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Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap]

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Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 11:53 pm


Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Img_0610

The sun had kissed the sky good night hours again. The rowdiness within the streets were evident of that, but it didn’t bother Lumikki all too much. She’d wrap herself up with slivers of the night so that she would mostly go unnoticed, but not enough to be entirely unseen. Those that did glance at her, enjoyed the view but not the cold glares she had to give. All while a nice chill hung in the air, but you would never she her shiver.

Glimpse :

Lumikki kept her pale while hair loose, her locks were swaying about in every breeze but she didn’t mind it. She wore a tight fitting black dress with subtle purple accents around her bust. Lace would line the gaps of the design an a sheer lace piece made up the mid-drift. The sides of which were held together by strings exposing her sides and showing a lot of skin. Something she personally never minded. Even her cyan Paradise Dawn guild mark shown clearly on her upper left thigh, but regardless of how much it was in the open, it was not anyone’s focus when they glanced at her. Inversely, she could not remember, a soul that passed her by. And her shadows wrapped around her legs like like long lace sock that stop just half way up her thigh.

Not long after the Demoness set foot in the West in hope to enjoy its odd festival, did she send an invitation to her lover. Her thoughts lightly pressing along his as she beaconed him to keep her company for a few hours while she took in the celebrations. She yearned to see him, hoping she could enjoy the “club” with her precision Daemon. Whose company would be quite valuable as this is the first she’d ever enter one. So used to bars and taverns, the crowd out side had already proved odd.

Lumikki poked her head around curiously, trying to make sense on what was needed to enter. Though most didn’t pay a lot of mind on her, their focus was on the man by the door. Can’t make heads or tails out ta this… she’d grumble in her thoughts. But she was so small and short that it wasn’t all too hard to push her way through until she met with the man by the entrance. ”Oy lad, this is the door to the Flint Locked? I remember hearing I had an invitation here.” Said invitation was offered to her by one of the fellow residents of her hotel. They were giddy of the celebrations to come and Lumikki made a promising guest among many.

Yet before he heard all she had to say, parting the path to the door before the mention of a reservation, it left the Demoness so perplexed. She’d sigh before taking the steps to walk past, halting at the notion of something that suddenly came to mind. Lumikki’s lower swings sprung, enjoy to aid her in hovering the ground. A gesture done so that she could find a way up to his ear. ”Me plus one is still arriving, a man by the name of Knuckles. Be sure to let him pass when he comes as well, and would ye be so kind to let him know Lumikki is already inside.” The mention of Knuckles’ name was enough to make his eyes widen but her name would not ease the tension and further. The man understood the simple task though, and would nod in agreement as he allowed her to continue her way inside.

Red lights basked her as it was the first thing she could see, music that was muffled before was blaring now. Playing songs she was not quite yet used to. With each step of the hall and down the stairs that took her deep below, the crowd and ambience made itself more pronounced. Until finally Lumikki found herself in the large spacious club inside.

The sight was captivating, there was a lot going on. In the center there was a bar in the shape of a circle. Many bartenders were working the shift at once and knocking drinks out throughout the guests hovering for their orders. To the left, if one goes deeper, was a pit. A space that sunk into the ground further than the rest. And here lied a ring where Lumikki could make out fighters duking it out. The crowd around them screaming and cheering with every strike, placing their bets and hoping for the best. To the far right on the other hand was a space for dancing. Professions stood on elevated platforms while they showed out their moves and bodies, some doing tricks amid poles that connected to the ceiling. It was captivating, at least Lumikki would think so as she wondered to see them much closer. Beyond the dance portion, toward the back, there were rows of couches and places to sit. Many were taken by groups and couples but Lumikki was in no rush to claim her own. She was too busy trying to make sense of the scene. Meanwhile other pretty girls in flashier dresses would mimic moves she was taught in some far off bar that made Lumikki blush upon remembering. She’d etch forward to watch them as close as she could without quite stepping into the crowd. Instead choosing to remain just outside the fringes.

Meanwhile, on the stage there were odd musician playing contraptions that Lumikki was not certain of. Mages stood beside them conjuring illusions that overlapped with the night scene. Playing images in the air just about the dance floor of various colors and beautiful women. Every once in a while, it’ll hover over the image of a blood moon with clouds around it before falling into the depiction of a crimson red woman, naked and covered in running blood.

