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The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa]

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The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Wed Feb 22, 2023 8:52 am


Name: The Eye of the Storm

Rank: S

Type: Good

Alisa Vollan: The Demon Slayer Master of Blue Pegasus, caught out at sea with her beloved wife. As a talented Slayer of demons, it falls to her to nip this evil in the bud.
Sofia Serena: The Heavenly water mage of Blue Pegasus, caught out her sea with her beloved wife. As the princess of a seafaring nation of explorers, she'll need her experience to help survive this storm.  

Summary: Alisa and Sofia disembark on the island, following the trail of Mana until they come face to face with Furtur, Demon Prince of Storms. The demon is a smug, rude and disrespectful. Unlike the regal prince of crystal, he's aggressive and quick to anger, but also cerebral in combat. He's clearly fought many battles, instead of being cooped up in his palace. However, he's roughly as strong as Adamel, demon prince of crystal, who Alisa beat years ago. With Sofia at her side and their combined light magics, they easily push the demon back. During battle, he draws a Katana that radiates tremendous magic power, rivalling even the demon himself, helping them understand how this is the artifact used to open the portal.

Others: N/A

Furtur, Prince of Storms: A demon prince of the Abyss who came to Earthland aiming to summon a dark god to wreak havoc inthe mortal realm. He recognizes Alisa Vollan as the one who killed Adamel, Prince of Diamond, but considers him trash for dying to human.

  • 10 SP
  • 500 Fame
  • 500,000 Jewels
  • 15,000 Experience

  • Reach the enemy boss, Furtur, Demon Prince of storms.
  • Time is not on your side, so fight him.
  • Push him back and force him to tip his hand.
  • As you battle him to a stalemate, he'll reveal his trump card - the Demonic Sword, Yamato.

WORDS: 450 | Shiver Me Timbers!  

"Are you sure…
You'll be okay with just the two of you?
Can't help but feel a little useless to be left behind while my lovely niece's do the heavy lifting?"

Terra firma back beneath her feet for the first time in what felt like years and given the storm they had just fought their way through the princess of the pegasi glad for that fact, with the vanguard vanquished and the world spinning around her a little less Sofia Serena let loose a breath as she looked about the land which their search had led them to, and then cast that green gaze toward the concern that she was shown by her uncle.

“It's sad to say, but we've dealt with this sort of thing before, haven't we babe~?” Shaking her head and sighing again as she acknowledged a feeling of oppression which felt only too familiar now, though the effect made her hands shake for a second all too soon did the emerald eyed enchantress squeeze her dainty digits into a fist, and drove away the worrying intimidation with a method that she had been trained in by her lady love.
“And neither of us will give up, even if we have to drag ourselves back through the jaws of hell themselves, either!” No longer the struggling spellcaster she once was when they last faced an event like this, while her reputation still paled when compared to her wonderful wife Sofia had proven herself a capable huntress in the interim as she fought off all manner of ill beasts from werewolves to demons and drakes, and so she was no longer the wilting thing who wanted to run away. I mean, some part of her always would, but she knew how to fight past it now.

“I'd trust no one to take me home more than you, Uncle Nik?” Taking a step back toward the man she cherished almost as much as Alisa as well and lifting a hand to his cheek to reassure him as well, Miss Serena couldn't help but notice the shift which their dynamic had undergone in the interim as it was now her who seemed able to take control and calm him down, and felt no more growth in her strength than that fact.
“And besides. You have the harder job, really? No doubt that won't be the last wave of enemies to beat back, will it? Who better to fight off an army of blight than Valerica's Leviathan, hm~?” No longer the giddy little girl who spent her days waiting for him to return nor the amorous adventure he had sent out into the world, now she was a woman, a wife, and it was nice to look into his eyes and smile as she saw him acknowledging that very fact…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sun Feb 26, 2023 2:42 pm



