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Snow Ball Fights

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Snow Ball Fights  Empty Sun Sep 03, 2023 10:32 am


Lumikki was in the library working on her studies. She was delving into aspects of the frost and dark that were hardly discussed. The selection in the library over the topic wasn't so bad since they weren't that far from her motherland though it was still relatively lacking.

She wrote some notes of topics she would want to read more about. Hoping that if she was evident in her studies then the librarian would be better equipped to help her. Lumikki was also hoping that the librarian would be able to order more books as well, Lumikki herself wouldn't even mind putting jewels in for more.

As she worked on her notes and studies, Alune was sound asleep on her lap. Lonu was skimming over a few pages from the books himself also curious about the Daemon's studies. As a spirit himself, he never considered the vast array of his kind, nor all the written literature that would describe them. He found he too was beginning to develop quite a fascination with reading more about myth and the gods. Asking Lumikki questions from time to time when he felt he needed more context. She happily would answer them, it never occurred to her either that one of her ravens would develop a similar interest to her. So she patiently explained to him some stories she figured he would care to know the most as she was jotting down her notes and desires.


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Snow Ball Fights  Empty Sun Sep 03, 2023 10:47 am


Lumikki was in the middle of explaining the god Pan to Lonu when Trygve slipped between the windows to slip himself inside. Waiting only once he was close to the frost mage before he began speaking. Though not many people would usually occupy the library, he was well aware of the rules to keep one's voice down.

"My Freyja, I'm sorry to bother you but I've been hearing word that there is a pretty bad conflict occurring in the Erling Peak down in the Worth Woodsea. It looks like two villages are fighting and what makes it worse is all the damage they are making while doing it. A lot of the ravens there are in a frenzy. Some like the fighting because it serves as a free meal but the others are worried that it'll only get worse and maybe cost them their home. Since a lot of ravens are caring for their nests, they don't want to leave the area yet. But the villagers have no qualms in burning down forests if it means they win their battle."

Lumikki froze in place as Trygve gave her the report. She stopped caressing Alune entirely and her black frost would creep along the table that she worked on. Lonu himself was also very distressed to hear the news, but the raven dared not move as he wanted back Trygve to finish his entire report. It became a challenge for him to hold back his words at the mention of burning forests to change the tides of fights. All the bird's feathers stood on

"Atrocious. Disgraceful. Disgusting." Was all this enranged bird could muster. Lumikki tried to calm him down a tad with her carcasses. Though she was fuming herself, and Lonu could feel her cold for it. The chill helped more to calm him than the pets did, and it also helped him see that the Daemon was just as mad as he was.


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Snow Ball Fights  Empty Sun Sep 03, 2023 1:24 pm


Lumikki sighed deeply. The Daemon didn't hate conflict, she didn't even hate the bloodshed and chaos. It was in her nature and blood to like all those things. But she didn't like people messing with the forest, the spirits, and most of all.....her ravens. The Raven Queen had to protect her ravens.

Lumikki stacked all her books in a pile, leaving a note to leave them until she came back. She wasn't done with reading and there was no reason to put them back. Her table was tucked to the far side of the library so it shouldn't come across as a bother, and she was one of the few to frequent, so her space was her own.

She handed the note she meant to take to the librarian for Trygve to pass over as she got ready to head out. She makes her way to the room to slip on her Plumage and Crest before she sets out to fly toward the Worth Woodsea. Trygve got back to her just as she was done tightening her shoestrings.

"The deed is done my Freyja. She told me to tell you that she would see what she could do and that she could get back to you in about a week's time."

Lumikki would nod as she pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Lonu pacing back and forth since the news was delivered. Usually, the girl had the habit of looking back on what was forgotten, but it didn't even occur to her today. Besides, she thought as she quickly stepped onto the window sill to jump out, she had all that she would need already....


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Snow Ball Fights  Empty Sun Sep 03, 2023 2:34 pm


Lumikki dove from her window, her black feathers rushing to change her. Within seconds, she darted out as a raven, her other three following close behind. Trygve fed Lumikki the directions and the unkindness closed the distance. Ravens that happened upon seeing them fly up above and were aware of the happenings decided they’d want to come along. Building to already growing flock on its way to the battle field.

