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In Taberna (Alisa)

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#1Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Nov 04, 2023 10:35 am

Tamás Horvath
The darkness should bother him. But it didnt. Whatever was going on in Stella wasnt his problem, as long as his people were happy, he was happy. Hence why they were here at Stella. A brief vacation from woes of life. And what did he do when he had to party and relax? Why drink of course. And sing of course, it was all about fun.

Once he got his wine, he made some of his people chill and provide some extra entertainment to this boring bar. Why not make it lively and really make people party. His favourite drinking song was always the best for those situations. At least for him. A little medieval partying.
As the music started, because yes they had the instruments too they were prepared, they would enjoy and sing as they have fun. The thing was, this song had more archaic fiorian lyrics and not modern language fiorian. Which made the song and the whole medieval party mood much more unique
In taberna quando sumus
non curamus quid sit humus,
sed ad ludum properamus,
cui semper insudamus.
Quid agatur in taberna
ubi nummus est pincerna,
hoc est opus ut queratur,
si quid loquar, audiatur.

Some fiorians could understand the lyrics because its close and yet different to modern tho and they'd know the first verse.
When we are in the tavern,
we do not think how we will go to dust,
but we hurry to gamble,
which always makes us sweat.
What happens in the tavern,
where money is host,
you may well ask,
and hear what I say.

Tamas and his people that were with him chilled and just have fun singing and drinking and providing some form of entertainment to some guests. Little did he know, he'd meet a fellow Guild Master here


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:04 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

When she first came to Stella, Alisa worried this looming darkness heralded yet another calamity set to befall Earthland. Truly there seemed to be no end to them, and after only just recently earning their freedom from Bosco in the civil war a few years ago:

"Whoever it was, whatever the reason... If they had any nefarious purposes behind this deed, nobody seems to be biting the bait~...?", Alisa looked visibly pleased by this realization, that even though the dead walked the land, none of them seemed too concerned with overrunning the living.

After all, this festival, as she soon learned, was called Dia de Los Muertos. It shared some roots with the Halloween of Caelese tradition that had since spread to the rest of the world, if nothing else, then simply the time of year and the propensity for the macabre. And thus, absent a great evil to fight, Alisa would much rather lean back and enjoy the festivities. Clad in vibrant, form fitting pink pants hugging that luscious, shapely lower body and an equally leathery corset holding her generous cleavage in place, Alisa looked more ready to find a club to dance than to simply spend the night at a bar as she took a seat at the nearest chair and crossed those long, shapely legs under the counter:

"Good evening~... I'll have a Tequila sunrise if you would~?", she was only just starting to feel the pulsation of this festive season after all, and hardly a reason to hit the shots when she was effectively drinking here all be her lonesome. Instead, she looked left, then right, taking in her surroundings and her fellow drinkers. Some of which appeared to be getting rather lively, singing a song Alisa didn't recognize but still brought a smile to her face, "My, you have a beautiful singing voice~... Though quite a coincidence to find a fellow Fiorian here of all places~?"

A bit of a bold assumption to make, but such an archaic language was seldom used nowadays save for religious ceremonies


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#3Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Nov 04, 2023 2:42 pm

Tamás Horvath
He heard the female voice, looking at the source he would see a beautiful and erm... gifted woman. But also a familiar woman at that, he was sure he knew of this person by their reputation and description, but he couldnt place his finger where they belonged, because they were clearly not in their natural element since they were in Stella

"Ah milady. Thank you for the compliment, but tis is nothing. Just a little joy in life and some relaxation. I am personally a more traditional man. My methods of merriment might be archaic and unorthodox to some. Which by the way, if I may ask. Who might you be?"
he spoke and then grabbed his wine and drank it

Since he was mingling with a lady, he might as well focus on her and converse about things and such. Maybe he shouldnt overthink it, he's bound to get worse. Just enjoy and drink


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Nov 04, 2023 6:42 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

The man's tone was elegant, and knightly, if perhaps a little old fashioned... But nonetheless, that chivalrous tone wasn't lost on her as Alisa simply returned the smile and rolled her chair to face him, elbow resting on the counter as she cradled her cheek:

"Fufu~... I can see that, it sounded quite relaxing to me~?", she teased with a wink before offering her hand in greeting proper, her smile brightening, "Ah, how rude of me... Call me Alisa~... What should I call you~?"

