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Issue of Apology

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Issue of Apology Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 12:38 pm


Hello again, community of Fairy Tail RP.

Erebus apologizes for all OOC actions, harmful words, and moments of cyber bullying he may have caused on this community and members in particularly.

The owner of the account is undergoing new transitions as a person, hoping to change his ideals and the direction he’d like to take for all parties involved.

In particular, he wishes to apologize for any harm cast upon his friends, associates, or loved ones. While undergoing his time on this site, he placed a great deal of admiration and passion behind many of you. Those passions haven’t went anywhere, but he needed the time to absolve his headspace. For the writer of Erebus, the demons he fights are against himself, and the beauty of your creations has nothing to do with those moments he lashed out or makes you feel uncomfortable in any type of way.

This account is to be used to help other writers build their stories: with both associates an oppositions of the ‘dark-side’ concepts surrounding magic or folklore. The owner of this account does not support any level or type of terrorism, cyberattacks, doxxing or any kind of ill intent. He does not support real world crime, drug use, or malevolent ideas.

The owner of this account wishes to be your friend and be accepted within your community once again, if that is right by all of you. He will avoid blatant selfishness, idealization and narcissistic behavior one may perceive, as it really was never meant to be that or show that level of hostility to you. He’s fond of you, he may have impressioned negativity but only found this place to be full of positivity and love for fellow growing writers and illustrators.

and as for the creator of this character, he will do his best to continue to offer you plotlines and building material you may need henceforth.

This community has inspired this writer to build his own stories, and walk through a world of imagination with you. Time that we have is sometime short, bittersweet and ugly; but there is love in this shared passion. I hope to continue to share that passion with all parties invested in their own timeshares and characters.

Please forgive us for we know not what we do at times, and under even bigger scenarios. We don’t understand what harm our abilities can bring upon others, the world, or souls seeking communion and refuge. Thank you for having me if you will have me, I would love to write with you all again— from better mindsets and a better center of self.

The truth is, I have been dealing with life extremities and am getting the real world help that I’ll need, if you’ll be patient with me. I would like a place amongst great writers in a shared world once again. I love this game, and consider it a work of innovative genius. Not only by the original web creator, but each and every creator it brings in.

I would never want the members of this site endangered by my rash and unthinkable, even careless disregard for others’ emotions. I want to be transparent, retaining a level of worldly threat in stories I’m apart of, but that said I still want to be apart of your stories at any capacity. I don’t want to make you feel like there are blocks, imagined rankings, or oppressing-competitive ideals behind my persona here.

I, the writer, am a longtime roleplayer that spent a lot of time writing with adults in my youth, expressing humble beginnings that many will tell you aggravated and hurt my younger iteration as a writer on these forums, I don’t wish to shove my character or my person down anyone’s throat, I also don’t want my tone or personal love for my character to triumph love or admiration for yours. In my perception, every character is truly great and every writer is a beautiful mind. I frequently read about all of your characters and world-building— I invest my time to see where your internet personas go, and someday— it would be beautiful if our Union invented something that transgressed just our writing.

With that said, I am open to roleplaying if you need me.


Issue of Apology Empty Sat Jul 27, 2024 4:35 pm


This man welcomes your return.


Issue of Apology Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 12:53 pm

Love you


Issue of Apology Empty Fri Aug 02, 2024 5:37 pm

Hello. welcome back!

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