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The Republic of Seven

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The Republic of Seven Empty Sun Jan 29, 2023 4:39 pm


The Republic of Seven

Description: Seven is a country supposedly governed by the gods, where heroes face monsters, the sea rages, people offer burnt offerings and adventures take place. It is defined by mankind's struggle against the primal forces of the world, and mankind's conflict with the many other sapient races that populate the world. Sevese believe that the country is ruled by an awe-inspiring pantheon of gods. Mortals tremble before them, feel the sting of their petty whims, and live in terror of their wrath. It is a country where barbaric, cave-dwelling minotaurs descend on wayward travelers. Giants stalk the land, drawing strength from the terrain on which they tread. At sea, massive krakens prowl its depths, and sirens lure its sailors to their demise. Yet amid such colossal perils, mortals have found a way to endure, and it is here that the hero's mantle is raised highest. Not only have the mortals endured, but they have managed to thrive, for Seven it is also a country where civilization is protected behind the walls of great poleis, each city-state a bulwark against the raging monsters that roam the more savage places of Seven.

Localization: Seven is located north of its former subjects, Fiore and Bosco while sharing its eastern border with Iceberg.

Politics: A polis (plural: poleis) is the structure of a community in the Sevese country. A polis consists of an urban center, often fortified and with a sacred center built on a natural acropolis or harbor, which controls a surrounding territory of land. The term polis can be translated as ‘city-state’ as there is typically only one city and because an individual polis is independent of other poleis in terms of political, judicial, legal, religious, and social institutions and practices, each polis is in effect a state. Like a state, each polis is also involved in international affairs, both with other poleis and other countries in the areas of trade, political alliances, and wars. Seven allows slavery, and it's not uncommon for indebted people to temporarily sell themselves into slavery in order to pay off their debts. The treatment of slaves varies greatly between each polis, though they are generally cared for and well fed to preserve their ability to work effectively. As a member of the magic council, Seven allows the Rune Knights and select Light Guilds to operate in the country.

Economy: As a nation whose principal philosophy is around the glory of combat and victory in battle, a majority of its people are soldiers rather than scholars, mages, or farmers. Even to this day, Seven remains to have one of the grandest standing armies while maintaining an assortment of free swords to provide to their neighboring countries for conflicts. Living in a land blessed with plenty, they're a major exporter of wine and fish, as well as fine arts and ceramics.

Culture: From birth, regardless of sex children begin their training to hone themselves both physically and mentally in an attempt to mirror their society and the people of Seven to the Hellenic Pantheon. Victories in combat are seen with cheer and vigor leading to champions holding positions of political power while those without renown are ignored. Due to the nature of its political structure, corruption and internal conflict are commonplace with assassination and poisonings frequently being seen as the leading cause of death. Highly democratic, aside from martial studies the Sevese education greatly emphasises philosophy, science and oratory, teaching people to think and speak freely. As they grow older, they're expected to take an active part in public life, and in old age pass on their wisdom to willing disciples. Magic is seen as the domain of the Gods, and those who are capable of wielding it are often admired, as the blessing of magic is said to be one of the marks of a true hero.

Religion: The Hellenic religion is a traditional religion and way of life, revolving around the Sevese pantheon, embracing ancient Sevese values and virtues. The Hellenic polytheists worship the ancient Sevese Gods, or the Sevese pantheon, including the Olympians, nature divinities, underworld deities, and heroes. Both physical and spiritual ancestors are honored. It is primarily a devotional or votive religion, based on the exchange of gifts (offerings) for the gods' blessings. The Gods are omnipresent in the daily lives of the Sevese, and many heroes and bloodlines are known to be descended from the Gods. The Sevese hold an especial reverence for the stars in the skies, and many important characters and events of Sevese mythology are represented as constellations. The Sevese faith has many common aspects with Iceberg's Nordic faith and Bellum's Vedic religion, and some scholars believe these religions share a common ancestor.

Language: The official language is Sevese, of which there are several unique variants and dialects spread out across the plains. It belongs to the same family as Minstreli and Fiorian, evidencing a common heritage, though some dialects almost feel like a completely different language entirely.


Anthea: Anthea is a beautiful polis that can only be accessed via water. Imagine the audacity of building a city of large buildings and palaces on a lagoon. It is a city of perpetual beauty, Anthea is known for its breathtaking architecture and the ingenuity of its inventors. The parts of the city are connected with each other via canals and high bridges, therfore gondolas are the most common transportation in Anthea. Along with Sparda and Corintha, Anthea is one of the most powerful polis in Seven.

Ludis: A path amidst the green leads to the settlement of Ludis. The lush landscape frames the bold structures of the town. The domineering forms stand together and are all built with a certain uniformity. It is almost as though the pale stones stacked to create the magnificent buildings were carved out of the same rock. Despite the strict order, there is a strange symbiotic harmony with the unruly offerings of the nature that is around.

Temples of Heroes: Handcrafted thousands of years ago out of marble slabs, these temples are frequently visited by warriors of Seven looking to garner their gods favor and become their champion in the fights to come. Maintained by Warrior Monks, these are one of the most guarded regions of Seven outside of the Polis throughout the land.

Ares Fighting Pits: Commissioned in honour of the War God Ares, the fighting Pits is commonly used to hold sparring matches as well as host ceremonies. Choosing to honor the god in combat rather than through prays or gifts, Ares worshippers litter the pits with the sound of battle being heard day and night.

Nameless Soldier: During the height of its Power Seven created countless monuments in the name of their fallen soldiers and to impose their will upon the conquered lands, after centuries of disservice these statues have returned back into nature with lust wildlife concealing much of its intricate designs.

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