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Hooves and Malice

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Hooves and Malice Empty Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:25 am


Word was spreading of an ill omen to come from Bellum, though the locals were not quite sure as to what it was. Nor were they able to agree on the identity of their foe. Whether it was monster or human was beyond their investigation. The only thing they discerned from the remains was that it usually came like a stampede. Men, woman, and children alike were slaughtered, and hardly any witnesses remained. So there were very limited accounts on the culprits.

It was often matters of the Dawn to be enlisted for such cases, as their guild would specialize in monster hunting and assassinations. So regardless of the origin of the fiend, there was a good chance it would be Paradise Dawn who was equipped to take it on. Yet it would be some time before the quest would rest, pinned to the quest board. As it took a while for the people to be stirred to action and find the means to resolved their vexation.

The attacked had been frequenting the boarders of Bellum, within an area better known as Ashmavarman. This territory was in the outskirts of an already massively populated country. And so the settlements were typically ruled by the local warrior caste, as direct command was to out of touch to better serve the people and the boarders. Yet with such battle ready warriors looking over their territories, they would all meet an end to this mysterious foe.

It took sometime for the leaders to put aside their pride, ultimately concluding that this was not a battle for them to face as it stands. And so they sent word to a guild better fitted for the task.


When Lumikki first came across this task, she cared very little for it. The matter of the strife deriving from such foreign lands made her quite apathetic to their problems. She was still tending to matters near home and did not care to stray too far just yet. After all, developing a cult following takes time and focus. The need to be a hero had been put aside long ago. Now she was content in solidifying her new place in this world.

It came to a recent conclusion of hers that she was sitting on a rare opportunity. As the lone Demon with a physical place in this world, she had the added benefit of taking claim to it. She did not care to rule over all, that was too lofty a goal. What she did want however was to spite her own kind. She wanted to sever their already weak presence and grow more strength in their stead. Consume the veneration of her fleeting kin and become the predominant Demonic force. Meanwhile, with enough time and power collected, she hoped to one day spread her own sense of ruin and presence on the Aybss. Causing destruction on those already too stagnant and complacent to do more than petty squabbles and power grabs. She was hungry for such mischief and fortunate to find her calling quite so young, that she could get started on such plans immediately. And with her Daemon, who already bore the lofty desire to dethrone his prior Demon, she was eager to get to work. Really, what could be a better waste of time for her foreseeable centuries ahead.

But with more time sitting on the board, she finally decided to look the case over. Ripping it off and staring the slip down as she walked over to the library. She knew a few things from Bellum from her readings prior. She found their stories and culture were quite colorful and interesting. And their inclination for spiritualism even more so. So as she sat within her usual table in the library, she got to work reading over on their beliefs and Demons.


” Asura…..so that’s what I’d be called….” She was studying for a while now. First brushing up on fables and stories, but now she was looking deep within the mythologies. It was an odd feeling, trying to find yourself in such tales. Often people would see themselves in the heroes but now she’s come to only relate with the monsters. They varying names for her kind and their influence in the world. It filled her with glee and awe of all her potential. And with her freedom to wield it how she choose, she would not need to worry making the same mistakes as those who preceded her.

Teveni, her harpy, would step in. There was a pleased look on her face as she approached, a raven that was perched on her shoulder would fly to Lumi’s desk. Quite eager as well to relay their news.

See when Lumi pulled down the quest, she sent ravens to scout the lands ahead. That way they could gather information for her and save her much time in her planing and investigation. Yet, she did not think one would return so soon, and so the Revna was excited to hear the new he brought.

” The others stayed to learn more, but I came back to tell you that there’s a chance a Demon or Daemon are behind it. We don’t know a lot yet, could simply be a dark mage. From what the ravens have been saying, monstrous things have been roaming around in the deserts just outside the settlements. We figured this enough would please you nicely my Revna.” The raven would puff up his feathers in satisfaction. Clearly pleased with the new he got to tell. Lumi leaned forward on her and rested her head upon her hand. She was clearly pleased with what she’s heard, a smug grin was growing on her face. She pulled a pouch from her void, pouring out some mixed nuts for precious bird to enjoy.

Finally she would look back to her harpy, ” Tell me Daemon we have a mission to attend~” The elated Demonesses would request. ” We could set out in two days.”