”Can I get you a drink? If you don’t mind of course.” Inquired by a man that noticed her since the moment she entered the room. His eyes trailing after her as she curiously stumbled throughout the club in obvious wonder. His sudden appearance didn’t bother her, she really didn’t give him much thought and her eyes were still among the dancers high above. ”Huh? Sure…” She gave half interested answer. She didn’t quite care, and she figured it was a normal custom. As if he was simply working here. ”You’re like a lost kitten….What could I get for you?” Though when Lumikki still hardly paid him any mind, and took too long to answer, he’d reach over to grab her face and force the Demoness’ attention toward him.

He was far taller, and perhaps even far older. With black hair pushed back and worn face. Scars were present along the neck, but his white dress shirt would cover the rest. On his pointer finger sat a bulky ring of a lion, its grappling mouth warping into the curve of the ring.

”Huh.” Lumikki’s eye’s narrowed, she got annoyed pretty fast.

Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#2Knuckles Shi 

Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Sun Aug 04, 2024 7:22 am

Knuckles Shi

He adjusted the lapels of the suit. The fabric was soft and impeccable under his fingers. It was perfect tailoring and a blend of classic elegance, from which emulated a commanding style. In striking red and black, it was the epitome of his status and style. In a shade that was of deep, rich crimson with black lapels and cuffs, it gave very nice contrast to the jacket. He had buttoned a black dress shirt underneath, and a red silk tie completed the look. His black trousers were thankfully crisp, and his polished black shoes shone under the club lighting. On his head was a black fedora, its brim shading his eyes to just the right degree to give him mystery. From his breast pocket, he had stuck a black handkerchief, which topped off his Don outfit to perfection.

Knuckles strode toward the doorman, his very demeanor exuding confidence and authority. His presence seemed almost to crackle through the air. He gave a nod in the doorman's direction, his voice rumbling low and commanding.

"Good evening. The name's Knuckles. I'm here to meet my fiancée, Lumikki."

The doorman's eyes quickly flicked, probably recognizing the name. "Ah, yes, Mr. Shi. Miss Lumikki is already inside. Please, come in.

Knuckles pushed through the doorway, eyes already scanning the crowded club. The atmosphere basically crackled and buzzed. The room was bathed in the light of the red bulbs; the furniture became barely visible. The deep, almost sensual beat of the music seemed to crash against the floor. The scent of expensive cologne permeated the air with the harsh undertones of alcohol, adding punch to the heady intoxication.

He moved with determination, his eyes sharp and focused. It didn't take him long to find Lumikki at the bar. Her pallid white hair seemed to shine against the dim lights like a beacon, attracting his vision. And she was beautiful in her black number; formfitting, with simple purple undertones, it brought her full, sexy curves out to a T. The lace lining the gaps in the design and the pieces of sheer lace at her midriff really showed off her delicate, yet fierce beauty. The strings on either side of her dress revealed tantalizing glimpses of her skin, a combination that made her both elegant and provocative.

Knuckles' admiration turned in an instant to anger as he watched the man who was holding onto Lumikki's face, trying to get her to meet his eyes. His protective instincts flared, and he strode toward them with quick, resolute steps.

As he reached them, Knuckles grabbed the man's arm with an iron grip. The man, tall and older with scars on his neck, looked surprised and then pained as Knuckles' grip tightened. The bulky ring on his finger, which was made in the shape of a lion's head, seemed inconsequential under Knuckles' crushing hold.

"Let her go," Knuckles growled, low and menacing.

The guy released Lumikki immediately, his eyes widened with fear and agony. Knuckles didn't let go, though. He clasped it tighter, feeling the bones begin to let under his grip. Then, just a little harder, twisting his hand, he pushed the man backwards to let him stagger back amid the crowd.

His expression suddenly softened as he turned towards Lumikki. He tenderly cradled her face in his hands, yet the touch held a decisiveness suited for the situation. Then he leaned forward and kissed her, the lips whispering protection and protection entwined with profound affection.

"You're looking gorgeous, Lumikki," he murmured slowly, his eyes tracing out every single detail the dress covered. He paused to take in her entirety, how the dress stuck along her curves and the cyan of her Paradise Dawn guild mark stood out on her upper left thigh.

