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Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki)

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Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 9:12 am

Vex had gotten the woman from the beach into a beach house that she rented. Vex had gotten the daemon woman onto the couch in the main area as she was sure the daemon woman not wake up in a bed in a form of undress. Vex had begun tending to the wounds that the woman had sustained from their fight. Vex also had taken the time to get the sand off of the other woman's face and out of her hair as it would have really sucked to wake up caked in sand.

Vex sits in a chair and awaits the woman to wake up, she wondered if the woman would even really talk to her or if this woman was just going to freak out and just start feverishly reaching around for her staff which was in the corner of the room as Vex isn't looking for a fight just to talk this out and hear the girl out. Vex is looking at a fashion magazine and ignores the god awful lewd pictures that Bp had in the magazine this time around she really couldn't get why they did these things.


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Sat Aug 12, 2023 1:25 am


Lumikki would toss and turn in her sleep, stirred by things in her dreams.

She would find her self in an odd place, both familiar and foreign. Upward was that ravenous sky she somewhat remembered from long ago. The sky would offer aspects of herself to so that it would carry it all away. Free her of the burden of things she found useless, like her pact. Oh how she loathed anything that would tie her to her father.

Yet here she was again and she could not seem to understand why. The scene was constantly shifting in colors and form as if the world too could not settle on what it wanted to be. A hole forming just beneath her and so she fell. Her magic and wings failed her. Nothing in which she tried to summon would come to her aid, and for that she felt utterly vulnerable.

She would fall for a bit until she was simple suspended by the void. The air chilling to tempts ever she could barely with stand. Her hands and arms began to blacken further from the intensity of the cold as they began to ger frostbitten. The burn traveling up her fingers and skin so intense that the flesh would flake and warp until it much more resemble scales. Though she stayed submerged in the darkness, she could still see clearly. Lumikki would inspect her hands as they changed form. Though she was all to see for the moment, as the Daemon tried to adapt to the intense cold that would wrap around her.

The pain becoming more to bare than she could grit, she finally started to call out in pain. Though as far as she knew there was no one there to hear her. She shut her eyes and folded into herself. At a loss from all the pain searing into all at once. There were multiple points within her body that she felt as though she was stabbed, and through those holes, she felt as though she was pouring out. Soon enough there will be nothing of her left.

She held to herself tighter, crying and crying. The pain and misery was becoming too much, it was affecting her deeply. The darkness within was merging with that which was outside of her. Shifting from their meeting into something new and intangible. A staff would from in Lumikki's clenched arms, but with all the pain she would not yet feel it.

The scales, they were spreading further, threatening to take up her whole form, but a rupture of feathers would stave the spread from reaching any further. It was like she too was breaking into a new form as she mixed with that which was around her.

Tears flowing endlessly from her eyes but burning away from the cold, and so would the burn stain her flesh. The bits of her mind, wisped away and soon nothing of Lumikki would be left.

"It is time to wake, my lil raven. The changes has ran it's course and ye are born anew. So now it is time to wake once again with the new power ye hold in yer hands. Just know that no matter the time that passes, I love ye...." A voice Lumikki hadn't heard in years had spoke out to her. It sent a chill up her spine deeper than the cold that touched her skin ever could. The freezing tempts melted away as if they no longer existed as Lumikki finally adjusted to them in that moment. The burning would cease as well.

All she could think about was her Nan. She shot up into an upright position, looking around for any traces of the woman she loved, but nothing was there. Tears falling harder than they ever did before. "Nan please where are ye!" She would desperately scream, but no one answered and Lumikki was feeling desperate. Clinging to the staff she still didn't realize was in her hands, she swung it and a blizzard would erupted. Kicking up a storm and pushing a lot of the darkness away.

There was nothing but her and her storm for some time before she could make out a raven in the distant. It was small in stature at first but as it neared her it would only get more massive. Lumikki didn't feel a sense of fear toward the bird, though it wasn't a bird but more a massive shadow. It collided with the Daemon merging within her as if a piece was returning to make her whole again.