"You've done more than enough already~...", Alisa spoke, an appreciating smile flashing across her face as she turned her attention to the mysterious uncle she'd been longing to meet for all this time, nodded as she walked up to her beloved, hand resting on her arm, "Indeed... From now on it's a good old demon hunt... And we happen to specialize in that sort of quarry~"

Her clothes felt utterly drenched, soggy and waterlogged after their whole trip. They had finally reached the eye of the storms, and the fierce gales and pouring rains had subsided somewhat, relaced by a cold, frigid gale that chilled her all the way down to the bones. Even a hardy huntress of Icebergian descent couldn't quite weather this cold while completely wet, and thus she once more reached into her pocket dimension and swapped out her outfit with a fresh set, a sleeveless bodysuit not unlike her traditional favorite, sitting snugly around her taut, sinuous shape, with her favorite Winchester's Coat draped over her shoulders. She'd opted for blue over the coat's typical black, proudly flaunting her Guild's colours as she prepared to head into battle:

"Not to mention... It looks like we'll have our hands full wherever we go.", Alisa's hand fell down to her hip as she looked around them. The demons that had so far accosted them and forced them to conquer every single nautical mile had somewhat eased their onslaught to a few of them at the time. All this time, Alisa couldn't help but look at her lover's face, that look of steely determination that looked so far beyond the insecurity she'd seen the first time Sofia got thrust into the heat of battle. By all accounts, her beloved bride no longer needed her protection. But Alisa would keep her safe, no matter what.

Almost like there was something about this island that frightened them. As Alisa looked around, there was no way she could miss the reason why. Cutting across the sky at the center of the island was what looked to be a portal, or rather, it looked more like a cut across space. The mana oozing from that portal was utterly ominous, far more than the bone chilling vibe she felt from the Portals back during the demonic invasions. Instead of the mooks, however, Alisa could count one, two, three... Plenty of larger, more menacing demons lurking in the shadows:

"You can see them too hmm? I highly doubt they'll leave the ship intact if we leave it undefended."

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Mon Feb 27, 2023 8:30 am


WORDS: 800 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Teeheehee, we seem to find a handful no matter where we go, hm~?” The girl with the green gaze found grinning when her lady love mentioned how busy they seemed to get when they were together, though Sofia well understood the seriousness and sobriety with which their circumstance should have been treated with she still couldn’t help but crack a joke or two in order to calm the nerves of the people around her, and show her that no matter how dark the sky or anything else became there was always room for a little lightness.
“Usually, it’s a lot softer and juicier though, right~?” Swaying her hips as she swaggered to the side of the black belle she called her bride, the fair femme couldn’t help but flirt with the fox both verbally and otherwise as she let her hand brush past the hip of the womanly wonder, and then tilted her head and bit into her bottom lip as she admired the new outfit the woman sported, and gave her something more than a little spicier to think about than the lukewarm flames of hell they were headed into.

“Ohohoho, everyone’s running to greet the girls, hm~?” As if on cue it seeming that the horrors and terrors were crawling out of the woodwork ready for them, the words of a woman she couldn’t help but think of as an ‘aunt-cestor to Alisa seemed to ring through the ears of Miss Serena as the eyed up the gathering, and then forced her to shrug a little as she continued to make a show of strength and confidence as she reached for something from her belt.
“Do all demons run to their deaths, or just the dumb ones~?” Plucking her weapon from it in a moment and then twirling it about in hand a couple of times before she activated the twin blades it carried, all too quickly were two bright and beaming blades erupting from either end whirring around the heavenly huntress in a manner which made them look like a loop of whiteness, which was only too keen to cut down the foolish foes that she saw before her should they approach. Or, alternatively, give her the opportunity to gain upon her as well…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 04, 2023 11:44 am



"Almost like they're attracted to us~? I can't really blame them but... That kind of pushiness will get them killed sooner rather than later.", Alisa bit her lip as she felt that wandering hand brushing her hip, unable to resist the urges as she draped her own around her beloved, brushing her hair towards her shoulder, shooting her a flirtatious wink.