"That dress is something special. I gotta say, the guy had good taste to notice you. But I'm glad you're mine.

Knuckles smiled, his hand staying on her hip. "Shall we enjoy the evening?"

Deeper into the club, Knuckles had an arm around her protectively. The music, the flashing lights, and the crowd created a lively but at the same time kind of intimate ambiance. There was action everywhere in the middle-circle bar. Bartenders mixed and served drinks with a practiced proficiency that made the job nearly liquid and smooth. People were pressed against the bar, engaging in conversation while laughing and dancing to the rhythm of the music.

To the left of the fighter, Knuckles noticed a pit area where fighters duked it out in a makeshift ring. The crowd around them cheered and jeered with every punch and kick, laying down bets and shouting encouragements. It reminded him of the underground fighting circuits he used to be a part of—though this setting was far more glamorous.

To their right, there merely projected a dance floor that ran for some little distance, with raised platforms where dancers danced. The dancers were so fluid and very mesmerizing in their moves, with the bobbing of their bodies to the rhythm of the music. Some of them were doing acrobatics over poles to the astonishment and amazement of the audience. The sight was artistic and alluring at the same time—a credit to their skill and athleticism.

Beyond the dance floor, the hall was illuminated by rows of couches and seats. Most of them were occupied by groups or a couple, with drinks in hand, lost in the company. The whole place was a sensory overload—intoxicating with sights, sounds, and possibly even smells.

Knuckles moved her over to the quieter side of the bar, where they could carry on a conversation without shouting above the music. He ordered them both a drink, his hand still never far from lying on her waist. As they waited for their drinks, he used the opportunity to size the place up.

In the center of the club, there was a stage with musicians playing instruments that Knuckles could not place. To the right of the musicians, there were mages conjuring illusions that danced in the air above the dance floor. Images of beautiful women and blood moons flickered on and off, adding mystique to what was already an enchanting view.

Their drinks finally arrived, and Knuckles handed Lumikki hers, raising his in toast. "To us," he said with eyes he didn't avert from hers. "May we always have nights like this.".

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Mon Aug 05, 2024 3:09 pm


Lumikki felt her temper surging up from within her. Welling with the force of a storming desire to rip the man apart. She did not forget her appearance or the vulnerability that her petite frame painted for her, but she assumed better of the men who passed by her gawking. Yet before her frør could creep along his skin, biting into his flesh. The sound of Knuckles’ voice resonated just to the left of them.

His menacing growl was pleasing to her ears, his appearance a boon for her eyes. Her anger receded just as fast his hand approached the wrist of the man, crushing it from his strength and ferocity. Lumikki purred softly, wiping her chin with the back of her hand to rub the strangers warmth from her skin. ”Pitiful….” she sneered, ”but they don’t recognize me well enough here as I hardly leave the North.” The old man laid crumbled onto the ground. His expression as frantic as his current state, but he’d scramble from the floor and ran out the club. Leaving the couple to be immersed with the other again.

Her gaze now back at Knuckles, it was clear that he was enamored with her appearance. They shared an affectionate before she’d twirl around for him, letting him get a proper view. “I wanted to dress darling for ye love. Something special to make ye love me more. It’s rare that we have outings like this, no? I hope we have many more nights like this~”

Lumikki giggled as his response, more content with his attention than anyone else’s; but she’d agree that he chose a lovely target in her. Only it was better to keep away entirely. Knuckles arm pulled her in at the waist and walked her over to the counter at the bar. Somehow he knew to find a spot somewhat muted, something Lumikki would have overlooked in her empty headed bout of observing all the things around her. There was much to take in from the sounds, smells, and lights. It overwhelmed her and that was why she was happier for his company. He navigated it like it was normal while she got to gleam everything childishly and in peace.

”To us,” Lumikki agreed enthusiastically, tonight was a dream. “ Mange velsignelser,” she added, an act to call for more blessings to come. Like he, she wanted more nights like this forever. Lumikki drank all that was within the glass at once. Breathing out the sting that came with it. She couldn’t shake just how much alcohol made her feel alive sometimes, and it would be something she loves to indulge in.

