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A Rough Climb To Be A Top Chef. [FPHS – Climbing Cookout]

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A Rough Climb To Be A Top Chef. [FPHS – Climbing Cookout] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 8:23 am

Yijun was being pulled into another of these strange events that were taking place in Hosenka and this time it was some crazy cooking while climbing up the side of a mountain. He has no idea how that would even work but he guessed that was just how it was going to have to be and he walked over and gave his name and is handed a piece of paper to take with him to go and collect the ingredients that he will need for the cooking competition that he would be under taking as well as the magical cooking surface that will be serving as his work station as he climbed up. He is not sure how it will work but he collects it and he headed into the area for the ingredients and he looks and tests them as he needed to make sure that he used the fresher ones, so that he can make the most of the their freshness to make the flavor pop and make a big burst and hopefully win him the cook off verse who ever he went against.

He gets his ingredients collected and put into the magic bag that they were giving them and he walked over to the starting area to wait for the person that he will be up against and he wondered who he will be up against but he knows that he needs to win or at least give a winning effort if he was to lose to someone. He stretched and tried to figure out how this magic cooking surface worked was it just attached to him or does it float magically and he touched it and it started floating and with what looked like a wire of mana connected to him and he looked it over and saw how to use it and how to get certain cooking pieces to appear, it worked like requip but with cooking items. He was kind of impressed by this and this one also didn't require him to be drunk and attempting to steal the moon from the sky for it to work so he thinks that he will be fine in this one unless he was put up against some world class chef.

Yijun breaths to get rid of his nerves as he was going to need to be fully focused as he was going to cooking and climbing soon and that was going to take some sort of attention to both as he doesn't want to fall or to burn or misprepare the food that is going to be judged at the end of the climb and see if he has the makings of what ever this event was to test in them.

#2Go D. Drakkon 

A Rough Climb To Be A Top Chef. [FPHS – Climbing Cookout] Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 11:11 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon wasn’t sure what else they were trying to have people do in this place. It seemed like they were trying to entertain the people who had come from outside to enjoy the entertainment. He had done everything that there was to do and he had even done some work for the Hot Spring, so they could continue their business.

While trying to figure out what to do, Drakkon would find himself around the next event that they had in Hosenka. It was a bit weird, and he heard the people speaking about the event. This was interesting and it was weird all at the same time. The Son of Chaos didn’t know how to cook, so he wasn’t sure if he could partake in the event. Still, the climb while cooking sounded hard, interesting, and a challenge he wondered if he could come on top of.

It was a tough choice, but he looked over to the people that were signing up. It seemed like there were people interested in this, and one person made him smile. It seemed like that monk, Yijun was here as well. He figured that he would join them and keep him on his toes. The Demi-God knew he wasn’t going to win this competition, and if he did that would be some miracle. He moved over to the registration table and decided to sign up. He figured he could climb the mountain even if he had to struggle.

“I’m here to partake in the contest.” He said to them as they looked at him and wondered if he could even cook.

They saw his weapons, on his side, they saw the jugs, which they presume was alcohol, and they wondered what he was up to. Still, they weren’t going to turn anybody down and they had protocols just in case something stupid were to happen.

They would give Drakkon the paper to sign and soon enough he would fill it up. When he was done with that, they would give him what they wanted him to use and he would move toward the area where everybody was located. He didn’t understand this, but the thing they wanted him to use was something that would float with him as he climbed up the mountain.

He moved by the others and he looked over to Yijun as he smiled at him.

“I wasn’t sure I would see you here again, but then again, I shouldn’t have been surprised. I didn’t know you could cook Yijun.” He said as he got to his spot as he waited for all of this to start.

Drakkon looked up at what was above him and he nodded as this was something that he could do. He knew that it was going to be hard, but that was the point of doing this right?



A Rough Climb To Be A Top Chef. [FPHS – Climbing Cookout] Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 8:22 am

Yijun saw and heard the man that he had kept bumping into this whole time for these events and he wonders if the other man has been following him at this point as once or twice is a coincidence at this point the man is ever where he is when he is and that is a bit spooky. "Same to you my friend and I can cook I learned when I was living with monks in sin." He was being honest as there was no real point in hiding that he had lived in Sin with the monks watching over him and training him to be the best him he could be even if he wasn't human or that he is considered a dark race being. He looked the man over and wondered if this man can cook as well as he looked as the man seemed fully ready for this competition.

