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A Blast From The Past

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A Blast From The Past Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 5:54 pm


WORDS: 240 | Blue Moons

Shit, that girl is… A really bad influence? The scarlet eyed siren seeming to smart in more ways than one as she dealt with what was no small amount of pounding in her head thanks to a hangover which seemed to have come straight from hell, in spite of the way in which she suffered right now Nikki Marcello couldn't help but smile a little as she poured over the details which had led to her current discomfort, and felt that little bit happy to do so. Suffering no end of sore heads and iffy tums in her life but the experience all the sweeter for the events which led to it, she smirked and shook her head as she reflected on the matter before letting out a sigh and looking across the area in which she had drifted.

Speaking of… Looks like there's some trouble over there? Those guys picking on some kids and… An old lady? All too keenly seeming to spot something which could have gone any number of ways while doing so, the brow of the brunette seemed to knot a little as she looked toward a bunch that she could tell a mile away would be up to no good if they weren't already, and then felt her intrigue growing as some wizened figure already appeared to be giving them what for over something or other. Those were the kinda stones she had to admire, right?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Blast From The Past Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 5:56 pm


WORDS: 210 | Blue Moons

"You men should be ashamed of yourselves, honestly…
Picking on poor children like this?"

Wait a second… That woman…? The dark dish seeming to be drawn to the scene for reasons beyond the brassiness of the old battleaxe who seemed to be giving the goons quite the verbal what for, though it was amusing for a moment for her to see the woman getting so very riled up by whatever was going on the buxom brawler found herself pausing for a moment as she looked her over, and upon doing so found enough recognition that she could not stop herself from intervening.

“Whoa, something shady going on here, huh~?” For that reason the so often fiery fox seeming to stride forward to act as back up for the lady who seemed laden with the lecture, perhaps it was some mix of her hangover and the strange things which she had seen in her life which seemed to stall her surprise at seeing someone who was rather a blast from the past, but regardless of what it was it seemed to help her to swagger onto the scene with a shit kicking grin which belied her rather substantial willingness to cause some hurt. After all, this was one broad she would fight for all day and all night, right~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Blast From The Past Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 5:57 pm


WORDS: 210 | Blue Moons

"N-Nikki… It's… What are you?"

“Haha, being in the right place at the right time, clearly~?” That cool and confident approach something which seemed to catch everyone off guard and not least the woman who had once been known to a blessed few as 'Nana May', astonishment seemed to abound from a figure who had been stalled in her rant by a surprise which left even this old fighter speechless, and seemed to only bolster the assurance which Miss Marcello carried into the scene. Damn, right now she was as slicker than spilled grease, right?

“So what have these no down dirty crooks been up to, hm?” The raven deciding that the moment of reunion would need to wait however given the shifty state of the figures nearby who seemed to be looking for a reason to clobber the woman who had been giving them an earful, the buxom brawler seemed to instinctively step between them and the woman who had once been there for her when no one else had been and wrapped a hand around her knuckles as she did so to create a crunch, and asked after their reason for being here. I mean, if they were ready to rumble, no reason she should not be, right~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Blast From The Past Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 5:57 pm


WORDS: 230 | Blue Moons

"They're… These poor children gave them money to play a game, and they took it and made sure they couldn't win?
They were supposed to break open these animals, but they made sure that no one could do it…?"

“Oh~? Sounds pretty nasty… I'd be ashamed if I were them~?” The unusually coy coquette cracking both halves of her weapons of mass destruction before listening to the explanation which her elderly friend could give her for the scene, perhaps it might have seemed strange for some to see a woman who bore the mark of the Phantom Lord upon her stomach to take such a vested interest in the misfortune of the young and the old but this one nothing if not lacking for convention, the ultimate truth was that their transgression didn't matter to her one little bit. It didn't matter if they were fleecing kids or clubbing baby seals, they'd pissed off someone she cared about, and that meant they were going to pay.

“Say, how much was a turn, again~?” Not that they were the only ones it would seem but for the large part Nikki's contribution to this effort as much a message as anything, she plucked a few bills from her pocket and tossed them onto the ground in front of these would-be swindlers before turning her attention toward the game they had set up, and opting to try her hand at it herself…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Blast From The Past Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 5:57 pm


WORDS: 220 | Blue Moons

“Here ya go, you scum sucking parasites! Now…” The fee for entry paid and now the woman ready for action, punches would not be pulled from this point forward, and Miss Marcello showed that as she threw herself forward and buried her bare hand into one of effigies with something of a sick smile upon her face. Never feeling better about her inclination to do violence than when she was given an excuse by those she wrought it upon, right now the justification that these crooks had offered seemed like the perfect excuse for her to let loose, and so once one of the pinata had been cleaved in two she began to make a start on their entire stock.

“Dig in kids! There's plenty to go around!” Shooting the thugs a look that said they would get worse than what these harmless candy-filled ponies did if hey even thought about intervening as well, the minx made merry with her task as she tore the collection apart like she was a woman possessed, raining down the treats within them all over the scene and urging the little ones who they had tried to cheat to fill their hands and their pockets and anything else that they had, and the best part? Nana May seemed to be grinning just as much as she did…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

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