”Glad ye found this place just fine, beloved. Admittedly, I’m not used to these parts, nor they’re used to me. But from what I remember, ye’ve seen yer fair share of clubs, no? I was hoping ye’d show me around.” The dazzling Demoness leaned toward him as she spot, exchanging her words quite intimately as she rested her hand on his thigh and squeezed lightly. “Did I mention how handsome ye look? Truthfully I didn’t think it could get more polished than that time in me office. Dare I say, I’m starting to wonder if I like ya more out of yer armor.” A roar can be heard from the far side of the club, hinting at the conclusion of a match. The audience was mixed in reviews but it would seem a good deal were happy with who won. Lumikki’s head swiveled over curiously, but she’d turn back just as swift to eye him again. The dancers she was observing were just at the corners of her vision and she’d alternate her focus amid the two. All while her body was subtly swaying to the music.

Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#4Knuckles Shi 

Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:51 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles’ eyes met hers, and for a moment, the world around them seemed to fade away. She was stunning, her presence commanding his full attention. Her tight black dress with its subtle purple accents highlighted her every curve, the lace, and sheer fabric adding a tantalizing touch that only she could pull off with such effortless grace. Enchanted, he could not pull his eyes away as she twirled to give him the full effect of her ensemble.

"I wanted to dress darling for ye love. Something special to make ye love me more," she said, her voice teasing, yet sincere. "It's rare that we have outings like this, no? I hope we have many more nights like this."

Her words had Knuckles smiling, and his heart swelled in affection. He knew that she really did not have to do anything special to make him love her more; it already was deeper than he could express. But this, knowing she had dressed just to please him, he began to appreciate her even more.

Having shared this tender moment, Knuckles couldn't help but feel proud that she belonged to him and that nothing could ever take that away from him. He slung his arm around her waist and pulled her into him as they walked toward the bar. His instincts guided him through to a quieter place, one which afforded them some reprieve from this excess of stimulation in the club. He could tell that Lumikki was taking it all in, her eyes wide with wonder at the sights and sounds, and smells. It was sort of sweet to see her entranced with everything, and he felt glad that he was there to go through the experience with her.

They had barely settled at the bar when Knuckles raised his glass to their night. "To us," he said, his voice full of warmth and contentment.

"To us," Lumikki echoed, her face lighting up with enthusiasm. "Mange velsignelser." The phrase brought a smile to his lips. He didn't understand the words, but he did understand the sentiment. She wanted more blessings, more nights like this one, and so did he.

He watched her neck the drink in one go. The alcohol burned, and a soft flush colored her cheeks. There was something about that sight that brought him to soft chuckles at how alive and vibrant she seemed. He took a sip of his drink then, feeling the warmth spread through him from both alcohol and the pure joy of being with her.

"Glad ye found this place just fine, beloved," she said softly, closer now, her hand on his thigh. Light touch, but it sent a shiver up his spine. "Admittedly, I'm not used to these parts, nor they're used to me. But from what I remember, ye've seen yer fair share of clubs, no? I was hoping ye'd show me around."

Knuckles smiled a little broader, liking how she would look to him for guidance in this unknown landscape. "Yeah, I've been to a few in my time," he allowed his voice to lighten, teasing. " But none as interesting as this. And none with someone as captivating as you by my side.".

She complimented his appearance, and he smiled in a half-smirk. "Did I mention how handsome ye look? Truthfully I didn't think it could get more polished than that time in me office. Dare I say, I'm starting to wonder if I like ya more out of yer armor.".

Knuckles chuckled, his hand covering hers on his thigh. "I clean up nice when I need to," he teased, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "But I'm glad you like it. And for the record, you're making it really hard for me to focus on anything else tonight."

A roar from the far side of the club drew their attention for a moment, a match ending in the pit. Some cheered, others groaned in disappointment at the outcome. Knuckles glanced over, curious, but his gaze returned to Lumikki immediately. The dancers she had been watching earlier were still at it, their fluid movements drawing glances from all around, but Knuckles couldn't tear his gaze away from her.

She was swaying subtly to the music, her body moving with the rhythm in a gracefulness that was seductive at the same time. Knuckles watched, mesmerized by how she seemed to lose herself in the moment, darting her focus from him to the performers. He surged into a feeling of affection and pride; this incredible woman was his.

Without another thought in his head, he leaned over and kissed her softly, lingeringly. Then, when he pulled back, he kept his forehead rested against hers, their breathing coming together in the small gap between them.