Alisa may not recognize his face, but something about this tall, towering knight seemed familiar enough that she couldn't help but arch her brow... Or bite her bottom lip as those wine red hues scanned him head to toe, idly sipping her drink.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#5Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Nov 04, 2023 6:58 pm

Tamás Horvath
"Hah thank you. I am personally not used to such compliments. You are kind" soon she would extend her hand for a handshake and he took her hand and shook it as she said her name "Call me Tamas" still those gears in his head were turning

He should know, he should know, he should know. Thats when an idea popped in. That name. Could it be? He doubted, but still.
"Pardon me, is it bold of me to presume that you are a Guild Master. I do recall such name belonging to a Guild Master at Fiore" realizing, he was still holding her hand, he quickly let go and focused on his drink, finishing it

Part of him hoped she was. He wanted to get to know her guild master or not. But still, it would be nice, right? He has so much to learn. And he wants to be a better leader. Right now, he was too uncertain, working in the dark, just hoping. His method was spray and pray. Throwing everything and see what sticks. But he was also too stressed because of his position and inexperience. Only he didnt show it. He knew how to hide it. Behind booze and party. And even behind his formal vocabulary.
And this was him stressed with a small guild, what if it was bigger. Phantom Lord wasnt helping, they just added to the problem. He wished Eternal Nightmare was there instead. Those guys were on their dying breath and weak. Phantom Lord was strong, new, full of vitality and eager to prove their dangerous worth to the world. And he worried that they might be the closest target. He hoped the guilds neutral status was good protection.
But that was not here nor there. He needed to relax. He looked at the bartender and asked for more wine


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Nov 11, 2023 12:46 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

"A pleasure to meet you, Tamas~", she greeted with a teasing little wink, accepting the hand offered with a smile, her touch firm yet graceful, silky even. Of course, she recognized the name. She may no longer be as active on the world stage as she'd been in years past, but she still kept up to date on current events... And recognized his name as that of the master of a newly founded Guild. Her expression betrayed none of this, however, and she wasn't particularly eager to talk business in this festive time. But when the man brought it up first, her brow arched, "Mmm, indeed I am. I suppose it's not a dreadfully common name back in Fiore, is it~? Alisa Vollan of Blue Pegasus, in the flesh."

In the end though, her reputation preceded her. She flashed him an understanding smile, rubbing her temple as she tilted her head ever so slightly, motioning down towards her frame as she uncrossed those long, shapely legs and turned to face him:

"Though it doesn't look like I'm the only one here, am I, Tamas~?", she chimed back, an amused smile drawing on her lips as she held his gaze, letting her admire the man's towering frame. She had to admit, as far as Guildmasters went, Tamas was by far the most physically imposing, his commanding presence outshining that of anybody else in the tavern.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#7Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Mon Nov 13, 2023 6:00 am

Tamás Horvath
"Honoured to meet you, Alisa" he replied as he was happy to meet a fellow guild master, and one he didnt expect to encounter any time soon. Though one thing she said made him wonder. Does his reputation preceed him? How much is known about what happens in the west. His guild was still relatively young and its challenge was survival, especially with Phantom Lord close by. Before he was confident when it was Eternal Nightmare in Oak as they seemed like a dying breed. Which was proven to be true as they fell and Phantom Lord took its place. But what made him uneasy with Phantom Lord was that they were a revived guild, and thus they had energetic and raring members to go. He had to be careful with them. He could not trust them, because they have not proved themselves to be safe. He only did business with Guild Masters, such as Alisa herself. Which made him ask
"I am curious. What did you hear about the West?" he wanted to know how well known was his guild to the others and what opinions other had of them. He would not ask about Phantom Lord as that was too businessy now.
He would keep the topics light and hopefully he'd manage to ask her about some leader advice.


