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Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.)

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Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Wed Jun 28, 2023 5:52 pm

If there was ever one thing Averie could never take into account at this point in her life, is how exactly it had changed living in Fiore, She had settled into Hargeon enough that she was known to commonly be around these parts, Even if sometimes still look at a bit off. her friendship with Alisa seemed to have proven some major benefit to her while she was here.

Averie's studies have progress quite well for the most, up until her sister some how popped in from the guild she joined and tried to bug her about something. But this was typical and she had to wonder if her brother will ever show up some times, But they where both different people that way. Even then her sister not around often. But Hargeon seemed to be a decent spot. Averie could admit however she still preferred a bit more cold places but she made sure she was fine as always.

Thus in Hargeon's street yet again Averie seemed to roam minding her own business as always not thinking about much else at the time.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:17 am

A new day at Hargeon. He was still getting used to this place. It was a lot hotter than he imagined. He knew he definitelly needed to change his wardrobe in order to accomodate to this scalding hot weather. Perhaps it was hot because it was summer. But he was sure the geographical position of this being the south also had to due with it.

He was still fairly new at Blue Pegasus, the most he did was train his magic a bit to better his abilities. He was also still learning the layout of this town. What he really wanted now was a refreshment. Something nice and cold. Perhaps an ice cream wouldnt be so bad?

He walked the streets of Hargeon, looking around to see if he can find some shop that sells the frozen delight. But he wasnt finding it. At least not instantly, he clearly needed a little point in the right direction. And he didnt mind asking for such direction. But now was the question, whom to ask. As he browsed through the people, he looked and looked until he saw one that caught his eye.
A quite unique person who stood out from the boring mass of people. Well, if he was going to talk to someone, he was sure he was going to talk to someone special.
So he approached the fine lady and asked
"Excuse me. May I ask you a question?"

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 5:10 am

Here she was, tuned out to the world around her thinking about what else she could to study. She was even going to see maybe if the book shop had a few new things that might be of her interest today. But her interest where simple so that was most likely a highly logical thing to happen after all that book shop never failed her it always had some kind of book for her to want she just needed to prepare her wallet for the cost and maybe summon some floating hands to carry them for her, not because she was spoiled in that manner it just made it easier for her to walk around and showed that people where spirits out there more than delighted to help her.

Then the reality of some one wishing to talk seemed have came and poked her on the nose much like other thing might have done at other times. It would take a moment for Averie to answer the question only because she was more almost in a small amount of shock that some one was actually talking to her, Not that she was offended by any means just more often pondering other things or use to some one thinking she was going to summon a family and slaughter a town with it.

The person seemingly asking this question in some manner stood out himself, Not that she normally took that as a dangerous flag right away but his hair was vary brightly colour at parts and she found it some what interesting. But over all it did finally Averie she was yet to respond as she seemed to casually stare at him for a moment."Ahh...yes?"In her mind she was muttering something about how she hoped this did not hurt her.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 5:26 am

He was glad that the very unique and rather special looking person had some time to devote to him. So he wasted no time and asked "I am still sort of new to Hargeon. And I was hoping to know is there a place around here that sells some frozen refreshments. Such as ice cream?~"

He wasnt well versed in all the shops and stores around the area. It was a bit of a sensory overload and everywhere he went he mostly saw just seafood restaurants. Which to be honest, he wasnt too thrilled to see. Mostly because seafood was sort of average to him. He had plenty of that at home. Granted, he had ice cream too. Food is food. But for especially warm weather like this, he really needed something colder than a fish or sushi.

As he looked at the lady, he could see how she stands out from the others. Something about her body language and dress code told him she was someone who appreciated knowledge and the pursuit of knowledge, far more than your average Hargeon local who was just happy with their simple life. Perhaps he could inquire her about that later, if she would humour him more with her time

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:24 pm

It was simple questions? Averie in some manner seemed over all internally almost relieved that it was just harmless questions. Ice cream was a simple thing to get so she seemed to almost ponder upon it. The well while she was trying to think it over a poof happen and a small floating orb appeared above Averie's head and it had little numbs for arms then seemed to poke Averie. Averie then looked up for a moment at this spirit."Oh? already willing to help me when i did not ask, how nice of you." Then spirit merely moved up and down almost like it was swaying yes.

