanted an answer she would speak it. A few things might have changed since Esperia and her last spoke and Judith would not make much of an attempt to highlight back. Judith did not know if she could reply back in her head to Esperia so she would answer."Well even if one leaf ends up blowing away, The wind carries it back to the place it once was seated in."Judith said.

It was Judith hinting she had not forgotten she was once a part of Fairy Tail and left with out explaining anything to her as far as she could remember, currently she was not holding a grudge over it."Sometimes....i go for a walk and it feels like the time merely slowed down until i got here....it leaves one to ponder about their life."Being the dragon slayer she was now she did not want to admit that in some manner she was often resisting the desire to alter time to her favoured results in something. Judina could be brought back and not just a faded away memory drifting in the wind how much the blossoms they watched now.

As for Esperia's ponder about dealing with her guild members."If I threw frying pans at every member at did something to get them in trouble....frying pans would be considered an armament of war."She retorted and merely waited to see what would happen with her humour on display.


A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Jul 11, 2023 3:30 am


Esperia couldn't help but smile briefly at these words, nodding her head lightly as Judith spoke.

Indeed, although the leaves might get blown around by the wind, they always find their way back to the trees they grew on.

It was perhaps a long-winded way of saying that people often found themselves return to these who showed them kindness, but she had to admit it was one of these traits of Judith that she enjoyed.

Indeed, although I might have departed in pursuit of dangerous threats, I do like to take my time to rest and enjoy the bits of peace we can find in our lives. Which is why I let the winds carry me in the first place: So that others can enjoy more peace.

A subtle way of saying she left Fairy Tail in the hope of resolving the threats she discovered, so that others could enjoy more peaceful days. It was part of the idealistic, selfless and often dangerous nature of the woman.

Yet the last bit made her chuckle softly.

In the hands of a mother even cooking utilities can become deadly weapons~

She finally stopped hovering, rooting herself beside Judith as she continued.

I'm sure you are aware of the problems the people of Talaz Lagaar are facing. When I heard about the deadly plague that struck the island I went there to help, but not in the blind manner others would. I tried to investigate the origin of the problem, to understand what brought it here, the nature of it so I could figure out a way to help resolve it. But during my pursuit for answers I got too close to secrets they wanted to keep concealed from the outside world and in the hope of silencing me they sacrificed me to the rift that looms over their island: The Fractured Sky.

She paused, her expression steeled for a moment.

The rift is in fact a gateway of sorts to another realm, a realm where our understanding of what is 'normal' doesn't apply. The laws of nature or physics, even magic are bend and twisted beyond recognition, which is why during my captivity in that realm I changed... into this unusual form. But during my time I also realized that as much as there are innocent people crying out for help in Talaz Lagaar, we can't blindly trust those who wish to keep their secrets that could threaten these innocent people and others.

She went quiet, a hand to her chin as she pondered.

It is during my return from the Void that I went to investigate a lead: A mysterious man-made machine that Talaz Lagaar was pursuing. Upon contact I discovered it was in fact a entity that was rapidly adapting and evolving, rather than a machine it was like a newborn child that rapidly grew and matured in days for what might take years for most.

She shook her head after which she resumed speaking through their psionic connection.

I wanted to learn more about it and why the people of Talaz Lagaar were so eager to conceal his existence. But because during the early moments of its existence it had harmed a child in an act of self-preservation, two particular individuals saw it reason enough to deem it a threat and wanted to capture it. I opposed their decision, knowing full well they were driven by greed. They didn't care about wanting to discover the truth, they merely wanted the reward for bringing in the entity. It didn't matter if they would doom the newborn to an early death, as long as they got paid for it they would play the role of make-believe hero and force me into the role of a villain defending the monster.

She laughed weakly as she continued.

Indeed, that's the type of situation I found myself in with Yuurei and Kaito, even when I tried to restrain them with my magic, they attacked full force, intention to kill clearly there. Although it saddens me to know Kaito got himself wrapped under Yuurei's thumb, I hope his affiliation to Fairy Tail and his connection to you will make him see reason and the bad influence that man is upon him. When people become blinded with greed and the pursuit for power they become ignorant to the true problems around them.

She turned her gaze toward Judith and inquired.

