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The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas]

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#1Farah † 

The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:56 am

Farah †

WORDS: 250 | Dusky Desire

“Have you seen this, Horvath~? Apparently they challenge you to quell an effigy whilst wearing a blindfold~?” Hardly the sort who wasn't happy to show off the new man upon her arm and as such feeling happy to spend this Day of Death alongside the gentle giant she had snagged only too recently in order to further enjoy his company that little bit, the satisfaction of an evening well spent seemed to show on the face of Farah Azar as she strolled along with her arm wrapped about the tree trunk of the titan she had tamed, and only seemed to grow all the more as she spied a little spot of festivity which intrigued her in one way or another.

“Hardly seems all that much of a challenge~?” The kind of vixenly venturer who had learned to indulge the culture she found wherever she ended up and even with a life as long as hers always hungry for new experiences, though the words of the woman showed that this would be far from the first time that she had trades swings with the pesky pinata she was still rather excited by the idea, especially in the light of sharing her experience with her new man.
“Though… I might have an idea to spice things up a little~?” Key in this eagerness seeming to be the fact that she might just have a way to get both their blood pumping as part of the activity and see where that took them, the bronze beauty beamed as she produced a few bills to pass to the vendor and then tugged upon the hand of her lover, eager to show off her inventiveness among other things…!


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#2Tamás Horvath 

The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:19 am

Tamás Horvath
"I know of it. I have heard that actually this originated in Sin. And that the sinese version was in the shape of a cow or ox and used for the New Year. It was decorated with symbols and colors meant to produce a favorable climate for the coming growing season. It was filled with five types of seeds and then hit with sticks of various colors. After the piñata was broken, the remains were burned and the ashes kept for good luck and then this tradition sort of arrived to some other places, but most prominately stuck around in Stella" he spoke rather casually, while he knew of the pinatas he never really took part in that custom. It was interesting though how things changed over the centuries.

She spoke how it hardly seems like much of a challenge. He chuckled "Indeed. Unless they spin you when you put on the blindfold" he had heard someone do that for the extra challenge, so you're both blinded and disoriented. Though he was sure that was probably the child version of it
"I do believe you can handle anything without a problem"
he spoke to Farah, opting her to go and have fun if she wished so. When she said she has an idea to spice things up, he looked at her curiously "Oh?" he had no idea what she had in mind

#3Farah † 

The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:27 am

Farah †

WORDS: 220 | Dusky Desire

“Uffuffuffu… Wow, you're more than just a pretty face, hm~?” The dishy desiertian hardly seeming to expect her new piece of candy for her arm to show such an insightful and well educated side but certainly not hating it, having lived as long as she had Miss Aar had grown used to recalling events and customs which were new to the people she spent her time with, and as such found it rather refreshing to meet a man who seemed more equal to her on such terms. Maybe she would have to take him elsewhere and test his intellect more, hm?

“Yes, rather than the blindfold, the challenge should be each other~? We compete to see who can break it first~?” For now however it seeming that she was more intent on seeing the more physical side of Tamas, while she had accepted his decision to go that bit easier on the woman in his company in their battles before at the same time the bronze beauty couldn't help but feel curious over just how much he was hiding, and as such aimed to see him compete with her that bit more seriously as she offered him a baton of his own and smiled. That would be reward enough really, regardless of whether she won, and the effect of the adrenaline upon her libido a mere bonus, no~?


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#4Tamás Horvath 

The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:38 am

Tamás Horvath
"I like to learn some history" mainly medieval and the pinata stuff was something he happened to have come across along the way. He didnt go out of his way to find it. Still he was glad he impressed Farah, even though he didnt know how to deal with such compliments. To get some warmth and love such as it. It was a process he needed to get used to. Hell, he never went this long without his helm unless he was asleep. So he was feeling a bit self concious right about now.

"Oh that is a unique challenge. I accept" so this was a test of strength and speed. Though personally he still prefered the blindfold. His eyes would distract him less if he did not see Farah, because for some reason whenver she was in his presence, he seemed to have performed worse. Granted, after the jungle adventure he had and loved. He fully understood why he felt weak beside her. And he probably would've wanted a round 2 if he had his way. And maybe thus its best if he keeps his eyes off of her

#5Farah † 

The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:50 am

Farah †

WORDS: 210 | Dusky Desire

“Well then, en garde, Horvath~!” The sultry siren seeming to smirk as her playmate accepted the challenge she offered him, she could barely contain her excitement at the prospect of trading a few more blows with a figure whose strength she had barely seemed to scratch the surface of, and as she presented her own 'sword' for him to rap to signal a start to their competition she felt just as keen on impressing him as she was exploring his abilities. After all, she too had plenty to show, right~?

