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Inner Lying Rats 3

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Inner Lying Rats 3 Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 9:01 am


Two weeks would pass before anything of note would happen and by then Lumi’s attention would be elsewhere. There was much more work to do than just observe the streets of Orchidia, even if it was just on the request of her good friend Carla. So it was left on her ravens and harpy to continue watching over the shops for her. Just until there was something enticing enough to draw her back in.

For a while, most things went unnoticed. Of all the people, none of her birds didn’t suspect children. And most would stay within the streets that were robbed, not trying to stray too far. They did not know which locations were useful and which were dead ends. So all they could figure was that the suspects would eventually return to the scene, at least the was what Tenevi surmised. And it would be she that was directing them.

But even her patience was waning from the lack of activity. At this point, she was on the verge of lashing out on anyone deemed suspicious.


Inner Lying Rats 3 Nerili11

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Inner Lying Rats 3 Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 9:41 am


” It is becoming frustrating watching these humans live their day-to-days, with nothing else to do.” In this long moment of tedium, she succumbed to speaking to the ravens the accompanied her. Tenevi didn’t hate them but she didn’t care a lot about them either. The most she could find redeemable about them was their convenience. The ravens added many eyes to the work that her and Lumikki would take on. Cutting down the leg work for the pair while also keeping their vigilance up. No matter how much the ravens could annoy her sometimes, she could not deny their usefulness. So to placate her frustrations, she would usually just remain withdrawn from them. Leaving them to their own devices and tasks. There were also not many missions where she found the need to huddle with them for long to complete the task. So her talking to them freely, especially when she could hardly understand them, was a first.

To avoid a complete lack of communication, Lumi had taught Vee of all the usual croaks and codes she used to speak with the birds when she could not yet speak to them herself. It was a method she designed for working with the duo ravens that aid her Uncle in particular during the Joyan war. But such code passed on fast to ther other birds before communication became open. It would be through this that the harpy and ravens spoke.


Inner Lying Rats 3 Nerili11

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Inner Lying Rats 3 Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:34 pm


” But at least it’s becoming easier to recognize the ones that aren’t worth spying on…..” She was met with a response for agreement by the raven who was perched right beside her. It would be Lonu who kept her company for most of these days. Out of Lumikki’s many ravens, it would be him that had the most patience. Which served vital in the erosions of Vee’s attitude and disposition.

The harpy who was carrying a bag, would pull out a box that contained her meal. And a pouch with nuts and the like that she would share with her guest. Lonu took the snack happily, as the meal was appreciated but it tasted even better from someone who was previously just so bitter. The pair were growing a kinship in this annoying task. Meanwhile, Vee would peel the lid to her box and gently snatch an egg. Stuffing the whole thing into her mouth and letting it slide down her gullet.


Inner Lying Rats 3 Nerili11

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Inner Lying Rats 3 Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 2:50 pm


And soon more hours would pass by in this boring tedious task would claim another day. By then she was finishing the telling of a personal story from on of her many solo adventures. As Lumi often trusted her to execute tasks in her place all the time. It was a prideful assurance to Vee to be relied on. Being a shadow and a voice for so long, it felt warm to have a sense of purpose especially from someone she loved so much.

” So it was looking really dicey at the time. I was pursuing one bandit but soon ran into many more. I wasn’t too bothered by the newer additions. The command I have over my magic is secure, but it is irksome to run into a mess. Sometimes I wonder how more dangerous would it be, albeit interesting, if more bandits new magic and prepared spells.” Lonu mulled over her words and took in her story. As a previous forest spirit of the Woodsea, he had harbored more wisdom than most ravens in Lumikki’s flock. Falling short only to Huginn and Munnin themselves, as they were beyond wonderful. It would be their wings he often took under as he sorted the role of being one of Lumikki’s most trusted. But it never occurred to him before this blossoming friendship that he should aspire to be more. Especially with his former status not being forfeited with him as a spirit. He simply took to well to being a raven, it was a form that granted him respite from the pain and aided in his healing to pave his new world and responsibilities.


Inner Lying Rats 3 Nerili11

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Inner Lying Rats 3 Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 3:04 pm


It took a shift in him. His raven form shook profusely and his feathers ruffled until a point of vibration. Observing the raven, it looked as if he was flickering. Behavior far from the norm of any bird and if Vee did not have prior knowledge of his oddity, she would have figured he was being attacked. Struck by a spell, but she did not discard the notion entirely. As Lonu has never done this before.

” Arrrrre yoooou ookay friend?” Vee asked with caution. She was somewhat disturbed with what was happening and a bit panicked that she may have broken one of Lumikk’s favorite birds.

A guttural deep voice escaped his beak, spazzing as a sound that would constantly cut off as oppose to come out in one note. Meanwhile a green and early glow enveloped him like magical power that surrounds a mage and his form would finally come undone if only for a moment before piecing back together as a bird. But now his appearance would not strike the same as it had before, his feathers not shone an otherworldly sheen and his features would seem more decorative than a simple bird. But out off all that Vee had just witnessed, what surprised her the most was what came soon after.

” Humans are perplexing creatures aren’t they?” Lonu had finally spoke in a voice that she could understand….

It would seem that their friendship was unlocking something in them both. A growth they long forgot was possible for them to have.

256_1112 +50%wcr due to dress, ring, companion

Curtain Call

Inner Lying Rats 3 Nerili11

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