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Staff Applications: March 2024

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Staff Applications: March 2024 Empty Tue Mar 05, 2024 2:19 pm


Staff Applications: March 2024

Attention All

We are currently looking for immediate help with the review. If there are certain sections you will do and ones you will not do, please add that in your sign-up post. Being staff comes with its own rewards other than helping others of course. We do monthly rewards for staff members in thanks for their help and the rewards are given even more so the more you do for the community in terms of reviewing. People get their monthly salary, plus the more they do, the more they'll get rewarded. These things can be converted to Stat potions, EXP, and jewels.

Know that signing up does not immediately qualify but for consideration and insight of interest. If You have any questions or concerns, please message an admin.

[b]Age:[/b] Real age, of course.

[b]Activity:[/b] How active are you really?

[b]Discord:[/b] Who are you on Discord? Discord is our primary form of communication.

[b]Reason:[/b] What motivates you to join the staff?

[b]Skills:[/b] Please detail what you can do for FTRP.

[b]Specific Type of Review mod?:[/b] Please put here what you're willing to review rather it be; battle mod, spells, etc.

[b]Experience:[/b] Do you have any other forum experiences in similar roles?

[b]Timezone:[/b] Self-explanatory.

#2Alaric Holloway 

Staff Applications: March 2024 Empty Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:38 pm

Alaric Holloway
Age: 31

Activity: on site and discord daily. Will be semi spotty mid April due to getting married.

Discord: Raya

Reason: Help create engaging content and items

Skills: Lore/Event creation. Item/magics/misc. creations.

Specific Type of Review mod?: Creation base.

Experience: Yes, I’ve held roles of Admin on multiple larger community sites. I’ve held staff roles on several other more smaller communities. I’ve created over 40 items and magics approved by the current administration for use on site.

Timezone: est

Staff Applications: March 2024 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

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