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Devilish deeds [Saturn]

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 Devilish deeds [Saturn] - Page 2 Empty Tue May 14, 2024 10:06 pm

Saturn would have to ask someone far older than he was, maybe one of the gods knew more about it? He’d have to consider that later. He could imagine the lengths you’d need to go to get an answer like that from any of them. He’d ponder this information for a bit longer, becoming distracted. He’d perk a bit and rub at the back of his head, both of his ears flicking as she mentioned their earlier time spent together.

You think so?

He was still very much innocent when it came to that sort of thing, likely came from the fact he was still very naive and very unsure of things in general. When it came to the beach it was more for the sake of others than anything else. He didn’t even really care to wear anything most of the time but did only out of necessity due to how humans reacted to… well nudity.

Mm I suppose you make a good point with that; most of the time I wear clothing not because i have anything to hide but because humans and their ilk seem to… well not appreciate nudity very much? The farmers I first met when I arrived on earthland were very shocked to see me wandering around without any clothes. But I suppose here it’s more… unneeded?

He’d ponder this information for a moment, eyeing his swimming trunks. But as liv entered the water so did he. Feeling the water lapping at his ankles he’d tilt his head. It felt cold and smooth to the touch. He felt like it was pressure but not, wanting but not, it reminded him of something… distant. He could feel it pressing further up his frame as he walked into it and he’d stare down. Entranced for a moment before looking up to liv.

Heh. I suppose so. I have to ask Liv; have you ever been to a beach like this one?

Saturn was curious as he got to waist deep water, realizing that he was much taller than liv was and well.. If she needed to swim already his feet were still touching the ground and he could see some fish swimming around still. He wondered how long he could go without needing to take in air…


 Devilish deeds [Saturn] - Page 2 Empty Sat May 18, 2024 9:45 am

"I know so~", she replied with a flirty little wink and a confident smirk plastered on those luscious pink lips, the knowing look of somebody who'd clearly put it to the test, but then again, she was a bit of a special case.

When it came to matters of the heart, no mere mortal could say no to her. Such is the nature of a lust demon like herself, whose very nature is to be desired. Not that she was encouraging him to streak, after all, not even she bothered with that this time around... But rather... She couldn't help but want to be a bit of a bad influence for someone like Saturn~

"Now you're getting... Indeed walking the round in your birthday suit might make people think you're a beggar or simply a pervert. Not that there's anything wrong with that either, though it might no be the message you'd rather get across.", she nodded, her hand gliding along the surface of the water, all but sighing at that refreshing cool to ward off the morning sun's growing heat... The green haired demoness rose a hand over her eyes and looked off into the distance, "I have, In Hargeon... Though calling it like this one is giving Hargeon far too much credit."

Azure beach was gorgeous... But Luluhawa, well. Nothing really comes close to it? No place on Earthland had she ever been in that better deserved the name Paradise. The Seraphim would have you believe Paradise was the Lucent, their dimension... But Demons knew better, without ever having set foot there. Beings so uptight and hypocrytical could never create anything even remotely resembling true bliss... Then again, demons weren't much better. They could create anything really, but it always had a catch:

"But... There's certainly nothing like this in the Abyss. The demons are perfectly capable of crafting visions of paradise themselves if they find a need for them, but one glance is all you need to know better. In the Abyss, nothing comes without a price, and it'll often turn out worse than your worst case scenario.", She sighed, shaking her head, her differences from the rest of her kin looking all the more visible as time went on.


 Devilish deeds [Saturn] - Page 2 Empty Sun May 19, 2024 6:51 pm

Saturn cocked his head to one side, blinking slightly as that wink was given to him and he felt odd for a moment. That knowing smirk and that look of someone who knew something he didn’t. But it didn’t bother him a whole lot; more just added to the fact he was kind of clueless about this sort of thing still. He pondered in the water for a few moments, feeling a fish or two bump into him and his fur was making the water… strange to say the least. Or at least it felt strange to him.

