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Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice

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#26Kanji Lionhart 

Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:51 pm

Kanji Lionhart
User: Kanji Lionhart
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
I will be sacrificing the ability to change my class from Summoner.
I will be sacrificing the ability to do light quests.
I will be sacrificing my ability to sacrifice my stats to get out of prison
I will be sacrificing my ability to acquire fame/contract
I will be sacrificing my ability to sacrifice my ability to join a guild

Words | [color=#6666ff]

Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:55 pm

User: Da’ncha’see'i
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
I will be sacrificing the ability to change my class from adventurer.
I will be sacrificing the ability to do dark quests.
I will be sacrificing my ability to sacrifice my stats to get out of prison
I will be sacrificing my ability to acquire infame/bounty
I will be sacrificing my ability to sacrifice my ability to leave a guild
I will be sacrificing my ability to sacrifice my race from Werewolf


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Thu Mar 16, 2023 3:04 am


Sacrifices are on hold until the next round.


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Fri Apr 07, 2023 11:08 am

@Daiko has sacrificed 100,000 Experience, 5000 Experience, 20 Mana, their Huntsman's Cap, 2000 Points and Potions in their inventory and receive the Ino's Jōgan Eye

@Primula has sacrificed their Base Race Upgrade, Bow, Lancelot's Berserker and restricted their access to their Ring, Relic and Necklace slots and receive the Robot Base Race Upgrade

@Ikanbi has sacrificed their Nico the Maneki Neko, Moon Rabbit helmpiece, their stats, mana and various items in their inventory and received the Collar of Restraint

@Khnurn has sacrificed 1,000 Mana, their Memories, access to the Tarot Aura, access to the off-hand slot and their experience and received The Six-Legs of Johann the Mad Scientist

@Yuurei has sacrificed 2,000,000 Experience, Access to Dark Quests and Access to restart or Ascend, the void has removed all but 20,000 worth of reputation from the user, various items from their inventory have also been removed and they have received the Migi Hand Modification

@Aria has restricted their access to the bank, use of tarot auras, the ability to do Good Quests or claim benefits from Weapon Mastery or Achievements and received the Greed of the Void Aura.

@Kaito has sacrificed 2,000,000 Experience, 10,000,000 Jewels, their lucky clover and restricted access to Restart or Ascend and access to Dark Quests and received Second Soul of Twuzh

@Kazimir Seiryu has sacrificed 120,000 Experience, 2000 Points, Kal-el's Cape, their Earrings and restricted access to Restarting or benefiting from weapon mastery and received Void Control

@Jikan has sacrificed their memories of their brother and received the Ring of Misery

@Brone Heavyaxe has restricted access to being an Adventurer, completing dark quests as well as Ascend or Restart and received the Cloak of Quic-Zo

@Kon has sacrificed their Metagross, memories of their children, and legendary custom in their inventory and restricted access to their third companion slot, ring, earring and necklace slots and locked themselves to the Adventurer class and received Temporal Shift

@Emil has limited their ability to change race, class or magics and restricted access to their ring and aura slot and received the Mun'dah's Thousand Lost Souls Cape

@Vex has limited their ability to change race, class or magics and restricted access to their ring, necklace and Aura slots and received Void Slayer Magic: Water

@Akuko has restricted access to their Aura, Helm, armor and mod slot and the ability to purchase a shop magic and received Cosmic Singularity

@Kanji's sacrifice has not been accepted by the void has it hungers for more significant ones

@"Da'ncha'see'i"s sacrifice has not been accepted by the void has it hungers for more significant ones


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Tue Apr 11, 2023 12:45 pm

User: Setesh
   Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
- Sacrifice helmet slot,
- Sacrifice ring slot,
- Sacrifice ability to gain experience from social interactions with other players,
- Lose access to the bank,
- Sacrifice ability to swap class,
- Sacrifice access to aura,
- Sacrifice ability to sacrifice my stats to get out of prison,
- Sacrifice my ability to pay my way out of prison with jewels,
- All current fame and reputation,
- In character: Sacrifice the ability to form long term attachments, sacrifice the ability to focus on anything besides taking revenge on his father's killers, ability to feel love


