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Rejuvenation [FPP – What to Do Next]

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#1Tamás Horvath 

Rejuvenation [FPP – What to Do Next] Empty Tue Jun 06, 2023 9:45 am

Tamás Horvath
Things really were wild ever since he got up north. Getting to be a member of the Paradise Dawn guild was a cinch, but he didnt expect things to get wild on a large scale so soon. Nevertheless he was glad it was not too boring and peaceful. He liked every challenge that was thrown at him. Every defence and battle he had. It was a welcomed and joyful challenge. But once that blew over, it was time to rebuild.

Once he saw some civillians that were in need of assistance, he would come over to them. He stabbed his blade to the ground so he could have his hands free, so he could help move over some debris and free some trapped people. He offered his hand and helped a child be free from the mess and then a maiden and lastly someone who was an elderly man.

The child seemed awestruck by a knight with a big sword and flowing cape, while the adults were thankful, they had a more reserved reaction as his appearance was meant to strike terror and fear into his foes, rather than hope in its innocents he defended.

The child asked if his sword would be ok since he stabbed the ground and wondered if it would be damaged. Tamas took out his blade and spoke "No. The soil is soft. And the moisture in the ground is negligent. A persons bare hand has more moisture that would damage and rust a blade. I always take care of my items. Now do not worry. Go on. Come and follow as I take you to safety" he spoke in his usual emotionless tone.
He wasnt a man of passion towards fellow man. This was to him another job. He was not emotionally invested in this. He was not sure how his guildmates were doing. But he kept calm and continued his duties. Kept his composure.

Once he made sure the first batch of people were safe and out of harms way. He would patrol the area and look for more people that were possibly in trouble. One of the guild members saw him and invited him over to help them.
"How can I assist?" he curiously asked as this guild member was making meals for the civillians. Once he heard an answer, he blinked behind his helmet. They wanted him to be a waiter?! Its not that he objects to it. He's just surprised. He was not used to such menial work. And hasnt done such in a long while. But he decided he'd do it
"Very well" he said and placed his blade on a table or chair, whatever was available
"I shall give the meals to whoever needs them. But you watch over my weapon. Dont let anyone touch it. Not even you!" he said, mildly lightly, trying to sound as if he was serious, but also jovial and joking. He wasnt sure how it came across as socializing wasnt his strongest suit.
Once a meal was made, the guild member would point him to who needed it. He'd nod and hand over it to the civillian. He'd repeat the process several times, so every innocent in the area would have a warm meal and whatnot
"Is there anything else I need to do?" he asked.
He didnt expect to hear a 'yes, help me prepare these meals'. But he did hear it.
Again he didnt know what to do "I see. Well, tell me, what shall I do. I am not a cook to be honest"
He didnt expect to go from a waiter to a cook. And if he's right, another waiter. But here he was.
For some forseeable time, he was now as assistant cook, helping to prepare the meals for the innocents. Mostly by handing over the corresponding ingredients that are asked. As well as some cooking utensils or items or whatever was the right word for it


#2Tamás Horvath 

Rejuvenation [FPP – What to Do Next] Empty Tue Jun 06, 2023 10:08 am

Tamás Horvath
It was a busy time, a lot busier than he expected. There were plenty of mouths to feed. Thankfully he was not the one making the meals personally, even though he was sure he could make something if he really wanted to. But he just wasnt really equipped to be personally making meals and cooking. Like his hair would get in the way. Like even his helmet couldnt contain his luscious locks. Tho, he doubted everyone would feel that way about them. Tamas just wasnt the fashionable guy who kept up with his appearances like the Blue Pegasus guild. He was a man of action, hence why he was with Paradise Dawn instead. And yet, after all the recent action they had. He was now preparing meals. Perhaps this was so chaotic that they were shortstaffed and needed every member in the area to help? Thats how he viewed it.

He and a fellow guild member would make together more meals for the hungry mouths to feed. And together they would hand them over. He was not sure how much time has passed, but for now everything seemed calmer.
"I trust you can handle things on your own for now. I must look and see if I can assist anywhere else" he said and took his blade and walked away if he can help more people in the area

There were instances where he had to help more people with debris. Some people were trappy by debris and he would have to move it to help them. Some people were not trapped by debris but were just injured from other things and free. But still needed first aid assistance. Although since Tamas was not a healer but a warrior, he would help and carry them to a guild member that was equiped with healing spells or items. Then he'd move on to help someone else. He'd see some people who wanted to get their belongings but debris was in the way. He'd oblidge and move it for the people so they can get what ever they wanted or needed.