Even in a serious situation like this she could seldom resist the allure of her seductive siren, and her eyes wandered to her in turn, and yet, the pure white power of her left eye making it quite clear she was still clearly attuned to her enemies' location, even as she stole a quick kiss to Sofia's cheek before giving her lover her personal space back:

"Mostly the dumb ones~", Liv chimed back, bust jostling softly as she flipped her hair behind her shoulder, "Though the ones who retreat are usually killed by whoever their master is, so... It's mostly a matter of who they prefer to be slain by."

"Then... I suppose we should give them what they wish for...?", Alisa's eyes narrowed as her lips curled into a confident, almost smirk, merciless as she simply snapped her finger, taking aim at an area a bit further away from them as a large magic circle appeared underneath them.

The demons cried out in startled shock as the very ground beneath them erupted in a damning explosion of crystalline mana, leaving nothing but glimmering white statues in its wake, while the survivors and their companions further away frantically rushed down the party:

"That's more like it~...", far preferring to fight foes who rushed headlong into the fray, Alisa pulled out her sword from its pocket dimension and charged, cutting through the first demon that met her advance, while the backup attempting to surround her was promptly gunned down by Nik and his crew

"Keep going!! We'll hold them off over here!"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sun Mar 05, 2023 3:32 pm


WORDS: 1200 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Teeheehee, that's just par for the course for the women of Blue Pegasus, right~?” Giggling at the wordplay of her wonderful wife and tilting her head as she did so, Sofia leaned in hard to the reputation that she and the other blindingly brilliant beauties possessed when it came to luring others as she crowed of the success of their guild, and their by now practically world renowned ability to excite and enthral others.
“Honorary or otherwise~” As she did so noting the fact that their tempting 'turncoat' was as much a dyed in the wool member of their mighty and magnificent conglomerate as anyone was, for a second the siren found herself lamenting the fact that she hadn't offered her sinfully saucy senior the chance to wear the same mark which she and her beautiful black bride shared, but was happy to extend the status toward the lovely Liv all the same despite that. I mean, with those kind of looks, there was no way she would allow her to be poached by anyone else, right?

“Well then, you heard them…!” Grinning however when the guns of her uncles vessel let loose a volley which seemed to clear their would-be opposition from the path, green gaze of the girl flashed back toward the faces who had sent the bombardment toward the brutes and found smiles waving them on into action, and shot a wink back toward their comrades in arms as she cast herself into that without a second of hesitation. Lurching forward with all the speed that her fleet feet could bring and that by no means an inconsiderable degree in fact, the fair femme charged onward with the assumption that her fellow femmes would be able to keep pace with her, and with her weapon still clasped in her grasp as well.

“The girls are leading the charge this time!” This proving useful when she found a largely and lumbering shape seeming to stumble into their path while attempting to shrug off the cannon fire her uncle had sent, Miss Serena merely flicked the pleat which danced behind her head and whirled her saber about, and then sprang into the air to finish the job their cohorts had started.
“Hraaaaaa!!!!” Driving that humming edge forward like a spear and forcing it into the chest of the brute with little hesitation, she howled with her might as she pushed him onto his back with sheer kinetic force and then rolled over her shoulder when she was done, pulling her blade away with her as she continued on her charge toward the centre of the land and the hive of monsters which waited for them within it…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 11, 2023 4:51 pm


WORDS: 1250 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

"Fufufu~... Very much so~", she chimed, bust jostling softly as that amused, vibrant chuckle left her lips, Alisa winked at her beloved befor leaping headfirst into the fray.

