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Ice Night Out

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Ice Night Out Empty Sun May 14, 2023 9:03 pm


The sun has set long ago as a gremlin slowly makes her way through the darkness. Her mother would hate the idea that she was out so late, but Lumikki couldn’t be bothered by the notion. All she wanted for was to make it to the guild as fast as she could. Ever since the plans were made her body felt a jittering charge. She longed for the chance to be more, and more than anything right now, she longed to be away from home. Nothing felt the same after Nan had left. New place, new world, and new distractions. She could also finally grow into herself without her parents holding her back. The itch of the darkness becoming more than she could bare.

After quite a bit of walking she finally spots a large structure in the distance. Picking her pace to a jog she carefully makes her way down the road. Full of excitement she approaches the building before her, pretty sure its the one that was described by her mother. As she enters the door she is met with a women with bright red hair and skin more pale than she is even used to. Though she doesn’t really care because at last she is here. Where she needs to be. After taking a moment to catch her breathe she slowly walks to the women, curious of her first encounter.
The women at first didn’t really pay her any mind. She didn’t even look up once, not until Lumikki made her way over. Didn’t bother Lumikki though cause she was more curious than anything at all.

“ Greetings, I’m Lumikki Omena of Fjallgard, and my mother sent me here. She insisted I joined a guild, and doubly so insisted I joined this one. Mind if ya get me started on it?

“Well this is the place to do it,” says the red head as she rummages through some papers and slides Lumikki some pages.

Last edited by Lumikki on Mon May 15, 2023 3:18 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : The o in the title being lowercase to drive me insane)

#2Brone Heavyaxe 

Ice Night Out Empty Sun May 14, 2023 9:27 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Muninn, one of the two ravens who normally scouted the area by day, was perched on a window sill within the Receptionist Office when a young woman with bluish purple hair had walked in. The sudden arrival had stirred the raven awake. It was abnormal to receive guest this late at night given that the roads by the cliff were far from the nearest town and dangerous since they lacked lights on the road.

He paid attention to the woman and caught her name and reason for her arrival. Since the young lady seem to be unarmed and rather fragile, she didn't seem to pose a threat. Muninn even took a look out the window and saw nothing in the darkness, so it seems this Lumikki was alone, so no threat to the guild. The raven fluffed his feathers to readjust his comfort, readying himself back to slumber as he watched the young woman.

* * *

Brone Heavyaxe was within the questboard room which was treated as a lounge area and a meeting spot for groups before they set off on a quest selected from the large board that was treated as the center point. He was reviewing the quests that were pinned to the board, but none seem to catch his eye, for the North region of Fiore rarely had any exciting quests for anyone. Though a lack of quests meant peace, it was nerve wrecking for the members, especially the dwarf, who craved action. At the moment, he was the only one present, given the time of night, only a handful of members would be awake; him, who usually worked the night shift patrol, and Sabrina, who was the night shift receptionist.

"Well, time to get started on the patrol" he said as he lifted his golden axe and rested it on his shoulder before he walked out of the room and into the hall, heading towards the receptionist office. He was fully armored, save for the blue helmet he had hanging from his belt; his white cloak flowing in the breeze of the night that moved through the open bridge-corridor.



Ice Night Out Empty Sun May 14, 2023 10:07 pm


Lumikki looked over the paperwork and read it carefully. In all her excitement, she didn’t lose her sense. She took her time filling out her application and read it over. The red head’s eyes following her has as wrote.
“You know, its not really that common to get people around this time. What was so important that you had to come now?”
“Honestly, I was too impatient to waste anymore time. I wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight otherwise and I was tired of moving around. Been on the road for weeks now! You’d think my mother would love me enough to send me somewhere closer. Sides, the dark never bothered me anyway.”
“Yes, yes. Well not being afraid of the dark is a good trait I suppose if you are deciding on this line of work. You nail the trait of foolishly setting out into the unknown too. I’m sure you’ll fit right in, I guess. If you live long, maybe.”
Lumikki giggled at her comment. “life’s designed to end, I’m not worried about it. That said, I’m not going down without a glorious battle to remember me by. Till then, I have work to do. Can’t die a nobody after all, can I ,aaah. What’s your name actually?”
: ah yes, can’t die a nobody after all can I Sabrina.”

