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Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa]

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Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sat May 11, 2024 12:51 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Great minds think alike hmm, my darling~...?", Alisa purred, her arm gliding around her woman's slim waist and pulling her close, letting her rest into the softness of her full, shapely curves as she nuzzled right back, instinctively seeking those plush, pouty lips as she smooched her slowly and lovingly, savouring that sweetness and faint saltiness clinging to her lips as her hand reached up to cup her cheek.

She'd felt Sofia's magic coursing through her body many times in the past, and it never failed to make her heart flutter, but... Something about it felt different this time... For now, Alisa couldn't feel its effects but she knew the magic had changed something in her body. And she felt certain they'd be able to breathe underwater now as they descended further into the water with a low, graceful splashing sound:

"Mmmmmn~... Then~... This is a Sofia secret... Only for me me~? Heavens~... I can think of no greater honour?", she purred, interlacing her fingers with her woman's as she squeezed gently, but firmly on that marvellous mitt, the warmth of her hand radiating up her arm and making her whole body tingle as she slowly descended into the water, those loose black locks fluttering around her hair as she finally reached below the surface... And took a long deep breath, making her eyes shoot wide at how easy she found it to breathe even in an alien environment like this, those admiring wine red hues glued on Sofia's the whole time, "O-Oh my~... Seems like the kiss of a mermaid works wonders~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sun May 19, 2024 12:40 pm


WORDS: 250 | Hers n Hers

“Mermaid, hm~? Well, maybe when the water opens up a bit…?” The brow of the brunette piquing at the comment which the coquette made about the kiss she was given, Sofia couldn't help but to pause for a moment and consider the image she was given and the new abilities which she possessed, and felt awfully tempted to try out an idea which she had since being given her new gift. However, for now it didn't seem like the wisest move given where they were headed first at least, and as such was more a notion they might put a pin in.

“It can get a little tight in places…” Smiling as she squeezed the mitt of her mate and affirming the fact that they might to be at their most compact for this little venture, Miss Serena knew as she descended into these dark waters that she had discovered their boons when she had been smaller and slimmer, and frankly guessed that they might have a bit of a job getting one or two of the now more generous curves that she and her wife shared through some of these poritons.
“But I suppose we're used to that, hm~?” Not that she wasn't confident that they would fail to find a path if given enough time and motivation however, the belle with the beryl eyes beamed as they reached their first little squeeze and nodded at her lover, before turning herself over in the water and poking first her head and then the rest of her through…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sun May 19, 2024 12:43 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Ohoo~... We never seem to struggle finding Mermaids to we~...?", Alisa purred as she held her lover's hand, moving along underwater with slow, graceful strokes of her long, shapely legs.

The waters shimmered all around them, from both Sofia's light and the sparse few sunbeams that managed to reach their way inside this seaside cave, beaming along the surface of the water and peering through the cracks lining the ceiling of the cave... It made Sofia look even more stunning than she usually did~... Alisa found herself gazing longingly at her beautiful belle, swimming along after her, squeezing her hands, fingers interlaced:

"Mmm, is that so? Then we should defenitely... Come here more often shouldn't we~?", Alisa bit her lip and felt her spine tingling at those words... Shifting closer to her beloved as they swam along through the passage, feeling her soft frame squishing into hers as she turned to face Sofia, squeezing her into her soft frame as they followed along the path, shivering at the sensation, until they finally saw light signalling the end of the tunnel, "Oh... It seems quite bright where we're heading? Fufu~... Where are you taking me my love~?"

Deep down, Alisa new the answer... They'd already swam quite a big stretch underwater. Nobody but a water mage could travel this far underwater, let alone discover the path... Alisa's heart warmed at the thought of knowing a secret Sofia had only shared with her, and she could only beam at her.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Tue May 21, 2024 3:18 pm


WORDS: 280 | Hers n Hers

“Heaven~?” The growing incandescence something which seemed to seize both the attention and the interest of the bubbly brunette, she couldn't help but beam when her black belle asked just where they seemed to be heading given the fact that they had moved away from the brightness of the sun overhead, and Sofia seemed to instantly find an answer which seemed fitting given their situation.
“Oh wait, that's anywhere, with you by my side, right…?” Squeezing the marvellous mitt which her beloved beauty had presented her soon afterward and tilting her head as she did so, the temptress seemed to smile as she licked her lips and let loose a line which revealed that rapture could be found anywhere her raven seemed to stand in truth, and shone with a smile as she did so which might for a moment have even made a shadow of the sun as well. It was so nice to get away from everything, and remember the sweetness which was their union, wasn't it?

“Heeheehee, the plants and animals here have adapted to produce light~?” The girl the green gaze giggling however as she moved deeper into the recess which lay beneath the island which Miss Serena cherished almost as much as she did the woman whose hand she held, within it seemed like they had stepped into a wonderland which was filled with strands of weed which hung from the roof of the cave and glowed like the lights one decorated at Christmas, and among them were exotic looking fish as well which seemed give off their own luxurious luminosity as well as they stepped into somewhere which the host could not quite explain, but loved all the same…?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Tue May 21, 2024 3:24 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Oooof~... Took the words right out of my mouth you charmer~...", Alisa purred, already planning to say just that before Sofia beat her to the punch, and yet she couldn't help but admire just how utterly in sync the two were... Alisa squeezed gently on that marvellous mitt as she huddled close to her lover as they navigated through that tight tunnel, and at Sofia's words, Alisa all but let out a disappointed huff, practically pouting in realization, "Sad, so it's not today I get to guide you around the darkness~...?"

