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Weapon - Eldritch Iliad

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Weapon - Eldritch Iliad Empty Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:24 am



Name: Eldritch Iliad

Slot: Weapon.

Type: Book.

Class: Mythic.

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Darkness & Arcane.

Durability: 4x S-Rank.


Description: One of the oldest books in existence, the Eldritch Iliad is a tome of knowledge devoted to monstrous beasts of the various planes of existence which may be called upon at will by the users as long as they have the fortitude and constitution to resist their manipulative calls to violence, greed, and self-mutilation. Depending on the creature called upon, certain acts may be desired by the beasts and will embolden both the holder of the book and them, however succumbing to the whims of the book and losing focus will slowly lead to madness, shape-shifting, and eventually becoming a beast within the very book as the story of whoever becomes the next owner is gradually written down with each passing day.


  • The user must have acquired this through the Unknown Sacrifice Event and can not purchase this through Lupin.

Restrictions: The mana cost of the spells attached to the Eldritch Iliad cannot be reduced.


  • Decay of Body and Soul: Upon acquiring the Eldritch Iliad, the user will begin to have their age rapidly increase, most prominently with their hair becoming distinct platinum white, while all color is lost in their eyes save for their pupils turning a purple and glowing at night.
  • Soulbound: If the user chooses to bind themselves to the book, if it is destroyed then they too are destroyed in the topic. The book will still be available in future topics.


  • Name: Jek'rosh
    Rank: B
    Mana Cost: 200 per Jek'rosh
    Requirements: Eldritch Iliad
    Type: Summoning
    Element: Darkness & Arcane
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: 3 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Size: 90 centimeters in height | 150 centimeters in length
    Strength: 50 (B-rank)
    Speed: 130 (15 m/s)
    Resistances: Moderate Arcane Resistance
    Weakness: None
    Restriction: The user may at most summon 4 Jek'rosh
    Skills: Jek'rosh can smell targets within 50 meters. In addition, they cannot be bound by Darkness-type spells.      
    Effect: The user writes in the Eldritch Iliad and summons the Jek'rosh. They appear within 5 meters of the user from magic circles that form on the ground. The user may at most summon 4 Jek'rosh at once. The user may not summon additional Jek'rosh when the summon is already being sustained. Therefore, the user must decide during the initial summon cast how many they wish to summon at once.
    Personality: None.
    Description: Jek'rosh are simple bipedal creatures with fearsome lizard skin and a fierce sense of smell with an eagerness to hunt down the user's prey.

  • Name: Vek'zan
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 600
    Requirements: Eldritch Iliad
    Type: Summoning
    Element: Darkness
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Size: 10 meters tall | 25 meters long
    Strength: 320 (3x A-rank)
    Speed: 140 (15 m/s)
    Resistances: Moderate Darkness Resistance, Minor Physical Resistance
    Weakness: Moderate Light Weakness
    Restriction: The user may only summon 1 Vek'zan at a time.
    Skills: Vek'zan cannot be bound or debuffed by Darkness-type spells.      
    Effect: The user writes in the Eldritch Iliad and summons a Vek'zan. The Vek'zan appears within 5 meters of the user from a magic circle that forms on the ground. Vek'zan fights with their long arms.
    Personality: None.        
    Description: Vek'zan are ancient Jek'rosh that have lived for centuries and slowly evolved growing a series of arms to aid their desire to hunt down prey.

  • Name: Eldritch Iliad's Soul Rip
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of the users total mana pool
    Requirements: Eldritch Iliad
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user may begin to write in the Eldritch Iliad with their blood dealing 1x S-Ranks worth of damage per turn, whilst this is in effect, the user can ignore the mana costs of the summons of the Eldritch Iliad and also cast the Jek'rosh two more times summoning, up to 6 of the Jek'rosh and Vek'zan once more.

  • Name: Death's Laststand
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Eldritch Iliad
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user may force their last breath into the Eldritch Iliad causing their soul to be bound into the pages causing them to be recreated as a summon within the book itself. Those strong enough can continue to remain as independent entities living through the book.

User's Summon Template

[list][*][color=#ffffff][b]Name:[/b][/color] Character Name
[color=#ffffff][b]Rank:[/b][/color] S
[color=#ffffff][b]Mana Cost:[/b][/color] -
[color=#ffffff][b]Requirements:[/b][/color] Eldritch Iliad
[color=#ffffff][b]Type:[/b][/color] Summoning
[color=#ffffff][b]Element:[/b][/color] Darkness
[color=#ffffff][b]Range:[/b][/color] Self
[color=#ffffff][b]Cooldown:[/b][/color] Once per topic
[color=#ffffff][b]Duration:[/b][/color] Sustain
[color=#ffffff][b]Size:[/b][/color] The users size
[color=#ffffff][b]Strength:[/b][/color] ~
[color=#ffffff][b]Speed:[/b] [/color] ~
[color=#ffffff][b]Constitution:[/b] [/color] ~
[color=#ffffff][b]Endurance:[/b] [/color] ~
[color=#ffffff][b]Intelligence:[/b] [/color] ~
[color=#ffffff][b]Effect:[/b][/color] The user forces themselves into being from the Eldritch Iliad allowing them to roleplay as though they were an independent entity.
[color=#ffffff][b]Personality:[/b][/color] ~       
[color=#ffffff][b]Description:[/b][/color] The user binds themselves to the book allowing them to live forever through the book.


Weapon - Eldritch Iliad Empty Sun Feb 18, 2024 10:44 am

Kamui is sacrificing her use ability to use frost- or earth-based items or magic, she can no longer cast healing-based spells, have been locked to the demigod race and is locked to her current face claim (Raiden Shogun) to receive this item


Weapon - Eldritch Iliad Empty Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:49 pm

Till Death do us part, says the book.

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