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Half-Elves (Starter)

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Half-Elves (Starter) Empty Wed Dec 26, 2018 3:16 pm



Half-Elves, as usually defined, are humanoid and as their name suggests are born of the union of a Wood Elf and a human. Whether a Half-Elf was raised by their human parent or (in rarer cases) by their Wood Elven parent, they can often feel isolated and alone. Their characteristics sometimes make it difficult for them to fit into any of the societies with as much ease as they would have if they were pure-bloods. On an average, they tend to fare better when integrated amidst humans.


  • Land: Most Half-Elves are found among the human civilisation, with a few exceptions who choose to live among the Wood Elves in their forest settlements, if they can prove that they truly love nature and wish to keep the balance.

  • Location: Any of the human countries, or a Wood Elven settlement in a forest.

  • Governance: Half-Elves are too scattered to have their own government. They fall under the government of the civilization they live in.

  • Head: There is no single ruler of Half-Elves. They follow the leader of the civilization they live in.

  • Capital: None

  • Region: Earthland

  • Population: There are not many Half-Elves.


  • Languages: Half-Elves usually speak the human language, depending on which country they reside in. They are also capable of speaking Val'Elvarin, if they reside among the Wood Elves or put effort into learning it.

  • Names: Typically, they either have a human or Wood Elven name.


  • Religion: Half-Elves beliefs are diverse and are dependent on their upbringing. Most either believe in one of the many human religions or worship the Wood Elven Pantheons.


  • Physiology: The Half-Elves boast shades of lighter hair, much like the Elven half of their parentage. Although, it can often be duskier especially if the human parent's tresses are of the darker variety. Half-Elven ears are about the size of human ones, but like the elves, they are pointed at the ends. Given that usually Half-Elves are raised within human societies they are seen adopting the dress and hairstyles of the culture in which they are raised, however some may be partial to the Elven styles as a display of their pride towards that half of their heritage.

  • Physique: Half-Elves seem to take more of their Wood Elven genes than that of humans, when it comes to their physique. They stand between 1.65 - 2.20 meters tall on average, and weigh about 60 – 80 kg.

  • Lifespan: Half-Elves have a much longer lifespan than humans do, but shorter than the Wood Elves. They could live up to 400 years, if they don't meet their end in the battlefield.

  • Psychology: Half-Elves, as a result of their unique heritage, exhibited a confidence and strength of personality uncommon amongst both humans and elves, a result of the blending between Elven perceptiveness and human passion and drive. Half-Elves are natural negotiators and will take on the role of a leader if no one else steps up. Some Half-Elves manifest their leadership qualities through confidence and bravery, but others are simply affable, cordial and polite, manifesting their force of personality in a subtler but no less effective manner. Given their reality of living in two worlds, they are likely to be accepting and open-minded and tend to value creativity and liberty of thought and expression.

    Like elves, Half-Elves are curious and inventive creatures, though this is coupled with the powerful ambition of their human parents. Half-Elves often also share a love of the natural world and aesthetic beauty with their fey parents Half-Elves, are free-spirited and chaotic, usually presenting a distaste for overbearing rules and regulations. However, like humans, Half-Elves lean neither towards good nor evil.


  • Society: Since Half-Elves are fairly rare as a species, they haven't had the chance to congregate together into large enough numbers and form true communities and societies of their own. Historically, Half-Elves truly flourished when the Wood Elven societies found themselves challenged and in need of help from the humans. Such threats lead to a change in Elven territorial integrity and they came into contact with human settlers. In more benign cases, Half-Elves are a little more common in areas where humans and Wood Elves have learned to live in harmony and co-exist.

  • History: Over the course of several years, Wood Elves and humans have often encountered circumstances where they have relied on each other's forces and wisdom to overcome certain obstacles. On rare occasions, amidst such ventures there have been cases of Wood Elves and humans cultivating a romantic relationship and as a result Half-Elves are born. Usually the Half-Elves find more creative expression and freedom among the humans and are seen gravitating towards them. As a result the humans are more accustomed and adept at raising the Half-Elves and have over time become more readily accepting of them than the Wood Elves. Their participation in historical events is largely dependent on their location and which sector of humans they have either aligned themselves with, or been adopted by.

Last edited by Naga on Wed Jun 07, 2023 2:02 pm; edited 3 times in total


Half-Elves (Starter) Empty Wed Dec 26, 2018 3:16 pm



  • Item Spells(Mana): 10% Mana Cost Reduction to Item Spells

  • Item Spells(Cooldown): 1 Post Cooldown Reduction to Item Spells

  • Elvish Dexterity: Half-elves may equip an extra dagger in their Main Hand slot as a back-up weapon. They may only equip a Dagger of Unique Rarity as their back-up weapon. The rarity limit increases to Legendary after achieving Master Level Weapon Mastery.

  • Half-Elvish Physique: Half-elves inhertit the stronger physiques of their human parent, recieving a 5% increase to all attributes.

  • Soft Step: Half-elves inherit from the Wood Elven parent the ability to move half-soundlessly.

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