Yijun took his spot at the starting line and had his ingredients lined up on the cooking surface ready for this to start so he can start cutting into the stuff and making it as he climbed and he realizes the surface shifts if he thinks about it so it is easy to cut on thing grab it and have it shift and he pour one thing into another and keep a decent climbing tempo or so he hopes but he doesn't fully know if that is even possible so he was going to keep as focused as he can so no one has to see him fall and splat on the ground as he can also fly but his main focus is the climb and making something that can be eaten that doesn't kill someone else but he was still only able to do so much before there will be issues with what he is doing and that is simple.

The starting gun goes off and Yijun runs toward his side to climb as he cuts up the ingredients and as he made it to the wall he has placed some of the stuff into a pan and covered it and he started climbing and in between grabbing the side of the climbing surface he he would swing an arm back and move around and start other things over the fire and he would steal glances over his shoulder to make sure that it is all cooking and cutting right.
(405) (861)

#4Go D. Drakkon 

A Rough Climb To Be A Top Chef. [FPHS – Climbing Cookout] Empty Mon Jul 15, 2024 10:41 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard him and he smiled at him; this was for sure his win as he was going to wing it. He didn’t know how to cook and honestly, he didn’t care to learn. He had the jewels, so why would he not use them to eat and feed himself right?

“That’s good at least that makes one of us.” He said as he had a huge grin on his face.

These people were going to be disgusted when they tried his food he bet, and he couldn’t wait to see that happened. He looked up once again waiting for this to start; his eyes trying to figure out a path that he would take when climbing this thing. Still, it wouldn’t take long before the gunshot could be heard. It was then that everybody had started to move from their starting location. He watched everyone start the climb and multitask every time they were ascending. He figured that he would watch them first and followed after.

When he got his bearing, he figured that he would do the same now. He started climbing up now and he would start cutting random vegetables. He was good with a blade, so that wasn’t hard to do. He moved up with both hands and then reached out with a dominant hand to cut things that were on the table. He had boiled some water as he figured that he would make soup of some sort.

“Oh what to do, oh what to do. I guess I can add this in there now.” He said to himself as he continued to climb up.

He was enjoying the climb, and enough was hard to do. The input of ingredients made things harder, but to be honest, he had no clue what he was doing. He was making a vegetable soup and he decided to add some protein to it as well. He looked at the beef that he had on the table and decided it was best to season it. He didn’t know about cooking, but he did know it was best to season his meal so that people had a better taste of the meal that they were eating.

When he looked to the side, he could tell that this ascension was hard to do for others. They were cooks after all and they were not climbers so this was extremely difficult for them. It was different for Drakkon, he was not a cook, but he had experienced enough fighting that his core was strong enough to pull himself up.

“I wonder how their expression is going to be when they eat this soup.” He said to himself as he kept climbing and adding ingredients to the soup.

A smirk was expressed on his face as he kept moving as he could see Yijun was doing things rather well.



A Rough Climb To Be A Top Chef. [FPHS – Climbing Cookout] Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 6:30 am

Yijun was confused by what the other man said had he not been able to cook? There is no way that this man can't cook, he was playing a head game with Yijun clearly but Yijun wasn't going to fall for it. The man kept climbing while stirring off and on with his hands as he switched which hand he was using to do so trying to keep an even tempo to what he is doing as he was trying to do his best even if he was sure the other man would out do him once again and that was just something the he was use to after their meetings over the past few days and that is why he needed to prove himself and cook his heart out so even in lose he can be proud that he had given it his all out here on the course.

