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Underground Associates (NQ A-Rank)

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Underground Associates (NQ A-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:42 pm

Vex was walking around when she heard someone say that they had a job to look into the Tutrix cult that was starting to take root in the east and was starting to kill innocent people and take children from their mothers breast in the night. Vex knowing that can't be right walked up to the man and said she will take on the job and that she will help to look into this cult and if the person has a lead into the cult that she can use and go and check things out for them. The man over joyed by someone accepting the offer to look into them walks with her to the darker back alley way and shows her the cloak that he had stolen and the symbol on the cloak was wrong to be an actual follower of Tutrix so she knows at least it is not her people that were doing this but Tutrix's name was being slandered and by extension her own name as the leader of the cult in this country was being slandered.


Underground Associates (NQ A-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:42 pm

She takes the robes and the man told her where she would need to go to, to meet up with other followers of this cult and follow and act like they did and see what she can see and she will report to the man after she is done for the night and Vex wonders who could be using her own cults name like this and why they were doing it unless they were trying to give them a very bad name as Tutrix moves in the shadows and followers are found through helping and protection as well as offering a way to pass over to see the goddess for themselves Vex was not going to slow herself down or let these people slander the goddess's good name. She went to the spot and the tip was good as the other "cultists" showed up at the spot and their symbols were all wrong as well like someone tried to remember the symbol by heart and messed it up and just ran with it.


Underground Associates (NQ A-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:42 pm

She walks along with the others as they talk and scheme about what they are going to do with their day and she is surprised that they will do such things to people and places and use the goddess's name for all of this crap but she keeps her cool and keeps following them as they did the things that they spoke about and her right hands watch over her from a distance as she had a lot of things on her plate and she knows that they need to keep an eye on these people and maybe she will have a word with this area's lead to see if they knew that this crap was going on, on their turf and how they had not already dealt with them before she had got here and is witnessing the terrible things they are doing, and how they are able to so openly ruin their goddess' name. Had her leader been taken out maybe as she had not seen many of the actual Tutrix cult on this side of the country.


Underground Associates (NQ A-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:42 pm

She watched as these absolute idiots set things on fire and cause needless trouble and hurting those that don't deserve to be attacked and she wonders if this was a scheme from an Anti-Tutrix group but she has no idea who would want to do such a thing till they threw fire bombs at the church of Illumin and it dawns on her as she sees one of them is wearing a crest of Illumin they are Illumin worshippers and she understands why they are doing this and that they are trying to ruin her name so that Illumin stops losing followers to Tutrix in the city she wonders if this was really the thing or if it is a red herring to throw anyone that sees them off maybe they are the other goddess' followers that her old guild master had been trying to revive she knows something about there being another cult that believe in the other goddess but she had never had to deal with them and she figured that the followers of that had also died out when Odin lost his head.


Underground Associates (NQ A-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:42 pm

She thinks of another problem with this idea is why would their followers be here as they seemed to be more in the north and west then anywhere else but maybe they had bleed into the east but that was a strange thing unless there was another leader of them over here but she doesn't think that was really a thing but to see the answer of this she would have to keep following them and while they weren't looking she used her magic to put all the flames with her slayer magic and she kept walking as she knows that she has to keep her self on the move or she might get found out and she has to work from the shadows as these guys keep laughing and joking about the looks on peoples faces and saying something about pieces they still needed to collect as well. She has no idea what this means but she will have her followers see if they can dig up some other info on the things she is hearing and she hopes she can hold her tongue as she really wants to gut them for the things she has heard.


Underground Associates (NQ A-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:43 pm

They are currently walking up to a nice looking home and they walk inside and lucky for her the cloak got her in as there was a magical scanner that scanned their cloaks as they walked into the place so she probably just barely dodged a bullet or maybe she just marched herself into the lions den and needed to show extra cation or risk being in between a rock and hard place but she was more or less use to this pressure and risk level so she didn't worry nor did she try to back down she just blended in with all the taller people around her so she really wasn't noticeable unless you were looking for her or at her as she was scentless and partly soundless so she would raise little attention for those not aware of her or those she made her self aware of too herself.


Underground Associates (NQ A-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:43 pm

A tall dark haired man walked out onto the stage and he smirked then spoke out to the crowd of people. "It appears that the plans to sink the followers of Tutrix is going well and Illumin is also falling off as well soon we will have the sacrifices to try and help gain the pieces we need for the power." The man raised a staff and bangs it three times on the stage he was standing on and a tube with shining crystals or soul shards raised up out of the stage. Vex was not sure which one of the two it was and she now was a bit more worried about all of this and her being here and she takes a breath and keeps her cool and then the man speaks again telling them that they need to keep up the planning for the long night.


Underground Associates (NQ A-Rank) Empty Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:43 pm

Vex now knows this can't be good, her goddess was being slandered and these guys were moving to cause a long night what ever that means but that means that she has a lot that she needs to learn the next time she comes back here under cover. The man starts walking off the stage and he looks around over the crowd of people that were watching him and he spots a glimpse of Vex from the corner of his eyes and he know who that was and he looked about into the crowd looking for her but he couldn't find her but now the man was on edge a bit as he walked to the room in the back with a dismissive command to the crowd to when the next meeting would be and Vex followed them out of the place and she kept her head down as she had seen the mans look of confusion and slight fear of her as he walked and couldn't refind her so he probably thought he was seeing things, she can't shake that she felt like she knew him from somewhere. She rushed to go and report to the man and the man thanks her and pays her for her work and tells her to keep the cloak and he will call on her again.
(1,443/1400) 30% wc (Guild)

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