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It’s always Winter in the North [Open]

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It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 9:36 am


It had been months since anyone had last seen the Angel, though his hold in the North never wavered. After all, it’s the Warden’s home. Yet the winged one was absent longer than anytime before.

Lumikki Hrútr was never the type to worry for him. He was stronger than most she’d ever known; but the absence began to get to her, at least in terms of the future of the guild. Yuurei was often on his personal adventures; both mysterious and far known. And ever since his return from Joyan, something was off. It was only on her final run-in with him that she became privy why. Whether this was the influence of an Oni or Demon within him, or perhaps the curse of the Starlight bloodline, she did not know; but in her ambition to grow in power and standing within the guild, she discussed it with him before. If matters were to come to a point where he was gone far longer than usual, the Demoness would step in next.

This was not a means to usurp her Uncle, Brone Heavyaxe the Shield of the Dawn had always been second in command. It would make sense for him to step up to the throne first before any others were considered. Though this was of no conflict, Lumikki had asked for his blessings long ago.

And now it was time to step in like she always thought she would.

It was a brisk day here in the North, but Lumikki would make it even colder. Standing atop the roof of Paradise Dawn’s highest point. Her wings were free in the wind and her white hair flew all about with every coming breeze. With eyes locked on the sky, she stood there for what felt like hours. Absentmindedly singing a few folk songs while she gave the matter thought; until eventually she conceded to her thoughts and threw her magic into the clouds.

It was like a swelling surge of darkness that swirled about the little Demoness. Sluggishly slow at first before picking up rapidly into a vortex, until a massive raven would shoot up above, darting toward the heavens. Her four wings beat down hard to propel upward; and in her ambition, she would pour herself into the sky. Merging with the winter day to create a soft storm.

The excess dark of the demon melted into the clouds of the twilight sky, sparking a magic circle to span a dozen meters above the guild. From which black snow would fall softly, spreading and stretching leisurely along the North. It was Lumikki’s way of marking the shift and showing her touch. That as of now, it would be black wings that herald the Dawn.

And in this twilight where dawn and dusk merged together, painting the heavens with light and dark. Lumikki ushered the night to begin, with a comforting chill. Hoping that her snow would leave a mark.

While the ravens below-sent word to all who could hear. Two of them swiftly soared to join Brone’s side while another would promptly return to their Daemon.

To any who do come, they would find her on the bridge, sitting up atop a black ice pillar. Frozen black flowers speckled its surface and stretched along the ground like a dark garden, while the Demoness said with her knees pulled into her chest.

Lumikki wore a long flowing black gown that left her back exposed, while her four wings remained outstretched. The train of the gown danced in the air along with her hair in the chilly breeze, and her blue tattoos lit up in the night. The moon was shown full, brimming with pale light that illuminated her black snow causing it to sparkly like a mirror of the night sky. And her unkindness would all surround her, mixing with the night and snow. It was a passing of an era, at least for the time being. And when the guild and North begins to peak through her fallen frost, it would be like it was born anew.

It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Img_0811

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#2Knuckles Shi 

It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 10:58 am

Knuckles Shi

As Knuckles Shi laid eyes upon Lumikki once more after several months of absence, a torrent of emotions surged within him, like a river unleashed after a dam's release. Lumikki, his beloved Lumikki, radiant as ever, stood before him, embodying the leadership of their guild with an aura of strength and determination. His heart swelled with pride at her accomplishment, the fire of his admiration burning bright in his crimson eyes. Approaching her, Knuckles wore a red suit tailored to perfection, a hue that matched the fiery intensity of his hair and eyes. As he drew near, he couldn't help but feel a pang of regret for his prolonged absence, knowing the worry it must have caused Lumikki. Taking her delicate hand in his, he pressed his lips to it, a gesture of apology and devotion combined.

"Lumikki," he began, his voice resonating with sincerity, "forgive my absence. My duties elsewhere called me away, but know that my heart remained tethered to you and our guild, even in my absence. You, who have taken the mantle of leadership with such grace and strength, I am in awe of your resilience."
His words flowed forth, a testament to the deep respect and admiration he held for her. Despite now being under her authority within the guild, he approached her not as a subordinate, but as an equal in spirit, bound by the memories they shared and the pact they made.