Tenevi was a harpy multiple cool colors for her feathers. The base is a deep gray and bluish plumage that gives into mint green to lavender to purple and then black. She has four wings in total. Her first two sprout from her arms, and she has talons for her hands. The second set sits around her waist and sprouts from her lower back. Her legs also give way to another set of talons. Her face is one of a girl and she has a short and slanted bob cut. Eyes always closed or hidden away. Her body is adorned with a dark blue wing cape, a sheer top tied in a blue ribbon, and a deep blue mid-piece. She had anklets as well.


With all the ravens based in the guild it would not take Tenevi long to find him. And though she would see her from time to time in her coming and goings attending to Lumikki’s needs. She never took the proper time to meet him. She was not fond of most people, especially when they imposed a chance of stealing too much of Lumikk away from her. And though she maintained a polite front on all the others she would meet, it was often evident that the harpy harbored disdain.

As she approached Knuckles, she would eye him carefully. The harpy was not entirely sure how she would feel about him quite yet, but still in some odd way he would feel familiar. Prior to becoming Lumikki’s companion, Tenevi was the dark fragment of her soul severed as a child. The fragment would resided for years within the primordial darkness before reuniting with the Daemon Lumikki at the time, around the passing of her grandmother, her Nan. At first a quiet and disjointed voice, the sliver of darkness was changed in her isolation, forming a personality and desire of her own. And so joining with her master would no longer be enough, as such, the harpy would eventually be born. A physical manifestation of an aspect of the Demoness taken form now as a winged companion.

And so the cold harpy would now finally meet her masters supposed Daemon properly for the first time. ” Greetings…and you’re Knuckles I presume? My name is Tenevi. Revna, and you should call her as such, beacons you on a mission to perhaps reap something Demonic in Bellum. You have two days to prepare and meet her just off the entrance of the guild. And from the little I’ve heard, it seems you’re a warrior. I hope that means you won’t fail in assisting my Lumi, though I for one am curious to see what you can accomplish in battle. Surely, you won’t make me have to tend to the things you lack, right?” She spoke in a soft and sweet tone, ending her dialogue with a kind smile. If one did not know better, they would assume her gently and caring if they didn’t hear the things she’s said.


Hooves and Malice Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#2Knuckles Shi 

Hooves and Malice Empty Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:48 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles, standing tall and firm, extended a hand in greeting. [color-red] "Tenevi, it's a pleasure," [/color]  he said, his voice deep and resonant. His eyes met hers, a steely determination glinting in them. The harpy, at first glance, was an entity of intrigue. Her soft voice was in stark contrast to the intensity in her eyes, and her words carried a subtle, unnerving undercurrent. Her kind smile, he found, was equally unsettling, as it didn't fully mask the latent power he sensed within her. He was, however, not one to back down, and while Tenevi intrigued him, he was undeterred. "I assure you, Tenevi, there's no need for concern," he replied, a hint of a challenge in his tone. "I won't fail Lumi, nor shall I give you a reason to cover for any supposed deficiencies." His gaze remained unflinchingly on Tenevi, his resolve unwavering.

MÓRÐVÍG, would rest upon his shoulder as Knuckles greeted the harpy.   "I would sooner die than to fail Lady Lumikki. You will not have to worry about picking up where I fall short. " He gave the harpy a bow as the raven on his shoulder let out a call, it sensed its master around. After all, it has come from her unkindness. For some reason, this raven had formed an attachment to Knuckles.  This raven did not speak so he was not sure of the reason why as most of Lumikki's raven did speak. Perhaps it just did not speak to Knuckles and would for Lumikki.  

Knuckles, standing robust and resolute, turned his attention to the request at hand. "Let's see what we have here," he muttered under his breath. His eyes, always sharp and discerning, scanned the parchment before him with a concentrated intensity. The details of the request were cryptic, an assignment that required both his and Lumikki's keen skills and cooperation. His heart pounded slightly at the prospect of this new, uncertain endeavor, but there was no trace of it in his demeanor. He was a figure of unwavering dependability, the stalwart protector who stood firm despite the mysterious and potentially dangerous path that lay before them. "We're in this together, Lumikki," he said, a firm conviction underlying his words. The raven on his shoulder ruffled its feathers subtly, its beady eyes darting between the parchment and Knuckles, as though comprehending the gravity of the situation at hand.

