Kazimir descended onto the rooftop of the tallest Inn. The night sky loomed with clear radiance above. His eyes were suited for the dark lay of the land. Platinum hair swept up gently with each passing breeze.
"Don't worry. I'll be home soon. Until then you know you can always pester your guardians. Be safe you two. Goodnight," Kaz spoke as his thought projection ended with a farewell to his children for now.
The mage hovered the document before him, that showed strike points scattered around the land. His next targets. Small streaks of blood stained the edges of the parchment.
"Where to next," another voice called out from a room below.
"For now just scout the area. Meet me in the morning at the outskirts and we will move from there." He said to his clan member. The warrior nodded and dashed across the wind into the night sky. It was odd to have formed a defacto team once again. Reminded him of the old days.
He folded the parchment up and laid back on the roof. "I still have some time. Maybe it won't get to the guilds" Even now he could hear some of the whispers through the town. Bishops gone missing. Clergy found dead. It wasn't glamourous work but he persevered. Word of the damage to the church still echoed through the cities.
He wondered if anyone outside the knights would begin investigating. But the church was keeping this pretty tight. If anyone came into town they would no doubt hear that the church had been under attack but no one had yet been able to find the culprit.