"I have witnessed your ascent with pride swelling within me, Lumikki," he continued, his gaze unwavering. "You have become not only my leader but my patron in the journey of mastering my daemon powers. The pact we made, the passion we shared, it still burns within me, driving me forward." Recollections of their pact flooded his mind, the fervor of their commitment, the intensity of their desire for growth and power. He remembered the moment their paths intertwined, the unbreakable bond forged between them. And now, as Lumikki stood before him, he saw not just his boss, but the embodiment of his dreams and aspirations.

"Lumikki, as I stand before you now, I pledge my unwavering loyalty and dedication to our guild and to you," Knuckles declared, his tone firm yet reverent. "Together, let us embrace the challenges ahead, for with you as our leader, I have no doubt that Paradise Dawn will flourish like never before." With his apology offered and his intentions laid bare, Knuckles Shi stood beside Lumikki, ready to face whatever trials awaited them, their bond unbreakable as ever.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"
#3Brone Heavyaxe 

It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Empty Sat May 04, 2024 3:21 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone Heavyaxe's polar bear cloak was as white as his pants. His gravel gray boots matched his ashen bracers, and his breastplate of nevermelting ice was polished for this special occasion. His white hair was pulled back in a braided ponytail and his beard had two braids at the sides where they would connect at the end. He had never worn such a color set before today, but was waiting for the right moment, and in his heart, he felt this was the perfect time. His ravens had flown to him in excitement before word reach the ears of the rest of the guild; at that time, the dwarf was in the middle of tempering a slab of metal in the forge, but with his hesitation due to the excitement, he had ruined the process and would have to start over, but it didn't bother him, for his joy radiated upon hearing the news.

The immediate area was cold, but not uncomfortable. The snow that layered the north was black as obsidian, giving it a scene out of a painting of a gothic wonderland. The guild's staff were dressed, presenting as best as they could given the fact that they had received word of this just a few hours ago, they wanted to show their appreciation and respect and it made the dwarf smile brightly. As Brone would walk pass people, he would be given congratulations as if he was the father; he would gesture them away, reminding them it was all her work. The night patrol and day patrol both donned their best comfortable clothing, but had jeweled swords sheathed at their side for presentation.

Brone walked along the black snow but stopped for just a moment when he saw the black pillar on the bridge. He walked onto the bridge, as he stepped on the black flowers, they fell away like petals in the wind, then reached the base of the pillar just as Knuckles presented his heart. The dwarf was surprised by what he heard; it was Muninn who whispered into his hear, warning that his jaw was hanging. Brone quickly closed his mouth, trying to keep his composure. This was news to him, he didn't know how Knuckles had felt about his niece, but then again, he always so Lumikki as his little niece, sometimes forgetting she is a full grown woman now.

He looked up to see Lumikki, seeing how beautiful she is in his dress; he thought "Oh right, she is indeed a woman, one of great beauty, power, and respect". He thought about when he took his first step off the path and onto the guild's grounds, he could see the sunset in the horizon; how young he felt in his strength, with his newly crafted armor, now standing, his armor and muscles worn in battle and experience, the sunset gone, but the twilight fresh and beautiful. Time has passed from when Lumikki too had made her first steps onto the land and now she made her way reaching such great heights.

"Hear ye be, lass, show the world yer greatness" Brone said with a smile as he looked upon her form which pulled from the winter, pulled from the night, to weave her dress as if she was a goddess.


It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Empty Sat May 04, 2024 8:28 pm


Lumikki's thoughts were beyond far away. Too many things racing within her mind but ultimately, despite the heavy sensation she felt within her chest, Lumikki was happy. Happy, to take the lead for a guild she loved like family. Happy, to be the one to watch over when Yuurei was gone. And happy, that she knew deep down, she could do it.

So lost in her stupor, she did not realize the approach of another; and in just one utterance her heart which had felt heavy before, was now set entirely ablaze. Swelling to the brim with longing that she forgot she had, as in the passing months Lumikki dove into her work and studies. Hoping that maybe there would be a time for such distractions to end. And they would, the moment his warm hand touched hers to steal a kiss.