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Tue Nov 14, 2023 7:07 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

Alisa flashed him a smile, brushing a loose black lock behind her ear as she met his gaze, and even though she was a rather tall woman herself, she still found her gaze drifting a smidge upwards to meet his, if nowhere near as much as some of the other patrons:

"I heard about you forming your own Guilds of course? I'm not surprised, I've no doubt the boys of Paradise Dawn must have trained you well~", she winked, still remembering what those boys were like as fresh faced rookies in Blue Pegasus. But she also knew that anybody with ambitions of forming their own guild would have no choice but to leave the shadow of their powerful Guildmaster soon enough. She was confident in his power, and considering who he'd been trained by, she was also sure his heart was in the right place. Alisa may have never met Tamás and know comparatively little, but she had a positive view of him so far... Clearly helped by his singing performance... And yet, talk of the west still had her turning her gaze back towards the bar and the myriad drinks out on display, "Phantom Lord aside, you've been making quite a name for yourselves there?"

Still, that was all she'd say on the matter of their rival, lest Tamás was looking for advice on how to deal with his less than pleasant neighbours... She wouldn't wish to sully such a festive night with talk of more serious matters.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#9Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 8:33 am

Tamás Horvath
Truth be told, he thought his guild was no name nobodies to anyone outside the West. Too small fish for them. He was pleasantly surprised though. Which only meant he needed to keep up a good reputation. One might ask him, why not get recognized by the Magic Council, be a more legal guild instead of a neutral one that does its own thing. But that was the thing, Tamas liked to keep to himself and not be governed by anyone. He figured as long as he isnt causing trouble, he can be left alone. That way his guild would be more welcoming to all, even those of more dubious nature that sought shelter. Though under his watchful eye, he would make sure no trouble was done that would affect the guild and oh the people too.

"Paradise Dawn, indeed. They were a good beginning. As a mercenary myself, I thought that a mercenary guild fitted me well. Funny enough when I was merely starting to get in this magical business, it was a 50-50 between Paradise Dawn and Sleeping Calamity. It is quite interesting how things have played out. But that is a story for another time" as much as he would like to recall past events that led him here, it was not something he wished to talk about as he rather wished to learn about Alisa and the way she acted a as a leader. He hoped to improve his own skills by adding her own knowledge to his own

"Ah yes. I am working on keeping Baska safe. It is a location near and dear to me. To my knowledge it never housed a guild. The people are wary, considering in recent history the west housed only dark guilds. Changing the common folks opinions on guilds is a task all on its own. But in order to do that, I must lead the guild in a positive way. Which is my own personal challenge as I lack some skills in leadership. I must admit, I usually only led people in battle. Not in their off time. Would it be too much to ask, milady for some advice when it comes to leading a guild?"
While she did ask about the activities of his guild, he was rather open and sort of formally polite with her about his own personal challnges and goals for the guild and the west. With Eternal Nightmare and Phantom Lord present in the Oak, it was only natural that the nearby towns had a bit of a negative outlook on guilds. So a neutral one left them wary, but he hoped that he would change the peoples opinion soon enough.
Staying rather humble and respectful in nature towards a more veteran Guild Master he asked her for advice, hoping she could help him and illuminate him with some knowledge. Some methods she uses governing her guild or paperwork or even just supporting people when they feel down.
Tamas knew he couldnt lead a guild like a general. You couldnt always rule with an iron fist. But he was unfamiliar with alternative methods. Hopefully, she would not see that as weakness.


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Nov 25, 2023 3:15 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

Nobody who can found a Guild can ever be called no name nobodies. If anything, new Guilds often had to go out of their way if they hoped to enforce some measure of secrecy, which in all fariness, was mostly something Dark Guilds did to avoid any unwanted attention:

"Hmmm, Sleeping Calamity? Quite an interesting choice. I found their latest Guildmaster to be rather agreeable, though they never quite shook off the bad reputation their founding Master brought them.", Alisa shook her head, her eyes drifting towards the ceiling. Though she did get along with Jikan, she never truly cared about cleaning her Guild's reputation, mostly because she took prefereed to be independent rather than aligning herself with the Kingdom or the Magic Council. Perhaps that indecision cost is what ultimately cost her the Guild., "Fufu~... Sounds to me like you already have a solid enough grasp in what it means to be a Guildmaster~?"