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Wed Apr 12, 2023 12:45 pm

User: Quintis
Sacrifice Being Offered to the Fractured Sky:
  • I will be sacrificing my ability to use my stats to get out of prison
  • I will be sacrificing my ability to use any weapon but staves. 
  • I will be sacrificing my ability to use Tarot Cards/Auras
  • I will be sacrificing my ability to use light magic
  • I will be sacrificing my ability to use my current magic
  • I will be sacrificing my ability to purchase weapons, armor, companions, and relics (but not my ability to create/use the forge/husbandry).
  • I will be sacrificing my ability to join guilds
  • I will be sacrificing my character's identity and memories
  • I will sacrifice my ability to change races 
  • I will sacrifice my ability to purchase monthly statistic potions 


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 6:24 am


User: Atani Tathvir
Sacrifice Being Offered to the Fractured Sky:


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

#33Mary Jane 

Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Sun May 28, 2023 2:09 pm

Mary Jane
User: Mary Jane
Sacrifice Being Offered to the Fractured Sky:
  • Cannot buy, create or use mounts
  • Cannot buy dark races
  • Cannot do dark quests
  • Cannot change Class
  • Cannot use Darkness magic
  • Cannot use headpieces.
  • Cannot gain complete restored visions from Adelaide


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Fri Jun 02, 2023 1:58 pm

User: Lasso
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
  • Not allowed to use weapon mastery
  • Not allowed to use achievements
  • Not allowed to use tarots
  • Not allowed to change limited magics once bought
  • Cannot purchase armor, rings, necklaces, and companions
  • Can only change class to summoner and can't switch from it

#35Go D. Drakkon 

Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 03, 2023 10:36 am

Go D. Drakkon
User: Toge (Future Dragon Slayer)
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
  • Giving up my aura and future to obtain any normal aura (AURA!!!!!)
  • Giving up all my mana (even the mana I get after I originally posted this)
  • Giving up the Mana potion in my inventory.
  • Giving up the ability to buy future regular shop weapons/armor/accessories until ascension/restart happens
  • Giving up my mount slot.
  • Giving up all my stats (even the ones I gain after this edit)
  • Giving up my ability to Restart X  
  • Giving up my ability to Ascend at X and Z

Last edited by Toge Liso on Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:23 pm; edited 7 times in total


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 04, 2023 5:22 pm

User: Carmina
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
  • Sacrificing being able to change magics
  • Sacrificing all stats
  • Sacrificing the ability to buy regular shop Mounts. (Meaning can only buy thematic/MM or make a custom one.)
  • Sacrificing the ability to buy regular shop Companions. (Meaning can only buy thematic/MM or make a custom one.)
  • Can not change race.
  • Sacrificing Aura Slot


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 07, 2023 4:27 pm

User: Elise

Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky: Executioner Sword, Aura Slot, Elder Werewolf's Blood: Composed Transformation,Elder Werewolf's Blood: Wild Potential and Mount Slot.


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 10, 2023 3:28 pm


Between me and the sky thank you:


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 25, 2023 11:30 am


I will be sacrificing my Ability to swap race
I will be sacrificing my Ability to swap class
I will be sacrificing my Ability to swap magics
I will be sacrificing my Aura Slot
I will be sacrificing my Mount Slot
And Finally, I will be sacrificing my Enhancement Slot.


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 2:16 pm

@Setesh has restricted access to their Helm, earring and bank access and received the Dullahan, the Herald of the Void.

@Quintis has restricted access to all weapons except Staffs, their ability to join a guild as well as their memories for Thousand Staffs of the Abyss.

@Atani has restricted their class to Paladin, locked their magic, access to specific elements of their history and memory as well as sacrificed their current companion, mount, weapon and armor for Yuan, the Goddess of Mercy.

@Mary Jane has restricted access to Dark content including Quests, Magics and Items, whilst sacrificed their full memory for the Memory Book.

