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Isolated Plague (Alfyn/B Rank)

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#1Michael Winters 

Isolated Plague (Alfyn/B Rank) Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 6:21 am

Michael Winters
He never visited the Talaz Lagaar, at least not to a huge extent. He did one quest with Lumikki, something about a Fabricator. The details were foggy as only parts of the carnage were memorable. But this time there would be a different quest in an area he was less familiar with. And coincidentally the unlikely Blue Pegasi would find himself working with another Paradise Dawn member. It was funny how he seemed to meet those people a lot.

He should make a bucket list or something of all the guilds he worked with. He was pretty sure he only didnt work with Fairy Tail. He worked with guildmates, with Paradise Dawn, Rune Knights. But not Fairy Tail. Granted he didnt know about the newer guild in the west.

But that was the story for another time. He was waiting for his quest partner at their decided spot so they can begin the work together. He partially hoped that their partner knew more about the quest.
Thats when his exceed had arrived who looked miffed. Michael realized he forgot Samuel for this quest. Oops. But also kinda aww that the grumpy exceed actually wanted to quest with him.
"Oh hey, you came" Michael said surprised
"I did and I must be crazy for doing so. But Im sadly now used to your presence and it feels odd to be without you. Besides, I like to scold you for all your inefficies."
Michael shook his head


#2Alfyn † 

Isolated Plague (Alfyn/B Rank) Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 11:50 am

Alfyn †
Alfyn picked up the pace as he was trying to make it to the appointed spot on time, having received new information for the quest from the main office at the last possible minute was enough to fully irritate him. He couldn't believe how irresponsible people were that they asked mages to handle healthcare for a place and then suddenly change the place in question, it's not like he had the whole map memorized he hadn't been in Talaz Lagaar for long and last time he almost got lost on the way. At least this time he would have another person helping him out and hopefully he would have a better sense of direction than him.

He was curious to meet this person, the only intel he had was that it would be a Blue Pegasus member. He had heard about them, most of them were glamorous individuals putting the standards of beauty somewhat higher than others. He chuckled, it was silly but also good for them honestly, a pretty face goes a long way in this world. With his mind preoccupied the sound from his map lacrima snapped him out of his trance, even though his eyes had been glued to it he realized he hadn't been following the map for a few meters making him go the wrong way. Flustered he did a 180 and continued down the right path while checking the coordinates he had been given for the new spot they were to go to.

His mind travelled to the people he had helped in another town hoping they were recovering well but almost immediately came back to reality as he could now see a man and a strange creature beside him. That should be him, he thought in a tad more excited manner than normal. When he approached closer he greeted the both of them with a smile and introduced himself inquiring whether he is the Blue Pegasus member he was supposed to work with.

WC: 330

#3Michael Winters 

Isolated Plague (Alfyn/B Rank) Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 12:33 pm

Michael Winters
The two would soon turn around and spot the newcomer of Paradise Dawn. Introducing himself as Alfyn. He sniffed the air a bit, discreetly he wasnt like those overexageratted demi humans or werewolfs, but anywho, his sniff did reveal a scent that seemed familiar-ish. But he couldnt quite place it.
"Sup. The name's Michael. This cat here is Samuel" he spoke casually with his hands crossed to the Paradise Dawn member
"Exceed" Samuel corrected him as he rolled his eyes
"Same thing" Michael replied to him, but soon enough focused on the new questing partner
"So Alf, what'chu got. Quest wise. Any plans how to do this?" he asked him, in a way indirectly asking what the specific quest was. Hoping that perhaps his strategy for doing this would give him an idea. Granted he can also follow his lead and see how it goes. Michael thought if this was a magic focused quest he wouldnt be of much use, but he'll see. He wasnt much of a medic for these people or anyone. He was good with attacking and stabbing. Combat stuff, but even so, he'd try to like help people any way he could. Even if he was ill equipped for such tasks


#4Alfyn † 

Isolated Plague (Alfyn/B Rank) Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 1:45 pm

Alfyn †
Alfyn gazed at the man for a moment deep in thought. The name Michael wasn't unfamiliar to him and the man's characteristics appeared somewhat familiar to him but maybe it was just the pretty face he had albeit full of scars. Maybe he could try and heal them for him, Alfyn mused but he wasn't going to offer in fear of coming off as rude, after all Michael could have had them healed if he wanted to, probably, he wasn't particularly aware of his situation and decided to leave his thoughts on the matter there and focus on more pressing issues like the quest.

Before that, he learned the name of the creature's race, Exceed, he knew of them but only through books. Alfyn's curiosity peaked as he approached Samuel looking at him from all directions excusing himself by saying that he had only read about Exceeds but never before saw one. He went closer to him and bent down standing on his toes so he could be closer to Samuel's face and exclaiming what a cutie he was seconds later while dying in his head from wanting to pinch his cheeks but there was no further reason to ridicule himself.