Knuckles' gaze shifted towards the horizon, a glint of anticipation lighting his eyes. He was eager to show Lumikki, his demoness, the magnitude of his newfound strength, a gift from her. His fingers curled, testing the surge of power coursing through him. This was more than just physical prowess; it was a deep, resonating energy that originated from Lumikki herself. His heart thrummed with a strange mixture of excitement and solemnity. He could not wait to display his newfound abilities, not merely to prove his worth to Lumikki, but to protect her, to serve her better. Yet, he understood the immense responsibility that came with this power. His expression hardened, his resolve steeling. "Lumikki," he whispered to himself, "I won't let you down." The raven on his shoulder sensed his silent oath, flapping its wings in a quiet, yet firm affirmation.

WC 538

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Hooves and Malice Empty Sat Dec 16, 2023 12:49 am


" No, I don't think ye would..." Lumikki would think to herself. A silent answer to his declaration as she continued her studies on Bellum culture. Though she's had her harpy and flock for a while now, it almost felt like nothing could compare with the sensation of having Knuckles join her. His resolve and presence on the battlefield would oddly bring her peace. As if she truly wasn't alone, as if she had someone she would choose to lean on. Someone to share her goals and dreams. And if she could manage it, if she could help him plunge into the Abyss to be reborn anew, then she would have his comfort until the end of time...It was a thought that would bring her the most comfort. She long resided herself to the notion that she would be left alone, but now she can focus on other matters. The Demon of a great warrior could not afford to grow weak.

She would take a moment to gather her focus once more, with the link to Knuckles, sometimes it would feel like her mind was leaking elsewhere. Like a piece of her would always reside in his mind at the same time she encompassed her own. It would wear on her capacities a bit, but it would be something she must overcome. Yet she could never bring herself to close the link away. The humming presence of her Daemon would lull her into peace. And if ever there was a need for her, she would know at that moment.


The two days passed her by as she kept either in the library or her room. She made many notes in her book of stories that would be useful in the quest and the intricacies of Bellum culture. This would be the first time she wandered here and she wanted to be prepared.

By the time Knuckles would meet with her where she had decided, he would be met with a sleepish Demoness. Asger, her large serpentine Leviat, would be loosely coiled around her as she rested against him. Tenevi was in the sky, tasked with letting Lumikki know when he approached, and sure enough, she already replied that he would find her shortly.

Lumi would yawn in the meantime, the Demoness tired herself out with her fixation on reading all of the books the library had for this quest would rob her of her sleep.

" Greetings Gunnar." She would express on his arrival with a smile. " It's pleasing to finally journey with ye. How would ya like to make your way to Bellum? Oh! And this lovely beast is Asger. Isn't he adorable?" For how tired Lumi was, seeing him brought her enough energy to be a bit energetic. It made her feel a bit more playful.

She looked over to the raven who accompanied her Daemon, a dutiful bird if she ever saw one. " Kukuku, aren't ya sweet for joining him? I almost forgot to ask any of me birds to do so, but ya were keen to do so. Curious now, what did he choose to call ye? And what do ya think of him from what ye've seen so far?" She held out her arm to invite the raven to perch as she inquired. She stroked his head and beak as he spoke his answers.


Hooves and Malice Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#4Knuckles Shi 

Hooves and Malice Empty Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:00 am

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles approached Lumikki and Asger with a gentle pace, careful to respect the boundaries of the large Leviat. His eyes flicked between Lumikki and Asger with a mix of curiosity and admiration. As she greeted him, a soft smile graced his lips.

"Greetings, Lumikki," he returned, dipping his head in a gesture of respect, his dark locks falling over his eyes momentarily. He straightened up, his gaze fondly taking in the sight of Asger. "It's an honor to journey with you as well, Lumikki. Asger is indeed an impressive creature." He extended his hand tentatively towards Asger, awaiting the creature's approval. His attention then shifted to the raven, a soft chuckle escaping his lips at Lumikki's playful quips. "I've decided to call them MÓRÐVÍG. It's a fitting name, don't you think?" He turned his gaze back to Lumikki, his eyes twinkling with anticipation for the journey ahead.