Yijun as he hit a small flat area with his foot turned and combines the chopped vegetables with some spices as the meat part was still cooking and flips it as he pushes off of the small ledge and hopped up and kept climbing at this point the dish just needed to cook up a it them combine and mix flavors but he knows that he still can't get complacent with his focus of climbing or on the food as it only takes a split second to ruin a dish and that was something he didn't want to do he had to perfect his movements his crafts and falling short here would only put more mud on his face than him being a daemon. Yijun had to prove himself and take on this challenge head on or he would just feel shame even if he didn't need to feel shame he would feel for that, for not being able to do his best and actually make this some what of a challenge.

Yijun spoke to himself a little as he climbed. "You can do this just don't slip and fall now you can do this." At that moment his hand hold crumbled in his hand and lucky for him he was able to catch another ledge with his other hand as he hadn't needed to flip around and do anything with the cooking he would have to thank what ever god that was watching over him there as that would have been on hell of a fall and it would have ruined his food as well.
(418) (1,279)

#6Go D. Drakkon 

A Rough Climb To Be A Top Chef. [FPHS – Climbing Cookout] Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 7:32 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had no idea what he was doing. He was just working on putting things together and hoping for the best. His attention could be used on his cooking, but he looked at the other competitors to see that they were struggling to climb and cook at the same time. He had a smirk on his face as he found it too funny. Still, there was no time for him to laugh because he didn’t know how to cook. He would have gone up there, and he wouldn’t have the proper meal cooked for these people. It was something he couldn’t wait to see, them trying his food.

The soup he was creating was boiling nicely, and he was making sure that the protein he was using had been properly prepared. He didn’t know what that meant, but at least he was going to make sure it had flavor. When he was ready he would put it in the soup as he continued his climb. It wouldn’t take long, but he would see someone had stopped in the spot and location they were in. It seemed like they couldn’t go any further, and with that, someone would call it for that person. They would help him get down from how far he had gotten, and the shame that was on his face was for everyone to see.

The Son of chaos shook his head as he couldn’t believe someone had failed already. Well, that was why this was a competition. He looked upward as he kept pushing as he moved from one spot to another. He tried his best to continue cooking, but there was nothing he could do. There was one thing he could do though, he could bake. Yes, he knew how to make things like banana cake and such, so he would do that. It wouldn’t go well with the meal he was making, but he didn’t give a damn.

Drakkon had started prepping everything to make his cake. He figured if the judge didn’t eat it, then he would have a free dessert to take home with him. Luci was on his shoulder this entire time watching him cook his meal.

“You shouldn’t have joint his. This is kind of a waste of time if you ask me Drakkon.” He said to him as Drakkon kept moving upward.

“You know I do what I want, but thank you for your input.” He said to Luci as the Demon knew that he would ignore his scolding.

Drakkon was wondering how Yijun was doing and hoped to see him at the top with his meal. He did say he could cook and he couldn’t wait to see what he made for the judges.



A Rough Climb To Be A Top Chef. [FPHS – Climbing Cookout] Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 11:24 am

Yijun sighed to himself on this as there was a small worry in his mind that he was going to end up dead before he were to make it to the top with his food for the judges but he figures they have a plan for if some one were to fall like spells to catch some one but he is not sure and he is not in any rush to fall and maybe die. Yijun keeps climbing while the food keeps cooking Yijun keeping a mental count till he has to spin himself around and get the next part of the process done and through with he needed to make sure that it didn't burn but he had already nearly fell so he needed to make sure that he didn't let up while not getting to far ahead of himself. He his hand hurts from when he had to catch the edge of it and he thinks that he might have broken a finger tip and broke the nail on that finger, but he had to just keep powering through this and make sure that his food and himself make it to the top of this climb to be judged, He is making sure to test the next holds as he goes as there was a chance that some of the other grips might be fake or loose and he was not risking the fall.

