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Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki)

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Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Empty Thu Aug 24, 2023 7:59 pm

Vex Had come out here to try and see if she could find the beast that the islanders talk of that is used as a right of passage for the boys to be come men of the island as she had a want to find out if this creature they come here after might not be a divine beast that go lost and needs help to get away from the consistent harassment of the islanders for their own gain and she is in her gear and waiting to find what she can out here in the forest though she things that the islanders where on what she was up to so they might end up sending someone to come after her. She would deal with them as that comes but for now she was going to put her nose to the ground and try to track down the beast of his little island and maybe put it into her personal domain and get it to somewhere safer for it to be released.

Last edited by Vex on Fri Oct 06, 2023 4:23 am; edited 1 time in total


Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 5:28 pm


"Are you sure this hunt is worth it? What if it eats you?" Trygve was perched on Lumikki's shoulder hastily looking around. Terrified to let his guard down and costing Lumi to get attacked.

"You think the girl so weak she'd get eaten? I would consider that insulting. I expected better of the one who loves her so." Lonu perched on her other shoulder looked around himself to be of use to the girl, but he was calm. He had no doubt and no fear that the girl would make it out fine. Really Trygve's panic annoyed him, finding it weak and unbecoming.

"It's just, she never hunted one before, and to do it all alone? I just worry..."

"A little too much, she's not a child."

Lumikki pushed forward depite the squabbling of her birds. Though she agreed with Lonu that she didn't appreciate the doubt in her skill. She likes to think that she's grown quite a bit and in a short time. She was even quite stronger since the last time she found her way here.

And now, it was the time to take on the higher tasks that the guild was known for. Monster hunting was one of the higher paying and more dangerous work that Paradise Dawn would provide. Her guild was that made for mercenaries at heart and now she was finally of the caliber to do the jobs. She was excited. Of course she wished for her Uncle to be here and show her the ropes, but she found she was quite well read and decently prepared. Her eyes sharp and keen, much so that many things would be apparent to her sooner than most.

That was when she had seen her for a moment, Vex, a girl she hasn't seem for quite a while. Lumikki moved fast among the trees so that she may reach her, all her steps muted and untraceable to the ear. So she could call to the girl in a way that she'd know she was approaching.

"Lonu could ye make her turn to me? I don't want to shout and scare the beast."

"Very well."

The bird would cut into the air as he darted for the girl. Circling around her to get Vex's attention before flying back to Lumikki's side.

"Thanks love, that would make it easier to cut the distance now. I wonder what she's here for."


Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 4:21 pm

Vex had been sneaking around through the forest and she was not looking for other people as she expects anyone that shows up to either be here for her head or to stop her from getting to the creature. So she was going to be extra careful about anything that was to come near her. When the raven flew around her the woman took aim and she pulled back her bow's string and an arrow of water appeared there then vex released the arrow which then tore through the air locked onto the Raven that was flying away from her as she figured it would which is why she fired that arrow so that it would go flying right back to the source of where the raven came from. Which to Vex meant the creatures handler which in it self is a win of it's own as that will be two birds with one stone.

Vex realized only too late whose raven that was and what that fired arrow was about to cause as she thought that she was firing at an enemy but really she was firing at someone she had thought of as an ally. Vex readied her self for what was about to come her way for the shot she had fired. Vex could only  watch as her arrow flew straight after Lumikki's raven as if it was on a rail and it was starting to make up the distance on the raven it had been fired after. Vex knows that this is about to get real ugly rather she hit the raven or not. She hears the creature fleeing from the area as well having seen Vex take a shot at the raven that had been flying around her like it was sent to do something to her and her not being one to want to wait to be hurt before firing back at those that seem a threat in some form.

Vex’s spread:


Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 6:01 pm


When Lumikki saw a familiar water arrow flying for her raven, her mind went blank. The Tundra within completely froze her over and her Obscura just poured out. Lumikki's six wings shot out. Her darkness wrapped her arms and legs creating harsh talons. Wings sprouting on her head like feathered horns. She farted forward and took the shot. Sparing her bird any damage. "Leave...." She managed to utter. Signaling for her birds to get away. She would not dare to endanger them further. Not after that folly.

"Far away, back to where we had came..." She grabbed at the darkness just beside her, clothing herself with the veil she pulled out to become fully invisible. It was like the Daemon vanished in thin air. Silent as the night. Wearing her Raven's Crest to hush all sounds. She beats her wings, strong and hard. Taking off into the air and flying around the girl below. Pulling her harp to play her   song.

She lets her harrowing tune hang in the air as she pulls her arm behind her. Multiple lavender circles flash in the air as black frost weapons manifest. A vast array of spears, swords, daggers, and axes formed, all in perfect detail. She kept the girl in her sights as she they her arsenal rain down. Swinging her arm forward to send her hoard flying.


