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Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories]

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Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Empty Fri Jul 28, 2023 7:14 pm


Lumikki would see the kids with Tamas and be thankful they were safe. She was sure to drag the bird man away but it didn't mean more danger would come falling. She was still angry Tamas didn't at least take the moment to rest, wondering just how he even followed her so quickly.

She sighed deeply as she let it all go, it didn't even matter anymore. At least she got to have a good laugh watching the little ones pummel him with questions for her. Accepting that, that should be the end of it. She took their hands when they had their fill of being annoying, calming them down again with stories and prompts. The walk to the end of the city wasn't that much father now.

Sure enough, there they were, and a large crowd awaited them. Looked like a lot of the mercenaries from Paradise Dawn were managing the people here. Organizing them and directing them so that things were manageable and safe. Most of the residents were still in quite a panic and so the direction helped ease their minds off the disaster.

Bringing the two small girls made her think back on the kids she escorted back in Rush Valley. She hoped they were safe and rested by now. Their home was mostly in tact when she had found them, so she hoped they even got to sleep in their beds.

For a bit, Lumi would walk the crowd, looking for anyone to recognize the kids. She was worried they had no one since it was talking so long, as oppose to last time when her children were claimed right away. A man had stepped out called over their names, Meredith and Odette looking over would anger with glee. Seems Odette's Uncle was still safe, that was a relief. Lumi watched over their heartful reunion content with her work. The man would walk over and thank her, explaining where he was during the commotion and what happened. He explained if she ever wanted a nice discount on accessories, to just find him. Though he knew it was a poor way to show thanks, it was all he could think of in the moment.

Lumi would nod at him as she understood. She was tired herself and all she could think of now was a nice cold shower and maybe some chilled wine. Anything than standing here filthy anymore. She would look back to Tamas asking if he'd go back together with him. In his tired state, she wouldn't trust leaving him alone.

Afterward she'd ask a mercenary if there were any rides back to the guild at the moment. Seems some supplies were just delivered, and in a bit, the cart would head back to resupply. They were free to join and ride on with them. Lumi would half nod as she was in a daze. The traveling two would find a place to sit for the moment as Lumi would lean entirely on his lap until they were told they can ride. Once inside she would only do it again, sleeping on him until they reached their guild.


#2Tamás Horvath 

Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Empty Sat Jul 29, 2023 8:56 am

Tamás Horvath
All he wanted was to rest now. Maybe sleep. He was glad Lumikki took the children away and reunited them with their family. He didnt really budge and move. She can take care of the motherly and emotional moments and happy sloppy heartfelt reunions. He wasnt a guy for that mush. So he'd just wait for her. He'd hum to himself to pass the time

He was just distracting himself as he waited for Lumi to finish whatever she was doing over there. His guess talking to a family member of the kids. He didnt care. He was just thinking of random things like ' Wouldnt it be neat to know how to play a lute?' and "Wouldnt it be neat to know how to buff people and empower them while playing a lute? Hmm... nah... That would be too bardic. Though meeting a bard would be neat. Someone just aggressively playing the lute to fortify allies with some hilarious expression on their face. Probably overly serious one. Now that would be a sight to see. Although too good to be true. I feel people dont appreciate bards and spellsingers enough" he thought to himself as he waited for Lumikki to finish with those people

Once she looked back at him, he thought "Finally" as she's finally done. She'd ask him if he'd wanna go back with her and he nodded "I am here. So yes" he spoke rather gently, tho SOMEHOW still monotonely. Tho he was probably too tired to be too neutral as well

So she asked someone if they can go. But the person said a cart just left to resupply and once its back they can board it. Tamas nodded. The two would then find a place to sit and rest. He'd just breathe and rest. Although he would notice Lumikki, she liked leaned to rest on his lap as they waited for the ride. He wasnt sure what to do. But he figured patting her wouldnt be bad now would it? Would it feel nice? He didnt know. Well in any case he'd gently pat her back as she was resting on his lap basically. Hoping she does feel better soon. They have been through quite a lot. He hoped she wasnt bothered by his gesture as he didnt know if this was a right thing to do. Patting someones head and back are two different things. Back tends to be more intimate? For some reason. But still... she was cute. And looked er... nice? when she was like just resting and looking at peace.
But at any rate, the ride would come and they would board it. He would sit in the car and so would she.... Only to do the same again, only this time falling asleep. He was totally not blushing under that helm, what'chu talking about.
Still, he does gently pat her. He was fond of her and her presence was welcome. Truthfully.... he didnt mind this. It was nice. Which was weird. Yeah dont ask him what he was feeling otherwise he'd say confusion. Because he really doesnt know what he feels aside from some weird confusion, happiness and fondness



Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Empty Sat Jul 29, 2023 7:32 pm


The soft rumblings of the cart soothed her. She liked the feelings of being rocked to sleep, it was so rare now. Every once and a while to she wake, only to clearly feel the sensations of Tamas softly patting her in her sleep. It calmed her further and brought her to peace. Just as she would blink her eyes open in an attempt to rest, his patting would lull her back.