Yijun when his mental count hits he turns and gets the meat and vegetables mixed so that the flavor will be able to properly mix and cook into the meat so that his imagine of the food will match with what he is getting but he is thinking that this food is looking and smelling good so far but there is more of a chance of it messing up and him not being able to fix it before the top but he has to do it and make it around the same time it finishes for the final plating and giving it to the judges but he feels like he might fail this as he had been slightly slowed down from his slight fall and him reassuring himself to go on the small jump up might have gotten him nearly back on pace but there are many factors that might still be up ahead that could ruin the dish or him making it in time but he was going to give it his all and hope that he can make it and not lose his life or this cooking thing but Yijun was going to have to be careful.
(435) (1,714)

#8Go D. Drakkon 

A Rough Climb To Be A Top Chef. [FPHS – Climbing Cookout] Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 1:20 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was climbing, doing his best. He could feel the sweat building up and he didn’t like it. Still, it was hard work and he was struggling. Still, others had a harder time than him and it was because their focus was on cooking as well. He didn’t care for it much, so he kept moving without a thought in the world. He was baking, but he knew how to do that without a problem. That was not something that required his attention just his timing.

The young man pushed up the mountain as he could see that there were more people who couldn’t make it to the top. That sucked because they were so close to it. He kept moving as he was waiting for the time to take his cake out. He looked over to Yijun, he was barely able to see him, but he had caught a glimpse of the man. It seemed like he was doing his best as well. That was good to know and he kept pushing it.

As he moved up he could see that the top was indeed in sight. The Son of Chaos pushed himself and because he did that the next thing would happen. He would grab onto what he figured was a secure ledge, but it crumbled at the moment he tried to pull himself up. That was when he was dangling in the air with one hand. He sucked his teeth as he didn’t expect that to happen. The young man laughed a bit and it became louder. The people who were watching from the bottom gasped when they saw this, and they were ready to help him.

It was then he took in a deep breath and looked around before he pulled himself up. When he got a place to hold, he would take a moment to fully regain his composure. It was then he would keep pushing as he hoped that didn’t happen again.

“That was close, I wonder if the cake is ready to take out.” He said this and he would see that it was indeed ready.

He would stop moving and he would take the dessert out and place it on the counter table, so it could cool down. Once he was ready he would start climbing the mountain again. He didn’t have to worry about anything right now as his soup was doing just fine he thought. Drakkon would be the first one to make it to the top, as he would just lie on his back and gather himself before doing anything.



A Rough Climb To Be A Top Chef. [FPHS – Climbing Cookout] Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:47 am

Yijun would turn and get his food on to the amount of plates for the judges that he knew were going to be there and an extra so his opponent could also try his food. He then got over the top of the cliff and onto the flat top of the cliff and he stood up he was a bit tired, his knees weak and his arms felt heavy, but he had to hand in this dish already. He walked up to the table that had his name on it and he put the plates down and the table was warm to keep the food warm and then he looked to his opponent and he took the spare over to his opponent to try it was like an orange chicken type of meal with rice and some assorted vegetables to help kick the spices and how the flavors blend together.

The judges speak to both of them saying that they will now be judging their dishes and there would be a second to think over their answers and results and then they will name the winner at the end of the tasting and discussion so they could properly get their answers on if they like it or not and who they liked and then say who won. Yijun after handing the dragon slayer the share he had made him, wet to stand by his table and see how this went but he wasn't expecting much as they tasted his foods first and he didn't see much reaction from them so he figures that they had found his food not up to their liking or they were very good at hiding their enjoyment of it to save his feelings if he was to lose as to not instill a fake hope for him to be the winner of this cooking competition.
(310) (2,024) (Exit)

#10Go D. Drakkon 

A Rough Climb To Be A Top Chef. [FPHS – Climbing Cookout] Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:01 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon had given himself time to recover and when he was ready he would get up on his feet as he looked at the few that made it were serving their meal. He noticed that Yijun was also one of the contests that made it. He walked over to his able and prepared the bowls for the judges that were there. When he was ready he would walk over to them when it was his turn and he would hand them their bowl. They saw the soup and it made them nervous and worry about tasting it.

While he was waiting for them to try his food out he looked at Yijun as he was approaching him with food. He would gladly take it as he was looking at the judges.

“I won’t offer mine food, but I will give you some of my desserts.” He said to Yijun.

When the judges tried his food some of the judges threw up and others almost fainted from the horrid taste that had come from it. He rubbed the back of his head as he offered them dessert, but they refused to eat it. He was fine with that as it meant it was all for him. It was then they would give Yijun the winner of this competition and Drakkon ban from cooking here again.



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