Lumikki shot up from where she slept. The staff from her dream still in her hands. The marred flesh would also remain as if she really were transformed. She started at her hands for a long while and then to the staff before looking around and seeing where she was and who she was with. Finally seeing Vex and her mended body.

For the moment Lumikki was speechless, as she couldn't get over hearing the voice of her departed Nan. What ever displeasure she had toward Vex was melted away. All she could do was stare at the girl like a lost child and cry.

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Sat Aug 12, 2023 11:51 am

Vex had seen the girl shifting in her sleep and the staff appear in the woman's hands and she wondered what was going on here. She sees the woman shoot up and she had begun to cry and Vex wasted not a second and she walked over and she gently hugged the daemon woman and gently began to stroke her hair and softly hum in hopes that it would help the woman be able to calm down and maybe explain to her how and why some of the things had happened. Vex knows the woman might still not speak to her but she really couldn't say that she could blame her.

"Hey hey it is okay you are in a safe place and I am not going to hurt you no need to cry." Vex's sounds was soft and motherly reassuring the woman of her safety and that the woman was not going to come to harm here, at least not while she still held breath in herself to defend the young woman. Vex points to the snacks on the table and the cooler with drinks and ice if the woman felt she needed something.


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Sat Aug 12, 2023 6:04 pm


Lumikki continued to cry hysterically. Mumbling only the word "Nan", though she could never clarify what she would mean or make it clear what she was saying. Muttering it over and over between her sobs and tears. Crying for some time until she was taped out and empty.

A chill hung in the air but it was not harsh. More like refreshing from the heat of the night. Though the lights would flicker plenty as Lumi would cry.

When she was finally done, she leaned into Vex in silence. No longer making any sound. When she was called to move again and reconnect with reality she muttered for juice. Hardly moving as she was still somewhat stunned.

The care Vex gave did a lot to sooth her from her hysteria. She was now only burnt from the combination of the battle and the dream now.

"Let's eat snacks." She mumbled softly.

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 6:50 am

Vex hearing her ask for the drink and snack gently moved and got them for the woman’s nod she smiled to her. "Just take it slowly okay miss." he voice remained soft and comforting for the woman as this girl looked like she had just been through hell in her sleep and she is unsure if she saw something or not but that staff appearing out of no where made her skin crawl a bit. She wondered if the woman had seen a god of some soft that just passed her along a weapon and it dragooned the woman.

Vex realizes she should probably eat and drink a little in front of her to proved that there was no funny business going on here and that the woman can trust her. Vex grabs a juice and a snack as well and sips on the drink and nibbles on the snack to show she means the woman no harm to the daemon woman. "If you find yourself needing or wanting to talk please feel free to speak to me, as I will listen and try to help you."


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 5:19 pm


Lumikki to the food she offered hungrily after she saw it was fine to eat. Stuffing her mouth full and enjoy her little meal. She forgot the last moment she got to eat and this day was turning out to be quite the long day. She didn't even notice the staff on her lap until she was finally done. As she when to put the bottle down, she felt it's weight shift and finally looked down.

Lumikki froze when she finally glanced upon it. Scared to see that it was real. She looked back to Vex slowly, swallowing hard before she could begin to utter any words again. "I....I saw this in me dream, but I can't figure how it got here.....I don't know where it came from, but it felt painful being in my dream." She looked over to her hands and finally realized that they too had changed in the real world, or was it real.

"Am I really here? Where am I, is this real?"

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Tue Aug 15, 2023 8:51 am

Vex lightly pinched the woman when she asked if this was real. "Figuring from your reacting I believe it is the real world. You are in the beach house I am renting, the staff just seemed to appear out of no where." She healed the place she had pinched so not to make the poor girl suffer any longer than she had to. Vex keeps closer to the raven woman as she wanted to make her feel safer as they needed to see what they can do to get the girl to be able to be calm and feel safe.

