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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms.

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Thu Nov 23, 2023 2:48 pm


Lumikki stirred within her safe pocket of ice, enforced with all the mana she had left so that it would harden quite nicely. Her head was pounding and in the fight, it almost felt like it was also splitting apart. The Demon in her raged, starving for the destruction her very being longs for. Despite not choosing to take all of the Abyss to make her new body, it would not change that some of it must be in her to be alive. It coursed her cells as opposed to before when it would only circulate within her mana. She was as much now of the Abyss as it was her. And its primal desire to show the world and all in it an end was intoxicating.

It was the memories and the love that she had that bonded her to her old creeds. A Demon of honor now, she likes to think. It means she can maintain herself from a husk. The primordial frost and dark would mix with the Abyss as well and vice versa. Keeping her from the fate of a singular being of destruction allowed to creep on this world where her kin could not.

She would not risk being slain as much as she would not suffer another Demon on this Earth.

But those are simple hopes and dreams whose execution was anything but. It was suffering. But she figured this was but her new youth and in time, like all other things, it would become easy. Only moments like this would rip through her resolve and make it tremendously hard. Wounds seeping and pouring all the insecurities that would plague her.

Sure she's a Demon now, but was she still weak...

Her body lay deathly still before she finally stirred. Two hours had passed before she came to. Her ice at first slightly cracking to her moment before breaking apart more and more with every movement.

Her head was still pounding, but besides that, there were no wounds to have.

Tenevi quickly slipped in to embrace her, gripping around the Demoness' throat fondly. This she would expect, but not him.

" What keeps ye here Thunder God?" Cold mist still leaving her beak even now and there was no warmth in her voice.

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:53 pm

Emil looked back to the woman that had seemed to have woken up from her icy slumber. "Lumikki you know my name, I prefer you use my name. As for why I am still here I thought we could go and have some after battle food and drink. Unless you are going to turn me down. As most times after these battles you don't really seem to want to go with me or I take you some where to recover and you don't seek me out so I end up going alone." He stood up and he looked to the woman and he reached his hand to her to see if she would take his hand and agree to join him. He wouldn't be surprised if she were to just slap his hand away or spit at him as he knows today that she harbors ill feelings toward him when he really harbors none toward her.

"You are really strong and I didn't think taking it easy on you was the right choice. As if I did and you won then it would be a disrespectful act on my part if you later heard that I fought and beat someone while I was going all out and you have to question why I didn't take you on with all I had and kid gloved you." He was being honest as he had nothing to hide nor would he lie to her as it was just how he felt and he knows that Lumikki doesn't want to be treated like a child or just allowed to win a fight where some one else didn't come at her and show that they were taking her on with all they had. Emil would hopefully walk with her to go to look for a place to eat as he knows this area still has bandits but he thinks after their fight that most of the bandits would be hiding in their caves if they hadn't all just fled from the area thinking that they were about to be hunted.


Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:21 am


The Demoness sighed deeply while more cold mist would escape her beak. She was tired, and too tired to fight. Although she rested within her ice to recover from the battle that just transpired, she was still awe fully tired. Too much so to wanna heave her massive frame for any longer. The excess feathers and flesh would fall away like a sudden flurry of black snow being pushed away by a sudden gust of wind.

In the mess of snow, a hand would reach out from the deflating amalgamation of ice and shadow. The darkness was still obscuring the girl as she took the man’s hand as she slowly pulled herself out. A deep sigh would leave her lips as she rose, still shaky in her movement as she settled in to her more humanoid form. She felt nearly as light as a feather now that she shrunk down.

The harpy stood in silence, deciding it best not to speak any further. Her expression was almost serene in appearance but deep within was a raging tempest of frustration and anger. A fury that would have to be released else where, as this was not the place nor time.

” Very well Emil,” she began to speak again. Tired clear on her voice. She was humanoid but it was clear she didn’t look human. Her skin was as the night while her hair the stark white of snow. Blue tattoos would wrap around her skin almost shimmering and the black stains that usually wrapped around her hands and arms were now replaced with the blues of moving ice. Her grip chilled his hand as he hoisted her up.

” What food did ye have in mind?” She’d ask as her form finished settling. Her eyes looked up at him sleepy and droopy. She blinked the rest of the sleep from her eyes as she tried to look back toward the guild hall. I wonder what they made today? she wonder as her hand still clung to his so that he could keep her steady.

