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The Krusty Krab Pizza Delivery

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The Krusty Krab Pizza Delivery Empty Mon Oct 09, 2023 11:12 am


Lumikki was leaving Mitya's bar just across the street when she happened to see Enil stressing out. He was pacing back and forth relentlessly, muttering to himself about how unreliable people are. Lumi, already decently buzzed from her drinks that night, figured she was in just enough of a good mood to hear him out. She could give him that much after kinda ruining one of his nights a while ago just because Mitya was petty enough to ask her so.

"Ye good mate?" Lumi asked thoroughly curious. It took a while for Enil to stop and look at her, he was still planning his night over and over in his head.

"Look, I don't have the time to chit chat ok? I'm short workers tonight and I'm booked. If I can't figure out how to magic myself a few dozen pies and teleport them before the night is over, Ima look bad...."

Lumikki was nodding along since she didn't feel his sense of urgency. It didn't mean much to her whether he could last the night or not but it has been a while since she's been in the chicken and she didn't mind trying her hand at making pizzas.

"Ya know...I actually know me way in a kitchen. Haven't made a pizza though, but if ye have the recipe on it then I could prob bang a few out, for a cost of course. I don't work free."

Enil did a double take before pushing her into his bar. "Sure, sure, I have the recipe and training book opened on the counter. If you can get the job done, I don't care if you want free slices for a month. The amount of jewels I'd lose tonight would send me back far too much. Now, I'll be looking for someone else to come and help ya, I need them made AND delivered see..."

He ran out of the kitchen just as fast as he ran in. Leaving Lumi with a bit of whiplash but intrigue. She got to work reading over the notes as she measured out all the ingredients needed. She figured since she needed all the pizzas at once, it would be best to work in bulk.

When one was to enter the kitchen again, she would be kneading at the many dough balls at once with her many dark tendrils as she was slicing up the pineapple. Much of the meat needed for the pizzas was either pre-cooked in the oven or on the pan. A pot of sauce was simmering on the stove and Lumi was singing along to one of the old songs her Nan would sing whenever she cooked.


The Krusty Krab Pizza Delivery Nerili11

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The Krusty Krab Pizza Delivery Empty Mon Oct 09, 2023 2:49 pm


Takao had gotten another message from one of the people he learned about and got to know in this area that would help set up him up with jobs. He was basically a fixer, but given that Takao was a nobody, the jobs he got weren't exactly exciting. He was told to show up at a pizza location and help someone that was working there to help make pizzas and then go out to deliver them. Well, that wasn't too hard. Though Takao didn't really know what Pizza was but he was going to have to figure that out later. It took him a minute after the man had came running out of the pizza place until he ended where he needed to be. He was kinda surpised when he saw the same Raven women that he meet previously. " Hello. Nice to see you again Miss Lumikki. I am here to help make pizza.. though I don't know what that is but I am sure I can figure it out. "

Once Takao read the recipe books, it seemed pretty easy all things considered. That is when Takao had an idea for something to do, as he set out the pizza boxes before saying " When the pizza's are ready, just throw them at the boxes and I will deal with the rest. " He wasn't even remotely sure if he could do this, but this is how you find out if you can or can't do something.

WC 245


The Krusty Krab Pizza Delivery Empty Tue Oct 10, 2023 9:16 am


Lumikki was spreading the sauce on the pizzas by the time she was met with company. It was the fox she had met before. Miss? She would think to herself after his very polite greeting. It was always entertaining to meet those of that regard. Sure she was raised on honor and respect, but to this degree of politeness she had never bothered with. Still, it always entertained her to play along. They were just to people making pizzas tonight anyways.

”Aye, greetings Takaokitsu-san. Honestly it’s me first time at it too, but it isn’t all that hard and I’m mostly done.” At this point she was sprinkling the cheese on top and getting all the other topping ready when he told her his plan and quiet frankly, she was entertained with the idea of tossing them and seeing what would happen.

Lumikki rushed the rest of the work, tossing them back to back into the oven. The moment the time was done for each, she would let her tendrils pull them out and toss them his way, meanwhile she sat back and watch, sipping some of the boozes that she pilfered from the bar a little while before.


The Krusty Krab Pizza Delivery Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Krusty Krab Pizza Delivery Empty Tue Oct 10, 2023 12:34 pm


Takao would wait as the pizzas were cooked in the oven, and once they got close to their final cooking point he got ready. Standing up, he would bend his knees slightly as his left hand held the sheath of his sword, and his right hand gripped the hilt, his body turned slightly as he waited. He didn't have too much time so the moment the pizza's left Lumikki's hands, he would begin to draw his sword with an upward swing, cutting the pizza in half. While taking a step to the left, he completed a downward swing, cutting the pizza into four pieces. He did this another two times in quick succession to cut the pizza into eight slices before it fell into the box. With a flick of his wrist, the blade was cleaned of anything that might have still been left on it.

" Well I am glad to see that still works. I am not as worthless with a sword as I had worried. " Takao then closed the box for the pizza and continued this process with all of the pizzas that were left. Though one of them only got three cuts before it fell into the box, which Takao just shrugged before closing the box anyway. After they had completed the amount of pizzas needed, he picked up half of the boxes and then looked at his raven friend and let her lead the way to wherever they had to go to deliver this 'za.


WC: 250+


The Krusty Krab Pizza Delivery Empty Tue Oct 10, 2023 1:46 pm


Lumikki was impressed with his skill and showmanship. She was used to those within her guild knowing their way around these weapons, but nothing similar to this technique. Must have been a Joyan thing she thought and shrugged it off. She was hoping to know about his and their world. She clapped as he did it for every pie, albeit sloppy in the last.

Though his comment toward the end annoyed her. She stepped over to him and pulled a lock of his hair in frustration. "I'll have none of that. What's useless is those words. Ugh, the modest and humble annoys me...."

Lumikki finished off her drink in a sloppy and rushed fashion. She stacked whatever was left and let her frost talons take hold. The to left, to Enil's glee. He patted them on the back as they walked out, nearly pushing them out the door himself. Shoving the list of addresses and orders into Lumi's hands because her were free.

"Yea, yea. Remember yer promise..." She rolled her eyes at him before turning away. "It never gets less odd watching a god do such mundane work." They too went to every spot as they talked over random things. When the work was done, only one pie remained. Lumi had made it to spit with whoever had worked with her. She figured they'd be hungry when it was all done, plus they were owed that much. As for Enil, she sent ravens to bring his payments. That is, with the cut of the odd pair already subtracted.

Curtain Call

The Krusty Krab Pizza Delivery Nerili11

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