She'd always been bold when it came to battle, much preferring to battle it out up close and personally, but now thanks to her left white eye, she could do so without fear of being blindsided. Liv showed Sofia much of the same appreciation, but for the most part she stood behind, guarding the crew's gunners as they provided much needed fire support, gunshots and cannonballs raining all around them as they skillfully avoided hitting their two brawling belles:

"Sofia...!!", as her beloved advanced further away, and drew the demon's attention, some of them charged on to meet her, and Alisa responded in kind, watching her lover's back as she cleaved through the opportunistic demons with a wide, sweeping slash.

This time, there was no sudden chill of panic... Throughout their time at sea, she got the pleasure of watching her beloved bride up close, and pushed to the limits as such, Alisa was now confident she no longer needed protecting. Sofia wouldn't lose to any of these demons. At the same time, her protective instincts still clamoured at her... These foul insects who dared bare their fangs at her... Would get the treatment they deserved. Alisa inhaled deeply, a furious glare in her eyes as her chest rose, cheeks puffing before she unleashed a bellowing roar:

"Crystal Demon's RAGE!!!", shouting with all her might, Alisa's voice thundered across the wet, sandy shores, a declaration of war out blared out into the Heavens above, ripping through countless demon's.

And their enemy responded in kind. The skies above them darkened crackling with thunder and lightning before a deafening thunderbolt struck down on the shores.

But rather than hit the two women, the blast of lightning struck right between the two of them and the very demons they'd just attacked, until the creatures couldn't help but stand still, losing the will to fight back. The message was clear. I'll deal with these two myself.

"My my... That has to be the most obnoxious challenge I've ever received in my life.", Alisa's brow twitched as she lowered her sword... As much as she'd rather cleave through every single one of those demons. She felt the intensity of the enemy's magic power from that thunderbolt. They were going to need every last inch of mana for the fight in front of them, "Though if they're saving us the trouble of cutting a path through. All the better for us."

With these words, Alisa rushed forth, still holding her sword at her side, ready to attack. Though after that declaration, not a single other demon dared attacking the two of them, leaving Liv and the crew to focus on keeping them at bay. The sooner they killed their boss, the faster they'd put an end to this onslaught.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sun Mar 12, 2023 2:02 pm


WORDS: 1500 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“K-Kyaa!!!!” The emerald eyed enchantress likely later to find herself embarrassed as she let loose a shriek as the brilliant bolt impacted the ground between herself and her beloved, the sheer surprise of the deed seemed to disarm her and leave her cheeks rosy as she looked toward her black beauty, and then raise her hand to her chest in envy of her wife's more reserved response.
“That thing… Nearly gave me a heart attack?” Panting a little as she felt her heart hammering and perhaps the inclination which each had in their magic reflected in their response, Sofia could feel something pounding in the back of her throat for a few seconds and shook her head because of it, but all too quickly seemed to recover her cool thanks to the unyielding visage of the vixen nearby.

“Whew, looks like someone is definitely overeager to meet the two hotties who just arrived in the neighbourhood, hm?” Smiling as her stunning sable haired siren denounced the act as simple rudeness, Miss Serena shook her head as she looked about her to see that the enemies who stalled her had now been kindly quelled, and couldn't help but sense a degree of urgency on the behalf of the sender because of that. Though, it did show that both sides of this knew that such meagre monsters weren't going to do much other than buy time, didn't it?

“Well, obnoxious or no, the ladies of Blue Pegasus would certainly never dream of keeping such a clamouring fan waiting, hm~?” For that reason the girl with the green gaze grinning at the fact that they now seemed to have a clear run to her enemy, she shared little of the pride which her bride did when it came to combat capability, and as such was happy to let their enemy show off. If whomever it was wanted to waste both mana and minion, it was better than them doing it, right?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 18, 2023 1:05 pm


WORDS: 1740 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

"Fufu~...", even know Alisa couldn't help but giggle at the girly little squeal her beloved bride let out. She hadn't been worried for her safety courtesy of the help from her eye, letting her know all too well that the attack hadn't really been aimed at them, "Mmm, I suppose you're right hmm babe? I won't complain about not having to waste my time with the small fry~"