"You are everything to me, Lumikki," he murmured over the music. "And I promise you, we'll have many more nights like this. I'll see to it.".

She smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling with affection and happiness. Knuckles felt a deep contentment settle over him as they stood there together, wrapped in their own little world. The club, with all its noise and chaos, just faded into the background. All that was important was her and the love they shared.

Knuckles knew no matter what odds stood in their way, no matter what the future held, they would face it together. And in those moments, he was sure that nothing would ever come between them.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Fri Aug 09, 2024 10:53 pm


Lumikki smiles gleefully, her eyes narrowing from the giddiness welling up from within her. It bubbled like her abundant energy toward him, their connection being subtly electric. “I picked apart the secrets of this town while I’ve been here. Me ravens listening to every place worth bringing ye to. When I heard of the fighting pit, I figure ye’d take pleasure in it. Didn’t figure dancing was yer particular fancy, see, I wanted all bases covered just in case. Of course we could simply spend the night drinking away, I had promised meself going forward to remain a good girl. Of course, me body is always itching for yer chains~” Lumikki spoke and teased with a melodic voice, her affection brimming in every word.

With a smirk wide enough to show fangs and a chuckle, Lumikki pulled back. Her nose and cheeks were flushed despite her desire to present cool and confident. He always knew how to get Lumikki blushing like she was never in love before. And now, he hardly had to put any effort to do so. His words and charisma knew the direct road to her rime-heart. Caressing it tenderly so that Knuckles was all it knew. ”Good me dear, there is no need for yer eyes or attention to wander. BUT—I’d still want ye to have yer fun. I think….I want to know more of yer world. Showed ye enough of mine.” Lumikki leaned back in, the pale locks of her while hair falling softly to the side. Her expression was both expectant and longing. So enamored, that she too only wanted to drink him in; but those were her intense passions talking. She was hardly capable of reserved anymore unless it was needed for a kill. For a being of ice, Lumikki was a considerably explosive storm, the stillness not yet in her. And it would be Knuckles who sets her ablaze now, caused her to do everything to hold down her form.

The Demoness waved down the bartender, her hand up in a gesture for two more. He’d nod toward her before finishing up the current order. When the crowd erupted, Lumikki witnessed Knuckles’ glance, but was amazed that it was short as it has been sudden. A man of the pits, who prowled amid every arena, every conflict, battle, war. His presence was akin to a God of War, drunken with delight from every battle win or lose. Always the most alive when he was in a clash. Yet his focus hardly lingered at his life’s blood, indeed it was pulled back onto her. In her subtle sways to the music, darkness now wafted off her leaving smidges of trails and after images as she held back her giddiness and tempered her love. Surely still, he could feel it.

Maybe this was what provoked him, she could not tell or care. For he leaned in and pressed along her lips, setting the next thunder storm alive within her and reminding her of the extent of her adoration. His magic wasn’t visible, but she was indeed still wearing his collar. And it came to be a live-wire as he pulled away, pressing his forehead onto her own. Lumikki shuddered, the tenderness he could offer her was always out of this realm to her. But his words were like tattoos pressed along her very soul. Lumikki fought back her sentimental tears. Her fragility was something she’d long forgotten, but he would bring her to the cusp of brittle ice every time. The Demoness akin to an ice-sculpture in beauty and delicate elegance in the company of her lover.

”Ye really make me come alive ye know that….” Spoken almost under her breath as if it was only meant to be said to herself. ”I could almost undone…lose focus and unravel to a depraved beast in yer presence. A Demon that only knows one thing…hunger for ye…” Soon after her words left her lips Lumikki shook herself out of the daze. Forcing herself out of the trance and pulling back just in time to noticed the two drink left beside them. She happy took hers in hand and drank it down in one go like before. The burn from the drink validating the intensity she felt as the Demon was slipping from her grasp.

She wanted distractions from her ravenous hunger. It was maddening.

As if her skin was coming alive, her black stained hands were peeling away to reveal the icy blue talons underneath. She’d look upon them in a curious whimsy, turning her palm over and looking back to Knuckles with no excuses to tell, only the truth silently shared between.

”—Aah!…” She stammered, ”Tell me stories..of yer past in all. Or…perhaps there is something fun to do I’m missing?”

Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#6Knuckles Shi 

Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Sun Aug 25, 2024 12:52 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles observed Lumikki with a measured gaze, his demeanor calm yet undeniably captivated by her vibrant energy. The sight of her flushed cheeks, the playful spark in her eyes, and the restrained yet palpable intensity that radiated from her brought a rare smile to his lips. Her words, spoken with such affection and teasing, struck a chord within him, one that resonated deeply.

“My dear Lumikki,” he began, his voice smooth and refined, carrying the weight of his noble heritage. “It brings me no small amount of pleasure to see you so alive, so fervent in your desires. The fighting pits, you say? Indeed, they do stir something within me, yet your attentiveness to my tastes, your desire to cover all bases, is what I find truly commendable.”

He leaned in closer, his hand gently cupping her face, fingers brushing against her cool skin with the tenderness only she could draw out of him. “You wish to see my world? Hm, well I suppose if it is my world you wish to see then we should leave the confines of this Night Club. While I have attained these this is not my world. But I will gladly show my world to you, but be warned, you will see a version of myself you may not enjoy."

Knuckles allowed his forehead to rest against hers, the connection between them almost tangible in its intensity. His voice softened as he continued, “Your hunger, fierce as it may be, is a part of what makes you remarkable. There is no need to temper it on my account. I find it... invigorating, to say the least. Let us explore this night together, with no restraint, no hesitation. For it is in these moments that we truly come alive.”

He pulled back just enough to meet her gaze, his eyes holding a steady, unwavering intensity. “As for stories of my past, there are many I could share, tales of battles and victories, of honor and duty. Yet, I think it more fitting that we save those for a quieter time, where the night is ours alone, free from the distractions of the world.”

Knuckles lifted his glass in a silent toast before downing the drink, the burn a sharp contrast to the warmth he felt in Lumikki’s presence. “For now, let us seek out the pleasures this town has to offer, wherever they may lead us. I trust that with you by my side, the night will be nothing short of extraordinary.”

He extended his hand to her, a gesture both noble and intimate, ready to follow her lead into whatever the night held, confident that together, they would find the perfect balance between their worlds. Perhaps they would exit to find a quiet place where Knuckles could spill the tales of his past and the pair could get lost in simple conversation.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Wed Aug 28, 2024 9:59 pm


His voice was enough to force out a sigh, so enamored with her beloved that she couldn’t help but coo. The tone and richness baited her hunger and moistened her lips. Though not of lower status, his noble radiance was a newer experience for her. Like the glint and gleam of colorful gems, the raven was woefully drawn to her brilliant treasure. And his tenderness would assure his grip on her desire like his allure forced her gaze. What more, he possessed a feeling that was both electrifying and warm, a sensation that made Lumikki shiver with every touch of their skin.

Knuckles had tenderly pressed his forehead to hers, a gesture that slowly closed her eyes like a lullaby while she leaned into him and savored the love felt for his being. But as his words softly spilled from his lips he easily undid her restraint, breaking the binds she held so tightly. Lumikki could feel the snap just as fast as her fierce and glowing eyes tore open with a crazed frenzy. The Demoness panted, trying desperately to calm the beast she knew she can be for a little longer. It was a faint desire she held to want to prove her mettle, but like always, he could undo the threads and walls of her meticulous composure. Hard to be a Queen of Ice when the man you love could force a flame so intense to stir within you.

”Could never win with ye could I….” She whimpered, just before the drink had caught her eye. Her body quaked with vibrations that couldn’t be quelled as long as she sat still. And so his offer to find better places couldn’t be better timed. She placed her blue hand onto his, to weak to hold him tight but meekly and tender, and she’d pull him toward the exit as soon as she could see he was ready for it.

Knuckles was right in that this noise was proving to become a frustration. A vexing barrier to her beloved as his honeyed words, she couldn’t stand it. Or this place and longer. And with a fierce eagerness, she’d tug him toward the doorway with all the strength she could muster, while bits and pieces of her skin peeled away its facade enough to reveal more of her base form underneath.

”Fly with me!” Lumikki exclaimed just before the dipped past the doors. Her wings barely wasting any time to unfurl and extend as she hopped up to escape the crowd. And Knuckles would find that he could feel presence of his Obscura stirring within him as if Lumikki was pulling him to her. She’d seek the highest spot on the highest tower. Though no building in this quaint town can prove to be particularly tall, they were now far enough to enjoy some of the silence of the night again and finally, she felt she could hear the voice in her head.