Knuckles had spent the last two days preparing for this beast, transforming his body into a weapon. Every morning broke with grueling hours of strength and endurance training. He hoisted weighted rocks and swung his weapon tirelessly, practicing precision strikes on the trunks of towering trees. Sweat dripped from his forehead, leaving a trail of salt on his worn-out training gear, evidence of his relentless preparation. His hands, rough and calloused from hours gripping his weapon, bore the brunt of his determination.

His body echoed the toll of his training, muscles corded and aching, but stronger. His gear, once shiny and new, now held scratches and dents, each a badge of honor in his pursuit of readiness. His armor was worn, but it was also tested, and Knuckles had faith in its ability to protect him, just as he had faith in his own ability to fight.

Turning his attention back to Lumikki, he gave her a nod, a signal of his readiness and resolve. "Lumikki," he began, his voice steady, "I've spent my life training for challenges like this. But the past two days, I've pushed myself even harder. I've prepared as best I can and I'm eager to face this beast, to stand alongside you in battle. Let's embark on this journey together." His eyes reflected the burning will within, signaling his readiness for the challenges ahead.

With a final nod of agreement, Knuckles and Lumikki set off on their journey toward Bellum, the land of battles. As they moved, the air around them seemed to grow thick with anticipation, mirroring their own. The path was lined with towering trees, their leaves whispering stories of warriors past. The undergrowth crunched under their boots, each step taking them closer to their destiny. The sun, high in the sky, cast long shadows that danced in their wake, etching their journey into the very fabric of the forest. The promise of challenges to come hung heavy in the air, but the duo moved forward with steadfast determination, their spirits unbroken and their resolve unwavering. Silent except for the necessary, they conserved their strength for the battles ahead, their shared understanding bridging any need for words. The road to Bellum had begun.

wc 1070

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Hooves and Malice Empty Mon Dec 18, 2023 4:28 pm


" MÓRÐVÍG? How cute and fittin for a warrior." The raven seemed pleased by the praise. He eagerly took in all her caresses.

The sun was blistering and the heat hung thickly in the air as the location boarded along the nearby deserts. It was far from Lumikki's liking, but in her preparation for travel to the new lands, she delved into much of the materials needed to plan properly ahead. And so she packed away a lot of water in her void to help counter the dilemma. She drank in as much as she could hold while freezing the rest so that it could help draw in the excess heat while her aura harbored a cold chill.

She spent much of the flight to Bellum resting, leaning into Knuckles for the duration as she led her mount to her intended destination. And while they would see the forest diminish into a sea of sand, she would recant her favorite stories of the many she'd read to him. Her excitement poured into every detail and every voice she shifted into as she told the tales.

Once they were set down by a settlement of Ashmavarman, one that was two towns over from the last to be struck. Lumikki's ravens all flocked to her. Readying themselves to report back all that they knew when she gave them word to start. Lumi was excited to receive them but also growing a bit faint from the heat. She frequented the islands of Luluhawa sure, but the island climate was bearable compared to this. It was a strain for her to exist, as the harsh sun would make her feel close to catching flames.

The Demoness was dressed in a cloak, light enough to shield her from the sun but not thick enough to contain the heat. Unlike her usual preference to wear shadows, she opted for a short red sun dress instead. With thick sandals to keep her off the searing floor. Her hair was pulled back in tight braids so as not to agitate her further, but it was also to keep the dust and sand from sticking to her locks.

" Haa...haaaa. I knew this place would be...unbearable. But it's another thing to feel it. First, let us find an inn, and from there we can learn of this beast."

" We figured you would need the rest Revna, so we already noted the inns nearby. Just follow us now and we should be there in no time at all." Trygve was her raven who was the most eager to report and serve. It was he who was the most mindful of the heat to affect her and prepared a search for places that would be to her liking.

" Yes, it's for the best that we move on. There is much to say, to be sure. But there is no rush to discuss it all now." Lonu, was her more sensible raven, a former spirit of the forest before changing form and accompanying the mage. " It is odd my Revna, not seeing many plants around. This climate is quite displeasing.

