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The Oath of Life - A Moment alone is a Moment together

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The Oath of Life - A Moment alone is a Moment together Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:42 pm


The Oath of Life -

A Moment alone is a Moment together

Matching his current emotions, the weather of Talaz had been blanketed by a consistent dark cloud concealing it from the sunlight entirely as a drizzle of rain left a layer of mist on the artificial island. For days he had been held up within one of the many laboratories that remained untouched from the explosion months prior manufracturing the various tools and instruments needed to perform the delicate and complex task of making an artificial life form. Progress was slow as many of the seasoned machine operators had either died or fled the island prior to the accident. Further worsening his mood, the lingering headache had only worsened with his vision becoming blurred as buzzing continued to resonate in his ears. A mixture of relief and resentment grew within Kon as he was met with an unexpected appearance of the sinese merchant whom had started the entire affair accompanied by a series of scholars dressed in attire strangely resembling those of the monks he had fought back in the foreign land. They revealed to him that their loyalty was not to Qinglong but the religion at large and wished to redeem themselves by swearing to address the mistake they had made. Unable to generate a clear thought in the haze, he merely waved them away guiding them to the scientists who were already busy enough as is.



The Oath of Life - A Moment alone is a Moment together Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:43 pm


Drumming literal divots into the table he had stationed himself whilst around him chaos continued to grow unchecked with the sinese and Talaz Lagaarians quickly beginning to disagree with one another in various affairs that largely were irrelevant to him. Eating, sleeping, even resting for the slightest moment was something of a useless task, long were gone the days in which he needed to fulfil such basic needs. His artificial body powered through a combination of its core and hirotas influence was able to maintain itself virtually without pause. At least that was the case before the introduction of the amulet that festered within him. He was finally called upon by the scientist and scholars alike who requested his assistance in two-fold, first and foremost for his strength to recover the materials needed while they also wanted the amulet which had started the entire affair alongside his own power core. Relieving himself of the amulet was the entire reason for travelling to the damaged artificial island, so without hesitation or second thought, he tore out the remnants of the amulet much to the annoyance of Hirota and dismay of Miharu who strangely continued to remain within Kon’s psyche, a likely indication that her presence within him would be permanent and otherwise impossible to separate from their blending consciousness. Taking out his core did however give him pause as if not done correctly could easily kill him, reminding them of that fact one of the scientists hastily attached a makeshift reactor to act as a temporary solution.



The Oath of Life - A Moment alone is a Moment together Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:43 pm


Backup generator firmly attached, the lengthy process of removing his primary core could begin first and foremost with a series of interconnected screws and seals being removed in a particular order to minimize damage to the vulnerable internal components of his chest. Hissing and steam concealing the blue glowing power source, Kon froze in motion at the realization of just how vulnerable he had made himself for people he didn’t even know. Made ever more apparent as the scientists remove one cable then another before removing it entirely and placing it with the care of a new born pup upon a nearby workbench. This attention to care and respect was swiftly replicated by the complete opposition with four of the sinese scholars hastily dismantling the complex component and empowering the raw materials found inside swift the hue of the glow from a vibrant deep blue to a flickering cyan with occasional flecks of green. What was the purpose of their modifications that was hard to say but it was largely irrelevant to Kon as this core would likely be going to Miharu with the amount of modifications that were being made to accept the amulet which had been laced within.



The Oath of Life - A Moment alone is a Moment together Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:43 pm


Content with their work, the scholars and scientist as a group worked in unison despite never having met to construct an artificial body from which Miharu would be able to reside within built inside a metal tube. A lengthy and delicate process with Kon continuously and inadvertently interrupting certain key parts pointing out flaws or mistakes ignored by a worker. This attention to detail was in association with the trio that were inside his mind with Miharu pointing out flaws while Hirota forced Kon’s hand to address them. Piece by pieces her frame came together first the skeleton, which would house the entire framework of the artificial body whilst this was being constructed through a series of mechanical and human adjustments, the rest of the body were built in segments by various individuals before being installed hours later, soon after the muscles and ligaments were stitched onto the skeletal structure with the scientist and scholars alike adorning them with proportions befitting her adult appearance opposed to her current youth much to the protest of Miharu who relented after hirota acknowledged the permanence of such a body and its inability to grow. Construction all but complete skin stitchers wove from top to bottom while hair follicles were individually installed by a separate machine shortly after. While this took the least amount of time, it felt the longest as it would reveal the appearance of Miharu’s new body. Obscured by the metal tube beyond their expressionless face, the artificial body appeared nothing more then asleep something which would soon change.