Alfyn stood up apologizing for the reaction and went back to the matter at hand. He explained the basics of the quest that they would have to travel to a nearby town to offer medical assistance, having two choices that of magic or actual medicine. Alfyn shared that he was proficient in medicine, although not an actual doctor himself, and would help that way. He could have gone the magic route, after all he was proficient in healing magic but he didn't want people relying on magic when there were other ways. He then inquired whether Michael possessed healing magic or medical skills and if he had trouble with the latter he would be more than happy to help him out. With a semi smiling face he awaited his answer before bringing out his map lacrima and heading towards their destination.

WC: 342|672

#5Michael Winters 

Isolated Plague (Alfyn/B Rank) Empty Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:27 pm

Michael Winters
The Exceed was surprised a bit and dumbfounded by the sudden approach, wondering how rare his race is supposed to be. Granted he figured he should get used to this by now. What he didnt get used to though was being called a cutie, which left him speechless.
"Y'know" Michael started as he looked down at Alfyn and Samuel "I met your guild master. While I didnt interact really with it. I know he too has an exceed."
Samuel looked up at Michael "Oh? What is he like?"
"I just said I didnt interact with it much. He's a male and I guess brown-ish colour of fur."
"That all?"
"What do you want me to say? You look better dressed and all snazzy pimped up. I didnt look at the exceed" Michael said rolling his eyes.
He shook his head and focused on the quest with Alfyn, asking him about the details and the plan

Alfyn stood up apologizing for the reaction and went back to the matter at hand. Michael listened and nodded.
"Im not magical really, so if you go by magical route you'd do the heavy lifting." Michael would tell his Paradise Dawn partner.

Although Alfyn would explain that he was proficient in medicine, although not an actual doctor himself, and would help that way.
"I see. So medicine route it is." the most he can do is bandage people or do basic first aid. Although Aflyn would soon ask him how proficient he was and Michael would tell the fae that he mostly knew first aid, explaining that his expertise is more combat oriented with a knife. And while Michael considered telling the guy he was a werewolf, he decided to hold on to that detail and not reveal that just yet.

Michael would then grab Samuel and pop him on his shoulder as if he was a parrot to a pirate. The exceed looked rather irate for how he was handled, but had to deal with Michaels method of things

Alfyn explained that he would help him if need be with medicine stuff and Michael nodded and said he'd take his lead in this mission. Speaking of which, soon a map was brought forth and the two could move on to their quest


#6Alfyn † 

Isolated Plague (Alfyn/B Rank) Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 5:46 am

Alfyn †
While en route to their location Alfyn's fae side surfaced making him act somewhat childish asking if he could pet Samuel or even have him on his own shoulder, he was a sucker for cute creatures and the Exceed's nerdy look made him appear adorable to the fae's eyes. He of course respected the answer he was given whichever that would be acting excited and happy if they approved it or somewhat saddened if not.

Nevertheless they finally arrived to the town as Alfyn put his map lacrima away and suggested searching for the hospital building thankfully the town wasn't too big so they wouldn't have any trouble finding it. Some idle chatter about the town later and they had made it to the entrance with Alfyn being at awe about the building being six floors at least, even bigger than the previous place he had visited. That said the previous place looked more ransacked, this one's buildings had been preserved and there were still people walking outside going about their lives.

After making it inside Alfyn informed his partner that he would go and ask for the person in charge so he can get them sorted. Taking a look around he went to the information desk where they announced the team's presence to their superior who was waiting for them on the fourth floor. Not losing any time he returned to Michael and out of nowhere he took him by the hand to lead the way, immediately realizing what he did he apologized saying it happened almost mechanically like his body remembered something. The boy laughed it off as him just being awkward but in his head his mind was rushing to find the answer why that happened.

However, that would have to stay on hold for now as they had work to do. Dispelling those thoughts, he told Michael that they were being expected on the fourth floor and that they would just have to administer the antidote they had with them and monitor the patients as they were low on staff. Not wanting to weird out his partner even more Alfyn decided to ascend the stairs quickly.

WC: 360|1032

#7Michael Winters 

Isolated Plague (Alfyn/B Rank) Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 6:06 am

Michael Winters
Michael chuckled at Alfyns request and allowed that. Grabbing his exceed companion and putting him on the fae mans shoulder. Much to the flabbergasted expression of the exceed.
"Have fun" he mischeviously spoke to them, even tho he knew Samuel wasnt the 'cuddly' type who enjoyed being treated like a baby.