” Hmmm, still to big….” was all she would say as she finally let go and proofed into a raven. Black feathers would vortex around her before pulling away to reveal a raven on the floor. ” Tenevi, please hold me.” The harpy would smile warmly as the request, coming to the tired Demoness’ side before scooping up fondly. Tenevi would hold Lumi pressed to her chest, burying her in the harpy’s feathers.

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Fri Dec 15, 2023 11:05 am

Emil looked at the woman that had just been frozen over moments before hand and he watches as she changes and slowly reverts to herself again. "I was figuring we should do a feast so a bit of everything and ale and mead to make sure we do this right. Are you tired? I can carry you if you want." Emil tapped his shoulder and was a bit worried about the woman that he had just been fighting not long ago as she seemed to have been beaten up in more than one way and that was his fault but he could tell that she had gotten far stronger than himself. He waited to see if she would change her mind and come with him instead of being carried by the companion that had only just watched the fight instead of helping her. Emil wondered why they didn't help the woman as the odds of the fight would have been more in her favor if they had fought together against him.

Rather she jumped to him or not to be carried, he lead the way into the city that he had placed an order for the feast to be served in as he had reserved it for them and them alone as this was the first time that he would be able to treat her to something as she had seemed to just avoid him and really not meet with him at all and that was something he wanted to fix as he had wanted to be friends with her since he met her but his joke got taken the wrong way and he got in trouble and she had seemed to avoid him besides when she wanted to fight him and then she would appear there but after fights he would tend to her and get her some where safe and he would try not to think about it as she seemed to not really be friendly with him at most turns. He knows that the time before when they fought he lost his cool, partly because he was just seeing himself being used by her as a sparring partner with out any form of friend or kinship and for the fact that the birds had drove him a bit crazy.  He pulls out a seat for Lumikki to sit in and then after she was in he seat he would push it in then take his seat as the food was carted out and the drinks being served.


Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Wed Jan 03, 2024 2:44 pm


" Ay, if yer offering." She flapped her way until she flew onto his shoulder. " A feast would be enticing. I don't even know where I'd start." Her feathers were puffing up from excitement at the prospect of gorging her face.

As they were entering the city, her feathers would cluster around. Obscuring the Demoness as a raven for a moment before revealing a human girl sitting on his shoulder. She kept her spot for a bit longer, just until they were nearing the place Emil mentioned. Meanwhile, Lumi would be looking around to glance at shops throughout most of the walk. Mumbling to him about things she found cute or enjoyed the shine of. Tenevi, kept to the skies. Not wanting to get any closer for the moment. But she didn't give off any agitation, she didn't even emote at all.

Lumikki hopped off his shoulder, and he was kind enough to pull out the chair." Oy, thank ya mate. Ye know, it's odd...now that I think of it...how little any of us get to hang out. I rarely get to see any of ya, it didn't exactly feel like this when I joined. I wonder what caused the shift. Not even the Angel feels like he stays in the North, and Uncle rarely leaves the guild walls.....So I think I'll like this." She leaned onto the table, her hands holding up her head while her elbows rested on the table. " Oh! And I never saw ye drink before."

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Wed Jan 03, 2024 3:06 pm

Emil had enjoyed the walk as he guessed maybe this walk could have been more his first walk with her if he hadn't been a dick and fired lightning past her to be funny. He shook his head as he knows he is far to rock headed to be thinking about what could have beens. He as he took his seat and looked at her he heard her out on what she had to say about the guild feeling drifted apart a bit and he really can't say he feels that as he had only really made one friend within Paradise Dawn that could stand him and that was Elise. "To be honest, I have always felt like an outsider looking in on this guild. Mostly I think it is my own fault for how I am. I am far less the social butterfly than my wife was..." After saying that last part he looked down at the table and the food. "Yeah we have never properly hung out I think the closest we got to that was your welcoming party, then I started feeling a bit like an outsider and the children were getting tired, so I kinda snuck out of the party, sorry about that." He did like his brother does and he rubbed the back of his head.

The man was unsure what to say and do as this was not the usual thing that he was doing on a night like this he was usually alone or with the children and keeping them busy and happy while he was unsure what he was doing feeling the huge void his wife's death left in his life for him. He motioned to the woman to go ahead and start digging in and a waiter came over with a drink menu and handed it to the woman and himself to look over what was on tap and what special drinks they might have here for them to dig along their food as well as desserts they can add to the table of things that were hot and steaming in front of them.


Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Thu Jan 04, 2024 10:05 pm


” I didn’t realize ye were so displaced. I just figured ya illusive.” She took a pause from eating, figuring this was too important to respond to. The food could hold out for a moment longer. ” Yer brash around the edges, aye. And a bit annoying for it. But I find ya endearing under all of it all. Though I’d be lying if I said ya leaving the party didn’t upset me. Perhaps I’ve held petty grudges that I failed to notice.”

She took a pause to think things over as this was a new revelation to her. It would be something that she needed to mull over, making sure to fully understand. ” I don’t hate ye, mind ya. I never did, though I was infuriated with ye sure. There’s only so much grace left in me, being a Demon and all. Only so much patience harbored to madness and agitations. Granted ye sparked me temper when I still was a Daemon, but the darkness setting in was no different. All this long winded answer to say. I don’t hate ye, but ya did hurt me. And I lacked the maturity to handle it in a way other than petty. But in this moment, I better understand where ye actually stand in all of this.”

She finally returned to digging into her meal, though it was not long before they were visited by the server once more. She ordered the strongest and sweetest drink they had, and told the waiter it would be best to prepare the second soon drink after. The moment they left, Lumi would continue speaking, before gorging herself once more. ” I just want ye to know, I do want to be yer friend. I always did. And the kids are yers always have a safe place under me wings. We’ll just have to deal with our madness and raging tempers more carefully. Plan more hang outs too while we’re at it.”

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 2:36 pm

"Yeah I shouldn't really be surprised by any of this." He started eating again tearing meat from the bone as he bites into them eating more like he was a wild animal and not a man he was too hungry to care about how he appeared he was confident but he also knows that he is a monster to some people while he is able to stay above the board here he is still a chosen warrior of those that watch over them from the heavens, he is a half elf with the powers of a lightning god and the mental forces of a mad god he is what can be when one awakens something that is beyond the power of an average mage but that often keeps him feeling like there is a human gap between him and others as well as the looks he gets when it is found out he is a mixed blood of human and elf.

"Then from here on out, let's be friends. I will do my best been having trouble controlling my berserkers rage my dead wife is probably consistently face palming and worrying about if I am gonna raise my children to be idiots like me. I think Fang will probably turn out like me, but Luna seems far to smart, kind and gentle to end up like me so she is probably going to have it the roughest." He sighs and then takes a drink the flavors rushed through his mouth and senses. He looked at the food and shook his head this was not the time for him to be saying such things as he was a member of Paradise Dawn one of the more well respected guilds in the country even more than his brother and the Fairy Tail guild so in that term he was the better one and winning there.


Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 4:22 pm


Lumi, tired from her battle prior, also didn't care how she appeared as she ate. She stuffed her face and gorged herself until she was happy. But the words of her mate ran deep so she began to slow down." Aye, lets be friend! Do more promising things than what we've done before. I'll try not to take yer rages personally moving forward, suppose we could make a habit of eating out after a fit to balance the scales. As for yer kiddos, they're in good hands ye know. They could of had a father that didn't care for them at all but they have one that would stay with 'em forever. And ye will, by the way, I won't be letting ya die anytime soon. Oh and I could tutor the lil ones if ye like. Would be nice sharing the things that I know." She followed him in taking a drink and went back to inhaling her meal.

Barely did she take a break to speak again. " Ye don't have to be alone ya know. But ye kind of isolate from what I observe. What do ya do to pass the time anyways mate? For meself, I pass a lot of time in the library but now I'm fixated on a project on the side. Something to grip me talons to in the world. Still working it out though." She was in a much better mood than before and all she wanted was for the two to share whatever they were eager to spill. She was hoping that the future would be full of things to bring her joy now.

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Mon Jan 22, 2024 3:30 am

The berserker as if he had been caught off guard by what she had asked him seemed to question him self what he did in his own off time when he wasn't doing quests and other jobs that the guild asked of him. "Well I guess mostly with my off time. I train myself to be better look for more ways to train, I go out and fight bandits and monsters in the forest, and I spend it with my children who seem to be learning some naughty words from somewhere. I try to meet with Kaito at least one a month if not I write him a simple letter as he lives a very full and busy life being the person he is though calling him a hero seems to cause him to explain he is not a hero or anything as holy as that. He speaks as if he is just some every man."