And so she curled up tightly for comfort and clung to the man who was bringing her peace. The last few days had been hard. The fear and the panic of the moment and the call to arms had rushed them out of their homes. She was glad to come though, more glad than anything to be of use to all of the North. What use was her power if she couldn't defend her home. What use was her ferocity if she couldn't protect the children she aided.

As she lull in and out of sleep, the memories of the days would jumble and play out in her mind. The terror and heat of the fire, cluttered by ravens claiming to be sent by her father. She wondered, in that moment of hysterical dreams, where was her real father now? Did he ever miss her and her Ma? Or was he happy to be gone?

She would never know, she tried to reason with her subconscious. Not unless she happened to meet him, herself. What did it mater, the bitter part of her would chime. Why meet a man that never met you? That thought would hurt, it would wound and sting her. It would keep her shut off and cold. Why be curious of a man with no grit and no spine? She was now in far better hands. She was with her guild...

Much of her thoughts would go like this as she entered and left her dreams. A simultaneous dance between both states of existence. It would be hard to stay what truly caused her to experience it. Her exhaustion for one, fueled the fever scape. The pets from Tamas made her won't more comfort than she knew she needed. The raven that flew within her, reminding her of all she feared and fought against. Yet the sinking feeling, the desired to be protected by the one who was supposed to hold you so dear like a gift, escaped her. The churning of all these things kept her from truly resting but her body would eat up all the stillness it could for the moment.

Hours had passed when the left Orchidia, longer than flying indeed, but at last the carriage would finish making its ascent to their home. Lumi feeling that it was her time to wake, would look out of the carriage to see the sky, stars beginning to softly spackle the great blues above, the sun was nearly set and gone. She shook herself awake and rose from his lame, yawning and stretching as she did. She snatched some dark within her hands and munched away as the carriage was pulling up withing. Members that stayed behind ran toward them, preparing the new batch of supplies to be sent to the disasters.

Lumi opened the door and jumped out, the step took a lot out of her from all the moving throughout the days. She nearly buckled and fell, her body and legs both tired and sore. She slapped her thighs to ice them, the rush of cold giving her the strength to move like she had wanted. She looked over to Tamas and smiled sweetly.

"Thank ye, I was so comfortable in yer care. Like nothing for the moment could harm me. I'm off now to take that shower I said I needed, for the best aye, I'ma mess." Lumi mustered a wave and walked off, trying her best to make it to the dorms and her rooms in a decent pace. She didn't want to drag this out longer than it needed, she didn't want to feel weak.

Weak, she would think to herself as she made her way up. I am weak as I am now aren't I. More, I need to be so much more. When the guild needs me, I must make sure I could heed the call.

Lumikki grumbled as she finally stumbled in her room and tossed all her dirty clothes on the floor. She was just excited to be rid of the days behind her. She grabbed her towel and took a long, long cold shower. When she finally slinked out she found she couldn't bring herself to go back to sleep, and so she sauntered down to the dining hall to pour herself some wine. She figured some drinking was in order. To celebrate the success but also the extent she pushed herself. Nothing could take away the impact she had, not even herself or her thoughts. Though man did the drink help her sink back into a better mood. The warmth of it made her feel alive again as it settled in her stomach. She drank another glass and then another. Before she knew it, she was done with the bottle and yet still thirsty for more.


Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#4Tamás Horvath 

Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Empty Sun Jul 30, 2023 9:48 am

Tamás Horvath
He was exhausted and tired. He just wanted to go to sleep. He looked down at her as she slept. She looked so at peace. He wished he could be as carefree as her. She seemed really happy in this guild. She found her home. But he didnt. He didnt feel what she was feeling. He just felt emptiness here at North. This was Paradise Dawns home. But it wasnt his. Granted he didnt remember his home. Just that it was west and some few flashes here and there. Blast from the past. He wondered if he was home with family, would he be the man he is today? He doubted. He probably would've been a better man. Someone who can actually fit in, and not be a cynic or a nihilist.
Looking at her, sleeping there peacefully and happily, he couldnt help but envy her a bit. But unlike her, he has to carve his own way to success. To being his own man, not ruled by anyone. He will find people like him and unite them.
But for now, he rests

He briefly closes his eyes. He cant remember as much as he tried. He cant remember the time before the mercenaries took him in. He does remember an unknown woman. Yet he remembers... No concern. No panic. No fear. Her face is hard and determined as she prepares a thick black elixir that she says will help them sleep through the madness. Them? Who was them. He remembers... She is their strength. She is his strength. He felt safety.
He opened his eyes. And yet he remembered nothing. Everything was so foggy. And yet that briefly was a new memory. Granted it was something and yet it was nothing. He remembers a feeling from the past and a figure. But no details.

He merely looked at Lumikki as he always continued the motions. Giving her back pats. He wondered was he being weird. Hopefully she wont recoil. He isnt intending to do anything odd or inappropriate. It just felt nice. It was like giving comfort. To her tho, right? Maybe to him too. Part of him wishes he can feel what she feels. That inner peace. But that wont come to him. She has family here. Her uncle. He has no one. No blood relatives. Only a vague memory of someone who could be his parent. He has no comfort. He had nothing but darkness.

Hours had passed, but to him time felt as it was stood still. He had no idea what he was feeling. Could it be a form of sadness or longing? Loneliness or envy? He had no idea, but if this was what emotion felt like. He wished he had none. He wished he really was just a pile of armour. Maybe thats why he was always armoured. To be less human.

He looked at Lumi, a bit startled that she woke up. It was the fact that he didnt notice the time that startled him actually. He moved his hand from her so she doesnt see him touching her. That would be a plethora of questions he didnt want to answer nor would he know how to. She snatched some dark within her hands and munched away as the carriage was pulling up withing. He saw her do that and well tried to offer up that darkness snack as well if he can do that with his hand. Granted he didnt know how to communicate it so he didnt know if she got the hint of his gesture.

Lumi opened the door and jumped out, the step took a lot out of her from all the moving throughout the days. She nearly buckled and fell, her body and legs both tired and sore. Since he was close behind, he was there to help her keep balance and catch her from any near fall. His body on contrast to her felt nothing. It was only his mind that was troubling him. That emotional soreness overrode the physical one. His body at this point moved on its own, like on auto pilot.

He looked down at her when she spoke. It took him a second to regoster what she meant. Ah, she meant the lap thing "I am..." what? "content to hear that you felt safe in my care" yeah, he didnt know what to say. He hoped this sounded the best and most diplomatic. He didnt know how it sounded. He hoped that his monotone voice would hide the inner trouble or did his voice come out colder? Granted even if he did, the tone and the words would clash. Because he did try to be all nice and warm to her. But he wasnt sure how his headspace was

She also said how she is gonna take a shower and he nodded. He was gonna go to bed originally. But now, he figures that drink would help. Or maybe a lot
"Very well. If you need me, I will be getting a refreshing drink" though he said like that as to not to arouse suspicion or any concern. Just a man and a cool drink

As she left to go get that shower. He left to go get a drink. Like a lot of booze. And so he drank and drank and drank. When he saw Lumikki coming to the dining hall. He hid the plethora of what he already drank and made it seem as if he was taking his sweet time with just one. Though he noticed she also took quite a drink. He wondered should he say anything or should they both just silently drink their problems away



Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Empty Sun Jul 30, 2023 10:03 pm


Lumikki ran back into the kitchen to retrieve another bottle of wine. She really enjoyed wine in particular, full of alcohol and it didn’t need to be watered down in a mix. Every sip would send more alcohol within her veins, and she really enjoyed that.

When she came back from the kitchen and entered the hall, she finally noticed Tamar’s alone in a dark corner. If she didn’t have dark vision, she’d swear that he wouldn’t be visible at all. She nods to herself as she thinks about it. Leaving the glass behind as she figured the bottle would be enough. When she got closer to him, she noticed a multitude of cans sprawled around in a way she would describe as mindfully. She ignored it as she was sure he ignored her empty bottle.

She was in her favorite oversized shirt with short, shorts on. Her hair was down and wet from the shower. Her face already red from her drinking thus far.

Lumikki took a chair and dragged it to his table. She didn’t even turn it around, opting to sit on it backwards. The moment she sat, she took a large swig from her bottle, gulping down a few mouthfuls before coming back up for air. Lumikki wondered how drunk she could get all at once if she didn’t have to breathe.