" Me beloved..." Her voice was so airy that it sounded like a ghost speaking in the wind. His sudden appearance and divine timing so took her aback, that her solum and cold face would brighten in hues of blues as it turned bashful. All the while he'd voice his sincerity and loyalty." Yer a fool, but I'd take ya by me side always. And we'd see to the completion of those dreams of yers next. Yuurei had his Seraphim but we have our Demons." She leaned in toward him, seeking a welcoming kiss, and as the Demoness pulled away, she noticed her Uncle's arrival.

" Greetings Uncle, I'm glad ye came and dapper as ever. I know we didn't plan any of this to happen so soon, but a las. Couldn't hold out any longer. I mean to see this guild to glory and keep it true to all the things we care for. After all, no one values freedom as much as we do in the Dawn," A smile would play on her lips as she stepped off her pillar and minded her wings; the moment her feet touched the ground once more, her hand would reach toward Knuckles for his.

" It's a new era, but much will stay the same. We'll continue to get stronger and hold out against any other guild out there..." Her eyes lit from the sudden intensity of passion and the pouring of all her shared sincerity.

It was then that she spotted the rest of the guild, both day and night patrol merged in one group together greeting their new Guild Master. It was a rare sight to see but only laid down even thicker what this moment meant for her. She stood tall and ever elated, grateful for whoever managed to show. Her ravens would share in her joy as well, as they all began to call and croak.

It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Img_0811

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#5Knuckles Shi 

It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 4:30 pm

Knuckles Shi

His heart swelled with love and joy that she still remembered his dream, his touch, and their love for one another. "I am honored that you would have me, my love. " Of course, Knuckles leaned forward to meet her lips with his own. He savored every moment of it which lasted forever within their shared bond. When she pulled back he did the same opening his eyes to the voice of Brone, the other follower of his Gods who also used a fighting style like his own, though built on Ice instead of lightning. Knuckles nodded a head to the man as he saw Lumikki extend her hand and he took it quickly and with ease, allowing her to use him as she would need. He was still strong, and sturdy and would always be a support pillar for her when she needed it.

Walking with her towards her Uncle Knuckles' hues gleamed with obscura for the moment as he too looked out at the rest of the guild. The three of them were pillars of strength for this guild, and while it was not where he had thought himself to be here and now on this day he was happy. This was home, no SHE was home. He would follow and stay with her for as long as she would have him.

Hearing her words of the future Knuckles looked back to her. "I wish someone would see this as a sign of weakness and attempt a strike on us, at last I think none are so foolish as to think that my beloved is anything but as powerful as the angel. I wager they are more fearsome now that a Demoness rules the guild instead of Angel's chosen. His lips curled into a smirk as he looked at Brone. "I know the gods have blessed up with a fine warrior to be your shield and forge whatever path you need. "

It would be all about her this day, he would do whatever it was she would ask of him, well he would do that no matter the day as he was his to command but she did not. She allowed him freedom and power, the true strength of her character showing in that favor. She might be a Frost Demon, but she was not a cold-hearted Devil.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"
#6Brone Heavyaxe 

It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 10:35 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
It was a shock to Brone; seeing Knuckles and Lumikki share such an intimate gesture with one another. This wasn't of appreciation or of friendship, but closer... he was confused and for a moment he had his mouth ajar, "Your mouth is open" a whisper came to his ear, pulling him from his shocked expression. He gathered his composure, seeing both Knuckles and Lumikki were facing him. His niece was so excited, possibly planning this for longer than he assumed, "I figured ye might take over at some point, ye just surprised me with the timing is all" he laughed. The dwarf's heart felt warm, so proud he is of Lumikki, the same little girl he would visit in Iceberg, practicing her ice magic, now a powerful guild master... or soon to be.

"Congratulations, Lumi-sama" Benimaru said as he appeared floating up from beneath the railing of the bridge. He wore a montsuki, black, but looked gray against his onyx black skin, with a large necklace of red prayer beads around his neck. Brone realized it was the oni who had whispered to him, probably hidden beneath the bridge to make his dramatic entrance.