Vex is unsure to why this woman seemed so shaken what had she seen in her dream was it a nightmare? Was it something she had done in the past? Had Vex nearly killed her? Had she seen loved ones that were gone... Vex feels pretty bad right now as she thought that there was no issues but she might have caused this woman trauma and she knows magic can't fix that only time and help.


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:17 pm


Lumikki settled and fell back into reality. Sorting out her thoughts and the words of Vex. She nodded as an attempt to self soothe. The rocking was calming.

"Have ye ever heard the voice of someone whose passed away. Like it was as clear as talking to 'em in person..." She pulled her legs toward her as she hugged them to her chest. Resting her head on her knees.

"I don't know how much ta pour on ye, I mean we had that weird fight just before. For a shirt? But I'm pretty sure I was speaking to me Nan. I don't know how to explain it. It was cold and dark there. More intense than anything I could muster."

She grabbed at the snacks. Nibbling like a small mouse. Mindlessly munching a cookie right after the other. The sweetness making her feel a little more alive.

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Wed Aug 23, 2023 7:30 am

When the woman asked her the question about hearing someone that is dead she hadn't heard that, not the voice of someone dead at least. "Does sometimes hearing the voice of my goddess count toward this?" She figured she would ask the woman if her hearing her goddesses voice counted as someone that is dead as there was an emotional attachment that Vex put to hearing her goddess speak to her.

Vex listened to the small woman speak of the place in which she spoke to her nan as she called them and she wonders if that was like when Vex gets a sight of the goddess realm some times when she is spoken to. Vex doesn't know if it is the same as her goddess' place was bright full of life and flowing water. "Do you think I nearly killed you and that was you on the apex of the after life before I pulled you back by healing you?" Vex kept her eyes forward and she kneels beside the girl and is interested in helping her if she can help her that is but that is something that she can't really change or do better about. Vex gently pets Lumikki's head and hopes that the woman will be able to come back from her scare and talking to her nan.


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:17 pm


”Ye hear the voice of yer goddess in yer head, is she nice? I hear a Demon in mine from time to time when he wants to annoy me. Though I can’t say I care for him. It is interesting to hear of a case of a goddess from another thought.”

Lumikki gave it thought as she was settling down. A mixture of dissociating and focusing else where were helping her alleviate the tension on her mind, body, and emotions. There was no need to ruminate further on the bit she couldn’t understand nor shake for any longer after she already spoke her say on it.

”How did yer goddess come to ya?” She was fascinated to know people could just as easily be touched by divinity as they could the Abyss. She suppose it was the obvious but one hardly understands beyond their own experiences or perceptions sometimes. She figured it was a good time to she what it was life for another, especially since herself and her Guild Master’s didn’t particularly enjoy the outside influences in their life. She wondered if there too were negative connotations from having a goddess with you too.

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 4:45 am

"Of curse she is nice why would she not be nice?" Vex looked at the daemon in wonder of what she may have heard about herself and her goddess if she was to ask such a question of her to if her goddess was nice or not. The woman says she has a demon that speaks into her head. She guesses maybe that was why she asked her to if she had a nice one in her head. Vex is unsure how much of it was truth and how much of it was a lie but she knows that she needs to make sure that she stays on guard as being part of Eternal Nightmare has made her a bit less trusting of people but she still tries not to judge and be rude by having a demon in your head strikes her as something you might want to get dealt with.

"My goddess I found while I was on the streets starving half to death... She spoke to me and told me where to go and I was recruited to her cause..." She had looked away from the woman waiting to hear herself be judged for having been in that situation to even begin with. Vex doesn't really see herself as much more then a villain anyways even if she was only just a tainted soul trying to do good for her goddess.


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 8:50 am


"I'm glad she's nice, I'm glad she saved you." Lumikki smiled back at the girl sweetly. "I'm sorry that ye were in the streets but ye found a new family now aye? Hope ye take care of each other."