Shooting him a teasing, flirtatious little wink, Alisa brushed her long dark hair away from the fullness of her cleavage and behind her shoulder, her elbow resting on the counter as those wine red hues fixed firmly on his:

"Though if you're asking how I do it, well...", she took a sip, smiling as she thought of her Guildmates, "I simply listen to my Guildmates? Listen to them, encourage them, ensure they always have a place to come home to... Blue Pegasus is a Guild dedicated to self improvement, to pursue your own ideals of beauty and perfection, whether in arts, romance, or even martial prowess. Though I imagine our Guilds must be quite different, no doubt some of the same principles apply? Few people join a Guild hoping for a prophet to Guide them and tell them what to do. It's up to you to learn what they themselves want to do, and help them to the best of your abilities."

That said, Alisa knew little of the circumstances in the West... The South had never had a Dark Guild in the region, though Blue Pegasus itself had been threatened by rival guilds across the country many times in its past...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#11Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sun Nov 26, 2023 12:09 pm

Tamás Horvath
"I have met their latest Guild Master. She was admirable in the way that she led people in the Joyan War. I have fought by her side. But that was a military setting. Although I could see the empathy she had for her fellow men." indeed, he had met Jikan during the Joyan war, but never had the time to talk to her. Instead he got what he managed. It was interesting still to hear some history from Sleeping Calamity that he did not know about. He nodded as he heard her out

When Alisa teased a bit and winked. Tamas looked away to hide a small blush as he felt bashful at the presence of such lady with such advances. He did look at her when she did give her advice. He nodded "Quite different they might be. One is dedicated to tradition and history, the other to self improvement, ideals of beauty and perfection. But nevertheless the people still are equal and deserve proper attention, care and advice to become their best selves, whether it be in battle or beauty or both." he simply wished to learn what leader qualities or values Alisa had so he may apply some of them to become his own leader. To get the best qualities of a caring leader. He did notice that Judith and Alisa had some similar qualities when it came to leadership. Both of them did not use violence as their guidance, but rather lending an ear to the woes of their guildmate and giving them proper advice. Whether it be verbal, combat or some visual example. He could use that too as both Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus were long standing guilds. He would forge his own way of leadership as well. But this advice from Alisa was a good start towards that. Like some training wheels.
"Thank you still for those words. It did give me a lot of perspective that I lacked"


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Mon Nov 27, 2023 10:10 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

Indeed Alisa had a pretty high opinion of Jikan as a person, but at the same time, she'd clung too hard to the heritage left over by the infamous founder of the Guild. True, the hostility which her Guild often recieved due to that heritage might have left Jikan with no choice but to do so, for they had nothing else to lean on:

"Fufu~... Though if you're comparing both me and Judith, we both have something in common... Want to hazard a guess what that might be~?", she teased, unable to miss that little blush to the point that she couldn't help but lean in ever so slightly, enough for that stubborn dark lock to drape back down over her face.

She felt utterly transfixed by how a man as charming as him didn't seem overly familiar with a woman's advances... A guy this tall and good looking, he'd have surely been drowning in the attention of the various women in his life, and maybe even some men:

"You're welcome~ I don't know how much of it applies to your particular situation, but I'm happy to share as much as my experience as you'd like? Over a drink or two, of course~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#13Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Fri Dec 01, 2023 7:43 am

Tamás Horvath
He wasnt sure if he was imagining it, but he could've sworn what Alisa was doing was something akin to flirtation. Now Alisa told him something but he was not certain really what the two ladies had in common.... aside from being female guild masters of light guilds "Ehm... you both are... female guild masters?" yeah he had no idea what she was getting at.