The Oath of Life - A Moment alone is a Moment together Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:44 pm


Work complete on the adapted core, Kon motioned for it to be installed so that Miharu could finally find comfort in another body, unburdened by QInglong, himself or even Hirota, whom she had become accustom to. Opening the metal tube revealed a potential future of what Miharu might look like, concealed by a simple medical gown, Kon was almost taken aback by her beauty and life-like appearance while his own appearance immediately betrayed his like of humanity, the scientists and scholars were able to do something he could never dream of. This imitation was only broken by the separation present on her chest, four quadrants pushed to the side to reveal where the core would go. Of which he was given the honours as he would need to supply the power and transfer Miharu’s consciousness. Rising to his feet with a cautious step he clutched the modified core much to the enthusiasm of the scholars and the alarm of the scientists. After the revisions and changes the cores weigh had been substantially increased causing his muscles to strain and groan as he lifted it off the table and into the inviting chest of Miharu’s artifical body. While power was being received into the automation, the assumption of her merely transferring over to them seemed less then apparent with echoes of her thoughts still running rampant.



The Oath of Life - A Moment alone is a Moment together Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:44 pm


Anxious that all would be for naught if she lingered, Kon reinforced his position by doubling down the power which he pushed into the core and by extension the body which was never designed to contain the shared power of all three entities. Sensitive portions of the artificial body were already suffering as kon’s right arm and hand began to melt with the sheer energy that was being pushed through it. Growing concerned for her own wellbeing, Hirota plead with Miharu to let go, however it was beyond anyone’s control at this point with Miharu having truly integrated with Kon’s own body. Despite knowing this harsh reality, Kon continued even has his hand became slag and the torso of Miharu’s prospective body was reduced to scrap. What was he to do now, Miharu and Hirota were still overwhelming his own psyche beyond what he could physically cope. The answer to which he would find with the realization that of the scrap before him, his original core had remained unschathed in spite of the magic it had absorbed. Sensing the true intention beyond the scholars efforts, Kon returned his core now modified beyond recognition into his exposed chest. Integrating into his body with ease, he could feel the weight of Miharu and Hirota’s consciousness and powers easing ever so slightly as they were pushed into the core. Whilst it was unsuccessful in transferring her spirit to another body it appeared to alleviate the symptoms felt by having three minds, it was as if his mind had received an added space for which they would all interact within.



The Oath of Life - A Moment alone is a Moment together Empty Mon Aug 26, 2024 10:45 pm


The real dilemma at this point was what would they tell Miharu’s parents, such a failure would undoubtedly cause great conflict between Kon and the couple. They had saved his life and what had he done to repay them?, bond their only daughter into his own body without any hope for redemption or independence, the most she could experience would be temporary control of his body and a near immortal existence trapped within Kon’s eternal frame which would remain untouched to the sands of time as even beings of extra longevity reduced to nothingness. The sole comfort with this realization was the shift harmony that was being formed amongst the trio, yes there would be lingering resentment towards each-other due to her inability to transition to another body but with effort from all of them this discontent could be resolved over time. For now, however, Kon would return to Sin one final time to give Folre and Vaeri the tragic news about their daughter. He would need to come prepared for any conflict that might take place and so made a hasty agreement with Hirota requesting her skills and magic should the time come around. Neither of them wished to fight the elven couple but they recognized what would likely be a futile discussion, he was meant to save the child instead he had effectively killed them and had taken her spirit hostage never being able to grow up, or find solace in the afterlife. It was a truly disgusting outcome that left a sour taste in Kon’s artificial mouth, once which would continue to linger for months to come that would be inflamed with each instance of her presence and abilities being drawn into the real world.



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