As the unkindness were nearing the location, it was becoming clear and easier to see the smoke rising above the tree tops. Lonu groaned in displeasure and anguish and Lumikki shifted her form so that she may act as she fly past the flames. Her six and power wings beating hard to send the icy winds below so they would snuff the flames. Her black snow melting in the instant they approached the fires and the release of the heat and addition of the waters worked fast to lower the inferno beneath. Lonu flew deeper to look at the damages below. Bobbing and weaving among the trees left behind. He bird was mostly speechless. They all were. No raven dared to speak in the moment. Between the anguish of the ravens whose homes lost, Lonu a spirit of the forest crying out in pain, and the anger of the Daemon approaching. There was simply noting to say.

She brought her winter to the wood. Her chill hung in the air and down below. The forest even though it was spring had embraced it. Drinking in fully the cold that was brought to it as the Daemon of frost flew right by. None of the wildfires could survive her.

What a great change to how she was when she first met its flames. Useless and weak was what she felt then. And now, it was all quite beneath her. Her power and her might were indeed strong and she was finally beginning to note that. So even though this brought her so much anger and hatred, it also brought some pleasure and satisfaction to know what she really could do. That despite being weak to the Angle she was strong where it matters most to her.


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Snow Ball Fights  Empty Sun Sep 03, 2023 3:08 pm


The cold reached the battle before the Daemon did. The people warring would feel the chill in the air but think nothing of it. Reasoning that it was a by product of their battle. perhaps would think it would be the little of their humanity leaving their bodies. Or their stone cold resolution taking hold.

Yet the longer the chill lingered in the air and the deeper it dug for their bones, they knew something was up. This was not a normal occurrence, especially in the Worth Woodsea and particularly so in the spring time. Yet they simply could not figure out what it is, not until the chill in their bones began to slow them beyond their normal means. The battle was nearing a standstill, and not the usual kind of matching wills but of a kind where both sides could not bear to move much further.

It was then where they would finally see the shadow of the Valkyrie flying above them. Many managing to muster the ability to look up above and see her. All her six wings flapping profusely, pushing the wind with ever strong beat to rain a chill down on them. And just close behind her was her flock, loyal, hungry, and eager.

The ravens descended into the fields before she did. Ripping into the flesh of the fallen and eating away at all those who’ve fallen. None who participated in this petty war Lumikki figured, needed a proper burial. They were now all fodder and food for her ravens to feast on as a start for their offerings and sincere apology.


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Snow Ball Fights  Empty Sun Sep 03, 2023 5:31 pm


The warriors below looked up in pure terror as the Daemon flew in and finally descended. Her gaze full of anger and disdain. ”I don’t know what sparked this, but I will end it for the sake of me ravens. What ever compelled ye to think ye could burn down the forests to push out the other is what has compelled me to come…..Ye have endangered me birds and done damage one could not take back so easily. Tell me now, why I should not kill ye all now.

The bravest among one of the sides stepped forward. Eager to quell her interference. “This got nothing to do with you and your birds. They decided to take from us and we are making sure they never figure to do that again.”

A man from the other side fought to step forward himself. Hoping to advocate for his village. “Maybe we wouldn’t have to take from ya’ll kind if you didn’t try and go take it for your own. You know the damage the bandits have already been cause, but ya’ll don’t care for anyone but yourselves. That’s why ya’ll digbats thought it would be smart to anger the Raven caller by burnin the forests!”

Lumikki heard all she needed to hear. The other hardly even show any remorse anyways. She swung her arm up and back frost stalagmites jutted from the ground. The man who spoke before got the worst of it but his allies got it all the same. It devastated their field, the ground below them was even breaking apart. And all from the swinging to the Daemon’s arm. Who ever managed to live were the ones that got to hear her speak. Both sides quiet now as they didn’t want to incur more of her wrath.

”This ends now. Consider the dead the first offering that I demand as me ravens claim ‘em a meal. Both of ye sides fix the forest to how it was. And be sure ta mind the ravens going forward. I have lil mercy left in me…..”

Her ravens claimed the new corpses. Hungrily eating away at the fresh flesh. I would of been a disturbing sight for most, but she made sure the people on the field could see it. She finally let her icy chill go. Letting the warmth of spring flood the lands once more. It took away until the warriors could feel it, and even so they still had the chill coming from the seeing the Daemon before them. Her ravens making a feast of their friends and families. The side that spoke other setting the fires, bowed in their apologies, before turning around and running back. The side she figured started this, wailed for their fallen. Slower to leave as their side was the most devastated.

The Daemon threw her head back and gave out her Ravenous Screech. Sending a fresh wave of terror into those scrambling. Her final reminder that she didn’t mind being a beast to those that crossed her. And she let those howls echo into their head for some time. Pounding away at any bit of defiance they had left.


Curtain Call

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