Still, he focused back on the main task at hand and thanked Alisa for her help and advice. He focused on his feedback and started to formulate a plan how to govern his own guild. He summed up his problem as a confidence issue. He just needed to get more confident in his own skills. Now as Alisa offered a drink, he nodded and said "A drink is good for the body and mind" and soul as well. He could use one to relax


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Dec 02, 2023 10:25 am


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

The two of them had a lot in common, between their families and their general styles of leadership. Neither of them were particularly belligerent as leaders of Light Guilds, even if some people in the past had demanded more action from them, Alisa often pointed out they seemed to be confusing Light Guilds for Rune Knights. Light Guild's number one concern was the protection of their home cities, and from then on their regions. Beyond that, they were not expected to engage in Guild Wars out of a misguided sense of justice... Though the similarity she was looking for here was nothing related to politics:

"If you asked either of us a few years ago... Neither me nor Judith would have ever seen themselves in this position. Putting the needs of your guildmates before your own ambitions... Is the most important mindset you can have?", guildmasters who do not usually end up with a guild incapable of surviving them. Though she wouldn't miss the chance to tease him a bit, "Though of course... We are indeed also both female Guildmasters~"

She chuckled at his words, then turned to the bartender to offer them both a fresh glass, which Alisa sipped as she uncrossed those long, leather clad legs and crossing them the other way:

"Now, If you wouldn't mind... Indulging my curiosity... Would you mind telling me about your Guild~?", he already offered a bit of insight in that regard, and indeed Alisa had already heard that they were a mercenary guild. But now here she was, her eyes fixed on that towering man's, utterly captivated, and ever curious to learn more about the new Guild from the lips of its own founder


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#15Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Mon Dec 04, 2023 9:56 am

Tamás Horvath
He softly chuckled at her tease, as she left him kind of speechless, not knowing really what to say to that. Alisa then turned to the bartender to offer them both a fresh glass, which she sipped as she uncrossed her legs and crossing them the other way. He meanwhile would take his drink and drink it to relax and keep cool.

The Blue Pegasus Guild Master would speak, being curious and wanting to know more about his guild. But considering he told her about it, he wondered what else did she wish to know
"Is there anything specific you wish you to know?" he didnt expect such a warm and welcoming reception from Alisa. He knew neutral guilds were kind of illegal. Not as bad as dark guilds, but they were this middle grey area. The fact someone was this good to him from a light guild was... endearing to say the least. Now he would tell Alisa about his guild, but he was not certain what aspect of it did she want to know. Goals? Motives? Reason for foundation? Something else he didnt think about?


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Thu Dec 14, 2023 5:44 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

She couldn't help but giggle at his inhibition, and couldn't help but note the stark contrast between that and his imposing presence, earning glances from everybody in the tavern. Alisa sipped her drink:

"Fufu~... Imagine I'm a potential new member you're trying to recruit~? What would you tell me?", she mused, brow arched, not wishing to taint his own views by her own questions, but, if Tamas still struggled with finding an answer to her question, she'd help him along as those plush pink lips curled into a smile, "What ideals made you decide to found your own Guild~?"

Every Guild starts off neutral. Whether they earn the Magic Council's seal of approval and the King's permission to operate, or become branded Dark Guilds due to their misdeeds... Whichever case, Alisa left that for the politicians to crack their heads over. She was more interested in the people, what drove them, what moved them... She'd known members of Dark Guilds more worthy of respect than some of those from Neutral or even fellow Light Guilds. Tamas would find no judgement from her.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#17Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Tue Dec 19, 2023 2:57 pm

Tamás Horvath
He was rather bashful and he tried to hide it behind his more emotionless face, but one can still easily tell by body language that a woman such as Alisa had an effect on him. He simply put back his helmet because he had a bit of a blush starting to go on. He'd clear his throat
"I made this guild so I can be my own master. I didnt want to be subservient to someone my whole life. I wanted freedom. And I wanted to give that freedom to other people as well. If they had no family, no safe haven. I wanted to offer my guild as a shelter to those people. To be united by a banner instead of blood. We are family of our own and we mind our own business and protect Baska as well as the West if it gets too bad. But sadly Phantom Lord is an eyesore.... I calculated to defend against Eternal Nightmare which was a weak guild on its last legs. But Phantom Lord disturbs me greatly. A returning guild, flourishing with members ready to prove its worth and we are next door to them" he spoke to Alisa

He didnt necessarily throw a pitch like she said at first, but answered her 2nd question, what ideals made him find his own guild. It was a guild to give a home and a purpose to the people who didnt have that. It wasnt a famous guild like Fairy Tail or Blue Pegasus. But a guild made by nobodies for the nobodies.