Have you heard anything from him? I presume he likely would have quite a grandiose tale of his own to tell, but unfortunately, I fear he has become blinded by the company he keeps... Not that it is our place to decide who he can or can't hang out with, but please remain careful Judith, I don't wish for their greed to endanger your family of fairies. But considering what I seen that day, I wouldn't be surprised to discover just how far they are willing to go to satisfy their own greed. And then I hope it won't be too late for Kaito when he realizes the answer to the question: What will happen once I outlived my use to Yuurei? For if he thinks he is a friend to that man, then he is a fool. Yuurei doesn't have friends, he only has assets...

She went quiet, closing her eyes and turning her gaze toward the sakura trees. At times like this she was glad that Priscilla and Hasani were no longer at risk of getting dragged into the messes she found herself in.

#5Judith Karlinius 

A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Jul 12, 2023 7:45 pm

Judith Karlinius
These subjects where going to be rather varying in what they would be speaking about. It was not a horrible idea to talk to Judith about anything for the most part. But if anything Judith was a hard woman to figure out what she would plan to do. After all she put up a strong a front of what she was like, But always have different way to think of things. Whatever her focuses where at the time most people might not know.

Judith herself was in her own cycle of doubt and pondering. Something she had yet really allowed herself to openly speak about to most people she trusted. Only because if anything with in her own mind she was prisoner to what thoughts they where at the time."I am aware of the Talaz Lagaar. I had assumed at this point the situation was either going to be have been left to the people to suffer....Or had been resolved."Judith's focuses had been on other things. She had hoped Esperia would not blame her about her mind being else where.

As for what happen to Esperia. Judith seemed to not be bothered by her appearance but that should not shock anyone. Merely observe it all and consider what all would be a risk to the people aside from just not knowing Esperia was not harmful to the people around her. But that was just Judith's thoughts she was much different in her cycle of ruling compared to other people.

But Judith did get up from her chair for a moment, seeming curious if it was as much of as a change as it was herself being changed into an elf."May I touch you to observe a few things? Nothing in a lewd manner I promise."Remembering how Esperia was that comment was mentioned for a reason. Judith was still married and devoted to her husband.

But left to observes she seemingly merely touched to flesh to compare it to  human flesh most likely, Even for a moment opening Esperia's mouth to see if it was still like a normal persons. Over all normal harmless things. Upon hearing of that machine Judith almost seemed to stop for a moment like it left something on her mind for a moment."We're at that age of rapidly advancing technology  are we?...interesting."Judith however did keep that ponder to herself.

She would sit down shortly afterwards while she seemed to listen to the information about her guild member and some one else. Then Judith's normally calm and collect look of neutrality seemingly faded into somewhere between interest and concern."Where....either of them aware it was you they where dealing with just whom had been altered?"Judith asked to give some kind of fairness to this matter to just rather assumed her own guild member would just blindly attack some one who had been a member of Fairy Tail before just because he could.

As for if she herself had heard from Kaito. As much as anything else her answer was simple."As normal of Fairy Tail members they are either off on their own to do as they please with in boundaries of laws hopefully. Or drinking in the guild hall...I do not know much else otherwise or hear from them often....it has been a fair while since I myself heard from Kazimir as well...Even some of the new members are seemingly gone."Judith's expressed changed to that of almost hopeless worry, Like her strong fronted will seemingly had been broken for a moment.

As they both left themselves the ponder for a moment. Judith would explain some what where her focus has been."On behalf of Fairy Tail I am sorry...Personally I have had my eye on the matters starting to show up in Joya. As well as a few personal life ponders that have been effecting my focus."Judith was leaving out some detail and that was easy to pick up on. But it was a sign that she would not expand upon it unless asked about, Which she just had to hope no one would.


A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Jul 13, 2023 5:56 am


Esperia smiled briefly at Judith's response, shaking her head slightly in return. Unfortunately, the problem had not yet been resolved. Until the origin of the plague was discovered and a cure was found, the innocent would continue to suffer. She couldn't blame Judith either for having turned her focus elsewhere. Thanks to the mystical powers bestowed onto her by Gaia, Esperia was well aware of the unique power Judith possessed, and the responsibilities that came with it.