" Aye, displeasing indeed. Gunnar, let us settle in an inn before we continue the investigation. Perhaps get a meal in before we get to work as well. This place is dreadful for me, but I hope the rewards and people make it worth the effort." She pulls her hood further over her face and gets to walking after her ravens. Tenevi who was also hidden in a cloak, would stay ground bound." Let me go ahead Lumi, I'll be faster. I can get the room settled by the time you arrive, so talk your time."

The harpy would nod in affirmation, picking up speed as the raven flew ahead to guide her. Leaving the pair behind with the remainder of her ravens flying about. Lumi, though haggard, would look about curiously and with excitement. Looking over all the market stalls to see the jewelry and dresses all about. She pointed every which way to show her favorites. Making note of all the things she wanted so that when night fell, she could return. The people here were colorful in dress, their skin brown and hair a beautiful shiny black. They were adorned with bangles and jewelry. That would glimmer in the sun and show off the beauty in their skin.

" Have ye been to a place like here before?" Her head still turned about as she took the streets in.


Hooves and Malice Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#6Knuckles Shi 

Hooves and Malice Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:37 am

Knuckles Shi

"No I would say I have not been to a place such as this. I have not needed it until this day.  The emptiness does not bold well for my taste in the scenery."  

A vibrant marketplace, each stall a splash of color against the backdrop of the dusty streets. The air was thick with the scent of spices, wafting from the food stalls where vendors hawked their wares. Exotic fruits, unrecognizable and enticing, were piled high, their bright hues vying for attention. The clatter of pottery, the enthusiastic haggling of customers, and the shrill cries of vendors added to the area's unique symphony. The marketplace was a living, breathing entity, pulsating with life and activity, a testament to the people's resilience, even in the face of the relentless heat.

Knuckles looked about scanning the area making sure no one was following them, though the eyes were upon them. It was not everyone saw ravens in the skies of this place. It had likely never been done before.  But as Lumikki led him through the winding streets, passing by the bustling stalls and weaving through crowds of people, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. He was doing something different, breaking the norm, and exploring new territories. "Yes, I would suggest heading to the Inn, they might have a list of places prepared for tourists.  The food stalls around here smell amazing, but I would prefer indoor seating.  In the future we will travel in my air ship where the sun can not reach you my Demoness."

They eventually came upon their destination - a small shop tucked away in an alleyway. The sign above the door read "Wise Old Tales", it was an odd name for an Inn he thought but nevertheless did not question it.  Stepping inside, the musty scent of old books and incense greeted them. Shelves lined with dusty tomes towered over them, each one promising a new adventure or a glimpse into another world.  

The interior of the "Wise Old Tales" was a stark contrast to the vibrant chaos of the marketplace outside. It was a cozy sanctuary, dimly lit with a warm, flickering glow from the lanterns hanging from the wooden beams above. The air was thick with the smell of ancient parchment mixed with the faint aroma of wood smoke and spices. Worn-out rugs adorned the stone floor, and a low hum of chatter filled the atmosphere. The dark, polished wooden bar was well-stocked with a variety of ales and spirits, and behind it, a large fireplace crackled, adding to the Inn's welcoming ambiance. At the far side of the room, a small stage sat, inviting storytellers to share their tales, a remnant of the past that reinforced the Inn's name. The overall atmosphere was inviting and comforting, making the Inn a haven for those seeking respite from the bustling city outside.

Knuckles reached into his pocket to fetch a sponge and his canteen of water, placing the sponge on top of the drinking holes, he lightly poured water into it.  He held the sponge up to his shoulder allowing his Raven to place their beak onto it as his finger pressed onto the sponge giving his bird water.

As he tended to his bird, Knuckles couldn't help but feel at home in this unusual Inn. The cozy interior and the smell of old books reminded him of his days spent in libraries, studying ancient texts and legends. He had always been fascinated by stories and their ability to transport people to different worlds and times.

Turning his attention from his raven to the woman sitting across him, Knuckles decided to share his thoughts with Lumikki. His voice, textured with the depth of many tales, broke the surrounding quietude. "This place," he began, "takes me back to my days of solitude, immersed in the ancient texts, losing myself in the depths of their wisdom and their tales. It's a peculiar feeling, Lumikki, as though every story that's been told here, every laugh shared, every tear shed, is etched into these walls." His eyes reflected the flickering warmth of the fireplace as he glanced around the room. "There's a certain magic to it, don't you think?" He concluded, his gaze meeting Lumikki's, eager to know her thoughts on his musings.