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Dec 23, 2023 12:44 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

Alisa's brow arched as she saw Tamas reaching for his helm, and she couldn't help but chuckle, hand over her mouth as she reached out and rested it over his with a soft smile, her touch silken and soft to the touch as she looked into his eyes:

"Oh, no need for that... Would be a shame to hide away beauty like yours~...?", whether the man indulged her or not, she'd nonetheless take in his explanation, her plush lips curling wider. Indeed, she heard some things about the guild. A Guild of swords for hire who relished freedom and adventure... But those words had never quite resonated with her until now, upon hearing them from the lips of their own founder, "Mmmm, thank you for that... I feel like I understand you a little better now~?"

With a guild as liberal and free spirited as his, it was hard to tell just how many of their members adhered to the master's own views... But even the wildest mavericks always tend to adhere to the guild's ideals to an extent. It had been a while since she'd met someone with such an upfront, admirable motivation for creating their own Guild? It made her feel like Tamas was worthy of her trust:

"In that sense, I have a proposition for you.", Alisa replied... Had Tamas opted to leave his helmet off, he'd find Alisa's hand yet idly lingering over his, her brow arched, as she wondered whether her words would pique his interest.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#19Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Tue Dec 26, 2023 1:56 pm

Tamás Horvath
He looked at her curiously as she moved her hand and spoke to him how there was no need to do that. She thanked him as she said she felt he understood his guild better. He merely nodded as he didnt know what to say really. Hence why Alisa was the one to speak again. But the next thing she said was curious indeed "A proposition?" he wasnt sure what she had in mind. He may have had a hunch in regards to what it might be. But he needed to keep an open mind.

He couldnt help but look at her hand which was still lingering over his. He really didnt know what to do in this situation and he tried not to get flustered or breathe too deeply. Her words did definitely piqued his interest, but he also had a LOT on hid mind. Including a certain hand touching him


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:24 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

Frankly, Alisa had some ideas of possibly aligning their two Guilds, considering she sympathized with the man's ideals and independence. But she also had something ele in mind:

"Well, two of them in fact~...", that husky, melodious voice sounding almost like a purr as the man questioned her intentions, and she merely leaned closer. Alisa's hand lingered on his as she bit her lip... Ordinarily, she might have toyed with the subject a bit longer, but a party like this wouldn't last forever, "But this is far too festive a season to talk about business..."

She was utterly enthralled by how a man this powerful and confident enough to make his own Guild seemed so far out of his depth when faced with a woman's advances, and this realization only made him all the more enticing. She didn't really pounce, or leap into his arms, instead simply leaned closer until her idle hand found his shoulder, enough to pull him into a slow, smouldering kiss:

"...Don't you think~?", she teased between her teeth, for they were busy nibbling his bottom lip, wondering how he'd cope with her advances now if he'd been struggling thus far


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#21Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Dec 30, 2023 5:03 pm

Tamás Horvath
"Two?" he spoke as he nervously gulped a bit as she sounded more flirtatious and sexy. He blushed a bit ever so slightly more as she leaned closer, her hand lingering and she closed in and leaned, her idle hand finding his shoulder and pulling him into a kiss. He was caught by surprise, his eyes widened but if this wasnt a seize the day or carpe diem moment he didnt know what was. He definitelly wasnt gonna let this one slide, considering what he usually had to do to enjoy the pleasures of the flesh. Alisa was probably the first person to ever offer herself to him willingly... without needing to be coerced with a payment.

