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Staring into the sun isn't good for you? (priv)

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Staring into the sun isn't good for you? (priv) Empty Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:50 am


Kaito had gained a necklace from the things he had gave to the fractured sky to see if the rumors were true but upon receiving the necklace it more spoke to him telling him that it wished him to gain something extra than just the necklace. Kaito once again returned to the fractured sky getting closer to it and then going into the opening that appeared there as he was told to by a booming voice in his head as he was to craft something and gain another power to make the necklace fully bloom in it's power. He stood in a room that had shards and other pieces of different colors and he wondered what he was to do here and why it had been so demanding that he come in here.

The voice has him step forward and tells him to close his eyes and allow his mind to wander separate from his body and Kaito did as the voice had said and he closed his eyes allowing his mind to wander and when he opened his eyes he saw another person that was in a ghostly form as was Kaito himself.


Staring into the sun isn't good for you? (priv) Empty Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:50 am


The person turned to him with a smile on their face. "It is about time you finally came, you have left me waiting." The man laughed as he motioned Kaito closer to him and showed him the shards that had come for this day and that had chosen Kaito willing to be make into the thing Kaito must make, Kaito had no idea of what this was seeking of him to make and the other man just patted him on the back. "Make it allowing your heart to guide you as you do and you shall come to the answer that you seek and the things that you wish to be." The mans cryptic words seemed not to make Kaito unnerved but far more at ease was there a reason that he had been picked for this or was it a cruel trick? The only way to find out was to do as the man had requested of him and let his heart lead him as he did this task.


Staring into the sun isn't good for you? (priv) Empty Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:51 am


Kaito stepped up to the work table and the shards glowed and gave off a soft hum, this tune was out of order, Kaito shifted the shards so that they were in the right order as they hummed the tune it wasn't just any tune it was the elvish lullaby that his master would hum back when she had first found him when she needed to calm him from the nightmares that had plagued him of his years of being a test subject being poked and prodded trying to learn how to harass his curse so they could use it to their own end. Kaito wondered why and how they knew that tune was this the doing of something evil or was it his heart leading his way? The shards showed him images reflected of his happier times in the small hidden elf village where he after some pushing of her own his master got him to socialize with the elves of the village, training and learning from them and making sure that he could know his rights from his wrongs as well as life skills like cooking, sewing, keeping weapons maintained, and other skills he would need to know.


Staring into the sun isn't good for you? (priv) Empty Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:51 am


Kaito was finding this all very weird the shards after forming them into a single object showed and image of his guild master and of his friends and then the images darkened showing the fights and dark things that had happened to Kaito and other things that had driven him here and had shaped him, the death of Kailani, the summoning of the blood god, the fighting of raiders and those above them, the wicked haunted house and cabin that he had some how survived to get here, the sick in this country that Kaito had helped to treat but they never seemed to actually get better. Kaito is confused how these things could be showing on this new object that he had helped to form and put together had his heart lead him here to this point, had his heart make this with him and not only was the light reflecting his his heart but also the dark? Kaito's mind was reeling a bit as there was a lot going on here and he hadn't or couldn't take the time to catch his breath.


Staring into the sun isn't good for you? (priv) Empty Mon Apr 10, 2023 11:51 am


The man beside him clapped which snapped Kaito out of it. "Best not to get lost in it my boy. You have done very well and have completed that which finishes off your part. You may now leave and live free of these worries, embrace the light but never forget the dark as they both shape you to reach the better balanced you which is still yet to come." The man snapped his fingers and the object that Kaito had made disappeared into a mix of light and dark looking energies. Kaito looked back at his body which still stood more toward the entrance and he walked back to it returning to it and he wakes up again. The room he was in was now a wreck covered in dried blood and strange words and symbols carved into the walls of the place.

Kaito was told it was time to go, so that is what Kaito would be doing and he walked back to the door that he had walked in through and he is back where he had started at the very base of the fractured sky but now his necklace felt slightly different than it had before so he guessed that it wasn't a dream but had really happened when Revy returned to him, he was going to have to tell her about this.

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