“As I said last night, to the victor the spoils…!” For that reason the fox quick off the mark as they began the competition between them, in contrast to a more typical duel their target was not each other but rather the treat-filled effigy handing from a string nearby, and so Farah began with a feint in order to draw closer to that. Swiping across his weapon in order to draw him to defend himself as she remained light and lithe, with a dash of the agility which those of her ilk possessed she seemed to twist with her motion and then spring into action as she sprinted toward her target, and cast an eye over her shoulder to see how well he managed to keep pace with her…!


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#6Tamás Horvath 

The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:05 am

Tamás Horvath
"En garde~" and as she repeated from last time, to the victor goes to spoils. Well she made this much more fun. But still he followed his own plan and close his eyes. He would do this challenge 'blindfolded' then again, the whole victors and spoils comment kind of already has his mind distracted again.
Still he focused on the challenge at hand, he was more skilled than meets the eye, so yeah he could do things blindfolded or with his eyes closed. It was a bit of a flex like 'i could win defeat you with my eyes closed' sort of thing and so he did that in this scenario as well, only to be more focused. He had a well enough dexterity and speed of his own and mostly relied on hearing and other senses. Plus he made sure to memorize all he saw before he closed his eyes. All in all, he was still a challenge to be reckoned with to Farah

#7Farah † 

The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:18 am

Farah †

WORDS: 200 | Dusky Desire

What the…? He's just stopped?! The glance which she gave behind herself enough to see that not only had her rival not seemed to tail her but rather seemed to have closed his eyes too, while it might have been only too easy for the warrior woman to take advantage of such circumstance to strike at their common target and claim victory right from the get go that was no way in which she wished to win this challenge, and so rather than continue her route toward success it was now the turn of Miss Azar to stop in place, but rather than close her own eyes she did something different.
“Taking me lightly again, Horvath!” Turning back toward the man she had planned to battle with her weapon raised and perhaps an element of wrath in her voice, the bronze beauty bellowed as she bounded back toward Tamas to take a firm swing toward him and send him a message that she was done allowing him to make a mockery of her skills with it. After all, no matter the prestige and ability that a commander of a guild had, it was starting to become more insulting than flattering, no~?


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#8Tamás Horvath 

The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 8:35 am

Tamás Horvath
"Not at all~" he replied as he heard her and sensed her movement. He blocked her attack and couldnt help but sense something was... not as it seems. He couldnt help but open his eyes and see one peeved off beauty. Oh my, is she really under the belief he went easy on her. If only she could understand that he is not at all going easy on her, but that her beauty is so distracting. Like what is he supposed to do? Revert to the old ways when he was far less than pleasant, the type of guy who would've joined a dark guild.
Nah, as much as he liked and respected Miss Azars wishes,he would not go so far too prove a point. He'd rather lose a match then lose his temper and do something far more harming. This was a friendly competition. And yet for some reason...

#9Farah † 

The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 10:11 am

Farah †

WORDS: 180 | Dusky Desire

“Not bad, Horvath~” Even one so seasoned as this sizzling siren seeming to feel a note of surprise when her rebuke was countered in a manner which made it feel practically effortless, Farah was not sure exactly how her challenger seemed to sense the path of her strike and intercept it as well but was certainly not complaining when she felt the firmness of that reply, in fact it seemed a message that he was finally ready to give her a real challenge.
“About time you started taking me seriously~!” Flashing the fool a wink for that fact as she pulled her impromptu armament backward and then began to lash with it again, for the moment the though of going after the prize which waited for them seemed to leave the mind of the thrashing lass as she took the opportunity to test the defences of the man she found herself up against, and felt her excitement growing with every block and deflection which followed, as if the very exchange were like a ladder taking her to greater and greater joy…!


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.


The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 10:11 am

The member 'Farah' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 11

#11Tamás Horvath 

The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:52 am

Tamás Horvath
The man was always more than willing to give her a real challenge to quell that winning streak, but something about her always made sure she came out on top. He wouldnt lose on purpose, but it seemed that way. Though he really wanted to win too. He was a guild master, he needed to show his stuff, his skill. He couldnt be distracted by her beauty. And he couldnt tell, when she had her fill of spoils, did that make it better or worse for him, because it was harder to concentrate. Though Tamas knew, he needed to get his head out of the gutter and get his mojo back and win this challenge

"I always have" Tamas would say that to Farah as his reply, because it was the truth. He never purpusefully failed. And now he is more than ever willing to prove it. He would defend against her actions as that was what he was good at. But his will was not quelled, he would move in to take the win of this challenge once and for all


The Proof Is In The Pinata~! [Tamas] Empty Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:52 am

The member 'Tamás Horvath' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 15

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