The act of watching over the flow of time itself is a burden that would drive many to insanity. The myriad possibilities of the various timelines, the consequences of a single act being able to alter the very course of time within our own. It is for that reason I do not blame you for your inaction. The knowledge your power grants you: is one that comes with responsibilities many could not even begin to understand.

She paused for a moment, a small tendril gently wrapping around her finger as she idly held it by her hair and continued to speak.

There was a time when I upheld a similar mindset. The power Gaia bestowed upon me that fateful day, and these eyes that allow me to look into the very past of the world and its inhabitants has been a responsibility that has been just as much a burden, as it has been a driving force for my actions. I could sit idle and just observe, but one thing people misunderstand is that even with all the knowledge at my disposal, I still find the instinctive desire to experience it all. Wisdom is nothing without experience to back it up.

The inquiry made Esperia grin sheepishly at Judith, amused at how she added the last part.

You almost made me disappointed for getting my hopes up~ Jests aside, go ahead.

As Judith's hands trailed over her skin she would notice that while the texture felt similar to that of a human being, the flesh was softer, more supple than that of humans, there was also a hint of some sort of moisture, barely noticeable but it gave a distinctive scent, one that was reminiscent of flowers, but at the same time one couldn't place any particular species to it. But it was a pleasant scent, almost addictive even.

As she opened her mouth Esperia revealed that for the most part it was similar to that of others, she had a tongue, teeth, but yet a closer inspection revealed her vocal cords were missing. Instead when Judith's hands moved closer to her silken-like white hair, she would notice two tentacle-like appendages on top, which at the lightest touch twitched slightly, and judging from Esperia's body squirming slightly it was clear the tentacles were an organ of sorts. If she had some sort of mana vision she would likely been aware of the fact that these organs were pulsing with mana and served akin to antenna for her psionic powers.

Indeed, I can't help but wonder whether to be excited or worried about the rapid progress science has been making.

Esperia nodded her head firmly at Judith's inquiry as she replied in return.

Unfortunately, they were well aware of my identity. In fact, Kaito seemingly held little reservation in using one of your guild's unique spells to try to harm me, not to mention he seemingly believed his actions were more than justified and would be approved by you.

Esperia paused for a moment as Judith apologized, mentioning she had her gaze turned toward the matters unfolding in Joya and personal life issues. She had heard about the troubles brewing in Joya.

I have heard some stories from travelers, it seems there is a period of great unrest unfolding in Joya. The people talk about a civil war, others call it an attempt to overthrow the government. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to investigate into the matter myself. I have been quite preoccupied looking into some matters in Caelum. Recent rumors of the emergence of fairies- I mean 'real' fairies'.

She winked playfully at Judith as she continued.

Made me look into why they been absent for quite a long time, but it is a process that takes time. The Fae are as mysterious as they are unpredictable, so I haven't found any evidence yet that would make me need to call upon the aid of others.... but-

She paused, thinking for a moment on what she was about to say next.

I have reasons to believe that their disappearance could be linked to a threat that requires a delicate approach. Hence I have been somewhat secretive to others about it. Some problems can't be solved with manpower or force alone. but should I find myself in need of aid I will be sure to inform you about what is unfolding.

#7Judith Karlinius 

A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 2:35 pm

Judith Karlinius
For the most part while Esperia did talk about understanding's Judith reason of just leaving herself out of most things, while knowing very well what it was and the reason why she was being this way made Judith kind of stop for a moment. After all she had not really talk about being Chronos Dragon Slayer. For the most part it was not something she really wanted to be open about for the exact worry she was about to talk about. But it would come up after Judith was done harmless observing Esperia, it seemed she only took interest because she was normally use to healing other, but could also being checking to damage over all.

"Interesting changes...it seemed you had a more extreme change over from when my trip to samhain turned me into a elf....But if this is merely a taste of what can happen."Judith mentioned then seemed to stop for a moment because her knew her thoughts where getting carried away this was not helping her in the slightest reconsider anything else that was going to ruin time lines in means and reason they where unneeded. So she would move on her thoughts quickly."Now now Esperia...both you and I know my husband would not enjoy the thought of me being in bed with another person...hard enough he is old man who just wants to nap in his chair."Judith continued on knowing that Esperia was not over all impacted by Judith keeping things as they should be.