Averie then looked back at this person who asked to see if a spirit popping up out of no where was going to scare him away almost expecting it. But she was hoping he would not because she was actually trying to help him.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Sat Jul 01, 2023 1:39 pm

As she seemed to ponder over an answer, something appeared above her. He imagined it as a thought bubble, it certainly looked the part, but it poked her. So it was not a spell but a curious and sentient being
"Oh my. How curious. And what are you?" he asked as he moved his finger over to the ghostly thing. Curious if it would jump on his hand so he can observe it

He was not scared of it at all. And Averie if she observes him, could see he has the white Blue Pegasus emblem on the shoulder of his black suit. Showing that he was a guild member and sort of not new to things magical, whimsical or even ghostly

As he observed the small thing, he looked back at Averie "Is this your companion?" he asked, amused by the small being that appeared above her

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Mon Jul 03, 2023 1:56 pm

It seemed this went off entirely with out a problem at all and in some manner Averie almost felt a bit of relief about it. The ghostly spirit almost in it's own childish manner followed along with the finger's action as it moved along. But Alas the man could just understand the spirit's noises as it make almost a cackle like noise in return. As in it's current state the spirit can not talk."It is a ghost. Harmless one.They ahh....sometimes just pop up around me."Averie mentioned just to continue playing around what she was.

To explain this part was simple really."No, I had no hand in this ghost showing up, Merely just kind of showed up."So far she did not have to talk about being a nercomancer so she was okay with this. As long as not much else needed to be explained at all.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Mon Jul 03, 2023 2:08 pm

He wanted to see if he could hold the thing and pat it on its head. The being following followed his finger and moved along. And he curiously observed it and wanted to hold it. As he was investigating the creature, he would learn that its a ghost
"A spirit? How interesting. I never saw one." he said as he observed this spirit who was said to be harmless. He looked at her and asked "So, if they pop up around you. Does that make you like a spirit medium? Do you help the dead communicate with the living and vice versa?" he was curious how come a ghost pops up around her. He didnt think she was a necromancer because he imagined necromancy as more fleshy reanimation, rather than ghostly.

This was rather unexpected and interesting and yet he didnt mind. He enjoyed learning new things and meeting new people. This person was so far a delight to talk to. Alas, the weather was hot and he had hoped to get something to cool himself off. He wondered if it would be a bit too forward if he asks the lady to accompany him for a refreshment. Be it ice cream or a drink. Surely if they talk, would it be better to do so in a cooler enviroment?

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Tue Jul 04, 2023 4:48 pm

A spirit medium was  safe word for it."If spirit medium also means all manners of undead, Then I am okay with that title."Averie would say because she at this point could use it to attempt to humour this man. But it seemed trying to pet a spirit was an odd thing to do and most people would never really try that to start with.

The spirit was able to be touched, however only slightly it was almost as if you where running your figure thought fog or mist you could touch it but only just barely."I can talk to the dead if they wish me too I can allow them to talk to other people in this world, Sometimes a bit beyond that too."She seemed to be able to keep it under wraps well with out saying it out right.

She let on she could do more then be spirit mediums."But...that's not important. who are you?"She seemed to ask at least nicely even if blunt because well they did not even know each other yet and it was just Averie and this spirit that was some what child like trying to play along with DaeSaeong like it could interact more with the real world when it could not. They did reflect the age of the person when they passed on, but it also who was willing to show her around when she was new sometimes the ghost just popped back up randomly.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Wed Jul 05, 2023 7:41 am

He was curious about her wording. All manners of the undead. Usually they're called spirit mediums because they speak with spirits from an afterworld. Undead is a much broader term and he never really saw or heard one who can speak to both?

His gaze turned to the spirit as he felt the sensation of what was it like to 'pet it'. He wanted to see if the ghost had a reaction if it liked to be pet or not. But soon his attention turned to the lady. "Ah I see. Very interesting. How do you enable people to communicate with the dead? Do they speak through you or do you summon them somehow?" he asked out of curiosity to know what were her methods or how was it possible to do so. Not that he'd do it. But he did want to know. It was an innate curiosity to know things, even if he wont be able to practice it.

Soon the subject would be changed to him though. And thus her curiosity got the best of her and she asked him who was he. He smiled, happy to answer
"My name is Dae-Seong Hyun. I am a mage at Blue Pegasus. And since we are now on a first name basis. Who might you be~"
Considering she wanted to know who he was, he told her. A name wouldnt tell her much, so telling her he was a Blue Pegasus mage would give her more to work with.
She could see the white guildmark sigil on the shoulder of his black suit jacket thing.