Tamas just looked at her, slowly sipping at the drink he had in hand.

Lumikki slumped in her chair, leaning forward heavily while her arm with the wine hung. ”Ever wondered if ya were fucked up Tamas? Like there was something missing from ye, like an itch ye could ignore til ye can’t?” She paused for a moment to chug more wine down her throat. Pushing it so far she almost felt she could throw up. She frosted her stomach as if it could help, as if it mattered. Whipping the side of her lip before she began again.

“Sometimes in certain moments, it feels like my existence is too instense to withstand. I feel it in me the call to do fuck all but destroy and kill. Wish it was some over dramatized exhaugeration, some phase that just passes. But those aren’t me cards. I doesn’t become a Daemon without losing something in ‘em first. Same applies for me. I didn’t even get a choice in it, I didn’t even seek a pact. Me real father sold me out from the start. Now I got to peel away the malicious bits and try to remain myself cause the same darkness that stains me hands is only staining my core too.”

Lumikki willed the dark in the air to coiling around her free hand, it didn’t touch her skin but instead hung in the air. She made it move to the fancies of her thoughts, the alcohol was beginning to not just catch up with her but hit. She drank to fast for her body to adjust, but she was used to drinking so she maintained her posture. Her balance on the other hand was leaving her.

“Ye know Tamas if I could, I want to rip the Demons plaguing this world. If I could, I’d eat them all and steal what ever power it was they clung to. Starting with me worthless fathers. That’s me wish!” In her conviction, she somewhat fell forward. She would of fell herself if the table had not caught the chair. Lumikki was shook from nearly falling, taking a moment to settle back down before drinking more from her bottle and standing up. She pushed the chair to the side and sat on Tamas’ lap. He balance was nearly gone and she didn’t want to chance falling again. She was already so embarrassed from the first time.

Her thighs felt the cold from his armor and it only drew her more in. Nuzzling him as she got comfortable. It never occured to her in her drunken state if he would of hated her so close, it never occured to her that she would enjoy the company of someone so much taller than her. In all his quietness, she wondered if he was very profound.

She ran her hand along his cold armor, studying the details and counting he nicks and scratches. Her Pa was a great blacksmith and taught her everything she knew about pieces. So she always came to love seeing armor and weapons. She felt as if she was pearing into the soul of the maker.

“Ye know Tamas. I always had a fondness for cold things. It was the cold that would bring me comfort ye see.” She looked toward his helm and tried to make out his eye hidden behind the slits. ”As cold as ye seem, I like ya too. Just as is…. My Pa, he taught me the beauty in armor. He would make a fair share himself back home amount other things. When I look at yours, I wonder the story you’d tell? What hero you’d be and the stories to paint ye? Would I read of the great Tamas one day?” Lumikki finished off her bottle and barely set it on the table. She leaned entirely into Tamas now as her face pressed against his chest piece. She held out her hand and stared at her palm for a moment. Dark frost crept from her skin and formed a little figure. It was a small Tamas holding his sword with both hands as he rested the blade into the floor. She stared at what she managed to make before handing it over to her friend. Finally resting again as she let the drunk feeling pulsate. The room felt like it was flickering.

Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#6Tamás Horvath 

Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Empty Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:37 am

Tamás Horvath
He saw her in her oversized shirt and soaked hair from the shower that she wanted. Did that much time pass? He didnt feel anything. He watched her as she noticed her reddened face. He wondered how much could she handle. As well as if anything was wrong. But she looked so carefree and happy. But if that was all a front, than she was strong, but in a different way.

He watched as she dragged a chair and joined his table, opting to sit on it backwards and take a large swig from her bottle, gulping down a few mouthfuls before coming back up for air. She later slumped in her chair, leaning forward heavily while her arm with the wine hung. And she spoke, as he'd listen he'd wonder. Not knowing what to say
"I dont know... Perhaps. I am not good at this. I feel emotion and yet I feel emptiness. Question is, do you feel that way?" he asked and bounced the question back

The two would just drink more. Before another topic popped up. Mainly from Lumikki. It seems they had opposite problems. She said her existence feels too intense. But his feels too empty. Though both feel the call to destroy and kill. Each to their own way. To her its her inner demon darkness. While he is a cynic who truly believes that, deep down, everyone is as much of a monster as he is, but feel the need to conceal it behind codes and put on a guise of civility. It's a large part of why he's such a cruel nihilist who takes such pleasure in hurting others; the way he sees it, at least he owns up to being a sadist, and he has no patience for the rest of the 'cowards' of humanity who refuse to 'admit' to this. Truly and honestly, Lumikki was the small light in his life. He doesnt know how or why. But something about her was pleasant and warm ironically enough.

