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A snowy gamble [Zeno & Skald PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride]

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A snowy gamble [Zeno & Skald PPCS - Snowfall Boat Ride] Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 8:09 am

As Zeno approached the city, he was struck by its beauty. The lightly snow-covered buildings, the twinkling lights from the business stalls, the gentle hum of conversations – it all created a magical atmosphere. He wandered through the streets, taking in the sights and sounds.

“Harogeth sure makes for a beautiful snowy wonderland during this time of year, but the cold will take some time to adjust to” Puffs of smoke came from the fae mouth as he spoke. His hands started glowing an earthly green color forming roots to elongate across his arms creating a tribal-looking tattoo look across Zeno's arm up to his shoulder. The roots glowed an earthly green as they warmed up Zeno's arm.

Eventually, Zeno's curiosity led him to the canal. He watched as gondolas glided through the waters, their passengers bundled up against the cold. A mischievous smile played on his lips. "This looks like a cozy joy ride" he thought to himself.

He approached a gondolier and asked for a ride. As the gondola pulled away from the dock, Zeno settled in and prepared for a slow calm ride through the winter wonderland of a town.

Soft and swirling snow danced all over the town. The canals, usually bustling with activity, were now a tranquil expanse. All the Gondolas glided through the frosty waters, their wooden hulls leaving gentle ripples in the snow-covered surface.

Other adventurous souls wanting to share an experience also joined in on the fun. The rhythmic rocking of the vessel provided a sense of peace and tranquility as passengers bundled up and enjoyed the breathtaking scenery surrounding them.

As the boat Zeno got into glided through the canals, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace. The silence was broken only by the gentle lapping of the water against the gondola's hull. The snow-covered trees along the banks created a magical wintery scenery, and he couldn't resist the urge to reach out and touch a few of the delicate snowflakes descending from the sky.

Zeno noticed a set of dice on the small table in the boat, curious as to why they were there and why the gondolier suddenly docked.

“Is something wrong good sir?” Zeno asked while tilting his head.

“We have one more guest joining us, sorry for the inconvenience sir” The gondolier gave an apologetic bowing gesture.

Seeing this Zeno sat upright and waved his hand.

“No worries, I am curious as to who will be joining us I must say”

WC 415

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