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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal)

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:42 pm


Lumikki was doing her rounds, making sure that the village of Larkspar was good and cleared of the typical bandits. Her ravens were on the roads they were assigned and watching the usual routes.

”Honestly, we can’t thank you enough Lumikki. Since you have come here, it really eases the process. Most our product is getting to the destinations fine now. Really, it feels like just yesterday when most our wares were getting nicked. You just really don’t know how hard it was to maintain this village and keep it in order….” Butch was walking along Lumi as they moved through the town. She was taking notes down on the current status of the shipments and the ravens she would assigned to them. Ravens would now often follow the orders, watching over them to make sure they were delivered. In exchange to their services they were properly compensated with homes and feed. The ravens didn’t mind the exchange as they always enjoyed the free food.


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 10:58 pm


’It’s got to be done and I’m a Daemon of honor, sides ye’ve been doing my mum a kindness in the things ye send her. She tells me she’s doing quite well for it, even becoming the most popular seamstress back home. If I quit ya now, I add also have that old raven on me back and I just can’t have that.”

Butch chuckled at the jest to her mother, content for there to be more motivation to keep Lumi around. This were really turning out smoothly and he honestly wouldn’t haven seen it coming. Especially from a Daemon of all things, and all because of a old and petty squabble Larkspur had with another village.

He gestured for the girl to follow him for a meal to eat. She did well to take good care of them, and the offering of her ravens was a gods sent, or perhaps demon sent. That added to the surveillance but they also mad it easy to call Lumi back.

Lumikki would side down and sigh as she leaned forward on the table. ”Tired?”

She rested her elbows on the table and her head atop her open palms. Finally looking back to him so she could answer.”Aye, I am. Things have been quite busy as of late, and I’ve been battling me mates to get even stronger faster. It’s all taking its toll now, really.”


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 11:11 pm


”Well who ye fight?” She looked over to him with her eyes lacking all shine almost like they were dead.”Well….thr Heartless Angel Yuurei for one….”

Butch who was holing out his hand to get noticed so that someone would come and take their order would just drop his hand and look at her. Bafflement and awe struck his face as he emoted to her. ”Are ya fucking mad. Everyone knows just how much of a pain he could be in a fight. But I suppose you being his guild mate is the reason I’m still talking to you now. I’m curious about what went on in your mind.”

Lumikki pulls back to get one good stretch in before entertaining the chat. ”Well it wasn’t the first time I fought him ye know, this would make the second. And honestly it went better than the first time but he still smited me all the same. Can’t say I’m happy for it though. Really now I just need to get stronger.”


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 9:10 am


’I can at least say your brave.” Lumikki would nod back to him as her response. Before she could out in here order for her meal, a raven would dart for her.”My Freyja! I’m hearing from some ravens that the bandits are at it again! It seems that they snatched some people from another village, but we don’t know why.”

Lumikki sighed deeply, there goes her meal. ”Aye, I’m coming. Butch, I WILL be back for that meal≥ So could ye hold it for me?” She got up, more annoyed than anything. When she finds the bandits that did this, she’d render them all to dust…..

”Of course love. You always have a meal with us. So just a send a bird back here when you are done and it’ll be made by the time your back.”

That cheered her up.”Thanks…” Lumikki shifted to a raven her self and followed Trygve to where the bird told him. The two would fly mostly in silence since they were more focused on getting there.


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:05 am


Lumikki saw that the were flying more North. This worried her but it made the most sense. The North is where the bandit fortes were. The like to hide within the mountains because the natural defenses. Lumikki would go up time to time to wane the numbers, but they always come back with more. Seems the stories of her approaching was hardly scary enough to drive them away. She would have to change that. Perhaps it was time to remind them of the Demon she was trying to be.

She raced fourth moving faster than she had before. The anger in her absolutely brimming. More ravens would fly up with her, already way of what Lumikki was going there. The wanted to aid her with the extra eyes she provided. She silently thanked them for it.

Before getting there, she could already see some of the bandits moving around below. They looked to her like magairlean ants and so she would descend and treat them as such. She shifted with the air, her black feathers swirling her and for barely anytime before she cracked her knuckles and casted down her dark frost lighting that was her Tundrian Surge.


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:25 am


The Tundrian Surge crackled in the sky, ripping through the air and splitting apart. The bandits would whip their heads up to see what was coming, but none of them could do anything about it or in time to stop the attack. Her surge hit them all, freezing them where they stood. All of them now were dead.

”Annoyances, all of ‘em. I’m done entertaining them. They can all be brought to ice!”

Lumikki kept flying toward the forte. Her ravens that preceded her would show her where some bandits were or hid, as the ravens themselves circled above them. Lumikki would keep shooting out her Surge as she flew forward. Liking how direct the shot was and how quick it flew.

Some of the bandits growing wise began to shot for her ravens so that they would be taken down. But this only served to make Lumikki blitz as now she absolutely lost it now.


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:31 am


She would start charging for the ground and stomping. The impact triggering her Ragging Axe God spell, well named at the moment as she was raining down the fury of a Valkyrie. Lumikki was relentless. Not sparring any bit of the trees or cover. Her black frost stalagmites ripping and tearing up through the ground and the people just about it. The screams were filling the skies and there was not much they could do to stop the Daemon. The crossed her last line. She would kill anyone to harm any of her ravens and in turn her birds knew that. Knowing that there was safety for them as long as they stood by her.