”Yer right, this settin’ is far more romantic….” Her skin was now blending into the night sky as she could no longer hold her human form but this didn’t bother her. The cool air was now quickly replenishing her reserves and now she’d be better able to hear her fiancé.

”I’m greedy…I was this forever and every night. Just to be out in the dark with ye.” She had not yet looked at him since she landed. Perhaps as a measure to aid her in recovering her composure, but she wouldn’t reveal it.

Much of the streets below were crowded and populated by the fools growing drunk from their odd ritual. One she was still not privy to the details for and unaware just yet with how they were affecting her home back in the North.

There was no respite down there, no peace from the rowdy crowds. She’d look further then, her eyes towards the wilderness just at the outskirts. And like something else within her was plucked in that moment, Lumikki extended her wings and dashed for it. Yearning to taste the wilds and escape the suffocating constraints of this howling town.

Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#8Knuckles Shi 

Night Cap on the Don’s Lap [FCM – Night Cap] Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 4:39 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles watched Lumikki with an intent gaze, unhurried and composed but, at the same time, unstinting in its intensity. How she leaned into him, her resolve cracking under the cadence of his words were moments he knew to truly savor, and not out of power, but out of the deep connection between them. Her strength, her fire, her vulnerability that composed the woman he adored and had been laid so intimately bare before him, deepened his affection.
When she whimpered, her voice laced with frustration born of love and desire, Knuckles's expression softened further. "My dear Lumikki, 'tis not a matter of winning or losing between us," he replied; his voice rich with noble warmth. Rather, it is a dance we share, a balance of power and surrender, where neither of us seeks to overpower the other, yet elevates them. You are quite literally a queen in every respect and I am only a knight at your service.

At the touch of her hand, soft yet shaking with pent-up energy, Knuckles let her pull him in the direction of the exit, a slight smile playing on his lips. The murmur of noise, the bustle of the tavern, had faded to a distant hum in his ears, irrelevant beside the bright presence of Lumikki at his side. Her urgency to flee, to find themselves a place to be alone, was matched by his own.

Indeed, the night beckons us, he whispered as they stepped into the cool air, the flight coursing through him with a silent thrill in her exclamation. He could feel the stir of his Obscura inside, responding to her summons as if their essences were inextricably entwined. Thus, Lumikki took to the sky, her wings unfolding in one great, sweeping motion; thus, too, did Knuckles, his presence as imposing as ever, yet gentle with the bond they shared.

When they landed on the highest tower, Knuckles took a moment to drink in the scene of the serenity of the night, the way Lumikki’s form blended with the darkness, her icy blue contrasting beautifully against the stars. Her words, spoken with a yearning that matched his own, resonated deeply within him.

"Ah, Lumikki," he said, his every word imparting an awe-struck wonder and affection "There can't be a greater delight for me than being here with you under the night sky. The wilds are calling to you, as they are to me reminders of the untamed freedom we both want. Yet know this, my love-I am yours, now and always, whether in the heart of the wilderness or amidst the chaos of the world below."

He inched closer, the tactile graze of his hand against her arm soft and reassuring, anchoring her as best he was able. "We shall have this, and more, as often as you desire. The night, the stars, and the silence are ours for the taking. And when the world gets too loud, too overwhelming, then we shall escape together, finding peace in each other's company."

Knuckles turned to the wilderness now before her gaze, a knowing smile on his lips. "Let us chase the wilds, Lumikki. Let us embrace the freedom they offer, where nothing binds us but our love for one another. For tonight, and for all nights to come, we shall be as one, untamed and unbroken."

And with those words, he unfurled his strength to follow her wheresoever the night should take them knowing full well that no boundary could hold them in, nor any constraint stifle their fire.

Now that the pair seemed to be away from the crowds he could expose himself to her. "Beloved, I shall share what you asked before, I can tell you either something from my time as a Noble, a freshly turned Daemon, my first time fighting the Rune Knights, a tale as a Don, or. " His voice trailed off as he sunk his pink hues into the depths of her own. "Something horrible I did in your name that you have yet to know of."

With eager patience, the daemon wondered just which she would pick. He had his bet but dared not speak it into the world as not to tempt her hand.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

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