Between her teeth she teased him, but him now wrapping his arms around her waist to pull her closer considering she wanted to do this merely said "There is more than one kind of business" there was business and then there was business


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Jan 06, 2024 1:28 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

Little did she know... After all, she expected a man like him must have plenty of attention from not only the opposite sex, but both sexes really. And little did she know that his penchant for hiding away his face had practically excluded him from such pursuits until now. But in a festive season like this, no way in hell was she about to:

"Mmmmmn~!", and approving hum left left her lips once she felt him slide his arms around her waist, making it clear that despite his apparent bashfulness, he wasn't nearly as clueless as he'd have her believe. Alisa's lips curled wider and slipped off her seat and onto his own, her knee coming to rest on the side of his hips as those luscious, leather clad thighs practially straddled him, her arms now fully draped around his shoulders as she teased that bottom lip with her tongue, working it slowly and sensually, her hot breath washing over his lips as she looked into his eyes with a smouldering gaze, "Fufufu~... Glad we're on the same page~...?"

Her voice throaty and honeyed, she found herself toying with the straps of his armor. It's not really a proper party without a warm body to share a bed with. There would be plenty of time to talk about Guilds and whatnot once they got back to Fiore... But as she pressed that full, lush bust into the firmness of his armor, Alisa made it clear she was happy to forget about all that until then~


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#23Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:24 am

Tamás Horvath
"Perhaps we should conduct 'business' somewhere more private" such as not a tavern where people go get drunk for this dias de los muertos or whatever its called. If they were both to go beyond kissing and making out, surely they need a room. Or maybe he's just drunk and imagining things. Either way, he liked the way this was going. He was not a virtuous knight, but a selfish one. A mere human who is capable of feeling lust and sometimes gives in to it. This is one of those moments where he feels 'weak' and did completely succomb to the earthly urges. Thus, he did want to get more private to escalate this moment of intimacy of a one night. Perhaps the fact he's with another guild master was the most bewildering part to him. Probably not a smart thing to do. But perhaps he was merely too drunk to make good choices


In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sat Jan 20, 2024 2:47 pm


WORDS: 400 | TAG: @Tamas | LEATHER

"Took the words~... Right out of my mouth~...", Alisa teased, all too easy to point out for her mouth had been busy with far more entertaining a treat as she slowly teased his lips in turn~... The crowd was staring and thought Alisa didn't particularly care about the attention from onlookers, but even she would be vulnerable to public exposure, so after a while of simply making out with Tamas, she peeled away, giving his bottom lip a little nibble, her breath hot against, cheeks warm as she spoke with a smouldering tone, "Follow me then~...?"

And with these words, Alisa dismounted, seeking her new lover's hand and guiding him towards the nearest door. What actually laid behind the door? It didn't really matter... As Alisa stode close, emphasizing the sway of her hips as though giving her lover something to look forward to, she slipped her hand into the welcoming cleft of her own cleavage and fished out a key, which when slipped into that door opened a portal to a different space in time, a lone bedroom just for the two of them to enjoy... Alisa wasted no time pressing him back firmly against the walls, fingers hard at work as she deftly unfasted a piece of his armor until it fell down on the ground with a resonating sound...


And then another~... And another~... Until she could finally pounce the man under the armor into the bed underneath her, letting him feel the softness of her bust as it pressed against his chest and she dove down on his neck for a nibble~...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

In Taberna (Alisa) CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!
#25Tamás Horvath 

In Taberna (Alisa) Empty Sun Jan 28, 2024 10:43 am

Tamás Horvath
She in her attractive and inviting voice beckoned him to follow her. And like a lost or curious pup, he couldnt help but obey and follow. Taking his hand, she would guide him towards the nearest door. Everything about the way she conducted herself was.... seducing. She soon would fish out a key from what he assumed was around her neck and just fell near her cleavage, but then again for all he knew, maybe she placed the key there herself

He watched with curiosity and anticipation and well he also had something to look at. That he sort of took a moment to realize she made a portal
"Ah, so she has one of those keys" he thought to himself, now thinking it was a good choice that he obtained that key. Although hers was more... fancy

The Guild Mistress meanwhile wasted no time pressing him back firmly against the walls, realizing what she wanted, he would help her so they can get down to business faster and thus she pounced. And he also replied in the way that his arms or hands went to certain areas to give her some pleasure. When she was done nibbling and kissing his neck, he would kiss her rather passionately

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