WC 730
TWC 1800

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Hooves and Malice Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:31 am


Lumikki, who kept pulling down her hood would halt. ” Ye have a ship?” She began to fidget as she pulled her bangs and mulled it all over. She was so caught in the preparation and readings of Bellum, that she overlooked the things he would have to offer. His having a ship was a fleeting echo in her mind that she had completely forgotten. ” I didn’t remember. I am so used to journeying meself and only noticing what is held in the stables.” She looked up toward Knuckles with sleepish eyes and a pout on her face. ” I’ve never been on a ship like it. What’s it like?”

In their journey through the streets, they would finally arrive. Unlike Knuckles who heeds all detail, Lumi would focus most on things that interest her. The place was too new for her to be speculative yet. And in the overwhelming curiosity, she would gloss over the onlookers and only mind the stalls and wares.

Lumikki had a habit of inviting trouble to approach her, only so that she could toy with such notions. Where Knuckles was aware and observant, she was usually playfully dismissive and left herself open. It was just within her destructive habits, emboldened by her growing magic and sharp eyes. She simply got into the habit of weaving traps that were tempting to collide into so that she could play with all who would ever try. Culling the beasts that existed in the world as they handed themselves over to their death.

” Wise old Tales”, the name of the inn that they would be entering, caught her eye and with it, all her attention. But when they passed through the doorway, Lumikki found herself overwhelmed with the ambiance. Her gaze would dart to every book and every stray piece of parchment. She hardly noticed Teveni standing by the counter, or Knuckles tending to his bird. And she nearly stumbled as she went to sit down. Lumikki was simply enamored and entirely spirited away.

” Oooooh but it is Magic Gunnar!” His words break her from the spell they cast upon her, only reaffirming Lumi’s answer. ” I did not think a warrior like yerself would find themselves buried in books or solitude, least when I first met ye. Uncle harbors wisdom, but no interest for what may be found on pages.” Tenevi would finally walk over to their table and pull a chair over for herself. The harpy’s close-off expression did not make it apparent how aware of the Daemon she was. She placed the key to the room on the table, sliding it over to Knuckles to manage. But for the moment, she would remain silent. Lumikki’s excitement was never lost on her and she knew well how much the Demoness would enjoy the interior the moment she entered as well. ” The birds did well….” She would faintly mutter to herself, as she settled into her seat and watched Lumikki talk.

” Me Nan was a storyteller, she thought it important to carry the tales of our people and pass ‘em on. They were the threads in which all our lives came together to weave. And being an Omena meant we were tasked with the care of many stories. It was our clan of raven Demi-humans who would bridge the many warring tribes of Iceberg.” So animated in explaining her people's story, she was whisked away in her magic. Swishing her fingers in the air to conjure black ice in the likeness of her people, and little ravens flying about them. It was magic akin to what her Nan would use when she too told stories, her deep-setted raven ways even aided her in shifting her voice to better to speak in the characters. It was a long-wanted goal of Lumikki to ever be able to emulate her. And for the moment, she did her best to try, though she was not particularly focused on it as much as she was sharing her pride and story.

” Me Nan, was a grand woman. Able to fix up the biggest storms but wise enough to make ye fall in love with the world. She was the one to teach me the old ways as well as me frost magic.” A black figure in the form of an aged woman stood on the table. The detail within was in the spitting image of how Lumi remembered her. The woman’s hair was pulled back in braids as she wore a long dress embellished with fur trim. A young Lumikki would also stand beside her.

” It was because of her that I learned to love stories and legends so. Often in the library of the guild as read all I could find. Even brandishing a spell that pays tribute to the weapons of heroes, whose stories we tell to this day.”

