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Getting the rust off?

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Getting the rust off? Empty Tue May 28, 2024 6:17 pm

Yijun had found his Spear hungry for another battle and some action so he was going to give it something to look forward to as he headed into the Sigmundir Passes to see if he could find some bandits or something that might slightly take the edge off of the spears want for battle a he fully doubted that he was going to be coming across any dragons or dragon like monsters around this place as the guild up here in the north was good at dealing with their problems even if their strongest guild master had taken a step back from being the part of it's fearless leader. Rumors have spread in the north of maybe his stepping down for now was because of a super important mission or battle that was coming up and maybe they were going to be out of the north and teamed up to protect the country.


Getting the rust off? Empty Tue May 28, 2024 6:17 pm

Yijun wasn't so quick to believe it but he knows that he needs to not step on the wrong side of that guild for his own safety and sanity. Like on cue as Yijun walked around the corner a group of bandits came running out to attempt to rob him but Yijun simple swung his arm and his spear come forth ready to do battle along side him and he spins the spear in his palm he had grown a bit use to this weapon even though sometimes it felt like this weapon had a mind of it's own and a want for blood of elder creatures but for now Yijun had no way to supply it with that so he was going to stretch his legs and arms with this fight against the bandits as at first he is just pretty much playing with them. He was not aiming to disarm them just yet.


Getting the rust off? Empty Tue May 28, 2024 6:18 pm

Yijun ran on a wall to get behind the group of bandits and he hit them in the back with the blunt side of the spear and the pole not the blade as they started fighting back against him as they were getting mad as this daemon seemed to be underestimated them and was making a mockery of them but they couldn't keep up with him as he hit them with his debuffs and his bane magic weaved in with his use of the spear which was not seeming to weight him down in anyway. They most of thought of Yijun as a skilled fighter even if the weapon was what was currently making the man so to say in this case but Yijun was faking till he made it and he was not going to let anyone know that he wasn't the one making this path so smooth so fast.


Getting the rust off? Empty Tue May 28, 2024 6:18 pm

Yijun took one big swing with his naginata and knocked some sense into the bandits that took off down the pass probably to report in that someone had kicked their asses but Yijun was not worried as the bandits leaders will probably just blame the idiot Emil of Paradise Dawn as the attacker and seek him for the pay back as all they saw was a warrior simply walking and then unleashing a painful lesson on them as he did so. Yijun yawned as that fight wasn't ever really a work out for him and his naginata still wanted more action from a fight he guessed that maybe there might be more bandits or may some creatures that might be wandering the passes that would be more than willing to attack them. Yijun made his way to the side of the passes that were made toward the more wilds of the north.


Getting the rust off? Empty Tue May 28, 2024 6:18 pm

Yijun readied himself as he saw a large creature that was just on the outside of the pass. Yijun walked out to it and it saw him and it let out a cry as it seemed that Yijun had scared it and Yijun couldn't help but laugh at the creature making that scared sound then a slight rumbling came toward him and Yijun pushed up off of the ground with his naginata. The ground opened there and a much bigger and aggressive version of the creature came up out of the ground at Yijun who didn't wait till he found out more about the creature he attacked it as it went for him. The blade of the naginata seemed to cut into the creatures nature armor and seemed to get the creature to back up away from him before it started to use earth magic and fire stones from it's mouth.


Getting the rust off? Empty Tue May 28, 2024 6:18 pm

Yijun reacting to seeing what it was going to try used the naginata to knock the attacks away but he moved in and started to dodge the attacks from the creature but it seemed to have learned fast that if it keeps Yijun away from it that he can't really hurt it but Yijun was not a one trick pony and he started casting debuffs and using the powers of his bane magic to stack his power on the beast as it was slowed down and he weakened it as well as he was not going to let it get away after attacking his as a stone skidded across Yijuns face cutting him and Yijun getting pissed transformed to to his daemon form and he went hard at the creature his wings helping him dodge and pick different angles to attack this beast at. Yijun didn't care if this was ruining a family.


Getting the rust off? Empty Tue May 28, 2024 6:19 pm

The darkness in his soul was not letting Yijun see this clearly and he only wanted one thing and that was to kill this creature in front of him. The creature did all that it could think to do making shields of earth magic and attempt to tunnel away from him but Yijun flew down into the tunnel after the creature the naginata wasn't trying to stop him it was more egging him on to keep after it and to fight it to the death even if it wasn't this naginata loved target but what most do will do so it will love to be used against this thick hided creature with it's more natural armor. The creature trying to be smart about what it was doing attempted to collapse the tunnel in on him. The creature thinks it had beaten the daemon man in that dirty tomb.


Getting the rust off? Empty Tue May 28, 2024 6:19 pm

The next thing that happens is Yijun using his naginata by spinning it in his hand and destroyed his way out flying toward the creature and he lands and he looked right at the creature. The creature looked horribly terrified of him as Yijun's mana ran out at that moment and he returned to his normal look and he looked at the creature and was shakenly still on his own feet. The debuffs had left the creature who could now move faster and it took off away from Yijun as fast as it could before Yijun could chase after it. Yijun thinks that he had had enough fighting for the day. He put the naginata away and he started to head back into the passes and he can hear the voices and they sounded pissed off and were looking for someone. Yijun realizes they are here for him and he guessed that he was going to not be able to fight them as well as he was a bit banged up and he was low on mana.


Getting the rust off? Empty Tue May 28, 2024 6:19 pm

Yijun guessed his was just going to have to lay in his bed if that was what was going to happen here so he pulls out his naginata once again as they saw him and their boss looked at him with a smirk which could only mean a bad thing. They ran at Yijun with their daggers drawn and Yijun just focuses himself and remembers his training with the monks that had tried to save him from himself by training him roughly and with out any rest to help him focus those bad feelings and the dread he felt into something constructive and useful. He made sure not to kill them as he wasn't looking to get himself into trouble or get himself killed for messing with the wrong persons family or supply line. The grunts were still feeling the fight from earlier as well so Yijun wasn't the only one that was in pain or working hard to keep this up.


Getting the rust off? Empty Tue May 28, 2024 6:19 pm

Yijun finished off the grunts and then looked to the boss and he pointed his naginata to show he was ready even if he wasn't feel like he was and the boss of the bandits pulled out his giant club and Yijun let out a sigh as he was going up against a heavy strong weapon. He knew he had no choice so he moved in close using his speed to try and get the advantage on them but he was not going to be so lucky it seemed as this man seemed to wield the club well but Yijun had seen a few openings and Yijun waited as he had to save his energy then go in and strike as swiftly as he could and end it. The big man went to swing the club again and Yijun moved in and hit the mans hand with the but of the naginata making the man lose his grip on the weapon sending the club up into the air and the boss moved in on him not waiting to see where the club would fall and Yijun stopped him right in the right spot for it to end the fight and Yijun hurried out of the area as some people had come to collect the bandits.

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