"Okay guys remember this is just for fun!" This was more so a reminder than anything as he knew some of them would quickly turn this simple practice match into a batte to the death. As the summoning rifts started to open the excitment that he had tried to keep bottled up was now about to escape from its container.
Within moments of taking his stance with the spear raging torents had started to come up one after the other, it was clear that eveeryone was more than excited to go all out for once, most of may not have looked it but they were scaried given that one of the summons had been purpolsey left out. Azure looked around at just how many summons that he manage to contract and it lit a spark of joy within that was quickly put out by the amount of angr that had been built up, Okay no time to get side tracked this is a battle, the informant reinforced to himself.