Shooting a flirtatious little wink, Alisa briskly made haste, her feet barely even sinking into the damp sand beneath her feets before the shoreline gave way to somewhat scorched grass as they headed further and further inland, huffing as they climbed a small hill until they came upon the massive rift in the sky that had drawn them here, where their final enemy awaited them:

"Welcome, hunters, to my grand stage. You've kept me waiting far too long.", rather than a monstruous being from the Abyss, at the center of the stage a lone demon awaited them, and even a veteran huntress like Alisa had to admit. The being was beautiful to look upon, with long white hair flowing with the sightest gust, glimmering blue eyes rivalling even the thunderbolts crackling in the sky, and black, smooth leathery wings that whipped a cloud of dust as he came down, his head adorned by a curved crown of horns as black as his wings.

The handsome devil all but bowed as he descended, thunder crackling behind them as his feet gracefully reached but an inch over the ground, never quite touching it. His voice smooth and elegant, yet oozing with that palpable arrogance she'd come to expect from demons of this level:

"My my, how welcoming... You almost sound like you've been luring us here.", Alisa's eyes narrowed, her sword hanging close to the ground beneath her feet, her mana flaring out ever so subtly.

She expected an attack... But she knew this type before. Indeed, Demons with regal titles such as princes generally strove to live up to them in their own twisted ways, far from the barbaric lower echelons who'd simply attack someone on sight. The Demon met Alisa's gaze with a soft, knowing smile, brushing his hair away from his eyes:

"Oh but I have. You especially... Slayer of Adamel. You've left quite a mess in your wake hmm?", with these words the man released but a smidge of his power, leaving little doubt... Pleasantries aside, he too was preparing for battle.

The pressure of his magic power was enormous, enough to make the very air around them thick and hard to breathe, so impossibly charged with static, enough to make her hairs stand on end. Alisa's brow arched at how keenly aware the demon was about her adventures. She might have expected him to seek revenge but... She knew by now demons don't particularly hold any love for their brethren:

"So...? Sounds like an average tuesday in the Abyss.", she shrugged dismissively.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sun May 28, 2023 11:42 am; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 8:02 pm


WORDS: 1850 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“You know… It's a lady's prerogative to keep a man waiting, and the pleasure of a gentleman to do so~?” Shaking her head when their 'host' seemed to criticize the lateness of their arrival, Sofia hummed and wagged her finger as she denounced his dismay for the delay, and instead corrected him on how someone with good manners should view the situation. I mean, just because he was a demon didn't mean he couldn't act with dignity, right?
“Still, he looks kinda hot… For hellspawn~?” The thing that surprised her the most about the 'monster' they had sought how easy he appeared on the eye however, the green gaze of the girl couldn't help but run down that chiselled physique and the leather-like armour and did not seem all that lacking for enjoyment as it did so, which was a fact that which she whispered to her bride cheekily. I mean, she could see why the succubi might swoon, even if it wasn't her kind of speed these days.

“Teehee, here we were thinking we were cleaning up your mess?” In fact the only thing which seemed to spoil the appetite which the vision offered up the attitude which he showed, though Miss Serena had always been one who could enjoy the particular flavour of a bad boy there was a degree of arrogance about the impression which this one gave that she simply couldn't stand, and as such only seemed to bait her into a battle of banter before they crossed through more lethal means.
“Aw, babe. Don't embarrass the boy? I bet he's been practicing this for ages? You know how guys are? All nervous and sweaty when a couple of cuties walk in?” For that reason the fox only seeming to smile all the more as it seemed that the beauty beside her seemed equally intent on wounding that overbearing pride as well, the emerald eyed enchantress couldn't help but lick her lips at the barb her bride bestowed, and then stepped in a little closer to Alisa as she spoke in a manner just as patronizing as his and then some. I mean, really? The audacity! Walking in with that between his legs and thinking he was the highest on this totem pole~? Talk about deluded…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sun Apr 02, 2023 10:02 am


WORDS: 2110 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

"Indeed, and what a delightful Tuesday it was~ Being cooped up in his castle far too long made him weak. But I'm different. The whole of Earthland is a far grander stage that any palace possibly could!"