Emil had probably taken a lot for granted from the way he acts and has always acted, Lumikki asking him about what he does in his down time kind of made him remember that his and Kaito's father and their grandmother from his mothers side had still not turned up and he was starting to wonder if maybe his grandmother had killed his father and was now in hiding as Kaito said she had never replied to any of his letters since he had parted ways with her to join Fairy Tail years ago. He wondered if he would ever meet the woman not that he would be able to tell her apart from a crowd anyways if he had seen her.


Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:35 pm


Lumikki took a moment to look him over as he spoke, trying to let his words sink in before she began taking another bite. Accidentally over stuffing her mouth from eagerness as she was trying to give him an answer too quickly.

" Yuh de morrr.." Lumikki gave up trying to speak, chew feverously before finally going it another go. " Ye do more than I thought ya would, but isn't training
all the time to be so boring? Don't ye ever want to....I don't know, dance? Ever try new places to eat? Aaaah, a new craft? What games do the lil ones like to play? I'm sure I can figure out a game or two."
She had a hopeful smile on her face, almost glowing in her optimism. The food she was eating was giving her a second wind, helping her find life again in what felt like such a long and stressful day.

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 8:46 am

Emil heard the woman speak about how it must get boring to train all the time and he thinks about it and he wonders if he really finds it boring as well. He doesn't think that he finds it boring as it helps him stay in shape but that might also be his problem maybe he had just gotten so in to the routine of it and it just never donned on him that he was just doing it because it was what he always did and maybe he didn't find enjoyment in it. "I never thought about it... Maybe it is? But I don't feel bored doing it but routine is something you made to do things without having to think about it so..."

Emil thinking about what games the children like to play, he smiles a little and he then answers the woman. "Fang likes more action oriented games like tag and races. Luna is more on the board game side of things and basic trivia, she might not know alot of the answers but she still likes to try." Emil wonders if he has really been a good father to them or not, he knows there were times he wasn't around a lot cause he was out on quests and doing other things to try and prove his own foolish pride and be better then others, Emil is feeling that maybe he might have been a horrible father to them and wasn't around enough.


Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:01 pm


”Routine has a way of breeding stagnation. Might sound particularly demonic of me, but a wee bit of chaos goes a long way in shaking things up. Working out makes ye happy, then no need to stop it; but maybe fighting a partner to push ye won’t hurt, so on and so forth. I have a lot of things to change up for meself, so it’s hardly an attack on ya. Leaving the North for one, could do me some good. But a las, things have a tendency of locking ye down in odd ways. Don’t mean ye don’t like ‘em, but all things are deserving of proper thought sometime.” The exchange between the pair thus fair was proving interesting. Lumikki was curious about how deep a bond with him could form or what she could learn about him in time.

”The kiddies are so cute in how they differ. I mean it when I say I could help ye with yer lass. I’d have to learn those games ye’ve mentioned first, though. But tell me Emil, I’m quite curious. Who are ye and what do ya want me to know of ye? Yer like all the other mysteries of Dawn.”

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 7:47 am

Emil now wonders if this means that she is requesting that he stop training so hard or something, though her words betray this by saying if it is what makes him happy then to keep doing it but he thinks to Kaito and wonders if Kaito ever takes off from training and getting stronger all the time or if is always working harder and harder to make himself into some form of god. Emil doesn't know what to do as his younger brother had far left him behind and there was no way for Emil to catch up fast enough to the likes of Yuurei, Brone and Kaito. He needed to train and push himself past this block he had found himself in here.

"Who am I? I am Emil? I am Kaito's older twin brother? I am from Bosco, I was in a guild that failed before I came here. I use Lightning magic?" He was not sure how to properly answer her question about him and what he wanted her to know about him as he was not really sure where he was heading himself or what he might be doing soon and how he will be doing it but he knows that he was not aiming to disgrace himself if he can help it but often times one can do so with out thinking but he was going to actively aim to just be himself and do what he must.


Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:22 pm


Lumikki laughed at his answer, not to make fun of him but from its simplicity. ”Ye didn’t have to answer that so literally, but an answer is an answer all the same. I’d take it as is. Though have ye even inquired the same? Did ye even wanna know the depths of me? Speaking of which……hmmm. I didn’t realize this would be weird to say. Almost hard….but…do ye fear me, for being a Demon? Yer hard to read a times so I can’t figure it for meself.” She’d lean back into her set to somewhat put distance but also to try and relax. This question brought her more discomfort than she knew it would and his answer more so.

