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Necklace - Second Soul of Twuzh

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Necklace - Second Soul of Twuzh Empty Mon Apr 03, 2023 2:41 pm



Name: Second Soul of Twuzh

Slot: Necklace

Type: Shard

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Durability: Indestructible

Description: Mimicking one of the most complicated magical practices, Necromancy upon oneself, the process of creating a second soul within the Fractured Sky was first mastered by the great sorcerer Twuzh who desired immortality without the loss of their own humanity. As a consequence of his dream, he instead made a pact with an unknown entity in the void splitting his soul in two and trapping one portion into shards littered through the void. One of these shards was given to Twuzh when his mortality was at risk or if he desired to become one with the void.  


  • The user must have acquired this through the Unknown Sacrifice Event and can not purchase this through Lupin.
  • After acquiring the Second Soul of Twuzh, the user must perform a topic in which they travel to the Fractured Sky where they will create a duplicate of their heart.


  • Strange Goo: The user receives an additional 2x S-rank durability to their weapon.
  • Mystical Revival: When the user is killed in a topic, they must roll the D100 dice to determine how long they may not roleplay. 0-10 means 1 day, 11-20 means 2 days, and so on. The user may still roleplay ongoing topics but may not create new topics or enter new topics during that time. When they are killed with their phylactery present in the topic, the user is considered permanently destroyed. The user will always be resurrected in the same location where they were killed.
  • Call Second Soul: The user can summon their second Soul into the topic. This restores their mana pool back to maximum, however, the danger level of the topic is changed to Red for the user.
  • The Great Consumption: Spells cast by the user burns the opponent's mana of an equivalent amount to one rank lower than the spell's rank. This stacks with other mana burn effects.


Necklace - Second Soul of Twuzh Empty Fri Apr 07, 2023 12:03 pm



Necklace - Second Soul of Twuzh Empty Fri Apr 07, 2023 7:41 pm


@Kaito has sacrificed 2,000,000 Experience, 10,000,000 Jewels, their lucky clover and restricted access to Restart or Ascend and access to Dark Quests and received Second Soul of Twuzh

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