Again, he'd patrol the area to see how he can assist the people of Rush Valley. It was a long day and plenty of people needed help. He'd notice some of his guild mates. It seemed everyone was mostly working with a pair or with a companion. Meanwhile he mostly did it solo. He wondered how his companions were doing, but he remembered how they made a deal to go and 'divide and conquer'. Explore different places of Fiore, get experience and come back when they were ready to sweep the world. He missed his companions and wished that they were doing well in their own lone adventures in his absence.
Soon he got a grip of himself as he couldnt be caught lollygaging and gazing into nothing. So he focused on helping more civillians.
If they needed to be escorted to first aid, he'd do that. If someone was hungry and in need of a meal. He'd point them to the direction or most likely escort them there himself and infront a guild mate of their need. When he saw someone lost and looking for a child. He'd help a maiden and look for their offspring, eventually finding it and handing it over to the formerly distressed parent. Getting lots of gratitude. It was very amusing to Tamas.
He was not really emotionally invested in helping people. But it was fun hearing peoples gratitude, thinking that he was a good person, while in reality, he was not.

He did not deter them though, if they wanted to express their gratitude, who was Tamas to stop them. Enjoying his small 'fame'. It was highly amusing, but he couldnt let himself be distracted by any grateful maiden. Indeed, he chose to be maidenless, for his true maiden was his work.


#3Tamás Horvath 

Rejuvenation [FPP – What to Do Next] Empty Tue Jun 06, 2023 10:27 am

Tamás Horvath
After many assistances, and after a long day. It seemed as all the civillians and maidens and children were settled. Happily safe from the aftermath of the trouble and the debris or whatever. He made sure all the hungry mouths were fed. He made sure that all the injured were taken to the first aid. And he made sure all the debris was terminated or moved away so people can safely navigate the area

Tamas was glad the work was done. He never thought that he'd finally love to get some rest. This was not his kind of fatigue. This was not being tired from a battle, but being exhausted by doing countless of small chores. And he didnt really enjoy that. So he was glad when he finally was able to sit down.
He asked a guild member that was tending to meals the whole day if there was a drink
"Excuse me. But do you have any water?" as much as he wanted ale or any other booze, he knew that wasnt readily available here and now.
Once he was handed that, he finally took off his helmet and rested it on the table as he took a fine drink. Able to enjoy even the simplest of beverages. Water.
There were some maidens that he helped that saw him finally 'unmasked' or rather 'unhelmeted' and were probably into him. But he was too oblivious to notice anyone expressing any interest in him. And once a guild member brought it up. He would brush away such an idea, that someone would express interest in him. Instead he'd focus on work.

When he finished the water, he'd ask if there was elsewhere he could assist. He listened for a reply and nodded. Grabbing his helmet and putting it back. Surely in the distance hearing an 'awww'. Tamas went to other guild members in the area, asking for any news on anything further that needed to be done. Since they were finished with work here pretty much.

He listened to what they had to say and spoke "I see. Very well" he was glad that there was more work to be done. He could not imagine staying idle and doing nothing. So when he heard the opportunity to do more work, he jumped the chance to take it. Especially something that hopefully had to do more than just helping civillians. Granted, he didnt mind that, but he hoped to spice things up or at least help them in different ways in the forseeable future.
"I think I have had enough of debris, meal making and first aid escorting for a life time" he thought to himself as he just remembered what he did for an entire day.

He looked forward to what next he would do and what else Paradise Dawn had in store. Indeed, he didnt expect any of this since coming far north. But he didnt regret any of it. He liked pushing himself to his limits. He just hoped that he would be able to do it in a less boring way at least. But that is something only time would tell. For now, he just focused on whatever his next task would be. And he made his way towards a new mission, a new task.
As he was leaving the area, he saw a child. Actually it was the very first child he helped during that debris mess. He would walk over and give it a pat on the head. Usually he was not emotional. And even now he really didnt feel anything when doing it. But he thought it was common courtesy to show some emotion, even if there was none.
He said his goodbyes to the few civillians he saw and finally left the area. Hopefully he did good and made the people trust Paradise Dawn more if they ever needed help


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