Lumikki in he nervous fit, fixed her focus back onto her plate. Stuffing her mouth with more food to spare her the anxious feelings of awaiting his answer. Maybe that’s what made him berserk on me before… Though she wouldn’t know for now, she was only assuming the worst.

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 5:21 pm

He looked toward her with a laugh. "Of course I want to know about you, just I was a bit confused what you were asking of me. Also why would I fear you for being a demon? You are my guild mate, I know you will have my back just like I would have yours." He gave her and thumbs up but he had noticed that she had looked down at her plate and he started tapping his a tune on the table with his fingers to try and get her to look up as he was not sure why she worried that she was a demon or why she would think that he would hate or fear her. He respects her for all of her hard work and the things she puts into her duties that she may not even have to be doing but she still does.

Emil wonders if she was still worried about the time that he had gone full berserker and fought with her, he was having a rough time and he had lost control of his feelings and he had just fell back into his shut off his brain and fight mode. She hadn't really done anything wrong just he was feeling vulnerable and everything was bothering him and it all seemed to just collapse in on him at once and he broke. He had hoped that they had moved on from that happening but maybe he was just a bone head and didn't truly understand the maidens heart, he wondered if Kaito was also this dumb about things.

He spoke again, and hoped that she would be honest. "Do you hate me for losing control and fighting with you? I know I was in the wrong there and while you were trapped in the ice I feared that I had gone too far or maybe even killed you. I had a lot of time to reflect on my wrong doing then before you were able to come out."


Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Sun Jun 23, 2024 2:08 am


”I don’t hate ye, but to an extent….I’m made. Whatever the reasoning, whatever the cause. It had felt like such a betrayal….like ye didn’t trust me and were just finding a means to attack me—Look, I get that things are more complicated, I could even understand that there were things in yer life to provoke such hostilities. But to an extent, something’s aren’t fair especially when there was no need for it; and I a Demon, I’m hardly a saint. I barely have the means to keep me temper chilled as well….”

Lumikki wondered if that was such a life of a berserker. Was their class more than just the name? Was Emil really just a warrior with a temper that indulged the need of such a title? She honestly wouldn’t know, hardly studying things beyond her own practice and what she’d loosely observed in others that she fought beside. Her Uncle being a simple warrior was an example of that, but Emil’s talents and skills weren’t things she’s fully understood just yet.

”I guess I just worry yer gonna lash out at me again….”

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:48 am

He heard what she said and he wondered if maybe he just wasn’t meant to be a good guy, she sounded like he was a monster to her that she couldn’t trust. He had no way of really dispelling that thought process as he had lost his head and fought with her. He was guilty of what she was saying and if he was making her uncomfortable maybe it was time that he left Paradise Dawn. "I guess if you feel so strongly about the distrust in me maybe it is time that I leave Paradise Dawn so you may have some piece of mind. After we are done I will seek out the guild master." He leaned back in his chair a bit.

"Cause I can’t really fight by your side if you are always going to be distracted thinking I might snap and attack you. That will only get us killed cause you can’t trust me fully to have your back, that and the bitter feelings will fester and you will hate me while I’m unable to fully connect to you." He might be a muscle head but he knows that on the battle field if your emotions stick or are not focused you will be sloppy make easily avoidable mistakes and that will often times just lead to the death of yourself or the others you are meant to be there to fight along side. Emil needed to come to terms that Lumi no longer saw him as a trusted ally but as a monster.

"I am sorry that you can’t trust me to have your back, I failed you as a guild mate." He spoke his voice sincere as he spoke the words to her.


Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 3:15 pm


"Huh? Are ye idiot? I don't want ya to leave lad. Family has their disputes at times but the doesn't we needlessly need to cut the other off. I mean, I said I ain't no saint either. Hel, neither is the Angle for that matter. But...how I see it. This isn't something a few drink can't wash off. I was more worried, despite the anger mind ye, that ya hated me..." Lumikki spoke with her hand atop her glass. Gripping the opening and lightly stirring the contents inside. "Ye know Emil. I wouldn't put the effort to know ye if I wanted ta see ye gone. Do me the favor and dispel those thoughts. I won't be having it." Her sad eyes looking closely at the drink swirling within her cup. Visually, it took all her focus as if she was zoning out. Her mind perhaps elsewhere now.

