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Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness Signature Spells

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Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness Signature Spells Empty Mon Mar 04, 2024 7:32 am



  • Name: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness's Warping Teleportation
    Rank: A
    Mana Cost: 200
    Requirements: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness, Hirota Miki's Katana
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 20 Meters
    Cooldown: 4 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user slashes toward a target with their katana and distorts the space around it turning it into a warp field, while collapsing matter within the field through a spatial distortion into a dimensional void, instantly teleporting the target to their Personal Domain. The target can be an individual, spell, or equipment. Even the general environment within the 8-meter AoE is acceptable. The warping is limited to a spell in A-rank damage or a single piece of equipment up to Unique rarity if the target is a non-mage and Legendary if the target is a mage. The user must sustain this spell if anything is placed within their Personal Domain. The target can, however, break out of the Personal Domain if they pay the mana cost of the spell. Should the item of a target be in the Personal Domain, they can pay double the mana cost of the spell to force their item to return.

  • Name: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness's Dimensional Pathway
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness, Hirota Miki's Katana
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user can open a pathway to a different location with slash with their katana. The pathway can lead to a) a different location on Earthland, which has already been visited before by the user; b) their own dimension, or; c) another realm. It is also possible for the user to bring along another user with them, however, it can only be used for option a) and b) and costs an additional 1000 mana. The pathway created using this spell are quite stable and allow the user to simply walk into the corridor created. The pathway neatly closes around the user before opening at the destination.

  • Name: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness's Quick Phasing
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness, Hirota Miki's Katana
    Type: Defensive
    Element: Arcane
    Range: -
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user can quickly turn their body "intangible" by stabbing themselves with their Katana, automatically transferring body parts that otherwise would have been in contact with the overlapping matter into their personal dimension. Everything they are touching, including their clothes, weapons, and even other people will become intangible too. The spell can be used defensively, making all attacks pass through the user harmlessly up to 2x S-Ranks worth of damage.


Hirota Miki, the Lady of Nothingness Signature Spells Empty Wed Mar 06, 2024 3:43 pm

These spells have been approved for training.

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