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Briar Soul Dew Spells #3

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#1Briar Caidh 

Briar Soul Dew Spells #3 Empty Sat Apr 20, 2024 8:52 pm

Briar Caidh
For training ~

Name: Name of Orchid
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Soul Dew Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Water/Nature
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user brings their hands together or pushes the blunt end of a weapon with both hands into a target, causing a magic seal to appear on contact. Multiple small, vivid orchids bloom across the seal and then rapidly propel the target away up to 10 meters at their lunge speed. This leaves a small, transparent mist in its path before it disperses, giving the illusion of a rainbow on the trail.

Name: Name of Rafflesia
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Soul Dew Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Water/Nature
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user thrusts out an arm pointing to the desired party or location and makes a vocal indication, causing a magic seal to appeal and a large, phantasmal rafflesia to bloom & cover its full width of 2 meters after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. The flower will shudder and release a sickly smell along with an accompaniment of vanishing water, knocking back everyone within up to its maximum range at their lunge speed.

Name: Name of Daffodil
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Soul Dew Magic
Type: Other-Buff
Element: Water/Nature
Range: 10 meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user slams the ground with a limb or weapon and makes a vocal indication before pointing at a location, causing a magic seal to appear at their feet and another 2 meters wide around them or somewhere else at the appropriate spell speed delay. A garden of newly blooming daffodils briefly sprout from the seal and shower everyone but the user inside with a shimmer, dissolving until a single one remains as a small ornamental charm on each target's left wrist. This increases their Endurance by 1X C-Rank as long as the user sustains the spell.

Name: Name of Peony
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Soul Dew Magic
Type: Healing
Element: Water/Nature
Range: 10 meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user slams the ground with a limb or weapon and makes a vocal indication before pointing at a location, causing a magic seal to appear at their feet and another 2 meters wide around them or elsewhere at the appropriate spell speed delay. A number of ethereal peonies pop up and disappear as quickly from the seal, spritzing light mist over all targets except the user in the area to heal them for 1X C-Rank damage.

Name: Name of Dandelion
Rank: B
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Soul Dew Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Water/Nature
Range: Self
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user touches both of their shoulders and makes a vocal indication, causing magic seals to appear beneath them and at both contact points. A dandelion blossom blooms from between their shoulderblades and lifts them off the ground with a scatter of its seeds, allowing them to fly up to 5 meters high at their running speed while the spell is sustained.


Briar Soul Dew Spells #3 Empty Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:45 am


These spells have been approved for training~

#3Briar Caidh 

Briar Soul Dew Spells #3 Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 8:29 pm

Briar Caidh
I'd like to change Name of Rafflesia after thinking about it some more, if I may (spell untrained).

Name: Name of Rafflesia
Rank: C
Mana Cost: 50
Requirements: Soul Dew Magic
Type: Defensive
Element: Water/Nature
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user waves their arm at a desired location or party with a vocal indication, causing a magic seal to appear 2 meters in size and a large, phantasmal rafflesia to bloom & cover its full width after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. The flower will release a light mist that solidifies into a dome around its diameter before dissipating, leaving a sickly sweet smell in the air and a defensive spell capable of blocking up to 1X B-Rank in damage. This lasts as long as it is sustained or until destroyed.


Briar Soul Dew Spells #3 Empty Sat Apr 27, 2024 11:58 am


Name of Rafflesia is approved for training~

#5Briar Caidh 

Briar Soul Dew Spells #3 Empty Fri May 17, 2024 6:14 pm

Briar Caidh


Briar Soul Dew Spells #3 Empty Wed May 22, 2024 1:21 am


The listed spells have all been mastered.

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