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Some shop and refresh.

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Some shop and refresh. Empty Tue May 21, 2024 8:14 pm

Vex walked into the market place she was here today as she wanted to find a few things and she wanted to get a gift for someone as well though she didn't know how or what she really wanted to get them though she figured that she can play it safe and maybe find what she knows that the person likes but she was not going to hold her breath and thing that she knows better than others but she was going to give it her best shot and she was going to make sure that she didn't give up. Her cult members are still moving among the people and keeping the peace the best they can to help spread the word of Tutrix as she had taught them to do. Vex knows that she needs to be careful while talking to them as her talking to people might be seen as bad.


Some shop and refresh. Empty Tue May 21, 2024 8:15 pm

Most people have an idea of what she use to be a member of the dark guild Eternal Nightmare but as that guild had been swiftly ended and tossed to the way side by a new guild that stole the hideout which was odd. She kept on her path through the stalls and stands that were selling things that are imported and some things "Rare" but Vex can tell most of them are just simple knock offs of other things or just flat fakes that were made for totally no reason besides high takes from strangers or idiots and she kept moving looking at brushes and other equipment she saw as she knows that she needed to make sure that she was not crossing any lines. She knows what she needs and where to go to but that was not something that would be that easy as there are eyes and ears every where.


Some shop and refresh. Empty Tue May 21, 2024 8:15 pm

She knows that she is being watched by someone but why and for who she doesn't know but she was going to make as little impression that she can as she doesn't want to start trouble or find herself in any trouble as she was going to keep her head down and not have a Hel storm drop onto her head or risk people going after people she knows but she knows that she needs to keep her head and she needs to make sure that she kills anyone that might aim to try and go after those that she cares about she just wants to live her life and move toward the future but she needs to make sure that there is not a second coming of the danger or death that might come after her or those close to her. Carla was close by watching around as she had followed Vex but she wished not to let Vex know she was followed by her.


Some shop and refresh. Empty Tue May 21, 2024 8:15 pm

Carla wonders who the mistress was shopping for but she knows that she must not be nosy and try to find out but she needed to make sure that she stayed true to what she was doing which was watching after Vex incase trouble might be coming for her. Vex softly hummed to herself as she was walking around with a slight pep to her step but she was not fully sure that who ever was watching her was even a good person or not but she was going to keep herself going as she didn't wish to stay in one place for too long as she needed to keep moving and make the person watching her have to keep moving as well and maybe they will be picked up by someone of her cult and dealt with before she has to even lift a finger to deal with it herself.


Some shop and refresh. Empty Tue May 21, 2024 8:15 pm

Vex found a shop that had quite the spread of art supplies and colors as well as more higher end equipment and Vex is trying to make sure that she is not risking her life savings here for these things as some of these things seemed like they could be easily enough by herself but she remembers that she is not really a wood worker but maybe she should try her hand at this kind of stuff but she didn't know what that really entailed and maybe she should just pay for the ones she things are better as she doesn't want to half ass the stuff that she is doing but that means that she needs to make sure that she doesn't break the stuff and be very very careful with it and so after she buys the stuff she puts it into her dimension from her eye for safe keeping.


Some shop and refresh. Empty Tue May 21, 2024 8:16 pm

Vex looked around and saw that some people had seen what she had just done and they look a bit interested that she could do that and they might be looking to find out how she did it but they seemed to stay back and away from her as they knew who she was. Vex just kept moving on to the next thing and she keeps looking as she looks at canvases and sketchbooks she though might be good to get ahold of but she needs to make sure that she is not to rough with the stuff as she hopes that she can do it and stay safe and make sure that she doesn't get marks on them as they might distract the eye from what was needed to be looked at. Vex put them away with the other things and she wondered when she would see the woman again.


Some shop and refresh. Empty Tue May 21, 2024 8:16 pm

Vex headed to a small little cafe that was on one of the side streets that branched off of the markets. She wondered if the place was going to be worth the visit but she was not going to complain as she knows that most of the other places around were packed full. She took a seat and a shy little woman walked over to her and Vex tilted her head and looked at her and the woman said the cafes greeting to Vex and Vex greeted her back and ordered some tea and some sweet snacks and the shy little woman wrote it down then on her way to put the order in the little woman tripped and face planted then she hurried back to her feet and to place the order for Vex. Once the woman walked back to Vex's table to apologize for the clumsy display Vex casted a healing spell and healed the woman's injuries with a giggle.


Some shop and refresh. Empty Tue May 21, 2024 8:16 pm

The woman looked at Vex wide eyed and stunned at seeing the butterfly heal her face and the scrapes that she had gotten from falling like she had done and she wonders if the woman is a super strong healing mage that was just in this side of Fiore to help with people that had gotten hurt or something and she thanked Vex for healing her and Vex just waved her hand like it was nothing as that is what it had been nothing just her simply helping the woman out and then the woman hurried off and got Vex's tea and sweets and is careful coming back to the table as she doesn't want to accidently spill the woman's tea or food and she places them on the table carefully as she smiles and bows her head. Vex thanks her for the tea and snacks and the woman tilted her head as it seemed that it had caught her off guard to be thanked maybe she was just a major klutz.


Some shop and refresh. Empty Tue May 21, 2024 8:16 pm

Vex started sipping on the tea and she blinked the tea tasted a bit odd not in a bad way in a unique way and the woman nearly tripped stepping backward as the woman say Vex's face after the sip. Vex wonders why the woman had reacted like that, vex just shrugged and tried the snacks which tasted good and she looked at the woman who had seemed to have retreated like she was in trouble for some reason and it kind of confused Vex but she was not going to voice that she is worried about the woman and she looks at the glass in the front of the cafe and she sees Carla and she guesses she knows who had bee following her and Carla looks in and sees Vex and knows that it is over and she was found out and she walked into the cafe to join the elf at her table.


Some shop and refresh. Empty Tue May 21, 2024 8:16 pm

Vex called the woman back to them and had Carla order for herself and the woman seemed shocked at the talking cat as well and Vex guessed that the woman must not have seen an exceed before or something and that was not a real shock to Vex but she knows that they are not super rare but that was not something that she was going to argue about and the woman is being very careful as she hurried along to get the cats order and Carla seemed to keep watching the woman and wondering why she seemed so nervous and out of sorts had Vex done something to her or threatened her? Carla doubted that the woman would have done that but she was not going to be mean to the woman that was serving them. The woman came back with the exceeds order and they invite her to sit with them and relax and talk and see what they can find out about her and why her cafe seemed so empty.

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