Little known ability of the power in her left eye which she usually just used to track enemies during combat, it was actually an eye belonging a blind warrior who used this magical sight to see in the darkness, so Alisa was very much capable of navigating even without the light in Sofia's hand, or the bioluminescense of their surroundings:

"Oh... Oh my... This is beautiful..!", once they actually arrived at their destination, Alisa's eyes flared as she took in the sights before her, that long dark hair fluttering about behind her as she steadied herself...

The cave lit by glowing algae, Alisa could clearly see the colourful sights all around them, the schools of fish big and small making a living in this mysterious, fascinating slice of the sea. And it was then that Alisa heard two unfamiliar voices, greeting the new arrivals:

"Ohh? Haven't seen you two around here before!"

"How did you get here? Humans can't usually reach these parts..."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Sun May 26, 2024 8:00 am


WORDS: 300 | Hers n Hers

“Teeheehee, who knows what we might get up to if we found a little shade, hm~?” Certainly not hating the idea of gloom minus the doom when she was with her wonderful wife, though Sofia knew all too well that her beautiful bride could see perfectly well in the dark she certainly did not mind the idea of them fumbling and groping about, especially with an emphasis upon the latter in fact.
“Perhaps… We should go looking a little later~?” It seeming so long since they had the peace and quiet needed to fully explore themselves and each other in a venue like this one, the recent gifts which the girl with the green gaze had received had only seemed to give them greater potential for 'boons' to find while doing so, and frankly it was a prospect that the princess of the Pegasi could scarcely think to refuse, in fact.

“What in the world…?” Unfortunately such enterprising spirit seeming to quickly take a back seat when she heard a voice which was neither her own nor that of the vixen with whom she had entered this little playground speaking up, for a second the siren was left stunned and looking around herself to see from whom the source might be, before realising that aside from herself and Alisa there was likely only one other being from which it could have originated.
“You're… Talking?” As such it seeming that even her homeland had was in which it could surprise Miss Serena when she looked toward what seemed to be a fish who was speaking to her, those emerald eyes seemed to jerk between what she was seeing and hearing and the face of her fellow femme in a mix of disbelief and delight at what they were witnessing, before a slow but broad grin spread across her face…

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.


Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 11:29 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Sofia | BEACH WAIFU

"Mmmmm~... I could get behind that~...", Alisa purred as her eyes narrowed, gazing into those gorgeous green hues as her pulse quickened a bit at that little promise alone, she found herself squeezing those joined hands ever so teasingly, thumb gliding back and forth along the back of hers, rubbing it gently, "I don't know, in a big cavern like this... We're bound to find a little nook and cranny just for ourselves, don't you think~?"

Shooting her another alluring little wink as her teeth dug into her bottom lip, Alisa found thoughts drifting to the scenery around them, her face lit up with a look of pure awe, followed by the surprise appearance of an unfamiliar voice:

"Where are those voices coming from.", Alisa mused, turning left, then right, until one of them drew her attention

"Down here!"

The softer, feminine voice of the pair kept drawing the two girls attention, and Alisa's eyes finally flared as her eyes fell on a pair of curious fish, one of them waving her fins restlessly to call her attention

"Yup, sure can! Still, I'll be damned, haven't met a human who could understand us before!"

"Icredible... I didn't know fish could speak? Let alone that they could understand us too..."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Just The Two Of Us~ [Alisa] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:43 am


WORDS: 290 | Hers n Hers

“I mean, I've heard Billy Bass sing, but this is a little different I think~?” The mention of her magenta eyed minx of fishies speaking making the lip of the lass curl for a moment as Miss Serena remembered some silly little show where someone used some means of magical or theatrical performance to make it seem as if his pet was talking, the girl with the green gaze grinned at her lover for a moment as she revealed such a silly little fact, but clarified it was likely a different experience to what they were enjoying now.
“This is a first for me too?” As such the siren found nodding to Alisa as she affirmed the fact that she had never had the opportunity to dish juicy deets with the creatures beneath the waves before, while there was the occasional creature who had gained the ability to use the language of men and women through things like Navani leaves this seemed unprecedented in her experience, especially when it seemed there was a community of chatty little ocean dwellers down here.

“Have you guys always been able to talk to us? I've been in this place so many times, but never heard you talk…?” If anything the surprise seeming to give away to a small amount of disappointment however as she realised that she just might have been missing out on something wonderful, perhaps on some level Sofia had tended to assume there was some language of the seas that she just wasn't privy to, and as such felt a little sad for the fact that she had only recently 'tuned in' upon it. Though, perhaps there had been a reason for such a delay, even in the example of such a stellar water mage, eh~?

Stir Up Some Excitement

"Make every day its own adventure~"
- Sofia Serena

credit to nat of adoxography.

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