There were many aspects of Lumikki that caused them to be charmed. Her origin of being a raven Demi human for one. It brought a sense of kinship and familiarity. Yet it was also the grace and love she showed them that made them enamored and flock after her. Even if ravens themselves weren’t known to hold flocks of their own.


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:39 am


Lumikki tore her way through the forests. She was now at the mountains now. Her ravens leading her to the entrances. These men had more time to prep and prepare traps. Some of the rocks she would fly past would explode, throwing out shards of stone and debris her way. She immediately flexed, her skin was rapidly coated with black frost as if it was a second skin. ”I see where they hide now, leave me! I won’t have ya hurt here!”

Her ravens understood and would leave here. Even Trygve reluctantly left. ”Please stay safe my Lumi….” He would utter before peeling away. ”I agree, stay safe lil Miss. We’ll await yer return.” Both her ravens finally left along with the others. She breathed from her sense of relief. There was less to stress and worry about now that they all were gone, and she could now get as reckless as she wanted to.


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:50 am


As she pressed on to the first entrance within the caves that she saw, more and more areas beside her as she flew by. They did nothing to the armor she granted herself so she paid them no mind. She could also even start making out the lines of projectiles headed for her. Her eyes following all of them as they were sent her way. She scowled as she easily managed to fly out from all of them. Stilling gunning for the entrance.

As she passed by and saw bandits shooting out for her, she would lock on them with her eyes and shot ice for them. Even if they tried and ran, they spell would simply following. Bringing them all to their end.

Finally she shot into the pathway of the cave. Pulling her wings back to cut her momentum and land. Men were there to meet her, all armored and armed. They even prepared a cannon to shot for her, but as it blasted she kicked up her Dwarven Wall, enforcing it so it could hold the hit.


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 11:58 am


The wall held, the cannon fell to the ground and the men before all repositioned so the could shot her down instead. She dropped her wall and flapped her wings with great force. It kicked up a blizzard the ripped around all within the room. The all were freezing and getting battered into the walls. All but one as she watched try to escape.

Her steps were silent as she chased the last man, and when the tunnel allowed it, she simply flew. Letting him stay in front of her so he could lead her through the twists and turns. She snatched darkness as she flew, shielding herself from sight. Though the lit candles could barely stay light as she cut through. The man finally stopped as he opened a latch before. Trying to jump down the hidden door after looking up to see the dying light. He himself wasn’t sure if it was simply a spell she casted to take away the flames or simply the wind of her storm. He himself didn’t know she was hidden from sight.


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 12:27 pm


She willed a black frost talon to peel back the door, letting herself fall down the long passageway just after. Falling into the man that was climbing his way down and knocking I’m over to the ground. She road his body on the way down, freezing him with her magic  causing the man to shatter on impact. No need to leave traced of any of them if she could help it. She kept walking down the tunnel before her. But the sound of a voice brought her back to her frenzy.

”Let me go, let me free! Let me fly out! I don’t want to die here! Don’t sell me, let me go!”

Lumikki darted forward. The clearing was hardly lit to begin with. Yet when she entered, her eyes pulled straight for the source of the voice he heard shrieking before.

Within a cage to small to hold here, there was a white raven. Her feathers as pale as the likeness of the moon.Her frantic eyes as blue as the sky. She was crammed into the cage, her wings poking out. It was unbearably uncomfortable to see. Lumikki shot toward her, pulling her veil at first so she could be seen, not wanting to scare the bird any further.

”I’d figured you’d show yourself and stop for the bird if you see her. Didn’t think you’d blink out of thin air to do it though.” The man was hidden behind the box, speaking as he swung his knife for her side thinking it would pierce her. But her armor didn’t give and it was his dagger that shatters.


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Empty Sat Aug 26, 2023 1:29 pm


Lumikki grabbed the man by the throat, her frost sealing his neck so he could barely breath. ”Ye knew enough for that but not enough ta kill me.” She let her frost solidify before letting him drop dead. His head breaking off from his body.

She went back to the cage and let the bird out free. The white raven was more than happy to be let out at last, resting on the Revna’s shoulder. Lumikki caressed the bird, letting her black frost rapidly creep around her so that all her wounds recovered. The bird sighing in relief to be healed. ”I didn’t think it possible that’d I’d ever be set free. I thought I’d stay there forever.”

”Not forever gladly, yer in me care now.” The white raven was startled, not thinking the girl could also understand her. It took her a bit to recover and give it some thought. ”I think I heard of ye, the guys here were constantly grumbling about a lass who spoke to the birds. There were even a few times, I admit, that I wanted ya to come find and saved me. I just thought those would be just dreams. I’ve been here for a while. Not too long after I learned how to fly.”

Lumikki caressed the poor bird some more, sad to hear it. She hated seeing this, she hated seeing them. She hated this place.

”Yer free to join me lass. If ye want to be in me care. All I as of ye now is to show me the others. Where I they keeping the people to be sold.” The bird ruffled her feathers from her excitement. She wanted nothing more for this place to be destroyed as much as Lumikki dead.

”That’s easy enough but tell me, what’s your name. The men here called you many things but never once your name.” Lumikki in the heat of the moment completely forgot. Looking to the bird beside her. ”I am Lumikki Omena, lass. Ye could call me Lumi, most do. And if ye’d like, would ya like the name Alune”

Alunne, the sweet white bird would think over. Loving that she was even granted a name and so much kindness. She was among there men so long she already turned bitter. It was only by Lumi’s charm and sweetness that she didn’t lash out at her. Though it would take some time before she would care a human at all.

”Yes Lumi, I like Alune”


Long Cold Night (Trade Deal) Img_0811

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