Lumikki adjusted herself so that she would be sitting normally. Picking up her juice to take another sip. "It's always interesting meeting another who could also hear their respective voices. I wonder what ye are to that Goddess of yers. May ye never just be some piece on a board for her to cast. That's usually me main worry. However, a power called Theama did wonders in helping me. She gave me the sight to pick me path despite the Demon. It really adds perspective.

Lumikki looked back over to the staff she had beside her. The one pulled straight from her dream. She lifted it with her hands, looking at the little details. It was a likeness she had never seen. The cold from it was almost unbearable, but now it was just minorly uncomfortable. She was growing to enjoy the burn of this cold. Her hands, she didn't notice, were even stained further than they were before she came. That black lifting almost to her elbows. Scales were even forming, at least that was what they looked like. Someone probably normal would think this atrocious and ugly, but she thought it lovely and charming. It was like she had talons of her own now, and she liked that. Her mother's side were raven demi-humans and now she only feels that much closer to them. Lacking in their features all her life annoyed her. She ran her hand over her arm to feel them, amused by the new textures.

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Thu Aug 31, 2023 6:05 am

She looked the woman right in the face after her comment about being a piece on a board. "We are all just pieces on a board for some god, goddess, demon, or demoness we all play a part in things they want to push rather we want to be or not as we don't know we are doing it." She giggled a little as she was gently teasing the other woman but was unsure if she would get that it was a teasing comment and not a serious one. Tutrix doesn't force her to do anything she just does it as the cult thought her how to do it to help the goddess to gain power and grow but she was just one woman and most of the cult back home she thinks was wiped out or in hiding as followers of Illumin had sought to silence them because they had started to grow in voice and were not just being ignored as crazy any more. Vex had to hope that they still remained but her figuring on the chances were very low.

"So what do you like to do little one?" She said little one in the way that she is saying she is younger or at least she thinks that Lumikki is younger than she is, not height wise as they were not really that far apart or at least she thinks so.


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Thu Aug 31, 2023 7:21 am


Lumikki giggled herself. Maybe she was walking into the Demon's plans but she still had her own motivations. She will still go down doing what she herself wanted to do.

"I suppose those sorts of characters always like to play a game. Can't say I blame 'em. I want to be more than that one day, now that's me dream. How about ya, ever want to ascend to god-hood? Is that an option? I'm not quite sure."

Lumikki put the staff to the side on the floor, leaning it by her seat. She adjusted her seat and took in the girls question. "I love ta read. Me favorite is myths and stories of old. The more forgotten they are, the more I want ta know them. I don't want the heroes or villains to cease to exist. Beyond that, I like baking and other creative things. Flying is one of me more favorite pass time there though. What about ye lass?"

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Sat Sep 02, 2023 12:01 pm

She heard the woman's question about god hood and if herself would seek it. "My goals aren't something that lofty, my only goal currently is to help my goddess gain power and to help the guild I belong to Eternal Nightmare try to grow and maybe be able to do something that isn't interfered with by some totally nameless irrelevant god." She was very displeased with the road blocks that seemed to just emptily appear and stop their plans like someone was cheating the systems of this world for their own greedy and lazy gains. She hopes that this god stops sticking their fingers into others endeavors soon lest they end up with nor more followers left.

She was happy to see that the other woman was excited and freely sharing with her the interests that she had in the world that at times seemed completely bleak and lifeless. "Most of the same besides the flying as I have a ship that lets me watch and enjoy it, Or is that considered flying? I also like to help those that need help and sometimes help them find my goddess' love." She wasn't looking to cause any issues or admit that she would sacrifice people to her goddess it isn't like she enjoyed doing it either it was just a evil that she had to do some times but most of them were criminals and people wishing to get that honor from her.


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Fri Sep 08, 2023 9:35 am


The mention of a nameless god tampering with the world perked her interest. Causing her to lean in as she was eager at a chance to rip a god from the heavens. "Nameless god ye say! One that doesn't need to be around to maintain balance? If I could, I'd what a chance at tearing 'em apart."