"Indeed congratulations, we are all proud of you" came the voice of Gnicholas the gnome who wore his best black and gray suit, topped with a coal black blazer. Everyone was donning smiles, though the cold was nipping at them, everyone was too excited to be bothered by it.

"Alright, alright! Everyone get yerselves settled in! We're gonna do this right!" Brone yelled out to the crowd who had gathered from all around the guild's campus. The crowds were of two parts, gathered at the northern side of the bridge and the southern side. Luckily the bridge is so large and well supported, it could hold the entirety of the guild without an issue, the staff, the patrolmen, the mercenaries and other members.

As Brone pulled out from his satchel his golden axe, his signature axe that he's held since he arrived at Paradise dawn. Taking a look at it, one would noticed it was recently oiled and polished. He turned to face the crowd, first towards the north, "Tonight, we gather here, Paradise Dawn, our home, our fortress, or haven! Te celebrate this momentous occasion!" The dwarf yelled out; all fell silent, all idle chatter came to a full halt as all attention was given to the three at the center of the bridge. As for Beni and Gnicholas, with the gnome in his lap, Beni sat in the air, crosslegged, and floated away from the bridge, allowing for the attention to be upon Lumikki, Knuckles and Brone.

"Though the hand who holds the banner changes, the fire in the hearth of the guild remains strong, ye all know where we came, even ye all who are new te the family, ye know as well; from small pebbles te a grand fortress, with strength te fend off demons and angels alike..." He then turns to the south, "for we had been led by an angel of great power... now we'll be led by a demon of great power... our home shall not fall, for ye all know her strength" Brone then turns to Lumikki, "Lumikki Omenas-Hrutr, what say ye?


It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Empty Tue May 07, 2024 10:18 am


” I adore ye all,” she’d bow lightly as she rejoiced in their congratulations. ” I can assure ye, I’d do ya proud.” Her face was flushed by the constant praise, it would take much of her focus to ice those bashful feelings; but she could not be more happy or more proud of herself. All to be surrounded by the people she loved in a moment as monumental to her as the day she was reborn.

Brone took the forefront, parting the crowd and setting the stage with his voice booming among those on the bridge. All had shifted over leaving space for the trio in the center, even Beni took to floating away amusingly with Gnicholas atop his lap. And with every word, Lumi’s chest would swell in excitement and hunger. She bore a strong desire to prove herself worthy this role. Especially when it was so unlikely for one of her race to be trusted with the leadership of a prominent guild. So when Brone turned her way, asking if she had words; Lumikki was certain she had a few to share.

” Ye know Uncle, it’s been quite humorous—almost hard to believe. See the Angel..Yuurei, where ever that lad found himself now….upon our first meeting, he promised I could be someone if I tried. Despite me worries and tears for the creature I was becoming, he assured me I could flourish in it. That like him, I can push past me contracts and be me own demon, that even with the ugly dark that swelled within me, I was beautiful. I felt like a hatchling then, nothing to me name and hardly a spell for practical use…..” Lumikki grasped Knuckles’ hand tightly, leaning into his side as she regained her grit to keep going. Voicing such sentimental things to a crowd was embarrassing, but the Demoness only figured it could bring them closer. Let them see her as one of them, as a place of comfort and safety.

” It’s funny to me how many parallels they are. Ye lose an angel for a demon; but were both hungry and ambitious. We bite back our own kind, but still open our arms for others. As a demon, I worried for me humanity. That I’d turn cold and distant; but the Dawn was always me family, and me heart could never overlook kin.”

The dark of the night would warp and coil around them and her soft snow still fell from above. Lumi wasn’t bothered by the chill, but she knew some were. So she meant to end this soon so that the guild could eat the meal her servants had prepared.

” So as me family, know yer under me care and protection. I shall keep this guild under me wings always. Now let us move to the dining halls so we may feast and celebrate the changes. I want this to be a night we could all remember.”

One could say this was her first command. An endearing desire to relish in the moment. She could only hope they all agreed, but a feast was a good start.

Upon entry to the dinning hall, the decor would be reminiscent of Lumikki Dwarven city home. Nothing akin to how her clan does it, but the hints were there. All the tables were shifted to accommodate the meal and the incoming crowd; while the aroma of the food welled up within the halls. It was all a last minute gesture, put together in a manner of hours but the set up was still quite sincere. For as much as the guild gave to her, she wanted to give to them.