It’s difficult to do that sort of thing when you’re a rune knight and have to deal with so many people. I never did understand the need for wearing clothing when you have fur like I do.

Saturn’s ears flicked and he’d tilt his head again to the opposing side. They lived in hargeon? That was the city that blue pegasus was out of and he had to wonder if she had any connections to the guild there. They were known to have members that defied physical beauty and were some of the best mannered mages around. At least that’s what he had heard from some of the younger knights.

I need to visit that city still. I need to go to a lot of cities actually.

Saturn sighed a little bit; he had spent a lot of time on this island and even then he… Well. He had grown a lot. Pondering this he’d note that she started to talk about the abyss. Something he knew even less about. The demi-go [or at least at this moment] wasn’t sure what it was like. But hearing that they could craft paradise he had to wonder…

...So being in a paradise like this must be… very different for you.


 Devilish deeds [Saturn] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:16 pm

Liv couldn't help but chuckle, indeed, as Saturn had fur, there wasn't really much need to wear clothes now was there? She had to imagine wearing too many clothes might even feel uncomfortable, in this weather especially so.

"I'm not surprised, many Demons opt out of wearing clothes entirely, or even armor. Modesty is a very human thing really... And when you have powerful enough magic you hardly need anything else for protection either.", Liv shrugged her shoulders, even though she'd been originally cloned off a human, many mortal customs still felt strange to her even now, but in a way, that added to the charm. What most people too her granted, in her eyes was exotic, sometimes weird, sometimes exciting, "Still... Some of their customs are quite something... Like wearing a bikini for example~"

With a seductive chuckle, she slipped her finger under the strap of her bikini top and tugged it until it snapped back gently against her shoulder, making her full bust ripple for emphasis. Still, Liv arched her brow as she couldn't help but note how surprised he seemed that she lived in Hargeon. She had yet to get herself a stamp of her Guild, and though she knew Alisa wouldn't object to it, Liv still cherished her freedom too much to actually join something like a Guild:

"Well you should... And make sure you stop by the Pegasus Guild hall~", she added, also informing him where she lived in case he wanted to come find her in the city.

Liv stepped a bit further into the water, her hands hanging just above the surface as the waves now reached up to her tight, toned midriff, just barely brushing her underbust:

"Oh, it most defenitely is~... I'm honestly considering getting myself that house on a permanent basis.", looking back at the bungalow they'd just left from, she couldn't help but bite her lip at the thought of the previous night, before turning forward and diving under the waves.


 Devilish deeds [Saturn] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:29 am

The demi-god had to wonder how long it’d take him to actually wander around in the buff again. Before he had no idea about it and still didn’t really fully understand it. Hearing that many demons didn’t wear clothing or armor he had to wonder what they looked like too. Were they more beastial? Like himself? Or more close to a human like Liv was?

Is there a usual appearance to demons or do they vary a lot? Or just don’t care?

Saturn figured that if they didn’t need protection they could wear whatever they wanted. He wasn’t powerful like they were he felt; he was just clueless and still didn’t understand culture. Saturn flicked his ears at hearing that snap of clothing against her body. It reminded him of several things and the sound was also something that he probably would never grow accustomed to.

I’ll have to; I’ve been meaning to do so with a lot of different guilds for a long time.

Saturn sighed a little bit; but hearing where she lived he couldn’t help but nod a few times. She would be easy to find; not everyone had hair like she did. Hell there were many that she stood a good bit above too. Feeling that water against his fur even further the demi-god let his concentration on his clothing fail. The water taking it’s place and he’d just let himself float there after a moment. He wasn’t much of a swimmer but he could float!

Might be a good idea if you like it, I still don’t have a place of my own. Rune knights tend to just live where the council asks them to. Though they haven’t told me where they’d like me yet. I think they don’t know what to do with me honestly.

A little flick of his tail helped rotate the demi-deity in the water so that he could look somewhat at the demoness as they dove into the water. Watching her for a few moments he wondered if he could do the same thing…

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