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Primula Empty Mon Feb 13, 2023 11:06 pm



Name: Primula

Age: February 26th X795

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Robosexual

Ethnicity, Father: Talaz Lagaar

Ethnicity, Mother: Talaz Lagaar

Class: Adventurer

Race: Demigod
Rank: D-rank

Guild: Collective Mind

Tattoo: Upper back

Face: Blanc/White Heart - Hyper dimension Neptunia


Height: 1.42

Weight: 42kg

Hair: blue / brown

Eyes: red / grey

An initial glimpse at Primula would understandably make one presume she is a human child. Petite of stature and childish in features, an eye for detail would quickly show that there is more to her than one would perceive at first. Whether it are the hints of small metal plating that cover parts of her arms, or the unnatural look of her irises, an observant person would be quick to realize she is in fact not a human child but a Machia of Talaz Lagaar mahe.

Created by a pair of scientists who lost their daughter during a tragedy, Primula was designed with the lifeless body of the young woman, infusing it with an ancient primordial energy core and converting her into something that is closer to a robot than a living being.

However, a mixture of ingenuity and magic runecrafting has allowed the creation of a personality, a psyche akin to that of the mind of a living person.

It is after her activation and subsequent discovery by the guild members of the Collective Mind that Primula has started to disguise herself to appear more akin to the norm in the civilized world.



Be kind to others, and kindness will be given in return: Words closely helt to her heart that her creators used to teach her, Primula is an incredibly kind person, perhaps even too kind for her own good. She is the type of person who is nearly always considerate of others and prone to spend more time trying to help other people and think about the things that trouble them, than to take care of her own issues. The reason behind this is because she naively believes that if she is kind to other people, there will come a time that they will finally show the same kindness to her.

Loyal and dedicated to a flaw, once Primula has offered her friendship one can expect her to support that individual no matter what. The type of person who truly believes in the best of people, even when confronted with the truth she is prone to enter a state of denial. To her there is nothing as horrible as a promise that wasn't kept, for it is something she describes as being as vile as a lie.

Despite the fact she had endured quite a fair share of trials and hardships, Primula is the type of person who is quite hardworking. As someone who believes that with enough effort, anything is possible, she truly is someone who tends to go her full one hundred percent whenever she gets involved in something.

Primula is naive, extremely naive and quite gullible due to how she tends to believe in the best of people. It is quite easy for one to trick the young lady into carrying out some sort of scheme, and this even repeatedly!

The truth is that Primula has quite a low sense of self-esteem, she is the type of person who sees little good in herself and is often quite likely to be pessimistic whenever there is something that involves herself.

  • Home: Primula is quite fond of the workshop she calls home, and amusingly enough her home is in the same floating structure that Collective Mind now calls their base! Does that make them her neighbors?

  • Engineering: Contraptions, gadgets, little robots?! It seems Primula absolutely adores any form of tinkering.

  • Rain: Although she is water-proof, Primula frequently finds herself worrying she might end up rusting and malfunctioning in the rain.

  • Extended service time: Robot girl needs her maintenance at regular times! If you don't respect that there will be troubles...

  • Uncover the secrets of her workshop: As someone who has only a fragment of her past exposed to her, Mana seeks to rediscover her lost identity once more.

  • Deactivation Protocol: Don't deactivate her again, please... Primula dreads the idea of being put back into a state of stasis.

  • Losing her home Now that she has neighbors, she is somewhat worried she might get kicked out someday.


Strength: 6

Speed: 6

Constitution: 6

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 6


Magic Name: Normie Magic

Magic Element: Arcane

Magic Enhancement: Homing

Magic Description: Normie magic goes brrr



How did it all begin again? Ah right, perhaps it was on that fateful night when that painful tragedy happened. A pair of scientists had lost their beloved daughter in an accident. Their sorrow and suffering was so immense they couldn't let go of the memories they treasured so immensely of their child that they started delving into ancient knowledge that was considered taboo. Indeed, while the art of converting your body into that of a machine was not unheard of, it required a living person for the conversion, which in this case was no longer possible for their daughter. No, this type of research bordered closer to an unholy union between necromancy and the creation of a Machia: They wanted to infuse the soul of their daughter into a machine.

Using the lifeless body of their daughter as a template and infusing it with the sacred essence of the Demiurthana as a power source. This alongside craftsmanship that would be considered prodigious the couple worked tirelessly in their hidden workshop to bring their daughter back. However, news of their actions reacted their fellow scientists at Talaz Lagaar till at long last an attempt was made to stop the couple.

While it is unknown currently what happened to them, the results speak for themselves as the Machia remained sealed inside the workshop of her parents for years. Time passed, so much time passed as the fruits of their labor finally showed: the Machia stirred. Opening her eyes the Machia gazed around the workshop in bewilderment, trying to find her parents but there was no sign of them. Not even on the remote magical devices that projected the various sections of the workshop and the floating structure they were situated in, but equally curious was the reason why she had awoken after all these years. Namely, the fact that a group of strangers had arrived on the floating structure! Did she suddenly get neighbors? Seems only time would tell~

Reference: This alt is made possible through the idea bouncing of Kon~ No robots were misused during the creation of this character.

Last edited by Y'shtola on Mon Feb 27, 2023 3:39 am; edited 10 times in total


Primula Empty Wed Feb 22, 2023 7:39 am

I will be grading your application.

First, please link the proof of purchase of "Demigod". As it is not a starter without purchase beforehand.


Primula Empty Sun Feb 26, 2023 4:49 pm



Primula Empty Tue Feb 28, 2023 2:12 am

This character is approved for roleplay.

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