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Wed Jul 05, 2023 3:56 pm

This person asked more question that anyone else would in a manner that seemed to show that hinting at being a nercomancer was not entirely needed."Answer is I can manage it both ways. It matter to who i am working with and if they are trying to talk to the one who had passed on or the one passed on some how got in contact with me to ask me to find some one."So far since he seemed more interested in the use Averie did not mind how this conversation was going so far.

Other things at hand now."I am Averie Kezia Mallory Yates."it was a bit easier now she knew he was a mage from a guild form some one she knew personally which was an odd situation to think about already."I guess I do not need to worry about much being around some one under Alisa's wing."Averie sounded almost a bit more comfortable now as if knowing some one was from that guild she was not going to have anything happen to her. She seemed like she knew of the guild well enough that she had no worries about it members.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Fri Jul 07, 2023 12:13 am

He smiled "Pleased to meet you." when she said that theres no need to worry since she's under Alisa's wing. He playfully asked "Was there any worry about lil ol me? Trust me, I dont bite~"

Not unless asked or maybe provoked in the non fun way. Anywho, since the pleasantries were exchanged, he proceeded to ask "Averie. May I treat you to some ice cream or perhaps a drink? I would like to be out of this scathing sun, but that doesnt mean we have to stop having a nice conversation"

It was nice talking to her, she was rather pleasant. But he wished they get somehwere to cool off. Sun and sweat arent very attractive and he'd like to get out of the sun before it is too late.
Hopefully she can show him the way to a nice place

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Fri Jul 07, 2023 5:27 pm

There was worry about him for the most part and Averie would not mind explaining."Yes....I am a nercomancer, I have often have to be aware of the people around me and what they think of my magic."Averie mentioned since this man had not shown much worry the means to skirt around where no longer needed and Averie could just mention it casually. Averie was a nercomancer and the spirit there was just one of the many branches of things she had studied into. If anything it was nice that she did not need to hide it anymore.

She was getting use to people just some how being okay with her."Merely your guild master made this area safe after meeting me and finding me not a threat to the people."She was leaving out the part her sister joined his guild but that was for her to either speak of later or never talk about at all. She did not need anything else to ruin her studies at this time.

But it seemed they would continue as he seemed to have a plan and Averie did not entirely mind following along at this point."Ice cream is a bit of a rarity, I have not had too much of it. So i do not mind going to get some."Averie had some what adjusted to the weather here. She was just use to the cold over all.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Sat Jul 08, 2023 1:51 am

"A necromancer? I see. I had my suspicions. But fret not. I hold no ill will towards them. Besides, you have shown that you do not use your power to harm as demonstrated by your friendly spirit" he said and openly said that he doesnt view necromancy as evil. It was more of a individualistic thing. It depended on the person. And Averie was a good one. Otherwise the spirit wouldnt have been so amicable towards her and him.
Dae-seong nodded when Averie mentioned his guild master "She is an impressive figure. I am glad she made the town feel safe for you"

He looked at her curiously when she said ice cream is a rarity. Did she mean she rarely ate ice cream or that Hargeon didnt have any?
Anywho Dae-seong playfully chuckled and gestured 'ladies first'
"Lead the way, please" he asked politely, as he did not know the way

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Sat Jul 08, 2023 6:31 am

Over all the lead up to that was most likely was going to happen. was about to be expected Alisa did have a good way of choosing guild members and with how he has been Averie had a feeling she was going to be fine. But she would even no longer cover up her sister was in the guild."It is far different then most places I have been." Starting off with that then continuing with bringing up her sister. But she was paranoid bring her up again would just make her appear out of no where.

"She did try to get me into the guild along with my sister, I did up passing on the offer...however if you meet a really tall woman, with red eyes that happens to look close to me in appearance...that is my sister."She might get uncomfortable around her sister, but she still did love her hence why she was making sure he knew."If you ever spot her between you may travels between nations....could you check on her for me?"It was strange to ask right away but she was still going to do it because Averie was bust with other things.

