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Isolated Plague 3

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 3 Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:09 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was on a regular job in Talaz Lagaar. He didn’t care who would win this stupid inner war. It was just nice to see it going because of the chaos created. The people being slaughtered made up for the people being sick. It was why he figured he would tend to those who needed him the most.

He took on the job that his client had given him and it would seem like he would be taking care of more people. It would seem like they were doing things differently now. He wasn’t going to a home, no it would seem like they were truly isolating everyone who’s currently sick. The new direction on where he was going was to a campsite away from the city of Talaz Lagaar.

That was bothersome as it meant that they were truly taking them away from the hospital, so they didn’t infect those who were sick due to something else entirely.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 3 Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:10 am

Go D. Drakkon
Luci would smoke all that he could on Drakkon’s shoulder. He knew he wouldn’t be able to do that when they got there, so it was now or never. The Dragon Slayer had the same thought as he had taken out his jug of ale, and he would drink a bit of it. He would wipe his mouth off anything that had slipped past his lip and he would look at Luci.

“Seems like we have to take a bit of our bad habit in before we do good for these people.” He said to Luci.

Luci would nod as if he had agreed with him.

“When do you think we will be done with all of this crap?” He asked Drakkon as he didn’t want anything to do with Talaz Lagaar anymore if he could.

Drakkon would think about it as they were approaching the campsite that he could see from his line of sight.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 3 Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:10 am

Go D. Drakkon
“I don’t think it will be over any time soon, but it will probably lessen by the end of this month. It is what I’m hoping, but you know things can change for the worse.” He said to Luci.

The Devourer would make his way to the campsite as the guards there didn’t recognize Drakkon. They would step in front of him as it was his first time here. He would look at the two big guys and he would have a smirk on his face. He knew why they were in his way and he would take out the job sheet for them to see it.

They would look at the paper and then at each other. It was then that they would nod at each other, and would move to the side and let him through. He would thank them both and he would enter the place and toward the area where his client could be located.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 3 Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:11 am

Go D. Drakkon

Drakkon would meet up with his client and it would seem like the man was eager for his arrival. It would seem like they needed things done and fast. The Demi-God was fine with this and it was the reason why he was here for the job.

“Just lead the way and I will take care of it. The people here won’t have to worry much. I will be making sure that they are taken care of.” He said to him.

His client would nod as was fine with this and he would escort him to his destination. Drakkon would see a bunch of different people handling the situation. It would seem like he wasn’t the only mage here that was hired to help with this shit. It wouldn’t take him long to arrive at the tent. It would seem like being outside was their next hope in either killing these guys or making them better. He figured as long as they didn’t die in his watch, then he didn’t care.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 3 Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:12 am

Go D. Drakkon
Once they got there his client would walk away and leave Drakkon to work. The Dragon Slayer would go to the first patient near him, and he would take care of his checkup. He made sure that everything was find, and he would jot everything down.

Once he was done with the first guy, he would write everything down in the charts, and he would move on to the next person. The Demi-God would do this for everyone here in his tent. He had to make sure nobody was dying on the bed right now before proceeding to the next thing on the list.

The young man would make sure to put the abnormalities that he had found within any of the patients, so they knew to look out for those continued symptoms. He would be done with that and he would move onto the next part of his task, which was cleaning everybody here.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

Isolated Plague 3 Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:12 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would start doing that without a problem. He didn’t care for much, but he was getting paid to do this. He would start cleaning up the patients in the tent. It was disgusting for him to do, but he knew that they couldn’t do it themselves. The young man would just continue working hard as he would clean them with the supplies that were given to him. It wasn’t just that, but he would also make sure that he had changed their sheets with the ones that were there for him to replace.

It wasn’t a hard task to do, but it was disgusting and he knew that there should have been someone else that could do this. Still, he was getting paid for it and it was all that mattered. Once the Dragon Slayer was done with his job though he would put all the dirty laundry in one bin. He would move it outside of the tent, and once he had done that he would clap his hand as he was done with his work. His client would see Drakkon and he figured that he was done with everything. It was then he would approach him and hand him his reward, but Drakkon knew his job might not be done here.

214|1014 [50% wcr Weapon, ring, relic]

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