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Underground associates 8 (A-Rank)

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Underground associates 8 (A-Rank) Empty Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:33 am


Kaito goes off to look for some quests and he goes to the guild hall and he picks up one that he is gonna be needed to go under cover and this seemed up his ally and that was a good thing for once and he wonders what they could need for someone to go undercover to find out and he decides he might as well take it as his coming home mission to handle and he walks over and out to the area that they say that they wish for him to come to and he wonders if there was going to be a big mission behind it or just some simply cloak an dagger business as he can do both as he is a all-rounder so he can do nearly anything that can be done but he was going to make sure that he did it to the highest caliber that he can as this is more a home turf area.


Underground associates 8 (A-Rank) Empty Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:33 am


Kaito walked into a newer looking building and he is asked for his auto graph as he walked back to the office area and Kaito signed the auto graphs and they are very sloppy as he is not really use to writing as he had stopped writing letters to his master as he had never got away replies. He finally makes it to the office and they shut the door and blinds and they start talking about how they want him to spy on a certain group that was making their name in the city and that they would have to handle later after the info he gathers helps them to get the proof they need to take them down and get the main figures in the organization locked in an iron clad casket. They make sure that Kaito knows that they need only he not get caught and to get good bits of proof that they are who they say they are and come back with it so they can nail them down.


Underground associates 8 (A-Rank) Empty Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:33 am


Kaito agrees and then puts his cloak's hood up and he walks his way toward the way out and then thinks of how he is going to do this and he figures that he will have Revy sneak in first and unlock a side door so he doesn't have to make his own way in and leave proof he is there then he will go invisible and move around and listen in on things as the magic sensors are in the front so Revy should be able to sneak in easily and then he can go inside while invisible so that he doesn't set off and alarm or anything and he hoped this works as this is a very dangerous task that had been asked of him as this could back fire and end up with the group running away or him having to run from the group and that would look bad on Fairy Tail and himself.


Underground associates 8 (A-Rank) Empty Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:33 am


Kaito sent Revy into the building while the group was moving things into the ware house and he goes to the side door and he waits and he hears the door opening and two people come out of it and they are talking about some big shipments that are coming in and Kaito was lucky as he had moved his arm and went invisible as he had heard the door opening. He had gained some intel as well as he got into the building and the place seemed like it was a decent sized space to store things and then he sees Revy sneaking around but can't get to the door and he walks over and picks her up with a safe word pass word whispered so she knew it was him as he turned her invisible as well then he goes to look around the area hearing people in the place talking and looking like they were around and getting ready to go on break and take a drink or something.


Underground associates 8 (A-Rank) Empty Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:33 am


Kaito waits for another door to open and he gets into the storage areas offices and he waits till the area was clear and he slight moves and opens files and order papers and Kaito sees a very hard line of proof of the wrong doings and he makes sure to take notes of these things and he hopes that the org can really get in and stop this as it seems this place is looking to soon also start dealing with slaves as well as illegal animals and monsters to sell off to richer people and people with ill intentions for what they will do with the creatures after they are gained as well as some of them looking to start breeding them and selling them to this group to make sure they can keep a fresh supply going out to the other people that wished to have them and use them.


Underground associates 8 (A-Rank) Empty Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:34 am


Kaito keeps looking for more that he can use like names but it seemed that the people in control of this are using code names and are being very guarded about what they were doing and were they were moving them to as well as their names being unused or blacked out of the records and papers so they couldn't find them that easily be he can do what he can and maybe just get this place busted for starters but this is going to be a bigger mission than he had first thought then he flipped to a page and it had the four heads names. This must have been a fail safe to save a supplier if they were doubled crossed he also had their names so they can use them and that is a crazy thought having a knife to the others neck and if one slipped the other would look to cut the others head off.


Underground associates 8 (A-Rank) Empty Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:34 am


Kaito hears some one coming and he hurried and he gets the things nearly back to being in the right order and in the right place and he rushes out with Revy and he hopes he hadn't just blundered the mission by getting greedy but he had gotten the names and he keeps sneaking as he gets to the side door and it had been rerigged with the alarm so if that door is opened they will know about it and an alarm will blare and Kaito had to think of a new way of how to get out of this then he remembers he can just portal himself and Revy out of this place and he and Revy find a nice safe quiet corner and he looks around before he opened the portal and he send Revy through first then he walked through right behind her and he returns to being seen and he walks into the building with Revy and they welcome back and he starts going over the lay out of the storage area and which products are where and how many, he then moved his finger along the map and he points to the place that the offices are and he pulled out the list of names and he hands them to the people as well as some of the other notes he had taken on the place and people then he is paid for his hard work.
(1,222/1,200) 40% WC (20%ring,10%guild,10%companion.)

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