But when lead the way was spoken Averie was not the first to move but the that small spirit was. Like it was excited and more delighted to show them where to get ice cream. Thus Averie looked at him then where the spirit was going and started walking.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Sat Jul 08, 2023 2:31 pm

So Alisa tried to recruit her? Interesting. And she refused? Also interesting. Another one is that she has a sister in his guild. Maybe that why she doesnt wanna be in Blue Pegasus.
"Hmm. Now that you mention it. I have seen your sister around the guild hall. We have not interacted yet though. But forgive me if I am going too far. Did you not join the guild because you do not get along with your sister. Or is it some private reason? I must say, Blue Pegasus is a rather solid guild. Personally I like it. So, I am curious what made you refuse? Are you a solitary person?"
Maybe too many questions, but he wanted to know why she didnt want to be a member. He wouldnt mind to have her as a member. She sure seems worthy of membership. She has the appearance for it and the magical prowess. Honestly, he just saw no reason why she shouldnt be part of Blue Pegasus.

When she said or asked can he check on her sister. He smiled warmly and said "I shall keep an eye on her~" he sees there is some clear love with them. But it gave him the 'long distance relationship' vibes. He wasnt really gonna poke his head into that.

He eventually asked her if she wanted ice cream. He was delighted that she said yes. And the spirit would lead the way. Dae-Seong chuckled and told the spirit "Lead the way~"
Dae-Seong offered Averie his arm to her for a walk. It’s a courteous old fashioned custom called escorting. A man escorts a woman to be gentlemanly, to steady her, to show respect. It is not as intimate as hand holding; it’s more formal and chivalrous.

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Sat Jul 08, 2023 5:50 pm

So Helena had been home recently in which Averie viewed as a good sign it meant Helena was home recently and okay."So she is remembering to come home from over season often...good good." With out explaining anything else Averie had already moved form what that part of the conversation. Any question really would be up to him to ask her sister Helena. Just also would have to deal with how different sister was than her. But that was a different tale for another time.

There was other things to focus on at this time."No. I am just do not think i am the best suitor for the guild....My sister was a much better fit."There was a small hint of a confidence issue there from Averie."Besides my sister is more useful to the guild anyway..."But they where getting ice cream so why worry about anything else right away.

the problem with DaeSeong's offer is Averie did not understand what it meant, At least right away it had been a few week since she read any book that showed that kind of gesture, She would even look at her confused for a moment. The spirit stopped to see how far behind they where at this time.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:58 am

Dae-Seong wasnt sure what that sentence was about, so he let it slide, instead he focused on the other one
"I somehow doubt that. I trust the guild masters judgement. I am sure you have the skill, the knowledge and the beauty to join the guild. I may be out of line saying this, but you are much more pleasing on the eye than your sister" as she grabbed his attention more then her
"But I will not pressure you to join. If you ever change your mind, we will be open to you. But if you wish to have some space from your sister, I understand. Everyone wants privacy"

As he made the gesture, he sees she did not understand, so he stopped and merely went to walk and follow the spirit. As they walked he asked "Where are you from? You dont look Fiorian?"

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Sun Jul 09, 2023 5:37 am

Averie was an odd being to compliment. Because she never figure out have to take them, Even if she could handle being disagreed with because it was common for some one to disagree with her. But it almost said being considered more eye catching than her sister almost seemed to make Averie's brain freeze for a moment. Like an entire moment of in which she only read in cheesy romance books. Her brain was trying to find a logical connection to keep on going with her own beliefs. So she figured she would play it off before her body reaction with embarrassment."I doubt your are correct, I just don't think I am compared to her."It was her best way of trying not to think about it.

But there was a quick distraction question that was mentioned to her."Well I am from Iceberg, My sister and I are mages use to living in the cold."In some manner it would explain their oufits completely they wore it because they where use to being bundles up that summer and high temperatures made them most likely warm up and sweat quicker then compared to home. Even if it did end up showing off the beauty in which she had it never seemed to be a factor in her mind at that time being considered was needed for the outfit.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Sun Jul 09, 2023 1:07 pm

He smiled when he saw that she sort of froze. It was very cute, but he knew that if he said it right now that it would mess her up even more. Nah, slow and steady wins the race? What race? Even he doesnt know. But he knew when and when not to lay on the charm.
"Well you are not compared to her. I am looking at you as you stand on your own two feet with your own feats and achievements. And despite me knowing only little of you. That bit I do know of you. I can safely say that you are a special person. And I do hope you allow me to get to know you more." he spoke in a polite manner, watching his words, manners, etiquette. Everything. He doesnt want to give her a sensory overload or drive her away as he enjoyed her company. He was still reserved in his gestures and words and just hoped to spend time with someone who seems very lovely and special

When it came to the place of origin. She said she was from Iceberg. "Ah" he said and switched to that language "I speak small.. I only know words like Hello. Goodbye"

Despite him being multilingual, he didnt speak Icebergian. He knew a handful of words, like greetings and yes no and a few numbers. Not enough for a proper sentence and that which he did know, was not even correct grammar.
Dae-seong chuckled "Apologies if I butchered any words. It is not a language I speak. I memorized some that I heard or read."