Lumikki's Pokedex entry:

Plight of a Raven:

Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 2:00 pm

Vex saw the woman take the shot and she knew that this was not going to be something that she was going to be able to talk her self out of so she readied herself for a battle. Seeing the woman go invisible, Vex started to run while keeping her bow at the ready in case there was a sound of any sort as she was now on edge after she had seen the woman just disappear or turn invisible she was not sure which of them was the right thing that happened there but she did know that she needed to not let her guard down and she scanned the skies as the woman had transformed and usually when people get wings they use them just like the guild master of Paradise Dawn had. Once she heard the sickening sound of the harp. She took aim pulling back the bow string as the woman invisible woman had revealed herself by casting, the arrow from the bow was released as Vex had waiting for the woman to do make her move.

Vex's arrow will phase through the other woman's spell going right at her and vex had quickly lunged to the side under some tree coverage, the spell that her arrow had phased through coming at her would not make contact with her and she stays low among the trees as she saw the damage that spell how just done to the ground where she was standing and she she kept low trying to make as little noise as she could possibly make hoping that she had broken line of sight with the woman that was in the sky but she knew that she had to stay low and not get taken by surprise by the woman but the chances of Vex not getting beaten here were very low as this woman seemed to out match her.
Vex’s spread:


Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Empty Thu Sep 14, 2023 8:34 am


Lumikki could see the lines of the shot Vex made the moment she released her arrow. And sure enough, it was phasing through her spell as she already figured it would. Though the girl ducked away hoping to go unnoticed. Lumikki would simply mark her with the ability of her eye before she lunges downward toward her. As the Daemon connected with the ground, the mana she was storing in her leg would erupt all at once on contact. A lavender magical circle would flash on the floor. Stalagmites would shot up from the ground covering the ground and ripping the earth toward where Vex was hiding.

To keep the momentum and the onslaught going, Lumikki flew just around the girl and flapped her wings. Another lavender circle flashed just below before a ravenous blizzard began to rip through the area as well.

Lumikki glided a bit back as she would watch to see what the girl would try next.


Plight of a Raven:

Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Empty Sun Sep 17, 2023 11:01 am

Vex seeing the magic circle knew something was coming and she makes a swirl motion with her hand and a magic circle appears and a magic barrier of water and void surrounds her, it protected her from the spells of the woman without fail, the second spell also cause the barrier to break, but as the spell hit her shield she had aimed her bow and started running forward and pulled back the bows string and as her shield breaks she released an A rank shot from her bow in the way that the woman was at as it seemed that Vex was going to have to take the fight to the other woman to try and get her to calm down and listen to her. "Do we really need to be doing this? Fighting over another misunderstanding?" Vex's voice sounds sincere that she rather not be fighting this woman again if she can help it as there was no need to be fighting here.

Vex’s spread:


Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Empty Thu Sep 28, 2023 10:35 am


"What is it now I'm misunderstanding lass....What is it are we fighting for? Ye nearly slew me bird!" Lumikki was sadly not thinking straight for the moment. She often tried to be as rational and logical as she could in certain situations but this would not be one of them. The surge of anger, fear, and betrayal had her seeping Obscura and the excess darkness was flooding her mind. All she could see do now was see a target before her and let out her rage. It was not often Lumikki would get like this. It hasn't been so since the recent Joyan war where she found she was losing bits of her humanity to the need to exert her nature. And so she was not prepared on the ways to pull out from this. It would have to be Vex who snaps her out of her demonic rage.

Lumikki could see the girl running toward her, it seems she was becoming more direct now, the Daemon would scoff at the sight of it. She would lunge backward before the girl would fire her shot and the lines begin to show. Kissing her fingers as she did to unleash an Unkindess of ravens before her. The magical circle flashed for a moment before giving way to her black frost birds what were headed straight for the archer that was trying to gun her.

From the point in with her lunge back had ended, Lumikki took to flying around the girl so that she would be behind her now. Swiping her hand so that a large frost talon would form to slash at her from behind.


Plight of a Raven:

Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Hunter turns into being the hunted? (Lumikki) Empty Fri Oct 06, 2023 6:40 am

Vex heard the woman’s words and Vex knew right there that this fight was about to get far more intense than it had been up until this point and she was going to have to hope that she can survive the onslaught from the raven woman or this could easily end, in this being the last chapter of the book without the other woman meaning it and she moved as fast as she could as she dodge the first spell just narrowly and Vex knew that would mean that Lumikki was going to be keeping the advantage here but she knows that she has to do something here before it is too late.

Vex keeps watching for the woman’s next attack on her and she closed her hand and pulled back her arm and the second she saw the magic circle she released a bolt of void magic out toward the woman that was attacking her. Vex hoped that it would hit but she doubted the other woman would be so easy to beat so she made sure to keep moving. Vex knows that she needs to make a plan and act on it as the daemon woman was not going to give her many chances at this so she was going to need to find an opening and release a bit of a burst of arrows at the woman and hope that she can make the hits count as there was much at stake here and she doesn’t want to be killed by the enraged daemon woman that was kind but for now being controlled by her anger.

Vex is feeling winded as she had been pushing her self and that last spell had taken a decent amount of her mana to do so she was in desperate need to rest a bit but she knows that she can’t do that or she is going to be a sitting duck as she was not the fastest in the race by far, having heard stories about Yuurei and Kaito being able to pretty much become blurs but it might just be over hyped rumors.

Vex’s spread:

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