She began to slow down as she gave her love for such things so much thought. Stumbling upon a thought she didn’t quite care for. It lingered in her mind, spoiling her mood. After a moment of being a little silent and dazed, she looked at Knuckles directly once more with a frown hinting at her features. ” The was a time I too wished to be a legend in a story. One that people would read on for years to come and leave inspired. But the further down me path I took….I began to worry I’d only be the monster in another’s. Some creature so lost in her passions, she would turn to a beast whose name would be lost in text and in time…..Medea….Scyilla….Medusa…..are but names of those with ambitions who lost themselves along the way. Paid prices they were not aware of in the extent of the costs. Or even simply cursed by the desire of another……” Her ice would fall away like dust as she fell too far into her thoughts. She never felt the need to speak of this to another, but as her Daemon, she figured it would serve her to open well. Soothe her worries and fears with the chance to finally confine in another.


Hooves and Malice Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#8Knuckles Shi 

Hooves and Malice Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:54 am

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles watched Lumikki's joy not only with his eyes but also felt it through their bond. The previous unease she had with the heat was now forgotten, replaced by delight as she lost herself in the multitude of worlds bound within leather covers and pages around them. Seeing Lumikki in this state filled Knuckles with pure joy, and he found himself grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes, I do own a massive airship,"  Knuckles finally responded, his words painted in the color of amusement. "I acquired it back when I was in the business of selling weapons and collecting debts on behalf of the organization I was with. The airship was actually a collection from someone who couldn't pay. And yes, it's fully manned by loyal staff, many of whom decided to follow me when I left my life as a Don to join Paradise Dawn. Of course, I do suspect the generous salaries I pay have something to do with their unwavering loyalty," he finished a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.

Knuckles listened with rapt attention as Lumikki began to weave a tale about her Nan, her voice brimming with fondness and respect. Her Nan, as it turned out, was not just a grandmother but a mentor, a guide who had introduced Lumikki to her first stories and ignited the spark of magic within her. Nan was a woman of strength and wisdom, her stories filled with lessons of love, bravery, and resilience, subtly teaching Lumikki the values she held dear. The magic she imparted wasn't just spells and incantations, but a deeper understanding of life and its myriad mysteries. Lumikki's eyes sparkled as she recalled her Nan's teachings, mirroring the profound impact this woman had on her life. Knuckles found himself appreciating this insight into Lumikki's past, feeling an even deeper connection with her.

Knuckles' own memories stirred as he listened to Lumikki's recollections of her Nan; memories of his time within his Family's estate where he would lose himself in the pages of books, reading tales of valiant heroes and dreaming of one day becoming a legend in his own right. This desire for something more, for a life beyond the confines of his family's business, was what propelled him to the place he stood today. He knew, much to his chagrin, that he had become a monster in the process. But he also knew that he and Lumikki shared a common thread - they were both shaped by the stories of their past. He closed his eyes, feeling the echo of Lumikki's memories of her Nan, the stories she had been told, and he shared his own memories in return, his rigorous study of the sword.

"I had to read and study, I learned of many legends,"  Knuckles said, moving to stand beside Lumikki as he took the Key from the harpy.   "But, Lumikki, you forget one thing," he paused, his voice falling to a whisper as he continued, "Medusa was not a monster. She only retaliated against those who sought to claim beautiful women for themselves, women who pale in comparison to your beauty. It is those men who were the true monsters." His words hung in the air, a testament to their intertwined pasts and the shared understanding that the stories they were told, and the interpretations they drew from them, shaped the individuals they had become.

Knuckles gently took Lumikki's chin in his hand, forcing her to meet his gaze. He did not care for the consequences of this public display, nor did he consider whether his actions were overstepping any bounds. His face moved closer to hers, his eyes switching between hers before settling on one. "Lumikki, you may be a demon, you may have a shadow that follows you. But you are no monster. You are not nearly as despicable as these humans. Understand this now, Lumikki. If you were truly monstrous, you would have shackled me and used me as a weapon. Instead, you gifted me freedom and strength as I strive to acquire what you have already achieved. Your power may be borne from the Hells, the Abyss, but you are a compassionate and generous woman." His words hung in the air, a declaration of his belief, a counter-argument to the narrative they had both been subjected to.