"Then I might have to have a talk with them both...if they will tell me anyway."Judith sounded puzzled by the matter over all. It was not something she could have guessed would have happen. But it was in the past now. To be left untouched. Since a flaw of Judith's would be shown now. Since they mentioned about how everything is starting to advance.

It would sounds out of place for Judith to mention this aloud but it was almost like it had been on her mind."But who knows what could happen with that advancement....I could...could have her back."Then Judith merely snapped back to realize like she just spoke of something insane."No...no don't think about that."After all there was more important things to talk about that the time she was having an important conversation with Esperia after all.

Fae beings where a thing she figured had been long gone at this point, either being killed off by something or willing leaving humans at the same time."I do assume actual fairies would be hard to find, As curious as I am by them. It was not something I had entirely considered looking into yet. But Caelum as been on my list of places to visit I have not gotten around to it yet." Given that Judith's state seemed to be getting more and more seemingly shattered she was most likely waiting until she had more self control.


A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:26 pm


It seemed Judith had been lost in thought for a moment, the words that were spoken making the Mindflayer gently lower a hand to Judith's own and grasp it gently. A light squeeze followed as her voice resounded in Judith's mind.

"Do not let such thoughts haunt your mind, Judith. I know... it is tempting to use powers like this in the hope to change certain things. Yours is one of the greatest examples of the saying: With great power comes even greater responsibility. Let's say for a moment you succeed in developing a spell that allows you to traverse the flow of time itself. Every single act you cause will have irreparable consequences. The flow of time itself will be altered, certainly, you will create a timeline where your daughter survived, but in return, all the timelines where she has perished will collapse. Countless people, even innocent ones would die without knowing why. Even your beloved husband will die in a myriad of timelines because of that single alteration.

She sighed softly, although a sympathetic smile lingered on her lips.

Do not get me wrong, it is not like I don't understand your grief or the temptation. Long have I struggled in a similar fashion. The temptation to use the knowledge of Gaia itself, of the myriad pasts to bring back my loved ones. But what would the consequences be? Would they even be able to ever forgive me for the costs it took to see them return?

She shook her head once more after which she continued. Nay, while our powers and knowledge can cause so much good, they can often cause so much wrong at the same time. It is something others are often blind to: That our actions or, at time inaction are done for far more complicated reasons than they think.

She looked at Judith as she gently brought a hand to the fairy mother's cheek.

I know your suffering. I seen it, every step you took to get here. But that is all I could do. If you desire it, I will listen to your woes and fears every time you want me to. But that is all I can do.. Watch and give counsel. For I am neither divine nor omnipotent. But I 'am' one of the keepers of the world's wisdom.

Letting her hand trail back to her side Esperia went quiet for a moment, giving Judith the time to collect her thoughts while she herself tried to place the knowledge her unique gifts had bestowed onto her.

#9Judith Karlinius 

A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:47 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith did seem to almost reconsider a few things for a moment. She suppose she should learn from the previous user of her magic and what her desires did for her, For the things that they did that where known by Judith. Some of them even some what still horribly emotionally painful for Judith to think about and she had yet to really take the next step beyond her depressive state and continued on to move past it.

But it had yet left her mind. Esperia's point was something that she managed to keep in line so far and with out problem. She wanted to alter things. No one would ever doubt Judith for that and the fact she managed to resist was so far a pretty good thing."I am only ever tempted for a simple reason."It almost seemed Judith was motivated by her own greed for once in her life she was never really a greedy person to start with. But maybe it was just why she wanted to alter and why she wanted was maybe a telling sign. But it seemed it was different most could not say that one was able to hold Judith's hand and it would seemingly not be reacted too.

But her reason would be mentioned finally."But when the previous user of my magic...was some one close to me...they went back to the time where my daughter had passed in this part of Fiore."Judith would sound bitter, resentful, merely clouding her anger by her own means. Which was rare to catch her behaviour was cracking back. Merely looking up at the sky seemingly unsure if she wanted to say. But who was to stop her."Later to convert her into a Mechina...."It seemed Judith was stuck between many thoughts for a reason. But it was seen easily now why she might be this way.