The demon merely chuckled at Sofia's words as he descended closer to the ground, the crackling of lighting like a symphony for the being's approach, laughing at Sofia's teasing words with a confident, flippant smile as she he brushed his silky platinum hair away from his eyes:

"Oh not at all, you might even count yourselves lucky for the opportunity. After all, I'm sure my minions might have blabbed quite pentifully to you."

His lack of trust in his own employees was aptly well placed, and Alisa nonetheless felt a sense of unease about it. How could the demon feel so utterly confident even though he'd lost any element of surprise he might have had? Hell, this whole approach never really left much room for subterfuge to begin with? Suspicious... Nonetheless, the sculptress pushed her concerns aside, all the more so when her beloved bride mocked the arrogant demon, until Alisa couldn't help but wink at her:

"Fufu~... After giving us such a warm welcome, would be awfully embarassing of him to forget his lines over performance anxiety? Would make this whole trip here feel almost wasteful."

"Thrilling how the two of you can laugh in the face of danger. I'm pleased you've enjoyed your journey here, Miss Vollan, Miss Serena. I, Furtur, Demon Prince of Storms, will bring it to a glorious end.", for all his cool and flamboyant demeanor, the demon's smile turned into a wide, confident grin as he rose his leather clad hand up high with a twitch of his brow, summoning another large, defeaning thunderbolt just like the one from earlier.

Except this time, she was ready for it. The sculptress smirked and rose her hand up high, producing a titanic crystalline shield that blocked the thunderbolt quite easily, eyes narrowing as she made the most of her imposing diamond defenses and her elemental advantage over lightning to hold her ground, without even breaking a sweat:

"You misunderstand us demon. You were never any danger to us."

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sun May 28, 2023 11:43 am; edited 1 time in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:47 am


WORDS: 2250 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“He'd almost fit into the guild like that, huh? Gimme a minute?” Noting how the demon lord of whateverland and all that jazz seemed to respond to the covert compliment she offered him via her wife, though she knew that she should probably be gearing up for a hell of a fight the fair femme couldn't help but smile at such an obvious display of personal vanity, and for that reason offered a little sidebar to Alisa as she decided to delay the conflict which seemed almost inevitable at this point in favour of understanding their common ground.
“Heyyyy, you sure you're hell bent on world domination?” Taking a step or two and shrugging as she waved away the destructive ambition which this arrogant figure seemed to envision in favour of something a little more level, though she knew that there was little chance of changing the mind of a demon Miss Serena had to remember that it had been the help of a reformed and similarly spicy slice of hellspawn which had helped them arrive here, and so opted to lay out a little offer for them to put this whole animosity behind them.

“I mean, you've looks enough to join our guild if you wanted to? You sure we couldn't twist your arm there? Come on… I'm sure some war stories over a nice bottle and we'd be fast friends?” Guessing that all she was doing was giving all parties a better chance to size one another up really but happy to do her due diligence all the same, though Sofia suspected that certain prejudice on the behalf of her partner might be another wrinkle to overcome she could see both those looks and the overblown confidence with which the prince here carried himself as something which would fit into the ranks of the pegasi, and so didn't want to throw away someone with such an impressive degree of credentials all the same.
“There's no reason one of us has to die, right~?” Perhaps some suspecting that her 'angle' here might have been one born of intimidation of course but really it merely a case of her foreseeing wasted potential, the assurance which she carried remained throughout as she spelled out clearly that she knew which side would be the victors in an encounter here, and it certainly wasn't her opposition either. Though, if he was willing to put such cliched drive aside, maybe they could work something out, eh~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Sofia on Sun Jun 04, 2023 3:17 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Putting in WC)