Still he would listen to her own woes and try to understand them. She then willed the darkness into air. She made it move to the fancies of her thoughts. She spoke more. And he nodded. Suddenly she fell forward, but because of the chair position, he couldnt catch her. She pushed the chair to the side and sat on his lap. Which was surprising. Did she find it comfortable there? He blushed a faint bit. The fact that she nuzzled, didnt help.
Not sure what to do. He leanede closer a bit to her and just hugged her. And held her in his embrace. He didnt know what he felt. He wondered if it was love or was that word being misplaced. He cared greatly for her. But he never got to be this intimate with her or anyone. Her on his lap and now in his embrace. Again, he feared of doing something wrong.
"I like you too. But I am no hero. I am a mercenary. Just like anyone here, I do jobs to get paid. But in regards to my goal.... I dont know will I stay here in the North. Perhaps when we get more powerful we can explore the world more together. But I doubt I will be in Paradise Dawn forever. As much as cheer and merriment surround us with those guild members. I do not see my future here. I am sorry if that would sadden you" he spoke as he heard other members celebrate their victories



Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Empty Mon Jul 31, 2023 4:57 am


“It’s the emptiness that tries to rid me of my humanity. It eats the parts of me that more than a senseless killer. They wanna swallow me whole and make a monster. For what end, I do not know. But I don’t fear emptiness of my own valuation. As I ice myself when I can’t afford to fear losing me life. The chill that’s so comforting freezes my core. A tundra of my own making stills my thoughts and passions. So I may not fear nor act needlessly foolish. Only do what I must. And honestly, it feels good to reside in one’s own tundra. The validation and satisfaction of calming the storms within with yer will is one I enjoy. Though even that I must remain careful, it’s so easy for me to become a monster. To which I cannot afford. See I want to be more than some monster.”

After the long pause of his silence and his mutual embrace. Her finally spoke to her once more. “Aye it saddens me. Yet it’s what it is. Ye had dreams and long drawn plans before he ever set foot to the North I’m sure. Yet to me this is simply an extension of home. I have family further in.” Her hand raised to the collar of his chest piece. Hang from it as she clung on. “There will be a time I leave myself though only for a moment. May hap it’ll align with ye, maybe not. Time will tell. Yet no matter the answer, I’d always return and I would always bare this crest.”

She thought to herself a moment. Pouring out her sadness of what he said and thinking as hard as she could. Her thoughts were getting haze in her drunken state. So it was becoming a chore to direct her focus but not with pulling words.

”Ye seem to mistakenly take heroes to be all in one form. Valiant and Righteous. Yet I read many a tale where they were more. Some rose from complete brokenness. Fastened with their desire to be more than their past. To overcome their weaknesses and learn to follow their wisdom. Pass it to the next. Some did what was best for the other in glorious ways and dominating means. Lacking a morality to stop them from doing what was needed. Some simply did things they believed and it so happened to benefit others by chance. There’s no telling what of ye would be immortalized by the stories. But being a mercenary doesn’t bar ye from ‘em. I’m sure you’d find you’ll get a kinder one than I. To the core I am a monster, my goal to be a Demon. No matter what I do as I step forward, won’t change the beast I’ll be. Or that there are those who quest only to slay beasts.”

Lumi broke out into a chilling cackle ad she analyzed her own fate. Tearing up a bit as she did. The pain did not escape her, but the laughing would just help relieve it. Help push it away.

”with a fate like mine, it behooves me to have family. It does wonders I have the Uncle I have to help slay those who mean to slay me. Sure enough if I was alone, truly alone. No family in Fjallgard, no Brone, not even a guild to fall to. Nothing would stop me from pouring out my blood lust as I’d wish to bring this world back to endless ice as it had begun. I would work tirelessly for an endless winter and return this world to the stillness it once was.”

Ice crept along the armor of Tamas from the point she gripped. It was like trails of flowers growing, budding and blooming as the frost inched further. Lumi didn’t realize she was doing it. She didn’t realize how cold the air became. All she could notice is the hard armor she laid one and how blissfully cold it was. The darkness began to clung her. It appeared as smoke at first as the immediate darkness in the air beside her shifted. But then it back to coil around her. Coating her body in makeshift feathers and further straining her skin. Some of the clusters spun and unfurled revealing flowers while others reveals wings.