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:25 pm

It was interesting to have this conversation, but it did move on to speaking other languages. Since they where seemingly showing off other languages Averie with out missing a beat just kind of spoke the language of the people of Caelum with out even thinking about it. After all it was her second language it had less accents compared to Fiorian."Keep in mind. It is not all of the languages I know."The change was seamless and effortless, Over all it seemed she just never really used it all that often."I do not know if you speak this...I should most likely stop speaking it."With that she continued on in Fiorian.

But he did well with the five words he spoke in Icebergian."You did well with it."She continued in Fiorian because well he was trying it was over all interesting to learn and adjust to new languages."Just practice a bit more and you should be okay."It seemed this walk was going pretty good considering. Averie was over all was seemingly fairly collected and at ease at this time. But these simple things seemed to make Averie happy. Over all it was a pretty easy thing to do.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Wed Jul 12, 2023 12:20 am

He was delighted she spoke more "Oooh, so you speak caelish as well? I am fluent in that one, yes." he chuckles "If you wish, we can proceed to talk in this one"

When she switched back to fiorian, he did so as well. He politely smile and nod
"Thank you. I only know a few words. Not enough to form a sentence. Learning another language can be quite the challenge to be honest. I am lucky I learned the few that I know" he was self taught. So he had no help and thus had a more challenging time figuring everything out.

He saw they arrived to the place the spirit was leading him. He opened the door and said "Ladies first" allowing her to walk in before him.
Once in the ice cream place, he'd say "Feel free to choose any flavour"

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Wed Jul 12, 2023 3:14 pm

So far getting ice cream seemed to be going well over all. Then again the conversation still seemed to be about the language."I will just in case continue to speak Fiorian only so people don't assume I am up to some kind of scheme."Averie over all did not sound like she was paranoid but just making sure she was safe and everyone could know she would not cause problems. Not everyone was like Dae thinking she was harmless woman who seemed to study so many things and was over all friendly even if cold looking at this time.

But when it came to ice cream Averie did not seem to take too much time to choose a flavour."Strawberry." The hunt of Icebergian still in her voice because even if she spoke a fair amount of a fiorian with ease it was not clear yet because it was still new and being with out accents took a fair amount of time. But nonetheless it was a simple answer. As it would be helpful with the Fiorian summer heat she was not use too.


Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Thu Jul 13, 2023 12:55 am

Dae-seong smiled and nodded and respected her wishes that they speak fiorian. Eventually they arrived to the ice cream place the spirit led them to. He told Averie that she may choose a flavour and so she did Strawberry. Meanwhile he chose both chocolate and vanilla for himself and proceeded to pay for both of them

"Do you wish to sit somewhere as we eat our frozen delight?~"
they could go out in the scorching sun again with ice creams. Or maybe they can find a seat here in the ice cream place and enjoy it here under the cool air of the air conditioning and fridging unit things that keep the ice cream cool.
Granted he let Averie to decide what she wants. He would start eating and enjoying his ice cream. It was wonderful. He disliked the heat of the summer. Too sweaty. Maybe he could go for a swim tomorrow

Fiorian(#ffff33) , Joyan(#cc99ff), Sinese(#ffcc00), Caelish(#cc00ff)

Tales of Egos and The Dead.(closed.) Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 4:34 pm

It was a simple question that Averie did not mind answering. So far the answer in her mind was inside and away from a window so that people might not have stared at her for too long for it might be a worry of hers that it might effect her in some manner.

But Averie with her ice cream was pretty happy at this current time. She had not consumed any of it yet."I would prefer this time inside, only because it would be a bit better to have it not melt as quickly." Averie said while she looked around at the varying tables around her. So off she went to find a spot by a window but just out of view of it, just right next to it, that way she was near sun light but not in it's light and reflection people could see with in them. Then she settled in pretty quickly. However the ghost that seemingly followed them was now gone, So there was one less spooky thing follow them around at this time.

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