Anywho they made their way to the hospital and Michael switched back to being full on serious as opposed to how he was moments ago. Alfyn then informed him that he'd go and ask the one in charge to get them sorted or something. Michael just shrugged and said ok, letting him do whatever. He did though yank his exceed back from Alfyns shoulder and put him back on his
"I am not a parrot!" he'd angrily say to Michael who'd just shrug him off with a "Meh"

In the meantime, Alfyn did what he had to do and so he returned to Michael and out of nowhere he took him by the hand to lead the way. Which did shock the wolf and made him freeze up by the unexpected gesture. But Alfyn soon realized his error and apologized. Michael played it off like it was ok and that it was nothing, but changed to keeping his hands in his pockets. He thought for a moment about the exchange trying to see if there was something to remember. But it was all blank. He never had the best memory. Especially of a distant past.

But past or no past, that would be for another time as now they had a quest to do. Michael was told that they were being expected on the fourth floor and that they would just have to administer the antidote they had with them and monitor the patients as they were low on staff. Michael mostly nodded and said ok and as Alf took the lead, Michael would follow him to their destination


#8Alfyn † 

Isolated Plague (Alfyn/B Rank) Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 8:58 am

Alfyn †
Once they made it to the fourth floor Alfyn reported to their superior and immediately started working, with Michael in tow he entered the first patient's room. The man's state was quite bad which alarmed the boy, as he set his bag down on a chair he went closer to the patient and did a quick examination while also reading his file. It was apparent the symptoms of the plague had progressed and he quickly asked Michael to bring him the vial with the blue liquid from his bag as it was the antidote.

Time was of the essence as he hurried to administer the medicine. Thankfully it was quick to take effect and the symptoms started withdrawing seconds after swallowing it. His face was already looking better and Alfyn could now treat him based on his other afflictions having Michael as his assistant. He taught him a few things about the medicine he was giving to the patient as the victims of the plague almost always had similar minor other illnesses.

Once he was done with the current patient he provided Michael with two choices, either he would be given a portion of the meds and try to treat the patients at the right side of the floor or go with Alfyn and treat each patient together. Although the later would take them longer to complete he didn't want to put the pegasus guy in a position where he wouldn't know what to do. In any case, he picked up the pace going from patient to patient administering the antidote and then checking for other underlying illnesses or in some other more fortunate cases he just had to monitor their recovery.

WC: 282|1314

#9Michael Winters 

Isolated Plague (Alfyn/B Rank) Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:34 am

Michael Winters
They arrived on the 4th floor where Alf reported to the person he had to and thus immediatelly started to work. Michael and Samuel took over as nurses for Alfyn, essentialy assisting him and handing him stuff if need be. Or doing whatever he says needs to be done. The patient that Alf was working on was in a bad shape. So the two members of Blue Pegasus hurried and assisted him with handing him a vial that was asked

Michael didnt know how bad the condition of the patient was and didnt know time was of the essence, still he did hurry and help as if it was. He as the would be Nurse, treated every patient as if they're on death row or something. Is death bed the right term? Michael wasnt sure. But yeah he treated them all as critical and let Alf sort things out.

During the time Alf treated the patient, he taught Michael a few things about the medicine he was giving to the patient as the victims of the plague almost always had similar minor other illnesses.  The werewolf tried to follow his instructions, but it seems the exceed had a better grasp of what was explained, where as Michael was a lot more hesistant.

Anywho once Alf was done with the current patient he gave Michael a choice or rather two choices. Michael thought it over and decided to rather come with him. Samuel chimed in and said he had no qualms to help patients on the right wing. Though that all depended what Alfyn would say and would he allow Samuel to work on some patients solo while Michael helps Alfyn out.

Eventually the choice would be made and Michael would follow Alf to the next patient where they can work together. Michael remembered he had black leather gloves, so he'd use them to be more sterile with things even though he probably didnt need to. But he also had it just in case.

(Mission Complete: Companion gives 20% wc)

#10Alfyn † 

Isolated Plague (Alfyn/B Rank) Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 1:15 pm

Alfyn †
Alfyn continued going from room to room and having Michael with him helped with the stress, inexperienced though he was he was eager to help and that made the boy's work easier. Moreover, with Samuel's offer to assist in the right wing the patients were all taken care of much sooner than anticipated something he surely wouldn't have managed by himself. As Samuel returned, the fae did a quick check to see how the Exceed performed and much to his amazement he managed to do things quite well, the correct medicine had been administered and some people were even happy that they could see such a cute little helper. Alfyn chuckled and offered to get Samuel a treat as a reward for a job well done.

The group stayed there till the evening making sure that the patients' recovery was continuing without any issues and to offer comfort to those who needed it. Since no one seemed to have any complications they reported to the person in charge and collected their reward for completing their task. Having to part ways, Alfyn gave a small pat to Samuel having gotten his consent and afterwards shook hands with Michael and with a smile on his lips he took the road home. His mind now deep in thought about a long forgotten memory and past.


WC: 222|1536

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