Judith learned some one altered the path of life via the same magic she had to bring some one back."I feel wronged...the balance of death has been altered."And Judith would also mention the entire worry of morality that in which is before her now."Yet....I feel she should still be dead...but fear if i do something in her current state....she might not want to stay dead."No doubt it would be also that Judith also missed her child. Thus she was stuck in her current cycle. Judith wanted to correct things but was stuck in an point where she would only hurt herself far more then most would first think about it.

A bleak cycle of suffering in which no matter what she lost, No matter what she did. This was Judith's life now and she was unsure how to continue on unless she was just going to hide it forever and move on like it was nothing. But it felt wrong. Everything was wrong and Judith was trying not to seem horrible for wanting to changing it back to normal in this one piece. Judith's woe was pretty simple. Altar what she felt needed to be right and be a monster. Or leave things as they where and feel wrong. only being emotionally strong enough to just deal with it and sit there."I will be never be ready to face this trial..."She felt it at that only because she felt correct. This was not something many wise years of living could prepare you for. But you could tell she was conflicted and sad at the same time only speaking of it now.


A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Jul 20, 2023 8:22 pm


Esperia shook her head sorrowfully in response to these words. She took a moment, using the power of her visual insight and the knowledge of the world itself to peer into a time not her own, and frowned visibly as her words resonated in Judith's mind.

Machia can't bring back the dead Judith. For a Machia to be able to be 'created' one needs a remnant. Take for example the brain or heart, but it still needs to be beating, what your predecessor did was an act comparable to necromancy. Unless she returned to the time when your daughter was still alive, there is simply no way that the entity bearing your daughter's resemblance is truly the same person. You might be able to create a lookalike, even program them to act the same way and imprint the same memories, but is she truly still Judina then?

Esperia went quiet for a moment, contemplating the question herself. There were times when she had almost been in the same shoes as Judith. How often did she consider bringing back her loved ones? How often did she want to curse the consequences into damnation?

It is wrong... wrong of her to force such a burden upon you. To carry out an act like this... It shows such inconsideration for the feelings of those affected.

Yet what could she possibly do? What could she even suggest that would ease Judith's suffering, or make things right? She brought a hand to her chin, thinking for a while longer.

There is a way... A way to reverse the alteration, without needing to confront your daughter. But to do that you would need to traverse through the flow of time yourself. It is likely that your predecessor's alterations in the timeline caused some sort of disturbance, if you can pinpoint that moment as an entree into the flow of time, you could possibly reverse it by ensuring that your predecessor never obtained your daughter's corpse. But that means you would have to face your predecessor yourself.

She sighed softly, leaning back against the seating, and looked up at the sky.

Sometimes I feel we will never be ready, or prepared enough for the trials life forces upon us. Even now I often question the actions I took in the past. Was it alright for me to intervene? It might had gone a different way if I tried to tell them that ONE had injured a child out of self-preservation. It was injured and had a vital area on its body harmed by them, but then again I doubt they would understand. Would things had been different if I merely remained watching from the sidelines, praying someone else would stop them? Such hope is only shifting the burden onto someone else... It's not like me to shy away from the difficult path.

For a moment she smiled kindly at the fairy mother after which she turned her gaze upwards again. Someone needed to take the hard paths, and at times she still had to question what would happen if nobody else did?

#11Judith Karlinius 

A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Jul 22, 2023 6:35 am

Judith Karlinius
Judith would eventually compose herself eventually but to think Judith was hiding how slighted she felt in the end and was unsure what all to think of it over all as in which what she wanted to do. She would choose eventually to act since over all she was unsure still what the answer was and merely talking about it seemed to only ease her mind some what. "It is either that or a logically what one would call a cyborg. I have yet to see my daughter since then...i have only tended to the graveyard I set up for her after passing with along with the two other family members buried there long a go."Long times Fairy Tail members knew of the Karlinius grave yard. Most people who knew Judith family personally did visit and often could see Judith or her husband on an off time go there and keep the place as it was. health and well cleaned.