The Daemon was brought back to life from the implications of acting out one of her passions. Due to her very nature and just what she was building up to be. Lumikki was very drawn and driven to the idea of one day facing and slaying the gods. It was the very nature of her magic yes, but with time the more she used it, the more she found it compelled her forward. Lining up her desires.

"Aye, if I could, I'd love to slay 'em. Would be a victory for us both."

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Sun Sep 10, 2023 7:51 am

Vex looked at the woman that had said they she would like to help to take on this nameless god that seemed to all ways meddle in the goings on that had tossed the world into a frenzy and caused a laundry list of issues as seeming to enhance the chances of others winning over the other. "Seems to be a god that got a taste of power and has no idea how to handle themselves with it they need to be torn down and thought a lesson." Vex wondered if this woman was serious about doing that about trying to take down the god with her. That would be a lot of work and preparing but it would probably be worth it so that they could get them some piece of mind from having to worry that this nameless god didn't just mess up the whole world again.

Vex ate a bit more of the snacks wondering if that was even possible to take on a god and kill it before it causing anymore harm.


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Fri Sep 15, 2023 7:51 am


"Sounds like the perfect god ta rip from the sky to meeee! Perhaps its time cull some of the numbers and remind 'em what fear is?" The Daemon laughed from her enthusiasm. Though she was partially saying all this jokingly, she also did indeed mean it.

She shifted to a more serious tone after it all. "Jest aside, some of these beings, no matter where they crawl from, could be scrapped from this world. We don't need all these old souls meddling in our affairs freely and unwarranted. Not Lorimer nor yer nameless god." Her eyes shown purple from her disdain before she caught herself and cooled off. Her frost chilling the cabin but to a more comfortable degree.

"It's interesting to hear ya have a good relationship to yer goddess. It almost felt like all I knew were those that were marred with their outer relations. But if yer happy with yers, maybe there are more stories like it? I did read of tales where gods would assist warriors of their choosing, but I also read just as many like yer nameless. Tell me Vex, are ya the chosen warrior to yer goddess?"

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:40 am

She heard the woman speak and was agreeing with her up until she asked her if Tutrix had chosen her as a warrior of her cause and she smirked at the other woman. "I don't think my goddess chooses favorites among her followers. I might be worthy of that type of title yes but I don't see myself as a fighter or a warrior I am a simple woman here to help and heal and clean the streets of those too black with sin to be allowed to run free." Vex had mumbled the last part about cleaning the streets of those too evil to be allowed to exist there. She likes to sacrifice them to her goddess and have them purified by the cleansing waters of her goddess. She gets beside the woman and she gently pets the girl's head and smiles. "Let's just for now take it easy and try to enjoy the day."


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Thu Sep 21, 2023 6:51 pm


”She sounds so lovely and kind. Wonder if more were as kind as she.” Vex sits right beside her and pets her head. Lumikki enjoyed it, it was always a pleasant feeling.

”What do ye do round here? I’ve never been in parts like this before. Really, I’m more used to colder places. Rocky too really.” She looked around for something to pass time with the girl. Her eyes settling on a deck of cards on a side table. She got up to retrieve them, but she wondered would any game really be all that fun with just two people.

She looked over to Vex to think it over some more. She settled on at least walking back over and dropping the cards on the coffee table before sitting back down. ”Are there game ye play around here? Can’t even remember the last time I played a game with someone. It’ll feel nostalgic now”

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Fri Sep 22, 2023 10:27 am

Vex looked at the woman as she asked if there was something to do around this place. "Well we are at a beach so, swimming, sunbathing, watching men and women in swimsuits or if you wanna hike there is some forested areas on the other side of the city. In here are board games and cards I guess, unless you want to do something more spicy." Vex smirked at her with a teasing tone added to the last part of what she said. Vex wasn't looking to go spicy with the daemon girl put figured she could still tease her a bit as there was not a lot to do around here out side of that or going to explore the nearby forests she guessed. She wondered what the girl would like to do here and Vex thinks of maybe playing a bit of a joke on her if she picked the card game choice, but would the woman be able to realize she was being toyed with.