Curtain Call

It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Img_0811

Pokedex Entry
#8Knuckles Shi 

It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Empty Tue May 07, 2024 8:15 pm

Knuckles Shi

Knuckles felt something land on his shoulder opposite of Luimikki as Murder joined them on the bridge. He listened to the Dwarf's commanding voice. As the guild settled down as the man spoke Knuckels could not help but notice the white color of his clothes that took him back to his beating from Brone. While it was a good fight Knuckles had doubled his power since then and felt if they were to fight now the outcome might be different even IF the Dwarf used his werebear form. Enough of that though it was time to focus on his glowing ball of darkness whose hand he held.

Knuckles could not get over how beautiful she was, though now he would have to share her attention with the entire guild, a foreshadowing to what is small scale to what would be once they achieved her goals for Iceberg. He wondered if his greed for her attention would allow it to go without issue. Only time would tell after all as it currently stood they had about another 225 years or so with each other, and once he ascended into demon like her, then they would have forever. While everything else faded away they would have each other. If not as lovers forever, then at least as partners in life knowing they would be the only ones within their current lives who would remain eternal, at least for the moment.

As Brone finished getting the people ready he pushed everything else besides his loving Demoness from his mind as she commanded all attention, it was not something he had to force to happen he wanted to give it all to her, drink her in, take her. It was natural as it had always been since he had first stepped into this guild that faithful day. As her words echoed throughout the quiet guild hall area Knuckels hung onto every word, in the moment that she needed him unused to speaking to such a large crowd Knuckles squuzed her hand back with the same firmness he held both Mjlnoir with, nothing too hard but steady and stern but welcoming. At the moment he felt her press into him he smiled warmly joy over taking his heart as he knew she allowed herself to rely upon him when she felt vulnerable. He knew she did not need him as he needed her but he was rejoiced that she allowed him to be there as a pillar. Her actions were not for him alone however, he could see that she was lifting the veil and allowing those under her to see that she too had humanity, that even though she was a Demon, she was one of them. She did not deem herself above those in this Paradise Dawn, the very place Knuckles had come to burn. She was letting them all know they were equal and family.

When her words ended applause took the air and cheers of rejoice, even those who had followed Knuckles here from his time as a Mob boss cheered for they could see the future here. She was already changing things though none could really see it.

As everyone ushered inside Knuckles collapsed his other hand ontop of hers and looked down into her eyes. "Beautiful words and inspiration gifted to all whom heard them my love. Rejoice for they accept you in the highest praises they can muster. Soon, I shall see your name chanted and worshipped in Iceberg a thousand times that of which was displayed here. "

Knuckles let her hands go as he took her into an embrace and kissed her forehead. With the words out of the way it was time to enjoy the nectar of the gods and dance to music, eat warm for and celebrate the new era.

"There shall never be peace as long as there are Gods in a Man's world"
#9Brone Heavyaxe 

It’s always Winter in the North [Open] Empty Wed May 08, 2024 5:46 pm

Brone Heavyaxe
Brone's chest swelled with pride as he witnessed Lumikki's speech. His mind would be flooded with memories of her and memories of Yuurei. For a moment, he wondered where Yuurei was, for the last he heard of him, he was taking on some kind of Hundred Year quest and he wasn't sure when the angel would return, but until that day comes, the guild will be in proper care, and with the lifespan of both Lumikki and Brone, they could wait centuries for Yuurei to return.

The snow fell, it was comforting to the dwarf who had grown up with snow about him, though the others who were mostly human mortals, couldn't handle the cold for long, but did their best to endure it. They cheered at the end of the speech both for Lumikki's ascension to guild master and to escape the cold. All had hurried to the dining hall while Brone took his time making his way there.

As he was in the back of the crowd, a tear ran down cheek, but he dared not show it in any way. Benimaru faded into view with a chuckle, but the dwarf didn't turn to him, but simply slid his helm onto his head, to hide his face. Things were changing, something that dwarves normally needed time to adjust to, but this adventurer was happy nevertheless.


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