But it was most likely expected that Judith did not want to see her yet. If anything it could only. But it seemed after Judith about it she would just settled into still thinking upon it."I will...still ponder on it...I don't need to be too rash."Even then whatever Judith did she might not tell anyone viewing it better that way, since she would not mention it.

Even with this conversation and Judith still listen she seemed to turn some what back to normal."I am normally one to leave the world in tact....fate has chosen it's path and has stuck to it for a reason..thus i am easily willing to leave things as they are."She would kind of just seemingly come to terms with it at at this time that she did not need to over reaction. Over all maybe seeing Judith's mental processes showed a fair amount of things she is often adding into her mind to do.


A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Jul 22, 2023 6:47 am


Esperia nodded her head cautiously at Judith's words. She used to be of a similar mindset, ever since she obtained the wisdom of Gaia, Esperia thought it was not her place to meddle in the affairs of the world. Even if she knew almost everything there was to know, there was a reason why the future was an unknown territory even for her. No, it was only after a certain chain of events that she felt inclined to take action. Not to control, but to guide. She didn't see herself as a ruler, if anything she had always preferred the role of an advisor, using her knowledge to see what people would do with it. It was the reason why she had joined the Sentinel Syndicate back in the day, believing that Kon could do some interesting things with her knowledge at his disposal, but unfortunately when the man departed and left the guild in her care, things soon collapsed. It had been an enriching experience, one that reminded her that to guide was a different thing than to lead.

Indeed, sometimes the path of pacifism in the safest route for people with powers like ours. And yet it's often difficult to sit idle, right? To see so much suffering, misery, and wrongdoings unfolding that you can't help but wonder at times: What if I take action? Could I make things better? And yet for all the knowledge or power we have, I still find the answer to that question to frequently be out of my reach...

She sighed softly, after which she tried to change the subject to something a bit more cheerful.

How has your husband been? Still tending the garden, sleeping or admiring his beautiful wife? If I didn't know better that man has the type of life that most would dream to have~

Yet despite her teasing remark, there was a hint of loneliness in the voice that spoke in Judith's thoughts. Too long had she taken the ideal of a family life for granted, and now that she had lost it, she was not entirely certain on how to regain it with Maple's help.

#13Judith Karlinius 

A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:23 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith might be okay with being quietly idle, But she knew once it was talked about much that she had the magic she had now she would get a lot of questions of why she let things happens when she had the power she had now."It might be, But I will not yield into that desire to alter things."Judith mentioned casually almost as if she was more then read to hide on her hill and never leave it watching the stars pass peacefully. But then again peace was not forever.

Many things were not forever. Life: existence, happiness, sadness, material objects, the world. All were subject to so many things."Shows how little you paid attention."Judith laughed slightly about it. Over all she was vocal with people about. Missing a key detail as that."I would say even if I did change, he had not...still doing his thing, he was happy for a while to have a younger wife for a bit, Now he just realizes he is old and can't keep up with me."In some manner she was tempted to make him more youthful considering how many years they had been together."But the flowers never die at home, even when I am not there."But Judith was never really far from home. But also she was able to get to home quickly as well.

"Nosey you might be, you should expect me to ask how does a love life of a altered human work out?"Judith was curious about how it would work out for her. She had to ask


A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:51 pm


Esperia couldn't help but smile sheepishly as Judith laughed at how little she had paid attention to her past lessons. Perhaps it was true, many things wouldn't last forever. But could she be blamed for wanting the good things to last forever? To be able to settle down and enjoy a peaceful future, to have a family to take care of... a home to return to. She paused for a moment, her psionic power once more establishing a link to Judith.

It can be tricky at times~ When Val--- I mean Priscilla and Hasani disappeared without any cue of their whereabouts I started to fall into despair. Part of me worried it was punishment, another part feared the emotions of being abandoned once more. I searched... searched but couldn't find any hints. And then I reached a turning point of sort. Perhaps they would be safer and happier without me around. Dread and anger turned into gratitude as I tried to come to terms with the future I was going to walk, well that and encountering a naked half-elf in your backyard does help with shaking that future to its foundation.

She snickered briefly after which she resumed speaking.