"-Could be fun to fight beside ye again though!" She snapped back with full attention on Emil. Her demeanor more animated than before. "I recon, we could even make a decent storm. It's been a while since we fought together. Could very well be fun. Sides, it's what me class specialization was for. To support me mate in battle, not so much fight alone. Course, I only chose to major in it to aid me Uncle, I kinda wanna see how me magic suits everyone else.-Oh speaking of magic. Did ye notice the one I made inspired by ye?"

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 3:37 pm

Emil looks at her weird when she says class specializing thing as he has no idea what she is talking about. "I have no idea what you mean by that, what is a class specialization?" Emil had never hear of such a thing so he was not sure on how to answer her or if she had hit her head or something as it seemed as if she was talking to him in a different language that he didn't understand or knew of at all. He was not sure if they could really right side by side or not as his magic is dangerous and some times very out of control even for himself and it seemed it had more times harmed his team mates than it did an enemy.

He was not sure if he should really stay in Paradise Dawn or who this angle she spoke of was, as he was just getting more confused the more she spoke as a lot of it made no sense to him, he would have to think on these things and see where he goes from there if he wants to keep at this life or maybe just retire and settle down far away from all this guild and mage stuff as he was more and more starting to feel like he is just doing more harm than he was doing good.


Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 5:42 am


Lumikki sighed and took a moment. Opting to take another bite or two of her meal while she mulled over the proper words. She was wondering if there was a way to relieve the tension or if it was utterly hopeless. But she would press on. There was no reason to linger, and she did not want to buckle now.

"Class specialization is simply me expressing the kinda mage I am. After all, there are quite a few paths one could go. Sorcerors being quite a destructive and devastating option, or those who could summon with the use of keys or magic alike. So when I mention that, it's more akin to this. How ye happen to express that magic of yers. And in me case, I chose the pursuit of hexing, a more baneful path but satisfying and suiting all the same. What I am considered would be known as a Spellhowler. Much like how ye say yer a berserker." Lumikki pulled back, leaning all the way to the rest of her seat as she thought over her explanation. Should be simple enough thought, and if not, well it was a pointless point to make.

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

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Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 9:15 am

He just tilts his head at her explaining that as he had never heard of such a thing and he was wondering if maybe she was making some of what she was saying up, but if she was telling the truth he wondered if there was a class specializing he should be going for as his class. He was not sure what could even work for his totally simple class that seemed to not really have anything that he could add to it, or would they just be useless wastes of time for him to even bother his time with he guessed that he would have to look into them and see if there was something that he would even what to learn to do from them as he was finally an S ranked mage even though it had taken him a long while to make it there he had made it and he was going to need to make the most of it.

"I guess I will have to look into it later when I have time which I am not sure when i will get that if I ever will." He was not sure it was going to be worth the hassle to learn something else like that from a punchy damage class like himself. "Also is there anything else that you need from me before we end up parting ways?" He figured that he had to ask in case she wanted something from him or not as she was a pretty woman but he knows she hated him and had no interest in him in that kind of way though the voices in his head say he should at least tell her.


Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 8:27 am


Lumikki, who was mostly done with her meal by then, leaned back onto her seat. Looking him over as she gave it much thought. “Can’t say anything comes to mind,” she mulled over while stroking an imaginary beard. Those her gesture was playful, her mind was indeed elsewhere. Like she was somewhat zoned out and needed to zero back into the present.

”The talk was eventful thought, I’d say that much.” She almost spoke in a soft whisper, while she pulled herself from the state of dissociation and went back to the meal left on her place. The gusto she had while eating waned by a lot the more full she got. Now it was a matter of fitting what was left in her stomach and making off like a raven.

”I do hope ye stick around and we have more fun for it. I hope all things smooths out like freshly fallen snow.”

╔═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╗
Curtain Call
╚═*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*═╝

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Face the Frigid Demoness- See if her Heart warms. Empty Tue Aug 13, 2024 9:34 am

Emil is not sure about what she is saying as it mostly makes no sense to him as he was not a super deep man even at the best of times but of course he would be staying in PD as it was his home for now unless someone was to discredit him in front of a stranger or talk more about his risks of leaving his children Orphans if he wasn’t doing this or that. He loved the guild but he needed to get some respect soon or he is close to not bothering any more as people have complained more about him than they have praised him or made him feel like he belonged here. "We will see what the future holds for us and the guild," Emil knows that is a bit empty of something to say but he also knows that he needed to find something to cling to at least because he was getting closer and closer to a crash out and just retiring.

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