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Home Sweet Home

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

Home Sweet Home Empty Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:12 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had moved along to the next place to go. It was a place he was very familiar with. Joya was the place to be, and he was with the two lovely ladies from before. They had been his eye candies, and they were his as well. It was a beautiful trio as the people who saw them would look at them. They were filled with jealousy and envy from both parties.

They would make it to their next destination and there they would see that this was a lively place. It would seem like they had a few things happening here. It wasn’t just that, but first, they would go for the free drinks here. The Dragon Slayer would take the alcohol and he would chug it down without hesitating. The girls would see this, and they would do the same thing. They wonder how long he could drink with the people around him.

#2Go D. Drakkon 

Home Sweet Home Empty Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:15 pm

Go D. Drakkon
“This is where I was born. It’s where I lived for a bit before moving to Fiore.” He said to the girls.

The girls would hear him and they would smile and giggle.

“Do you like to drink a lot Drakkon?” One of the girls had asked him.

He would look at them and he would grab another drink and he would stare at her for a second. It was then he would drink it all and he would smile as he was excited to drink.

“Hell yeah. I love to party more than anything. If you girls want, I got some drugs other than alcohol if you want some? You don’t have to, but I will be taking some myself.” He said to them as he would take out a bag and he would take a pill and he would consume it without hesitating.

They would see this and they could tell he knew how to party.

#3Go D. Drakkon 

Home Sweet Home Empty Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:24 pm

Go D. Drakkon
The girls would get closer to him, and they would both reach out to him. He would see this, and he would hand them drugs of their own. It was then he would take another one out and he would hand it to Luci. The demon would take it without a problem, and he would hop off Drakkon’s shoulder. He would go get some drinks of his own and he would leave his friend to do his own thing.

The Demi-God would grab the girls and he would move around the place. He would get them all drinks and they would start drinking. It was a party alright and they were enjoying themselves. The girls would get closer to Drakkon and would press their lips on his neck, and he would pull their hair as he looked at them into their eyes before kissing them. They were truly just enjoying their time here.

#4Go D. Drakkon 

Home Sweet Home Empty Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:27 pm

Go D. Drakkon
While they were doing that it would seem like the people around them weren’t happy with how they were doing things. One of the guys would approach the group and they would tap Drakkon on his shoulder. The Ghoul would look at him and he would stare into his soul as if he was getting ready to eat him.

The man was about to say something, but then he would walk away. The girls saw this happening, and they enjoyed the fact that they were with Drakkon even more. What he had done made Drakkon look more attractive. The man saw death on his doorstep when he saw Drakkon looking at him, and he didn’t want any part of that. The three of them would continue to dance around and swap saliva as they were kissing and stirring each other up for what was to come soon. The group would of people around them wanted them gone, but couldn’t say anything.

#5Go D. Drakkon 

Home Sweet Home Empty Thu Nov 30, 2023 10:37 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would continue to drink with the girls around him. Luci would watch from afar as he would also be drinking. They were all drinking, and he was waiting for Drakkon to take these girls to the nearby Inn. He would stay close, but he didn’t want to be in his business, or his space. The night would continue going and it would soon be ready to leave to move on to the next spot. He would see this, and he wouldn’t follow the group to their next location.

Instead, he would whisper to the two girls’ ears. They would giggle for a bit, and they were fine with that idea that he had suggested. That was good to hear, the Dragon Slayer would walk out the group with everybody, but instead of making a right, he would make a left.

They were heading to the Inn he would take them to, so they could continue their night together. much would be not too far from Drakkon.


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