The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sat Apr 22, 2023 4:31 pm


WORDS: 2610 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

Sofia's words earned an incredulous look as for a moment, the demon actually slowed down on his onslaught, even as Alisa blocked his initial blast of thunder. The demon's eyes flared, his smile widening as he finally broke off into a hearty, elegant laughter:

"Hahaha...! Oh dear, surely you don't really believe you can sway me this late in the game?", the demon clenched his fist the crackling of thunder acompanying his voice, "I've worked tirelessly to see this plan to fruition. So please..."

The demon's brow furrowed, yet his smile stood unabated as he stretched his arms out wide, undaunted even by the the sight of Alisa blocking his initial attack:

"...Do not think me the same as the demons you won over to your side."

"The thought never crossed my mind. After all, smart demons side with the winner.", Alisa sneered, hoisting her sword

"Then I've already won."

As the demon smirked, once again he took aim. Not at Alisa, but at Sofia, swiping his arm out and shooting out a menacing blade of lighting, a formal refusal to her offer:

"Sofia!!", startled by the attack on her diplomatic lover, Alisa called out her name, rushing forth as another thunderbolt came her way, stepping in its path and swinging Yoru cleanly across the thunderbolt, cleaving through it even as the blade chipped before her eyes, glowering at her foe.

Kill first, ask questions later. As crude a method it may seem, there is no room for hesitation on the battlefield. When your enemy is standing right in front of you, even the slightest misstep could mean the difference between life or death. Sofia was strong, at this point she already stood shoulder to shoulder to Alisa in demon hunting prowess. But she didn't have nearly as much experience. Perhaps it was a little narrow minded of her to say this, but beings of darkness such as this could never be trusted outright. They had to arduously earn their trust to prove they were standing on the right side. Alisa shot but a cursory glance at her lover, standing firmly between her the demon price, addressing Sofia:

"Whatever his motivations are...", she declared, sparing not the slightest shred of concern for what moved this demon price, her eyes frigid and unmoving once the dastardly fiend took aim at her considerate bride, who went out of her way to offer him a hand, "Anyone who raises a hand against you has signed his own death sentence."

And with these words, she swept her hand out in front of her, conjuring a massive magic circle right above the demon's body, obscuring the sight of these crackling skies as it erupted into a devastating pulse of crystallizing magic, deadly to demons and beings of the dark such as their enemies.

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Alisa on Sun May 28, 2023 11:43 am; edited 2 times in total

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:56 pm


WORDS: 2700 | Shiver Me Timbers!

“Whew…!” The impish impertinence which she showed seeming to almost be punished in the most severe manner possible, Sofia's green gaze widened as she found a thunderbolt bearing down upon her from nowhere and with little time to react, and as such she was more than glad to see the woman she loved lurching into the fray with an exquisite image which only seemed to make her pulse pound even more.
“My knight in sexy armour, huh?” Not even the fear of death seeming to quite compare to the palpitations brought on by her black belle looking her most sublime, though she had fallen for the fox at first sight that time by the pool by now the beaming brunette had to admit that few sights seemed to excite her more than the image of her awing amazon in mid battle, and as such she knew that she would have more than one reason to offer the ravishing raven repayment once the battle was at an end.

“Gosh, our Yoru paid for my foolishness, hm?” Left to wince however when she saw the way in which the attack which Alisa had parried had seemed to impact the weapon of her wife, the brunette pouted a little at the damage done to the famed blade which had slayed countless grim creatures in the hands of her lady love, and felt such a thing was almost as enraging as damage to the form of her fellow femme herself.
“Well I'm definitely not forgiving him for that! Your sword is practically part of the family, right?” It seeming that the black blade had been a constant companion at the side of the stunner even longer than she had, this alone was reason enough for Miss Serena to forget any notion of redemption for the beast before her, and so she readied her own blade with one hand and brought the other to her brow.

