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Cold Wind Pest Control

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Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:22 am


Lumikki was hearing a lot of word lately around Orchidia that the pest problem was escalating. She would of preferred to be able to ignore the problem but she actually grew to like this pace. The Silver Cleaver that her friend, whose like a mother to her, named Carla even began to complain. Saying the the rats on the outskirts of Orchidia were getting out of hand. They were either stalling or halting deliveries all together. She found that it was make it exceedingly hard to run her restaurant and Lumikki could not ignore the cry for help.

She grew to love the woman and so she would not let her continue to suffer. Besides, this was the kind of work her guild could provide. So even though Lumi felt much above this kind of quest anymore, she took it upon herself to get it done. It was her way of giving back.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 12:08 pm


Lumikki packed her bag as she was preparing to set out for Orchidia. Nibbling her snacks as she did. While she was closing up her back she would hear a tapping on her window. It seemed Muginn would come over for a visit before seeing her off. To which she highly appreciated. Clever bird must of caught wind of her mission for the day.

She tied her bag on her waist and walked over to her window. Waiting for her bother to move before opening up the pane. He flew right in and perched on the nearby table. Croaking happily to see her. “Good noon brother. I’m off to run an errand for Carla.”

Lumi scooped the rest of the snack into her hand and offered it up to Muginn, who hungrily ate it up quickly. When he was all done she scratched his head and encased her arm in black ice.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:09 pm


Beckoning him to re-perch on her freshly iced arm, the corvid complied as he flew for her. She brought him toward her cheek and Muninn nuzzled her fondly. "I hope to make this a decent enough day, I don't fondly enjoy kill rats. How about ye mate? Do ye have better plans today?"

"Short Croak" the raven replied, Lumikki threw her head back in a laugh. "Sounds more appealing than mine then, I would rather laze around than clean up pest. Though," Lumikki paused to think to herself, "I heard the pay would be nice." She smirked at him as she began walking out, she would usually jump out the window and fly but she was enjoying holding the raven to her.

She would tell him about her past few days any all the things on her mind until it was time for the two to part. "Bye love," she would call to him before setting off at last.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 4:39 pm


It did not take long in her flight to make it to Orchidia. A soon as she entered the city she headed right for Carla in the Silver Cleaver. The day today was particularly hot. Lumikki needed to talk to Carla for further details of what she knew about the pests but she also wanted to make sure the kitchen was at a manageable temperature.

Lumi swooped right in and entered from the window. Stopping just before her favorite table to perch on a nearby chair. “At Carla, I’m here!” Lumikki called out loud so that Carla could hear her from the kitchen.

“Hold on lass, it’s hotter then the Dhain’s forge in here. Let me just finish this order, then we can talk.” Lumikki hopped from her seat immediately, shifting back to her Daemon form. Skipping over to the kitchen quickly.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:25 pm


“I really don’t know why ye could never wait for me woman, ye know I’d cool here kitchen for ya!” Lumikki burst pass the door way, her magic already kicking into the air and whipping a flurry. It hardly took any time at all for her cold to take up the space, making the kitchen leagues more bearable to occupy. Lumikki sighed deeply in both relief and frustration as she freed the Dwarven lady from her self made furnace.

Lumikki cupped her hands for form an ice lotus, black in its color and sheen like obsidian. She poured a good share of mana within so it could hold its shape and still spill cold to cut the heat. Placing it on an empty spot on the counter. She turned to see Carla still focused on her work, but she was already sweating much less. Lumi blew a bit of cold wind her way and cooled the sweat off for good.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

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Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 5:49 pm


Lumikki then soon left the kitchen. The woman could only think of her order. As she sat down Murlo would step in through the door, massive bags in his arms, he must of had to do some shopping locally to make of for the lack of supply. Lumikki rose from the chair but the man just as quickly shut her help down.

”It’s alright lass, you already did us a favor. I could feel the chill from the outside and let me tell you, that helps a lot. I’ll fix you a drink after I set here down.” Lumikki pouted but she did not complain. She knew how the work was important to them both and she didn’t want to step on that.

After five minutes passed by Murlo had returned with her favorite sweet drink, placing it right on the table beside her.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

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Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 6:09 pm


He pull out a chair from near by and sat down. Leaning onto the table and clasping his hands as he spoke. “So I know you are here to handle the pest problem. They have been slowing our deliveries and that’s been a problem. From what we know, there’s a massive nest on the west end, thought they are spreading their breeding grounds. So they are starting to cut off our routs in the north west and south.” He pulls a folded up piece of paper from his back pocket and began to open it up. Laying a map of the city on the table.