Lumikki finished the last bit of her paperwork and handed it over. She waited patiently humming to herself as Sabrina read it over.

Ice Night Out Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#4Brone Heavyaxe 

Ice Night Out Empty Sun May 14, 2023 10:33 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
The sound of the waterfall filled the night and the sound of heavy boots filled the windowless corridor as the dwarf made his way through the dark. Only a few lacrima lights were kept on through the night since only Sabrina and Brone were usually awake; both of them having the ability of seeing through the veil of darkness. With the given time, the ravens would be asleep and Gnicholas the gnome was already turned in for the night somewhere in the library. There are times Benimaru, the oni spirit, would accompany the dwarf, but this night, the possessed shield and sword was quiet and Brone didn't want to disturb him.

Up ahead, at the end of the long corridor-bridge, the double doors to the Receptionist Office awaited him. Once he walked through them, he greeted the night receptionist as he usually did at the start of his patrol, "G'evening, Sabrina, anything to report?" he asked as he stepped down the small flight of steps into the dimly lit open lobby. Taking another look, Brone noticed there was an additional person there. The brown skin young woman had looked familiar to the dwarf, though he couldn't put a finger on the familiarity.

"Possible new recruit" Sabrina nonchalantly said as she handed him the application form. The name was what gave him the realization.

"Lumikki!?" His eyes shot to the young woman. It had been at least a decade since he had last seen her; the adoptive daughter of Morgrym who lives in Iceberg. Back then, she was but a child, but now her appearance differed greatly, not just by height, but her hair style seem to fashion horns and draped down, and her skin bore tattoos, "Lass! Ye grown! What are ye doing here!?" he ran up to the young woman, laughing in excitement and pulled her into a hug.


Ice Night Out Empty Sun May 14, 2023 10:51 pm


“Uncle Brone, is that you‽ So thiiis is why that crone of mine nagged that I come here. I thought I’d finally be on my own, but a las I have a baby sitter it seems. Well sides that its nice to see you again.Stories of your adventures creep their way home, but I rather hear them from you myself. Did you really almost die?! And….actually you also look a lot different from what I remember too. What an interesting turn this is looking to be.”
Lumikki circles around Brone in heightened curiosity.
“I think I just might really like it here. Well I’m your problem now Uncle.” A large mischievous grin spreads across Lumikki’s face. What ever jitters she had before are amplified. The air growing ever so slightly colder in her excitement.

#6Brone Heavyaxe 

Ice Night Out Empty Sun May 14, 2023 11:07 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone laughed as Lumikki circled him while speaking so quickly with great energy. Though she seemed so different, she was still the same niece he's known for so long, "Aye, lass, my hair has gone white and I'm donning magic in this armor, there's much to tell ye" he chuckled.

The temperature in the room was slowly dropping and Sabrina was beginning to notice as her glass cup was gaining a layer of frost on it, though Brone had not put on his helmet which the entire guild knew would cause such an affect. It was obvious that his niece had a lot in common with her uncle; her magic being one thing.

"So yer mom sent ye to me?" Brone had chuckled with a smile, but he began to realize this may be troublesome in some ways if Viola sent her energetic daughter to be watched by him. Though she has grown into a young woman, so she couldn't be as troublesome as she was when she was a kid; right? He had thought.

"Well lass, let's get ye some food from the kitchen, we'll talk about what's next before we take ye to the girls' dorm so ye can get yer room" He then handed the application to Sabrina, to which the vampire receptionist then placed the paper in the processing pile before Brone walked off towards the Main Hall building to lead his niece to see her new home.



Ice Night Out Empty Sun May 14, 2023 11:27 pm


Food‽ Lumikki thought hungrily. She was so preoccupied with getting here that she over looked a few meals. Food would be heavenly by now. She followed her uncle’s lead as he led her to the kitchen, glancing at his hair as they walked. She heard whispers of his tales, all making her swell with pride that he was her uncle.
Though he stopped visiting long, long ago. She had almost forgot how much she missed his visits, and here he is inviting her into his home. Thank you mom, she thinks to herself fondly. She was so excited to start her life on her own that she over looked the fears of being alone. It didn’t occur to her yet how fearsome all that could be. So to walk along someone she’s known for so long as she starts something new, brought her more peace than she ever realized she needed.

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