Knuckles, with Lumikki's hand resting softly in his, picked up the Key and cast his gaze downward, reading the room number etched into its surface. The strength in his grip gently guided Lumikki, who had willingly shared her deepest self with him, towards their designated quarters. As he took the first steps in the direction of their refuge, his gaze shifted over his shoulder to meet Tenevi's. Though she was not his to command, at this moment, he found the audacity to issue a singular instruction that lingered in the air like a command from a king to his subject. "Come," he said, his voice firm but gentle. The Lady Lumikki required rest, and respite from their weary travels, and he had decided to ensure that she would be able to recover her strength before they set out to confront their shared nemesis.

WC 880
TWC 2680

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"

Hooves and Malice Empty Thu Dec 21, 2023 9:37 pm


Lumikki was quite flustered from her lapse in mood. She went from overjoyed to melancholy in a way she worried was too bothersome. But Knuckles would refuse to let her recede within herself and the depths of her sadness. No, he was surprisingly insightful, knowing the right words to ward off her darker emotions that were trying to erode at her. As they tended to do from time to time, ever since she was a Daemon still new to the presence of her Obscura, to now as a Demoness who was made of the Abyss. The darkness still sought to consume what was left of her humanity. It was a battle she had often kept hidden, but with her Daemon who was growing to know all there was about her. She would be forced to share the burden. It was a vulnerability that brought her shame, but it would be pointless to express it. They merged deeply as they made the pact, and in the connection, she gave him everything. Her vulnerability was simply one of the many aspects she passed on to him by choice. It would denote true weakness to pull back now.

So as his hand took her chin, she forced her gaze. Her dewy eyes would return his own. She refused to fight him as he labored to soothe her. And as his honeyed words settled in her thoughts, each would fortify the Demoness from all her lingering fears. ” What need do I have to shackle ye Knuckles? No bird could ever reach great heights from a cage.” Lumikki was still in a bit of a daze, there were too many things to mind at once. But as she spoke, her hands rose to cup his face in return.

” Ha, part of me worried I lost all me compassion. The apathy gets over bearing. But…” She could not bear to say, but her sentiments were clear. She would always have compassion for him, and he would know it.

He was pulling away at this time but she was grateful he took her hand. Lumi held it tightly while it kept his grasp gentle. And as he led her to the room, she would cycle the memories shared once more in her mind, trying to burn them into herself. All the instances swinging the sword, or the hours spent in the library, were not lost on her. No matter how mundane the instance, Lumi looked into it fondly. And as she let them play in her thoughts, Knuckles would help her move through the halls.

Tenevi was not privy to their connection and it would bring her much disdain for the Daemon to have so much access. She held her tongue though as the man did well to care for her and soothe Lumi’s woes. But the harpy was becoming envious, almost wishing to revert to the voice in the Demoness’ head once more. She bit her lip at the man’s display of affection, but when he uttered a command, the harpy would seeth in anger. Her feathers began to stand on end as she silently followed along, her darkness creeping along the floor and walls. But she maintained a civil disposition.

Three was the number etched on the key, their door being the third one on the left. The door gave easily once the key was turned in the lock, revealing a room that was on par with the entry. There was a decent-sized bed in the middle of the room with colorful blankets carefully tucked in. There were more pillows than one would ever need, but it added to the comfort of the setting. A well-worn rosewood desk sat in the corner with a stack of blank paper on top.  The chair before it had an emerald green pillow with golden embroidery in patterns native to Bellum. There was a small bookshelf just across the desk, it was empty compared to those outside, but one could assume it would be where the guests left the books they partook on. A row of hooks were affixed to the wall just beside it, so the guests could hang their things. The walls were a muted orange, which helped the few plants within the room stand out. Their vines dripped from the pots that they hung from. And beside the door there entered, there was another. More than likely for a restroom.

Lumikki loosened her grip, letting go of his hand, and began walking toward the bed. She shed off her cloak with a sigh of relief, letting both that and her red sundress fall to the ground. Lumikki crawled into bed as her darkness crept along the walls and blocked the light. temporarily freeing her from such discomfort for the moment. She held her arms out, beckoning Knuckles to join her. ” Let’s begin the hunt in the evening. When the sun isn’t such a bother anymore.” Her true form would slowly fade into existence as she settled further, curling into the Daemon as he entertained her request. ” Ye’d make a lovely Demon. Then we could dance for eternity.” She nuzzled into him as she spoke. Her cool skin chilled them both from the heat of the outside.

Hooves and Malice Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

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