“This here is the spot people say they see ‘em coming from, but with eyes like yours I’m sure you’ll spot ‘em fast enough.” Lumi nodded to what he said and looked over the areas he pointed to.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 6:26 pm


“Aye, I get the gist so I will be off.” Lumikki threw back what was left of her drink and stood up. Stretching as she got ready to take off and walking over to the window. In a quick moment she was a raven once more flying for the west of the city.

It did not take her long to make it over there, at first she flew high above the trees but figured she would see more if she was close to the ground. She would weave through leaves and branches until she would make out a swarm of rats any where.

She flew around for a while, circling a lot of the same places time and time again. Wondering as to how she could be missing them. That was until she found a few rising from the ground. It seems their nests were underground burrows.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 6:38 pm


Lumikki sucked her teeth as that would make things harder than if the nest was more exposed, but maybe not. If she flood the underground with her magic then they have little room to run out of the way. She tried to look around for all the openings so that she could seal away their choices of escape.

After an hour of meticulous looking and noticing the coming and going of the rats and their home, she was almost sure she sealed up most of the pats. She planted herself at one that she thought would be the last and began to charge her magic. A lavender magical circle flashed above the hole.

Lumikki connected and extended her will over the darkness within the tunnel. Using it to carry out the spell. In a quick burst, her dark frost would spread and crackle in the burrow. Black flowers with sharp petals and leaves were impaling all that were below.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 6:54 pm


Their screams and screeches bleed into the others. The sounds of their cries filled the air. She could not care less for their pain but she was gettin so annoyed from the noise. She shot more of her magic to ice them off and kill them sooner. Their wails began to decreased as she iced them further.

She stood to see what would come of her results. Seeing some mound near her get pushed up as if they were trying to dig their way out. She would stomp the ground, a lavender magical circle flashing about he floor before shards of her black ice would impale the ground.

The digging ceased as many of the rats that tried to escape got killed within her attack. She was satisfied with her work but more than anything that it was over so that she could enjoy getting paid. As she was about to step away she heard more cries in the air.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:09 pm


When to turned to where the source of the screech was coming form, she could easily see a hoard of massive rats in the distance. She almost wanted to throw up in her mouth from the sight of them, she was never really a fan. Since the first time her Uncle Brone took her on her first mission, she found that she felt the urge to itch whenever she sees them.

And so Lumi locked on to all of them with her eye as she pulled her arm back behind her head. Black frost weapons materialized around her as lavender magical circles passed through them. She learned well from an attack she had from an opponent prior to don’t even bother letting them come close. It would spare her the pain of being harmed or surprised.

When she felt they were all in her sight at least once, she swung her arm forward.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:24 pm


All the weapons she materialize shot forward, seeking their marks. The rats ran right for them, aiding to the brunt of the attacks. They all began to fall rather quickly, their bodies dropping to the ground.

Just as she though she would be done, she began to turn away, only to be stopped by an eve odder sight form the distance. A rat bigger than all that came prior was approaching. To what Lumikki would assume, avenge all their fallen and the damaged home. Lumikki sprouted her wings as her curiosity took over her. She had to know where all these giant rats were coming from. It was becoming more clear why the deliveries were halting if some of these rats were the size of a hound.

She flew to where the rat racing to her was, cracking her knuckles in flight. As she would approach she would point her fingers out toward them, a crackling beam of pure dark frost darting out from her hand.


Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Cold Wind Pest Control  Empty Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:38 pm


The spell connected an the rat died in an instant. Lumikki sucked her teeth as she was annoyed with this work. Further up she would see a cave opening. Lumikki figured she would enter, if this was their home than she needed to finish the job.

She flew right in darting down the passive. Everything clear within her sight. She could smell the scent she hated so much, the smell of the rodents. She kept going and within an opening leading to a wide area, there it was. The biggest rat she’s ever seen, this one the size of a horse. There were a few other size of hounds beside her. Lumikki figured this was the true nest and breeding ground. This is where the big ones em to want ot guard the most. So she got to working killing them out with her spells.

Like the ones before them, these did not last long. Dropping down to her sheer cold. The massive one was swollen, but still tried to lunge. Lumikki shot her down. The rats within the cave were slain.

As she exited the cave she would leave her jagged ice spikes around so they would wound any more rats that would come. Sealing the cave with layers upon layers of her black ice.

She returned to the Silver Cleaver to tell Carla or her were and give her recommendation to set traps if anymore were to come.



Cold Wind Pest Control  Nerili11

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