In terms of biological changes it takes time getting used to, let's say a lot of the things that were considered... normal, are suddenly not so normal now. But it helps that my partner is open-minded, I wouldn't have wanted to even think of having to explain the numerous difficulties these tentacles of mine can cause~

She lightly wiggled some of the longer tentacles near her after which she resumed their conversation.
But overall it's been going well. Didn't get the chance to discuss the desire of a family with her yet, but I hope to do so after our adventures in Caelum are over. Maybe settle down somewhere nice first and try to stay out of troubles for a while~

#15Judith Karlinius 

A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Jul 26, 2023 11:22 am

Judith Karlinius
Conversation about name of people they loved and where dating or married too at the time, it was always interesting. But also showed something about Judith. She knew a lot of people."Oh?....so you where the one that was married to Priscilla. I had only ever seen her and her son."Judith admitted but it was a long time a go details at time where some what lost to time so to say."But sadly, the only thing I could say about it in my many way of thinking is....Fate always has grimly odd ways of bringing some what to their peaceful lies."Judith seemed to most likely only suggest this because she had most likely experience a lot of things in life that where a good test to the mind before really it was known to the world even if one where to look back on it."We all must sadly deal with, The doors we leave open to close upon us...Even if we tried many things to stop them."Then she let out a sigh almost as if the emotional conversation they seemed to have at the time where managing to allow Judith to at least for the moment continue on.

This experience was a bit different compared to Judith's life after all she only had one partner her entirely life. Sure she had her other secrets but everyone had them too but one should not be brave enough to dig into the things that where risky."I am sure getting use to being mute was an entirely different matter."She mentioned because she viewed that matter as an interesting tool of benefit but knowing very well the limits where most likely something she did not know yet and only Espy did. There was a benefit of being mute being able to speak into some one's mind but she could do more then one person at once? it was a good thing to ponder.

But one word there was easily highlighted for one good reason."Over all when having a family it is suggested to stay out of trouble and not bring much attention to yourself no matter how powerful one might be future kin might not be."It was over all a good way of saying. Stay on a clear and peaceful path, you will have a peaceful life you wish too.


A Seat With The Ally of Flowers.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Jul 27, 2023 6:07 am


Judith's words made sense, way more than she wanted to admit. Not only was she aware that it was important to keep in mind the threats one might bring to their doorstep if they lived a life of conflict, but there was also the constant danger of the fact that her offspring would be far more helpless than she herself was. Perhaps the idea of retiring somewhere away from all the chaos and political intrigues of Fiore had started to sound more appealing by the day. She did think before of wanting to retire somewhere peacefully in Caelum, at least if Maple liked that idea. Somewhere where nature was in abundance, for she knew the wood elf heritage of the woman would no doubt call out to her, and she felt Maple wouldn't be that happy living in a city.

Then again, luxury wasn't that important to both of them either, whether they lived in a castle, a cottage or even just a tent, she was certain their happiness could be found in each other's presence. A momentary silence followed as she suddenly came to realize another matter, one that still was tied to the prospect of building a family, but more intimate.

Could she even create offspring?! Certainly, she might had gotten handsy with Maple before, even spend some passionate nights of snuggling before, but it wasn't like she had tried to use certain tentacles in that way before! On that matter, would their offspring even be similar? Would they become Voidlings like her? Or maybe closer to the wood elf nature of her lover? Having some adorable little elves running around the place did sound quite... adorable to imagine to the point a smile painted itself on her lips.

But still, it all depended on what Maple wanted as well. If she wanted a life of adventure they could have that also, but a part of her longed for the idea of just... settling down and having a family to return home to.

It reminded her of a certain saying: People often take things for granted, but only realize just how precious something is to them when they no longer have it. That must be why she had come to realize just how precious a peaceful life with a family could be to her. No heroics, no crazy legendary adventures. Just a warm happy family. Would Gaia even allow her such peace? She did form a pact with her when she accepted the burden of the World's knowledge.

She went silent again, a frown painting on her visage as she thought once more on the matter. However, for a moment she turned her gaze toward Judith and spoke through her telepathy once more.

I'll be seeing you again soon Judith, until then stay safe~

And with these words, she started to hover toward the direction she had initially come from but for the briefest of moments lifted her gaze upwards and merely smiled at the pesky birds flying overhead.

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