“What ever Demons ye fight. Be sure to win. Hope they aren’t as real as mine. Hope they are always in your grasps so ye may snap their neck.” and with this pause she finally too notice of the cheers from the others. So drowned in her thoughts and existence she forgot it was a moment to celebrate. A smile crept her face as she iced her core once more. Snapping her senses and returning her giddy demeanor. The darkness falling away with only of few flowers and wings remaining. She snatched one of Tamas’ drinks and began to gulp down. “We did it, we survived our first attack.”she said cheerfully.

Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#8Tamás Horvath 

Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Empty Mon Jul 31, 2023 2:54 pm

Tamás Horvath
As he is hugging her, he listens and nods, but also pats her back again, just like how before when she was sleeping on him. He would listen to her and speak "Who knows when we leave to forge out paths and adventure. Perhaps fate will lead us to team up again for a quest. I would love to travel with you. You are a good person for a daemon"

She was a sweetheart indeed. As she spoke she still tried to cheer HIM up. Spoke how heroes can even be broken people who overcame their weakness. What didnt kill them made them stronger essentially. She really was wonderful. But she spoke ill of herself in return. He shook his head.
"You seem to be mistaken. For I too am a monster. I feel nothing when helping people from pain and death. I rejoice the chance I get to spill blood and kill. I care not if they are innocent or not, because to me no one is. Truthfully" he says as he raises her head with his finger under her chin "you are the only good person here, in my opinion."

She broke out into a chilling cackle, tearing up a bit as she did. He gently wiped her tears with his thumb. Probably the most gentle he's ever been in his life. As she spoke, he nodded
"Then you are more fortunate than I. You have your uncle. I have no one. My family is long dead. Both physically and mentally. For I cant even remember them. It is all fog. And thus I dont even feel like a human even though I am. I feel like I am forged in fog. Nothing is stopping me from pouring out my blood lust. Only Yuurei who is physically more powerful than I. And despite me having nothing but darkness. You are in actuality my only light"
Lumikki wasnt the only one pouring out her soul. He was doing in the same in return. In the corner of his eye, he noticed the ice. But it didnt bother him. The temperature drop didnt bother him. Nothing did

When she spoke of demons to beat and hoping they werent real, he said
"Whether they are physical or mental or psychological. The demons are real. I do not know will I beat them. The best I can do is push it all down and not think about them. It is the only thing that helps me"

As they realized that they were supposed to be all cheery and merry for the victory over Chaos Eclipse. Lumi managed to switch to her usually cheery self. Before she could scurry off, he would use this chance to properly thank her for existing. He took her hand at first and kissed it. Much more knightly and chivalric and less worshippy like Toge did. And lastly he got up so she wouldnt be sitting on him. But before making his leave. He used Brones drunken distraction of being on the table and being talked to by Alice. He would kiss her, square on the lips. Its a mere peck. But a kiss nontheless. Clearly the alcohol did a number on him, man was drunk af. Who knows if he knows what he did
"Thank you for everything. You continue being you. Because you are perfect the way you are. And if you need help. I will help you. Even if it means becoming a demon, I support you"
And with that he made his leave. He went to his room to sleep.



Cold baths are needed [FPP – Celebrating Victories] Empty Mon Jul 31, 2023 4:33 pm


Lumikki was stunned. Tears streamed down her eyes as Tamas walked away. Her composure crumbled.

Tamas had managed to slink for a moment to her core. His kind and gentle gestures amplified by his usual dispassionate and reserved habits. For a moment, it was like he was someone else all together. And only for her.

She touched her lips though they felt other. Not like she would understand. She knew lust, but never something so gentle and small.

Lumi wasn't sure what to think or feel. Though she didn't ruminate on it for long. She gripped the table to maintain the little grip she had left before falling into his worn seat. It was still warm. Her body snatched what little of it there was left before just cooling off again. It was rare that she ever wanted to be warm. She was always home in the cold. Yet this fleeting sensation moved her, it felt as if it brought her to reality. That Tamas did exist and so did she. And now his warmth marked her so that she may never forget that.

She sat there for moments longer, let what was left out in a cry. She didn't hate it. This she thought, this was how she knew she was still herself. Tamas, so honest and solum. To be his light meant she couldn't fall to her monstruous ways.

Though, she chuckled to herself genuinely this time. "If one were to fall, perhaps so would the other....."


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