@Toge Liso has sacrificed their mana, stats and access to their mount slot and various other elements of their character for Embrace of Tegicram.

@Carmina has sacrificed all of their stats and locked themselves to their new magic, Memory Make.

@Elise has sacrificed their Executioner Sword and Aura for the Death's Illusion.

@Lumikki has restricted themselves to only using staffs as well limiting themselves to their existing class and elements for the Abyss Spine.

@Averie has restricted access to their Aura, change of their class, Mount and enhancement slot for the Ouroboros.


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 2:34 pm

User: Kairaiko
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
- Physical Attributes will be permanently reduced to 1, with Speed at 0, meaning Kairaiko will be incapable of moving her legs without help from someone else.
- Inability to wield or use any martial weapons.
- Inability to change from Beastmaster class
- Incapacity to Ascend or change race from human
- Inability to do any quests or storylines solo

Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Mdpxo2xf

Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 27, 2023 9:41 pm

User: Kana
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
- Inability to wield weapons
- Inability to change from Berserker
- changing my magic.
- INT can't be increased beyond the starter value

Last edited by Kana on Tue Aug 08, 2023 4:26 am; edited 4 times in total


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 01, 2023 9:45 am

Sacrificing offered to the Fractured Sky: Ghost is sacrificing his memory of being a Nephilim and the ability to upgrade his race

#44Delivery Dave 

Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Mon Aug 07, 2023 5:40 pm

Delivery Dave
User: Delivery Dave
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky: I don't have much to offer but... I will sacrifice:
- My favorite toe (PERMANENTLY)
- All of my Experience
- My ability to have more than 0 Experience.
- My belief in the magic of Christmas. Yes, even Christmas miracles.
- My buttocks.

I am ready.


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Tue Aug 08, 2023 3:36 am

User: Hyphen
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
- I sacrifice the following that I've acquired in my parallel Fiore home dimension: My knowledge of summoning magic, my inborn ability to be able to commit to Magic Classes (so currently, I can't change off Adventurer), my memories of my first love.*

In the which I talk too much about my own plot:


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 12, 2023 4:18 pm


User: Ryuko
Sacrifice offered to the Fractured Sky:

- Galaxy Dragon Slayer
- My four custom legendaries from restarting
- The wisdom to peer into the past/ Kaya's Senringan eye modification
- The power to be the most charming dragon girl you'll ever see (Diamud's charm modification)
- the inability to buy shop magic in the future
- My sanity, which I already lost anyway.
- The world tarot.

Last edited by Ryuko on Sun Aug 20, 2023 2:55 pm; edited 2 times in total


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 2:00 pm

User: Ryuuji
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
  • Sacrificing being able to change magics
  • Sacrificing Off hand slot
  • Sacrificing the ability to buy regular shop Mounts. (Meaning can only buy thematic/MM or make a custom one. Or win one)
  • Can not change race.
  • Sacrificing Mod Slot


Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 2:01 pm

User: Yijun
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
  • Sacrificing being able to change magics
  • Sacrificing ability to wield any other weapon type beside spear class weapons.
  • Sacrificing the ability to buy regular shop Mounts. (Meaning can only buy thematic/MM or make a custom one. Or win one)
  • Can not change race.
  • Sacrificing Aura Slot

#49Michael Winters 

Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 3:01 pm

Michael Winters
I Michael the werewolf
Sacrifice the ability to change class
Sacrifice the ability to change race
Sacrifice the ability to restart x and z
Sacrifice the ability to wield any weapons besides dagger in both hands
Sacrifice the ability to buy daggers from the regular shops

#50Tamás Horvath 

Talaz Lagaar - An Unknown Sacrifice - Page 2 Empty Sun Aug 20, 2023 8:33 am

Tamás Horvath
User: Tamas
Sacrifice being offered to the Fractured Sky:
-Sacrifice my greed magic
-Sacrifice the ability to buy limited magic from the shop
-Sacrifice the ability to change my race
-Sacrifice the ability to restart x and z

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