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Tue Oct 03, 2023 2:07 pm


Lumikki was sitting all the way back enjoying the arm of the chair to hold her up. She had made herself comfortable when she dropped herself back into her seat—propping herself up haphazardly while Vex was being ever so kind enough to run her through some options.

"Hmmmmm," Lumikki poured at the end of her suggestions. Suddenly a card game no longer seemed like any fun. She slowly pulled herself up from her slouch and inched her way toward the woman. Stopping just a slight way from her face as she gazed right into Vex's eyes. She thought over her offers before she decided on what she would want to settle on. As she thinks, she nibbles on her lips showing her fang. The air was particularly cool from her sudden bout to get closer and some strands of Lumikki's hair fell into her face. And after a bit of a pause, saying no more than "hmm" and purrs of think. She finally spoke again giving her answer.

"Spicy is a tempting idea lass, but ye probably don't like a cool touch I figure and sadly there's little warmth in me sometimes. Wanna swim with me instead~" She had mostly spoken in a cheeky whisper to match the tease Vex had started first. She broke out into a mischievous grin before jerking herself back up and sitting on the arm of the chair. "Got anything ye could spare me to wear for the swim? I didn't dress for the dip nor do I have much on to wear for the water." She pulled the fabric of her dress to emphasize her point.

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Fri Oct 06, 2023 6:55 am

Vex giggled at the woman's reaction to her saying spicy. "I was more meaning something like strip poker, But yes I do have some things." The woman stands up and puts her hand out to the other woman to show her to the closet of the place that had some swimsuits and other gear like umbrellas, folding beach chairs, a cooler, sun screen and more. She finds a nice one for herself to wear and she looks at Lumikki and then back to the swim stuff and she smiles. "Looks like there is a decent amount for you to pick from so take your time so we can make sure you are comfortable."

Vex wonders if this woman swims a lot or is around warm things a lot as she has Frost and darkness powers and that seemed to be a common opposite to hot and the sun light, then Vex laughed cause she just thought of Lumikki as a vampire not as a daemon and a living being there for a second and she realized that she was off track with her thought process.


Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Sat Oct 07, 2023 3:15 pm


Lumikki got up and rummaged the confines of the closet. Cycling through the plethora of options there. At first she was honestly both surprised and impressed they had such a selection, and after a bit she found one she wanted to settle on. A black and purple two piece suit, though a little tight in the top, it was to Lumikki’s liking. It had a motif a flowers peppering the fabric. And with a bit more digging, she even found herself a skirt to wear. Tying it around her hip tightly, she left the closet to meet with Vex again.

To which she looked for a bag to pack some snacks and towels with. ”I’m not against the game of stipe poker, but ye’d have to teach me the rules first.” Lumikki still didn’t understand the implications of the game. But she was excited to turn this day around.

When the two stepped out, Lumi made herself a parasol and pair of shoes out of the ice. She liked the idea of swimming but the feeling of the hot sun was still annoying. At least with this she could stay cooled off.

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Img_0811

Pokedex Entry

Aftercare of the daemon. (Lumikki) Empty Mon Oct 09, 2023 7:10 am

Vex really wondered if she should explain to the woman about what it was but she knows that if she didn't the poor girl might later get suckered into playing it with someone that wasn't joking or would take advantage of that so she was going to try and explain it the best she can or at least the basics of the concept of it so she can know in the future to stay no. "The strip poker thing was a joke, in strip poker if you lose a hand of cards you take something off till you end up nude with nothing else to offer. Do you wish to know more beyond that?"

Vex left it open to explaining farther as she had changed already and was ready to go out to the beach with her friend then she saw the woman making herself ice shoes and a what looked like an umbrella made of ice. Vex would follow her as this was probably going to be an interesting thing for the people on the beach to see.

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