“Catch you on the flipside babe~!” Resting two of her fingers on her forehead as flashed a wink to the woman she loved and shooting her a smile to boot, in a moment the emerald eyed enchantress seemed to vanish from their would-be battlefield in little more than a soft pop, and then seemed to rejoin the confrontation from a fresh perspective.
“Yoohoooo!” Warping herself into the air and not just anywhere as well, the sword of the siren spun with a loud hum as she called to their enemy in a mocking manner, and then began her descent down upon him with the aim of transforming this encounter into one of three dimensions…

  • Used Short Teleportation (100 Mana) to Warp high above the head of their enemy

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Sofia on Sun Jun 04, 2023 3:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] Empty Sun May 28, 2023 3:53 pm


WORDS:  3410 | TAG: @Sofia | FINAL BATTLE

There was something undoubtly visceral in her motions and the aggression with which she responded to her enemy's attack. As a hunter who started on this life due what dark mages had done to her family, though she didn't know whether any of Black Sun's members actually summoned demons, she soon learned to associate such dark, Abyssian magic with the dark mages who frequently practiced it, enthralled by the forbidden powers they held:

"Mmmm, that'll be the day... When I let some arrogant little hellspawn lay a hand on even a single hair on your head.", she sneered at the demon, standing between her lover and their enemy.

"How grandiose~...! I see now how you made it out of the Abyss.", the demon roared, not the slightest but intimidated, but rather thrilled that his mighty foes had the tenacity to stand up to him.

After all, he'd gone all this way to set up this stage for them. All for the sake of his final battle. He wouldn't be satisfied by those who merely cowered in fear before his power.

"Fufu~... Yoru won't break that easily.", Alisa chimed, her plush pink lips widening into a smile, enthralled by the affection with which her beloved belle talked about the dark slayer's weapon of choice. Far from an adept at big, cumbersome blades like this, Alisa had trained in far lighter swords, and yet... She wound adopting Yoru as her weapon and kept that trusty blade at her side ever since, "Wha...!!"

And yet her motion startled her as her lover advanced straight into the fray, while Alisa instinctively followed suit, biting her lip, utterly enthralled by Sofia's motions, coating herself in a glimmering crystalline armor as she soared off the ground with diamond wings, meeting the devil halfway, trading blows with him in complete unison with her beloved, relying on that pure white left eye to antecipate Sofia's motions and those of her enemy, striking at her enemy with a flurry of swings, forcing the demonic prince on the defensive:

"Ghhh...!! Wonderful!! I see all of that power isn't just for show!!", he clamored, grinning ear to ear, holding a thunderbolt in either hand to defend against the onslaught of attacks, putting some distance between them and shooting down a large, 8 meter wide thunderbolt from the air, striking between himself and the hunters to put some distance between the two, giving him time to pull out his trump card, "Then... It's about time I returned your resolve!"

And with this words and a crackling sound surrounding him, he pulled out a weapon seemingly out of nowhere. Alisa recognized it, and frowned. That's a Joyan blade, a Katana... Then why does this demon have it? The creature took his stance:

"That thing... That weapon is dangerous...!", Alisa all but whispered to her lover. No matter what, they couldn't let him unsheathe it. She could feel the monstruous magic power radiating off that Katana as the demon wielded it with intent to kill.

He lacked none of the careful, well trained finesse of Joyan swordsmen... But he didn't need to. Alisa held her weapon out, rushing in at full speed to intercept him. She was faster than her spells, after all, and she had no intention of letting him draw that blade. But with a blinding fast motion that startled even her, he drew the sword, as though the weapon moved with a will of its own... And Alisa immedately found herself trapped in a cage of blinding fast cuts, shredding at her diamond armor and further damaging Yoru:


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

The Eye Of The Storm [SL/Alisa] CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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